Awsome arc: Ubelmann the unknown.




I just finished up this arc, and i must say I was impressed! it captures a theme so well, right down to the twist of a sovenior, a letter from Requiem thanking me from stopping ubelmann from altering the past, and allowing his hopes of taking over himself. it was just so far the coolest sovenior I've gotted so far, and It reminded me of a justice league 3 part episode which I thought was just as awsome (A savage Time)
Nice job, I hope there are lots more out there coming up! but I just finished all my 25-29 stories and it's just before dinging to 27! ack! ah well, plenty of missions and contacts left.



Yeah, great Arc.... Especially wonderful for some people because of the huge amount of time it took to complete (curse that bug!). There are some really impressive ones coming up in your future...

By the way, I don't suppose you could stick a [Spoiler] in your titles couldya? I'd hate to see this great arc spoilt for some people.



[Spoilers ahead! Ye be warned]

Definately the best of the pre-30 Arcs, but really, most of the competition isn't that fierce. Saving mechanics and fighting ninjas? Constant city-poisoning plots? Give me time travelling Nazis any day.



So far best arc in game.



I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

Always remember, we were Heroes.



I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah thats what I was hoping for too



Yeah I liked it. I even made an alt so I wouldn't level my blaster and I could finish it back when it was bugged.



I Agree that one is awsome . The letter in it self is well worth the battles. Though i also like the freakylimpics. I dont know about th rest of when they said "Hero !!! Extra 100 ponits" I know i was thinking ... Only 100 ?!?!?!!



I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

[/ QUOTE ]

Mild Spoiler below in response to this quote...

...but on one alternate earth he did make it through the portal. You'll find out all about Axis America when you hit 40...



I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

[/ QUOTE ]

Mild Spoiler below in response to this quote...

...but on one alternate earth he did make it through the portal. You'll find out all about Axis America when you hit 40...

[/ QUOTE ]

YOU TEASE. Have you been taking lessons from Statesman?



Not the best arc for action, as per se, or build up - that one goes to the 30+ CoT arc 'Library of Souls' where you find out just how creepy those buggers are...

...but hands down, Ubelmann has the best souvenir in the game. Spine tingling.



I never got that one, unfortunately. I think my favourite arc was the "Will of the Earth". Although I don't really like fighting the Devouring Earth, the plot twist in there of finding out the "origin of Hamidon" was really cool.







I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd actually asked about that when I was writing it. Just too much new art and not enough time to get it done, unfortunately.



Yeah this was definatley the best arc I have done since the one where you get to fight Dr. Vahz. It had a great story and the best Souvenier yet



The souvenir gave me shivers. Although it would've been nice to have it addressed to my actual character name.



I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd actually asked about that when I was writing it. Just too much new art and not enough time to get it done, unfortunately.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pfft, you should've bribed them! What is a hero without at least on time travel adventure?

Well, maybe if you guys ever decide to update the arc...



I was disapointed in the arc.

Could be that I had to wait forever to finish it and waiting that long just to smack around a grey con boss isn't very exciting.



I'm sure it's a lot better now that it works properly. As one of the many people who was stuck on it for an extended period of time, I found it to be rather a bad experience.

But the reward was chilling.

Spirit of the firebird
Justice Server



I agree. For storyline alone, it is one of the best I have seen so far. I wanted to follow him throught that portal as well, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. It is good to read that in the 40's, I can find out what it may have been like if I did.

*very mild spoiler*

I also love it when a member or a small team from one villain group makes an unexpected appearance in another villain group's story arc. First time I saw this, I spent like 3 minutes just looking at the dude, reading his info, and guessing what he was doing there before making the ground his "Nemesis". I figured I'd be seeing a copious amount of his buddies soon enough, and I did.

Smokin' Joseph - Lvl 50 DM/REG Scrapper - Freedom
Dr. Dirtnap - Lvl 48 Stone/Stone Tanker - Champion
Colonel Sycophantova - Lvl 38 Merc/Traps MM - Champion
Silver Streak - Lvl 50 Fire/NRG Blaster - Champion
Invisible Dragon - Lvl 33 MA/Ninjitsu Stalker - Infinity



I've pretty much done all the arcs in the game and I have to say it's the best souvenir. There are a lot of other cool arcs later in the game too though, between 40 and 45 you get to find out what Hero 1 did to stop the Rikti war.



I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd actually asked about that when I was writing it. Just too much new art and not enough time to get it done, unfortunately.

[/ QUOTE ]


That would be so cool! Even if it was just a portal mission to the past.

Still here, even after all this time!



First, let me say that I loved the Ubelmann story as well. I loved the fact that I had to shut down a time machine, and it was pretty upsetting when the bug stopped me from finding out what happened. Once that bug was fixed, the letter souvenir was freakin' great.

OK, now that the good stuff is out of the way, on to the complaining....

...but on one alternate earth he did make it through the portal. You'll find out all about Axis America when you hit 40...

[/ QUOTE ]
I've pretty much done all the arcs in the game and I have to say it's the best souvenir. There are a lot of other cool arcs later in the game too though, between 40 and 45 you get to find out what Hero 1 did to stop the Rikti war.

[/ QUOTE ]
Once you hit 40, cool stuff happens. I hear this all over the place. How come I can't do those neat things earlier? Yeah, I understand that there should be some things that are saved for the high level content. But would it be so bad if one or two portal missions showed up in the 20s?

And how about some archvillians in the story arcs? We get exactly one archvillian prior to level 20 (I'm not counting task forces, this is missions), zero through level 34 (my highest toon, I assume it's really through 39), and (based on reading the boards) a ton of them post-40. Couldn't one or two get moved into the lower levels?

My Char. List and Market Transactions
HeroStats Developer
Legion of Valor
Iron Eagles



I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd actually asked about that when I was writing it. Just too much new art and not enough time to get it done, unfortunately.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to say I didn't enjoy it that way it is mind, just would have been nice to fight some retro badguys. Obviously, it would be unfeasible for just the one mission, but maybe in the future...

Other things:

Actually, you get your first mention relating to Axis Americana in your early 30s, there's a timed mission to stop some 5th bigwig from accessing the dimension.

And, I agree the Ubelmann souvie is really cool, but for maximum effect you have to imagine it read out by Paul Lynde (Uncle Arthur from Bewitched and The hooded Claw from Penelope pitstop), complete with evil laugh at the end...

Always remember, we were Heroes.



I just wish you would get there too late and have to follow him through the portal...

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd actually asked about that when I was writing it. Just too much new art and not enough time to get it done, unfortunately.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to say I didn't enjoy it that way it is mind, just would have been nice to fight some retro badguys. Obviously, it would be unfeasible for just the one mission, but maybe in the future...

Other things:

Actually, you get your first mention relating to Axis Americana in your early 30s, there's a timed mission to stop some 5th bigwig from accessing the dimension.

And, I agree the Ubelmann souvie is really cool, but for maximum effect you have to imagine it read out by Paul Lynde (Uncle Arthur from Bewitched and The hooded Claw from Penelope pitstop), complete with evil laugh at the end...

[/ QUOTE ]

I remeber that mission to I never thought of askign around till i sked with a level 44. Before I even read the mission opeing i knew where i was :P. Though after awhile the german propaganda gets to ya. im not sure what he is, i doubt its good.