Bug with Manticore TF being impossible to complete




One step of the Manticore TF requires you to talk to Ms Liberty, she will not respond to any team member with anything but the regular level up/exp to next level text and only gives the "Away I go!" and "Choose a Title" options for all group members. Every team member made sure to talk to Ms Liberty, We also went to every zone open to levels 30-36 to see if there was another Ms Liberty that clicking the mission text would give us a waypoint to but there was no waypoint in any zone, which reminds me. After arriving in Atlas Park and clicking on the mission text ("Talk to Ms Liberty") it did not set a waypoint on Ms Liberty which may be causing some of the problems.

This happened to my TF group on the Justice server and two of the members participating in the TF said that they had done the TF the day before and encountered the very same bug.

This is very frustrating since it seems like it is the second to last step to completing the TF and you cannot receive TF Completion Badge, TF XP Bonus and SO Reward.

I'm not willing to attempt this TF again until I receive confirmation either via response to this thread or in the way of patch notes because it will be another 3-5 hours wasted if I do it again and encounter the same bug.

Trooper 5 - 35 Energy/Energy Blaster - Justice Server.



This also happened on the Virtue server. Can you guys fix this? Thank you.



This is a forum for the Training Room. Not for your individual servers or conglomerate of your servers. If you have issues, post them in there appropriate forums and stop cluttering up the Training Room Server Forum.

Cowboy Up
32 Emp Def
First Hero Testers
Training Room



This is a forum for the Training Room. Not for your individual servers or conglomerate of your servers. If you have issues, post them in there appropriate forums and stop cluttering up the Training Room Server Forum.

Cowboy Up
32 Emp Def
First Hero Testers
Training Room

[/ QUOTE ]

actually this /is/ an appropriate forum for discussing this issue. this is where things are /tested/. did you not notice that?
now, unless you're a mod, you can kindly stop telling people where and what they can post.
good day.



You are correct, this is where items are tested "before" they go to the "live" servers. This is not a place for the issues that are currently on "live". If there is a problem, bug it, petition it, or submit it throught the support page. But this forum is for items that are "currently" being tested. To many of these type posts here clutter up the boards, making it such that those people who are helping to test this new content, cannot readily see the issues and have to wade through these inappropriate type items trying to find it.

No I'm not a mod, but I am one of the many that are on the Test server who frequent these boards and have to wade through this. I only ask that you put issues that are on "live" in the General (all servers) or you server specific area.

Thank You,
Cowboy Up
32 Emp Def
First Hero Testers
Training Room



well it may be true Update 2 is also "live" on the test server. Until Issue 3 is put on TC this is a place to discuss bug fixes on upcoming patches and discuss current bugs to accumulate them so the devs can see issues that may not be petitioned in game. Again another resource to make them aware of bugged items (not power tweaks or suggestions) so this post is very relavent to the test server. I am also a tester on TC and Its good to see posts like this to confirm broken things within Update 2 to either get more data on or just avoid until its fixed.



You are correct, this is where items are tested "before" they go to the "live" servers. This is not a place for the issues that are currently on "live". If there is a problem, bug it, petition it, or submit it throught the support page. But this forum is for items that are "currently" being tested. To many of these type posts here clutter up the boards, making it such that those people who are helping to test this new content, cannot readily see the issues and have to wade through these inappropriate type items trying to find it.

No I'm not a mod, but I am one of the many that are on the Test server who frequent these boards and have to wade through this. I only ask that you put issues that are on "live" in the General (all servers) or you server specific area.

Thank You,
Cowboy Up
32 Emp Def
First Hero Testers
Training Room

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't think I'm ever going to run through the Manticore TF on the test server, perhaps this thread will cause some people there to try it out and see if the bug exists there too. Although I suspect it would be a waste of time since I assume that the current test server version is also the current live version anyway since the test server stuff just went to live recently.

and also this has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with General (All Servers) or particular server forums it's a bug that must be fixed not something for people to chat about jovially without a care.

This forum has a description that includes "Provide feedback on the latest patch, report bugs" and that is just what I've done



Yes I noticed the same bug a couple of weekends ago, please fix it dev's! I'm on Virtue so I don't think it matters what server you are on.

Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom



Happened on liberty to me twice. Bugged. Petitioned. Posted a thread here (somewhere). It's september. Shouldn't the task forces work by now?



Sure would be nice if this was added to the known issues on the training room.



It's been seen on Test before, bugged and petitioned. GM that responded said it was known issue. We thought it might be related to original team leader losing connection and team getting new leader.

We even cycled through the whole team so the original leader had the mission back, no joy.

Was tested during the Update 2 test cycle.



This is a forum for the Training Room. Not for your individual servers or conglomerate of your servers. If you have issues, post them in there appropriate forums and stop cluttering up the Training Room Server Forum.

Cowboy Up
32 Emp Def
First Hero Testers
Training Room

[/ QUOTE ]

Since when did this forum gain a non-red named moderator? That's right, it didn't.

... and if people like you, who claim to be "test server" groups, had found and reported this before it went live, we wouldn't have problems now.

Just to add to the momentum... this problem exists on Guardian, too - very frustrating for a couple people who leveled out of the TF range during the TF and now cannot finish it and/or get their TF badge.



Had a problem on live server w/ Ms Liberty when I had to talk to each of the surviving heroes. she was one of the heroes and just told me how much Exp I needed. petitioned and the GM Cleared her for me.

In Manticore, (again on live), when we got to her and petitioned, no one helped... waited several hours doing badge hunting together... still no help.

So, Ms Liberty is buggy in more ways than Manticore



Had the same problem on the live server (Liberty Server). The durn thing is that I completed that tf pre-patch, but I still haven't recieved the badge for it... soooo.... fix it quick!



We are aware that this is a problem on Live server. The point of the Training Room however is that it is not the same version as Live.

If this is truely a bug you are concerned about, please test it on the Training Room and see if it is still bugged for you. We have been unable to reproduce this bug Internally with the most recent version, but the point of the Training Room is to see if things will break for the players that will not break for us.

I appreciate those of you who wish to post bugs on this forum, but before you do so, please copy your character over to the Test Server and see if it occurs there also, and if so then post the bug here. Many of the bugs that you find on Live, we are trying to fix on Test and trying it on Test first will let us know if we need to continue looking at it.

Thank you for your assistance,



Thanks V, but there really needed to be some acknowledgement that it had been addressed besides us testing on the test server to see if it was fixed. Assembling an 8 person group for multiple hours just "to see" if Ms Liberty actually speaks to you seems a bit harsh.

A post on the website of known issues you could look at within 10 seconds seems like it would be a lot more customer friendly :P



I appreciate those of you who wish to post bugs on this forum, but before you do so, please copy your character over to the Test Server and see if it occurs there also, and if so then post the bug here. Many of the bugs that you find on Live, we are trying to fix on Test and trying it on Test first will let us know if we need to continue looking at it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do appreciate the communication between the players and the developers. However, If we as players were aware of what bugs are on the live server with fixes on the test server we could save a lot of time and effort solving these issues.

All I am asking is for a list of open bugs (i.e. warping foes) that we can verify one by one if the fix on the test server works.

I know you have that list, all we want to do is help solve these issues so that we can go back to what we do best.



No offense, but don't you think that reattempting a TF mission on TR is a tall order? That requires gathering a team and keeping them together for the 3 to 4 hours it takes to complete the missions on a server where the average player doesn't keep his/her main characters... That's a lot to ask of someone, especially after they just spent all that time and effort on doing it on a live server where they were expecting it to work the first time through...




... and right there are 3 ppl, no?

Use this forum as a gathering spot and way to organize, specifically for testing. =)




There is a running list of the issues addressed in all the patches we have on the Training room under the Sticky "Currently Testing in Training Room".

I appoligize that the Task Force fixes did not actually make it to this list for some reason, and I will look into why.

Thank you,



We are aware that this is a problem on Live server. The point of the Training Room however is that it is not the same version as Live.

If this is truely a bug you are concerned about, please test it on the Training Room and see if it is still bugged for you. We have been unable to reproduce this bug Internally with the most recent version, but the point of the Training Room is to see if things will break for the players that will not break for us.

I appreciate those of you who wish to post bugs on this forum, but before you do so, please copy your character over to the Test Server and see if it occurs there also, and if so then post the bug here. Many of the bugs that you find on Live, we are trying to fix on Test and trying it on Test first will let us know if we need to continue looking at it.

Thank you for your assistance,

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you for the response, but, you do realize what you're askinng us to undertake here in order to verify that it's still a bug on test (when we've seen no mention of it from you guys before in the TR patch notes, annd it is STILL a bug on live). I need to find one of the remaining copies of my character on Test that's still the appropriate level, then I need to find 6 other people to start the TF ad stick with it long enough to get to that mission (it's towards the end of the TF, explaining sme of the bitter disappointment when it's broken) just so that we can file bug reports.

I'll try, but honestly, I've bugged it live both times it failed.



I am not saying you need to test things on Test server before bugging them, what I am saying is that if you are going to post something as a bug on the Training Room forums, please make sure that it is something that is a bug on the Training Room Server. These forums are to report things that are on the Training Room and being tested on the Training room.

Posting bugs that have only been seen on the Live servers in the Training Room forums, makes it very hard for us to see if the fixes being tested on the Training Room are working or not.



I am not saying you need to test things on Test server before bugging them, what I am saying is that if you are going to post something as a bug on the Training Room forums, please make sure that it is something that is a bug on the Training Room Server. These forums are to report things that are on the Training Room and being tested on the Training room.

Posting bugs that have only been seen on the Live servers in the Training Room forums, makes it very hard for us to see if the fixes being tested on the Training Room are working or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a pretty big deal.

Have the devs discussed a separate site for the TR forums? Or maybe just have them "hidden" lower in the forum listing?



thats kind of funny, i just did the manticore tf on saturday.
finished it and everything, im on guardian btw.
didnt get my badge yet, though



I am not saying you need to test things on Test server before bugging them, what I am saying is that if you are going to post something as a bug on the Training Room forums, please make sure that it is something that is a bug on the Training Room Server. These forums are to report things that are on the Training Room and being tested on the Training room.

Posting bugs that have only been seen on the Live servers in the Training Room forums, makes it very hard for us to see if the fixes being tested on the Training Room are working or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a pretty big deal.

Have the devs discussed a separate site for the TR forums? Or maybe just have them "hidden" lower in the forum listing?

[/ QUOTE ]

No way...such an elite aristocracy creates biasness and cuts players off from communication. DAoC has...their own private testing forums...and it really does suck to see devs only talking with a few individuals about issues affecting a couple hundred thousand players.

Keep this testing forum public...just ban the users who can't follow the rules as described above