Bug with Manticore TF being impossible to complete




This is a pretty big deal.
Have the devs discussed a separate site for the TR forums? Or maybe just have them "hidden" lower in the forum listing?

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Your suggestion seems to add a lot of work to a system that already intuitively works for the vast majority of people. If there's an issue on the Test server, you post it in the Test server discussion section. There's a stickied thread in every forum subsection that outlines what each subsection is about. Where's the cognitive disconnect coming from? Test server discussion is already on the lowest rung of the 'Development' section.



Have the devs discussed a separate site for the TR forums? Or maybe just have them "hidden" lower in the forum listing?

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Why? There is no logical reason that Adults and Teens cannot grasp the concept that the Training Room (for the test server) is for the test server's issues. There may be some confusion, but to say that some confusion should result in a systematic change is silly.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Have the devs discussed a separate site for the TR forums? Or maybe just have them "hidden" lower in the forum listing?

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Why? There is no logical reason that Adults and Teens cannot grasp the concept that the Training Room (for the test server) is for the test server's issues. There may be some confusion, but to say that some confusion should result in a systematic change is silly.

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Maybe the Dev tracker could note which forum the posts are in? I've accidently stumbled into the training room without realizing it by following the link here



I believe the comment was based on the top 10 or 20 posts of the thread where people are arguing about if this should have been posted here or not. People jumped all over someone who said perhaps this shouldn't be here because they weren't a dev. Thankfully a dev popped in and reaffirmed that this was not the approprate place for such a post, that being an error on the live servers opposed to the training room server.




So, Yeah this probably should have been started in technical issues instead. However, some of us have received emails from support saying that this is a known issue and is being looked at. Except in rare instances, fixes happen on the test server first. This bug is not listed in the known issues for the test server. (Is there a list of known issues for the live version? After a cursory search I couldn't find anything). So, we can wait and see if it ever gets shoehorned into a live patch. We can post on the technical issues forum and see if it ever gets any notice. Or, we can assume that since it has never been mentioned on the test server, it is likely an issue here as well and should be looked and fixed. We have received confirmation of sorts. Our next best step would be to then actually try to recreate this bug on test. For me it's either that or wait until they change things so that you can exemplar down to do a task force. Since I've already leveled up to 37 I'm going to have to do that on live anyway, but at least I can still see what it's like on test, and make myself useful at the same time.

editted for spelling



The Devs have stated before, and I think it's in the Customer Service Contact procedures, that if you want to submit a bug then use the /bug command. If you want FEEDBACK on that bug or if you need to supply extra information that won't fit in the /bug command interface (screenshots, etc.), you need to send in a petition referencing that bug.

I've done it a few times and it works well. You'll get the auto-response email and you can add in any other details when you reply to that. Tech Support has only taken a few days at most to reply to my problems, even if it was just a "It's fixed on Test, Thank you for your help" response. With other things they've responded with quickness and appreciation for helping find and document new bugs for them to test.

It's basically a situation where you need to learn and use the proper channels to get the info you want. Tech CS will know if it's fixed on Test, in the loop or a new bug and they'll gladly tell you through a petition.



One step of the Manticore TF requires you to talk to Ms Liberty, she will not respond to any team member with anything but the regular level up/exp to next level text and only gives the "Away I go!" and "Choose a Title" options for all group members. Every team member made sure to talk to Ms Liberty, We also went to every zone open to levels 30-36 to see if there was another Ms Liberty that clicking the mission text would give us a waypoint to but there was no waypoint in any zone, which reminds me. After arriving in Atlas Park and clicking on the mission text ("Talk to Ms Liberty") it did not set a waypoint on Ms Liberty which may be causing some of the problems.

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Just to add some constructive noise to the thread's original purpose: I, too, am stuck at the exact same spot on Freedom.

I await the TC patch to go live, because getting a TF together on the TC is kinda hard now that the Issue 2 population has migrated back to the live servers.