A Hero hangs up her cape
Sorry to see you go, Vyv. It was an honor to be in your SG a few times, and actually on your team was very cool.
I enjoyed the way you responded to bug reports on Test and tried to duplicate the problems. I hope your replacement can live up to your very high standards.
Good luck, and thanks.
And as for hanging up the cape... you'll still be able to take it down and brush it off for a bit right?
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Of couse Ill still take it down every now and then. It's sooo pretty and its the only thing I have that matches those shoes!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ahh, just go back to the first yellow SG colorset you used. lol
Best of luck to you, V!
Thanks for all of your efforts and support. It's greatly appreciated!
Hope you have fun in Lineage II...
We will ALL miss you!
Take care of yourself over there, Vyvyanne! COngratulations on the promotion, and I hope that you will come back from time to time
Man, now I hate Lineage 2 more then ever.
But good luck with whatever the future holds, Vy. We'll miss you.
sad to see you go
gratz on your promotion and good luck with lineage II
Thanks for putting up with the Test Serverites without going mad and killing us all. I know I would have.
Good luck in L2!
Vyvyanne can't we keep you somehow
I'll be forced to haze any replacement because they'll not be as cool as you.
Now I must go home and cry my world is shattered.
gratz on your promotion and good luck with lineage II
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait... Lineage 2 is a promotion? Geezus, I'd hate to see what they would do if they were going to demote her.
...Probably make her work on Horizons.
Congrats on the promotion and thanks for all you've done here.
Capes & Swords are not diametricly opposed, be a hero where ever you go.
Thank you for your contribution hear and helping us to have this wonderful playground.
Adieu, mon ami.
May the DDT can next to your workstation always be full.
We will miss you, hope you have fun with L2!
Congratz and thanks for everything! Good Luck on the new job
We'll miss you, Vyv. My fondest memory of you will be when you challenged me to a duel I won.
From one software QA person to another, Congratulations on the promotion!
Thanks for all the great work you've done and congrats on the new position! We'll miss you
Take care Vyv!
Feel free to post without the Red name in the future, then you'll be just like one of us. One of us, one of us, one of us
Thanks for all your hard work
Good luck Vyvyanne
Good luck and godspeed, Vyvyanne.
You're still going to come by now and then, right?
You're definitely part of what made this community so special. Good luck with ya, wherever you go.
DJs for The Cape Radio
Makes videos & podcasts about reviewing toys, covering conventions, and more at Vangelus.ca
Best of luck Vyvyanne, we'll miss you and all of your hard work, as I am sure the developers will to.
This isn't goodbye but... see you later
Sad to see you go Vyv, it has been a pleasure reading your posts. Good luck with L2.
CatMan - some form on every server
Always here, there, and there again.