A Hero hangs up her cape
And as for hanging up the cape... you'll still be able to take it down and brush it off for a bit right?
[/ QUOTE ]
Of couse Ill still take it down every now and then. It's sooo pretty and its the only thing I have that matches those shoes!
[/ QUOTE ]
...and watching Vyv walk slowly away, I am left wondering one thing: Is that spandex I see underneath that chainmail?
City of Heroes is a great game top-to-bottom. But one of the things that's impressed me most about the game is the worst bugs are often little more than annoyance. I'm not one of those who only notices when the dishes are dirty, so I want to give you props for your part in keeping Paragon City's plate clean. Take care.
you rocked... would really like to see some in game honor (statue, plaque, cool easter egg) as has been suggested before.
Take a dash of Illuminati, add a sprinkle of Mafia and just a touch of Omnipresnce and a healthy helping of mob violence...
Pinnacle @Valmith
MOVE.... ALONG....
City of Heroes has always been a very polished game. I remember the very start of beta. Us testers were shocked by how "done" everything already seemed.
Into retail and still today, CoH is one of the least buggy MMOs I've experienced (and I've experienced most of them). That's quite an accomplishment.
For all your work making this happen, thank you.
If your replacement does 75% of the job you have done, I think we players will be in good hands.
Good luck in your new position.
Best of luck in your new position. I shall miss you and your posts on the boards.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Ah, parting is, as they say, such sweet sorrow. Happy for you, but a little moistness of the eyes and a lump in the throat for us as we wave goodbye.
As I hang up my cape, strap my swords to my sides, and look out across the skyline of Paragon City, I realize how much I will miss her, but I know that while she stays in my heart, she does not need me, for this is certainly one city that has no shortage of heroes!
[/ QUOTE ]
I protest! Quantity does not make up for quality. Always will there be times when you are needed. Remember, wherever your travels take you, there is always a place for you in Paragon.
I used to have superhuman powers, but my therapist took them away...
[ cruise / casual-tempest.net / transference.org / xenogamous.com / wytedragon.net / quantam sufficit ]
Congratulations on the new position.. you will be missed around here.. Great luck to you!=)
Going from CoH to L2 is a promotion?
[/ QUOTE ]Perhaps you don't want to hear this, but the numbers for L2 dwarf the numbers for CoH. CoH had 15 servers in March 2005, L2 had 112. CoH had a total monthly access of 140k, L2 had a total of 2.1m. The CoH US servers had a highest concurrent user count of 18k, exceded by L2 separately in the US, Japan, Taiwan, China, and Korea. Daily access to L2 exceeds that of US daily access to CoH in every region except the US. Yes, this is a promotion.
Congratulations, Vyvyanne. We're sorry to see you go, but we'll be glad to see you arrive.
Now with a Former CoH member working on it Linage might turn out to be as good a CoH...well okay not that good but still really good
Now with a Former CoH member working on it Linage might turn out to be as good a CoH...well okay not that good but still really good
[/ QUOTE ]
She's only head of QA, not a miracle worker.
Three words :
She'll be back
:P I hope We'll miss ya!
You'll be back. Many of us went to other games...we all came back. Hehehe....good luck!
*hugs* thank you for all your great work on our behalf.
and i hope they put up a atatue for you, too
Gratz on the Ding to a new job!
Sad to see you go.
Take care.
We need a Vyvyanne badge now...
Gratz on the promotion, and good luck with Lineage II
And of course - Thanks for all your work with CoH.
You'll be missed.
I've heard good things about Linage 2 but I still hope you'll love CoH, and good luck with the new job....
We'll miss you Vyv. Fly wherever the wind takes you, and don't forget 3 Flight Speed enhancers and some nice coffee cake!
...Boy that was random. Anyway, thanks for helping to make City of Heroes the greatest MMO on the intarweb, and GOOD LUCK!
Congrats at the promotion, you were always great at this. Best of wishes.
Yeah, you -better- get out of here. Don't make me get the broom. I'll do it. I'm crazy.
Yeah, that's right. You better keep on walking.
Seriously, you'll be missed. Best of wishes in your future endeavors! And, if you are able, don't be a stranger. Try to pull some strings to keep that Red name, if only to throw us for a loop now and again.
"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say
Pit-Bull 50 Claws/Regen Mutant Scrapper Champion
Blackguard. 50 DM/SD Tech Scrapper Virtue
Rock-head 50 Stone/Stone Magic Tanker Virtue
Oberon. 50 Arch/EM Magic Blaster Virtue
...and 5 more, when do I get to start my own SG?
Congrats on the promotion.
Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit
You will be missed here. Thank you for everything you've done to keep the boards updated. For those of us who mostly lurk, Red Name posts like yours are VERY helpful. Good luck in all your future endeavors!
You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame
We're going to miss our Evil Bug Slayer very much. Lineage's glitches won't know what hit em, cause we're sending a superhero to clean em up.
Thanks for helping clean up Paragon City of a great evil- the programming boo-boos that make it Not Fun To Play.
You will be dearly missed, Vyvy.
Thanks for being here, GL with L2!