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  1. Playing Icy, I live in the air. I've had characters with Superjump, but lag kept putting me in the wrong spots at the faceplanting time. Both my main and favorite alt are fliers, which makes places with flying enemies a gas.

    Striga Isle dogfights and gunning down witches = much fun. The ability to control exactly where and how you're going to engage is pure gold.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    If the worlds came together CoX characters would kick the snot out of other MMO's.

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    I dunno...scaling being what it is, you'd probably see as many heroes and villians faceplanting as the other guys. Not that CoX characters don't have some unique advantages....especially in three-dimensional movement of our characters. In that, we pretty much own most games in the market.

    However, I really wouldn't want to try PvPing a starship on EVE or SWG.
  3. OK. Naming boo-boo noted, reason for AT being changed noted. Great. Groovy.

    /DEV's AT power is already different than the Malta version. Fixing this to allow it to work should not be TOO difficult. For the /DEV version ONLY:

    1) Make it a pet-type of whatever type most pets are with 0 self-movement. No problem there, but this way it'll be teleportable like other pets are- and you can leave other objects unportable. Teleporting AT is not a Bad Thing, and breaking it to fix exploits elsewhere shouldn't happen. If you can 'port other pets, let AT ride the same boat.

    2) Change the damage type to Energy. Add Knockback/down. Thing always reminded me of those turbolaser batteries from Star Wars anyway, and this will give the /Dev blaster a different damage type and AT will actually help keep bad guys off the Blaster a bit if their AT is slapping villians backwards with those dink shots. /Dev has plenty of S/L damage as is.

    3) Buff the fire rate a bit. It's a friggin top-tier power, as pets go AT is fragile anyway and it's a slooooow recharge.

    Bonus: Give mines sensors worth mentioning. Whiffbomb should be the real name.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    If I was able to jump and higher/further with the jump jet, then I would land in a different MMO. So, needless to say i am having fun with it.

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    That's great! What I wouldn't give to jump over to WoW, switch to Nova form, then start blasting the heck out of everybody!

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    Actually, I was considering giving "Blizzard in WoW" a whole new meaning.

    Bonus if I could grab an AV or two on aggro and kite em over the dimensional threshold. Lord Recluse would have a happy fun day shish-ke-bobbing the gnomes.
  5. Perhaps the fact that Null's suit functions the way it does made it the perfect alpha model for Positron's work.

    After all, it's like the difference between needing a power supply for your suit and BEING the power supply for your suit. Positron, in effect, makes the technology function better simply by being both user and power source at the same time.

    (Note to self: Get copy of book ASAP, for some reason local store only has first novel)
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Arctic, that was a great write up about the PPD, can't wait to take these guys on in COV. Should be fun.

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    Well, Villians on the Justice Server have been mixing it up with the PPD since I6 hit.

    Paragon PD

    Bout time we got some recognition.

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    Prototypes for the Guardian program have been in service for quite some time in various forms, apparently. :P

    Icy's backstory is a Crey entry for a robotic humanoid "drone" that went self-aware in the middle of the product rollout, on television. Since Crey couldn't have him and the police weren't hiring non-humans for the department, a stripped-of-almost-everything-to-protect-company-patents Intelligent CreY Logic system signed up to be a hero...

    The rest is 50 levels of history. :P
  7. From my own experiences with the subject-I think the problem with Defiance bars being wonky may have something to do with client-server latency.

    That is, the server isn't getting the signal of "OMGBBQ HEALTH LOW!" in time to sync the Defiance buff with the actual status of the character, and regen tics are buggering this even further.

    I, too have seen the "Hospital Buff" effect with Defiance. Until I took damage/zoned, it stayed that way.

    The whole concept of Defiance use is brutally painful post 15-20 or so, however. Mobs tend to obliterate a blaster before the server realizes you're damaged enough to trigger Defiance, and again, latency issues seem to make Defiance triggers irregular at best.

    This is a poorly coded, counter-intuitive AT power that seems to fail to function properly as total HP increases. I'd rather see something that scaled up as we used Blastery powers and "warmed up" properly for a single mega-blast. Our equivalent of an anime-style "final blast" power. Bonus points if it's a unique-by-powerset power that can ONLY be triggered by using your main powerset enough over time to "charge" it properly.

    Something more along the lines of a "Domination" powerup for our AT power rather than the mishmash we have today.
  8. FrostyBot


    I'm happy with some of the I5 (and close to I5 changes). Just two big pet peeves:

    1) Blasters (go figure) - Defiance has gotten a thorough scourging on the boards. I know you guys read through the boards there. Nuff said there.

    2) Pool powers - Global defense changes hurt squishies, even as they let a few gaps open up in too-tight Scrapper/Tanker defenses. Were the I5 numbers too good for non-defensive AT's?

    And last but sadly most important- the memory leak bug. I'd enjoy I5 if I didn't have this problem chewing up memory until it shuts down CoH. I really like this game. Please let me play it longer and with less interruptions. I hate getting debt just from playing around a bad bug.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Watch it once and demand your money back. It's a bad film.

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    Oooohhhh how you will be flaaaaameeeed.

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    I'd rather see something more classic comic based, but that's just me.

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    The Shadow knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men...

    The Shadow is the ultimate Pistol/Dark scrapper (or Stalker, perhaps...? Mwahahahaha....)

    He, above all else, is most definitely classic.

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    Wow, going waaayyyy back...

    Good point, though. What was that guy in purple.... "The Phantom"? He had a pistol too.

    Did Green Hornet pack heat?

    And Roland of Gilead is very cool, if much more recent.

    Putting it in non-anime point of view makes me a bit more intrigued by the idea.

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    Add in the Lone Ranger and a few zillion cowboy heroes, plenty of WWII-era/pulp heroes as well. Or even Dirty Harry. :P

    Gun-fu Hong Kong types are just the most recent incarnation.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Just always been real curious how anyone can consider pistols to be a scrapper set.

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    QuiJon, my child. To understand pistol scrapping, you must master Gun-Fu.

    Now go watch Equilibrium a few times and load up on 9mm wisdom.
  11. I find the added damage given by defiance would have been delivered with much less risk (and debt) if I simply did the intelligent thing.

    Got out of the line of fire, recovered, and came back to wipe the offending party out.

    Blaster HP gains were more than balanced out by the gutting of the powers that gave Blasters DEF and Resistances in the first place- mostly the pool powers, but also Cloaking Device and the various APP shields.

    And from my own testing at the top and the bottom, I find Defiance lacking. It doesn't feel organic to the character's play, unlike other AT-wide powers. A Controller does what comes naturally to benefit. A Scrapper does what comes naturally to benefit. A Tanker does what comes naturally to benefit.

    A Blaster does what incurs debt (jokes aside, Blasters are not supposed to die when looked at funny) to "benefit" from a power that a modest buff from a Defender will replace.

    Low HP is a reason to escape, not a reason to encourage a Blaster to keep shooting. If Defiance acted like a mez resist booster, I guarantee it'd benefit Blasters a thousand thousand times better than the current incarnation. People don't go into fights down on health to avoid a potential mez.
  12. I can see why they do this.

    It encourages supergroups to...well, act like supergroups. But not really.

    Statesman and the rest of the Freedom Phalanx. Under these rules, the Pillar of Paragon City and friends get jack, zero, and zippo Prestige. How'd they build that swank base?

    An SG uniform is cool, but heroes tend to be individuals. We are not all the Fantastic Four, we do not co-ordinate our uniforms. The FF4 do. The Avengers don't. Nor do many super-teams. Even ones like the X-Men have very muted "uniform codes" depending on the artist. :P

    I'm a member of Champions. We have SG uniforms, but most of the time, we're in our standard pre-SG colors (or paint jobs, if you're an armored robot like me. ).

    Don't penalize us for looking like Statesman and company. Let us earn prestige without messing up our good looks doing it. Heck, bases are due to have mission-generating computer terminals in them.

    Let us generate Prestige doing THOSE. Send an urgent call from the Mayor to Champions Central, begging our help to stop the Devouring Earth from consuming the EPA office! Broadcast these missions on the SG channel when they're generated. We'll come running (flying, teleporting...) to help.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    The unnamed person was Jim Lowder, who is editing the novel line. He's had a lot of experience as both a writer and editor.

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    I thought the name sounded familiar, so I took a little peek, and noticed that he's the author of a Ravenloft book I have--Knight of the Black Rose.

    I'm guessing Cryptic must be a regular D&D convention over there.

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    The further they all are from Hasbro, the happier I am.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    we don't need to have massive tanks and all (tough that would be fun) how about personal sized vehicles, like jetpacks, hoverboards, sinister looking mopeds...

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    I can see Statesman's point about vehicles. I mean come on, everyone will ride in a "batmobile" if they do that. And with all the traffic and civilians and roads that make no sense of direction - it's kinda pointless. You won't even be able to pick up speed before you slam into a civilian - or cut a turn to close and - bam - you hit a stop sign. Unfun.

    HOWEVER - personalized 1 man vehicles is a decent solution. Mopeds, skateboards, even as big as a small motorcross bike/motorcycle would WORK in the environment - cause it takes up far less space. Heck, I'd even go with Hero's riding on SEGWAYS. ;-)

    How different is it between the purple slide vs a graphic for a SEGWAY? Hmmm. Hero is in stand up position and slides across ground, 2 big wheels and a stick next to his feet and middle of his body respectively.

    And all these "vehicles" could come with an extra dimensional "garage". The animation for turning it off is, you step off yer small vehicle, pull out a metal box (think aide other) - open a smal portal, and your vehicle gets sucked in.

    HOw hard is that?

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    Or just a capsule (ala DragonBall/DBZ).

    BOM! *Motorcyle pops out*

    Seing origin-specific vehicle options would rock. Jetpacks for tech, maybe a flying carpet for Magic? :P
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    We're making some tweaks with Defiance in the upcoming patch.

    It is not getting a major overhaul though. Just tweaking the defiance so it starts to kick in earlier. The overall buffs posted earlier are staying about the same (getting only slightly better), but you will be recieving a damage buff earlier in your health bar now.

    This will be reflected in the Defiance meter as well. We've made some tweaks to that as well.

    I want to stress that you actually can end up being buffed over 500% with Defiance. (500% is the max buff for Blasters) This actually does nothing except protect you from damage debuffs.

    This is one of the rare instances in Issue 5 where a solo character is able to reach a cap without help (or inspirations).

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    Great and well. You do realize that now that you disabled our minimal defense, exposed us to large amounts of firepower due to Stealth suppression, and reduced our APP resists even've left Blasters as squishy as we were pre HP boost?

    Heph is right. My standard loadout packs no damage boosting inspirations. Why? Accuracy, emergency health, emergency defense (even more so now thanks to the defense reaming), a bit of Endurance recover, and twice as much Break Frees as anything else is my standard inspiration loadout.

    Blasters deal damage real good. We just don't survive it well, and thanks to I5, we survive it even more poorly and now have the evil temptation of getting hit once and wanting to take advantage of our new "suicidal Blaster" power.

    I get enough debt as it is. I wish my mez resist went up with damage, rather than my damage.

    Defiance is me snapping free of the do-or-die hold that Rikti put me in and dropping his sorry rear end. Make my pain give me the ability to shake off debilitating effects-that'll make me a better Blaster, not a "Gee, you're hurt and held...and do more damage when you can're dead. But it was a great damage buff!".

    Have our resists go up to Boss level at yellow, +1 Mag for Orange, +1 more Mag for Red...but only last as long as we're that low on health. It'd give us a chance to escape but still has the risk- after all, if you heal, you might go right back into a mez without the pain focus.

    The boosted damage cap is nice. Leave it at 500%. It gives us a good reason to pair with damage buffers, and stops giving them a reason to leave us bleeding to death because "Dude, you'll do more damage!".

    And FFS, stop making us pincushions. A good Blaster is either not getting hurt, or he is red/orange from a lucky shot, or he is eating dirt. A skill that encourages Blasters to hump debt's leg like an overzealous dog is not a Good Thing.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I want to make sure that you guys know that Ice-based powers work on the fires as well. That is why you are able to target the fires with any power.

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    I was right. You DID make me a firefighter bot!

    *sniffles* I knew I was designed for more than police work.

    Hmm, will this mean Blizzard is good for something besides scattering mobs? :P
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    I did say one other thing - that dropped Enhancements are useful only for what you can sell them for - because everyone purchases their Enhancements at the store (or at least most of them).

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    First let me say that I am glad they aren't going anywhere. I kind of agree with you that stores aren't quite as cool as a contact giving them away, but as is contacts are massivly flawed. As are drops.

    That brings me to the main point of repying to THIS post. Drops are valuable to me to an extent. When I actualy get something I can use I will use it happily and carefully. When I get it that is. On my main(a natrual origin) I got 3 non training enhanments that I could actualy use between the levels 20 and her current 34. I am dead serious, and I am not exagerating. I didn't even get a dual origin that was usable by natruals! When I got anything other than TRAINING enhancers that is.

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    I was better- but I seriously learned and went after my optimal drops. As Icy, that was Freakshow. Sweet, Tech-dropping Freakshows.

    It wasn't everything I needed, but it sure did wonders for patching up Enhancements into that + or ++ range.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know about the rest of the endless hordes but I intend to concecrate the union between AEG and CoH in the making of the CoH card game by making an archery blaster from AEG's most promminant title. Tsuruchi Hideki.

    The Mantis clan will rule Paragon City! MWAHAHAHA!

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    Don't make me make a Hida Tank.
  19. I'll be eagerly awaiting the teleporter to the Riki Crash Site, personally.

    Especially if it's two way. No more long flights over Crey's Folly!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    on another topic but still in this general topic of I5... saw this on another board and I couldn't agree more.

    I'm a bit miffed from a cultural perspective. The Tuatha deDannan were the Faerie Folk of Ireland, not big shaggy monsters. It gets a bit tiresome seeing the religious beliefs of my ancestors ground up and spit out in a totally outrageous form. No one depicts the Roman Gods or Norse Gods or even Egyptian Gods as shaggy monsters, but hey, who cares about the Irish!? We can do whatever we want to their Gods, right?

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    Someone never played Yu-Gi-Oh, I see. :P
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    On this note, does anyone else experience a grind around around 18, trying to get to 20. Since we don't have SOs we can't exactly go hunt 3 level higher baddens in Talos and IP. I was really hoping to see a small 15 to 25 zone in I5. Something with less spotty level 19 bad guy spawns a some missions to get us into our 20s.

    Once you hit 20, between original missions and Striga there is plenty to do for a while.

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    I went 17-20 just doing the Synapse TF yesterday with an alt. 18-20 is a problem?
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't know if its been mentioned (too many posts for me to look at) but if anyone has read Harry Potter or played WoW it mentions Red Caps little fairy imp type creatures (which are from Harry Potter) and Fir Bolgs which is in WoW. Did they steal some ideas?

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    Tell me you had no clue that both of these were taken from mythology and fairy tales well before Potter or WoW even came close to existing as a figment in a dream.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    This all looks pretty fun. I'm especially looking forward to the added powersets! I can't wait to make an archer, which brings me to my point... Why does the blaster only get archery, but not trick arrows (where as the defender gets both)? I'm assuming archery would be something along the lines of different ways of attacking with a standard bow and arrow, and trick arrows (as the name implies) utilizes various types of arrows, like net arrows, exploding arrows etc. etc. It seems like these would make a great primary and secondary set for a blaster, something akin to how the assault rifle and gadget power sets go great together now.

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    Trick arrows are ranged debuffs/status effects, from what people sneak-peeked at E3. Thus, much more Defender than Blaster.

    And the truth is that Controllers and Blasters get to share what is a Defender's powerset. Blasters get the damage part of the set, Controllers get the debuff/status part of the set, but the only "real" Archers or Sonics will be Defenders.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    The blood of Mu is very simply explained.

    It is the descendants of the Great Diaspora. Indeed, it has washed over the oceans and the lands, and their bloodlines have spread across the world, a gift for the arcane and the mystic that has created an army of the supernaturally aware who battle against that which is hidden in the darkness and hungers for man in his ignorance and tranquility.

    Pretty darn cool, all things considered.

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    Actually, I'm not sure I like the idea that every non-CoT, non-BP magic user has to be a descendant of Mu. Seems a little too much like midichlorians. I'd like to be able to have a character who, say, learned magic through years of careful study, without having the Story Team come in and say "No, it's really because your great-great-great^10-grandfather came from this lost civilization."

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    I wouldn't say that- but the Mu bloodlines have survived and spread far and wide. Destroying Mu didn't destroy the Muvians- it just spread their unique traits into humanity as a whole. The inscription is a statement of defiance- "You can destroy our city, but never our people and what they stand for."
  25. [ QUOTE ]
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    Well, actually the end of the article mentions that the MAGI folks as well as the magic origin heroes are the descendants of Mu. The coven makes sense too, though.

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    "The blood of Mu shall rise, and it shall wash across the ocean and the land. The power that lies dormant within these humble rocks cannot remain so forever."

    Does that sound heroic to you?

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    The blood of Mu is very simply explained.

    It is the descendants of the Great Diaspora. Indeed, it has washed over the oceans and the lands, and their bloodlines have spread across the world, a gift for the arcane and the mystic that has created an army of the supernaturally aware who battle against that which is hidden in the darkness and hungers for man in his ignorance and tranquility.

    Pretty darn cool, all things considered.