A Hero hangs up her cape
::Bawls her evil kitteny eyes out:: Farwell, Vyvyanne! We hardly knew ye.
Have fun on the new game. I hope they pay you to much.
Aw Vyv!
Come by and at least play some time! Roll a lowbie, I'll protect you until you're growed up enough to protect yourself!
You've been amazing; and far more patient than I ever would be.
Zen hugs
Author of: GOOD TASTE: A Frequent Die-ers Guide to the Turf, Sand and Carpet of Paragon City
We're gonna miss ya! I was there at one of the huge SG battles, it was fun being in your SG!
Congrats and all that...
But could you please leave the keys to the Forums at the office next time? You took off and everything went crazy!
Take care and good luck with your new endeavors.
Belated goodbye since the boards were down (see what happened when you left?! We need you!). I dunno... I hate goodbyes. Enjoy the L2 breast augmentations and get a backbrace to go with.
Good luck in your future, and thanks for helping make this game what it is today. You won't be forgotten.
...Quality Assurance Lead for Lineage II. While this is an exciting promotion...
[/ QUOTE ]
Exciting ... yep, like a 2nd lieutenant stationed in Fiji being "promoted" to a General in Behrut or Rwanda. (Hint: bring along a few rolls of TP and heavy
nerve sedatives).
And for the record... that sucks, whoever's replacing you better be damn good so we don't end up with more gaping holes in the QA like what happened with Toggle Powers and Suppression. ...stuff like that should never slip through.
Hmm. In times like this, there's only thing to do: quote Darth Vader!
Ack! Sniff. Bye. Hope you have as much fun there as you had working here with States and the crew of CoH.
If not, screw the money and come back. Money isnt everything, well actually. Money isnt anything.
'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)
I miss You already. The heart weeps many tears when beloved friends leave our side . You deserve this promotion becasuse you are the BEST. Go get em, and take no prisoners
You are a Winner!
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Congratulations on the promotion!
And make sure to add in a thinly veiled nod to City of Heroes in one of the item descriptions, if you can. Maybe something like,
"This scroll has been passed on for generations, gaining in power as time goes on. It's extremely rare, and your finding it means you are one step closer to ultimate power. Of course, if you were playing City of Heroes, you wouldn't have to spend your life looking for pieces of paper that shoot fire balls. But, hey, whatever floats your boat."