11 -
I've got good news! That gum you like is going to come back in style.
[/ QUOTE ]
OMFG ROFLMAOI'm in tears from laughing so much.
Disregard last transmission the Refresh Button stopped working. OMG ROFL
Hit the fresh button and that will get you the latest. But when it Auto -refreshes it goes back. LOL Is not you It's the Web page.
I saw the strange behavior also, but right now it's showing Servers as Unknown or down. Gotta Luv It LOL
I still use City Binder/SoD with all my toons. Works Great still, and yes it does have a couple of quirks, but the ability to create Bind Profiles specific to your toon is awesome. It still gets ****1/2 stars in my book.
Trench coat bottom tweak LOL
It's nice but nothing out of the ordinary sorry but it gets a 5 out of 10.
[/ QUOTE ]
If only your post had a point. Too bad.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, sorry the truth hurts so bad. No, I'm no bitter, It sounds like you are, and yes, I guess you pay for a tweak. Oh well, your money. I'm entitle to my opinions. Say your peace cause I'm not looking for a flame war, but you are. CYA. -
Trench coat bottom tweak LOL
It's nice but nothing out of the ordinarysorry but it gets a 5 out of 10.
I miss You already. The heart weeps many tears when beloved friends leave our side
. You deserve this promotion becasuse you are the BEST. Go get em, and take no prisoners
You are a Winner! -
OMG, two thumbs up, way up! If this video would have made it in the last contest it would have won hands down. Way to KEWL
. I can't wait to show it to my daughter; she is going to flip,
DL -
Level 3:
Tank does X+Y+Z damage as they deal damage in the next 10 secs, and not only does the damage resistance of any current target drop even more, but other targets in the area of the tanker randomly get affected by Fear - not the way it works now, but the way it will work when it is changed..mobs cower but do not run away, since they are so awed by the 1st class can of whoop a$$ the tanker is dealing out with free refills!
[/ QUOTE ]
Someone diall 911 he's killing me!
Can I use your Whoop @$$ comment as my battle cry. Tha is so funny specially the Free Refills part. -
It's a Barcode Font that much I can tell you. I think I'm close to identifing it so stay tune for more updates.