The Mysterious Positron...




Oh boy ladies and gentlemen... The latest (about a week old) from The Great and Almighty Positron Himself: |||||ll||ll||l|||l|lll|||, or something like that. See picture:

Positron's Latest Message

oOoo0oOo0oo.... WHO CAN BREAK IT?!?!?!?

Lol good luck, who knows what kind of code that is.




No. Not a clue.



Are you sure it's a puzzle and not Positron saying "Awww crap, there goes my chat again..."?



Code or psychological experimentation?



Assuming my take on the screnshot is correct, there are five characters which are:

0 Bottom
1 Top
2 Full
3 Left
4 Right

Which gives us the sequence:

0000 1012 0012 3204 1024 132

But I have yet to make ANY attempt to actually make that into something legible.

Mary Holiday



I bet posi just lets his 3 year old little ________ mash on the keyboard and then laugh as the idiots at the forums try to make sense of it.



It's a Barcode Font that much I can tell you. I think I'm close to identifing it so stay tune for more updates.



Anyone got one of those nifty Barcode Battler things to run it through?



If you put your head into your right shoulder (because the devs are *lefties*) you can see the letter "I" and then the number "2", which could read as I 2 (Me too)... followed by a comma, a thumbs down, and a snake.

So, Positron wrote:

Me too, don't appreciate snakes.

Snakes can poison their victims, and they are just generally considered a dangerous animal. If you understand the context where Positron wrote (take all the 'LFT" messages out), what is mentioned is, RL, the Real Life. So, whatever Positron wrote, is related to the RL conversation above.

We can only conclude that Positron think that Real Life is a poison, and there's only one salvation: To play the game.

It is either that or sneezed while datamining and hit a dev special button on the debugging software.



as silly as it sounds, it could be morse code.

the short bars could be dots, and the long ones dashes. of course, i don't know morse code.



Oh boy ladies and gentlemen... The latest (about a week old) from The Great and Almighty Positron Himself: |||||ll||ll||l|||l|lll|||, or something like that. See picture:

Positron's Latest Message

oOoo0oOo0oo.... WHO CAN BREAK IT?!?!?!?

Lol good luck, who knows what kind of code that is.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think it's a code; I suspect that what we're seeing is an 'undocumented feature'; I have a screenshot from CoH of a character saying "dlya" -- the 'd', 'l', and 'ya' characters in Cyrillic (Russian). If the chat window has the ability to change which font the text is drawn in, it opens up a whole new range of silly chat-bubble customizations. However, since I don't see the 'feature' being as simple as putting '<font face="Cyrillic">' in the chat text block, I expect that figuring out how to do it may take a while.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



The in-game chat accepts Unicode characters as well as ansi characters. There isn't a quick and fast way to choose Unicode chars through the in-game UI, but you can copy/paste them to your chat window. This covers both Positron's unusual broadcast, Cyrillic alphabet letters, and other fun things like musical notes and math symbols.



HAHA smacked down................

Now thats funny stuff.



ne znam nista o tome

but the links down



"Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable!"

Too many people are looking at it I guess

At least the message sounds really polite when it basically tells me to "Go [censored] yourself!"

That's always a plus.



The image isnt going to be availible untill I find a better place to host my stuff, Geocities basically lets 100 (or less) people visit a page a day, before data reansfer exceeds. I shouldn't have assumed it was positron, but that is a pretty convincing situation. Also I was kind of stuck on the whole 'secret messages' thing with Positron. I am still curious if there is an explanation for this, could be some kind of glitch, but it had ME fooled.



Looks like someone might find themselves named "GenericHero##" In the morning...



psychological experimentation indeed!



If you put your head into your right shoulder (because the devs are *lefties*) you can see the letter "I" and then the number "2", which could read as I 2 (Me too)... followed by a comma, a thumbs down, and a snake.

So, Positron wrote:

Me too, don't appreciate snakes.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a warning... Apophis is coming though the CoT's Stargates, we must prepare for battle! Maybe it ties into Statesman's annoucement.

I can't see the pic, but was that the weird "error..." message that got broadcast on Justice last week early morning hours EST from a toon named Positron?



That was me fooling around.If you notice above the name it says Hungry Man or Max damage:, thats me spoofing his name.The early coded message are nothing, but the binary ones are real(silly thogh)



Let me call your bluff. A) what server is this on? And B) What do you do to spoof his name? You cannot use 2 lines with spaces and make this look good to everyone (different chat box sizes in width would throw the alignment off...I think).

P.S. (I just switched location of pic so I could get more hits) :
The picture



mirror, in case anyone else wants to see it:




"Drink your Ovaltine"



There's a bug that lets you send tells as another name ... didn't know you could broadcast too.