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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    And as for hanging up the cape... you'll still be able to take it down and brush it off for a bit right?

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    Of couse Ill still take it down every now and then. It's sooo pretty and its the only thing I have that matches those shoes!


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    Ahh, just go back to the first yellow SG colorset you used. lol
  2. Sorry to see you go, Vyv. It was an honor to be in your SG a few times, and actually on your team was very cool.

    I enjoyed the way you responded to bug reports on Test and tried to duplicate the problems. I hope your replacement can live up to your very high standards.

  3. Can we herd heroes?? <laughs>

    Imagine, walking through Atlas, a train of heroes following in the big guys trail.... like lemmings.
  4. Medici

    Boss Changes

    I can second that, 2 devoureds in a DE mission solo yesterday. I'm a tank, built for it, but even I get nailed pretty good by them, and damn slow to kill purple bosses now.

    Not complaining, I like the new challenge.

    Oh - and have you read the posts about the mission experience NOT being the same for two team members after they exit a mission set on invincible? Might be other settings as well. Had a partner today, exited, I got 6000xp as the mission holder with invincible, she got 12000.