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  1. gratz everyone - there were some great entries.
  2. Heh I missed this one somewhere....has this been fixed?
  3. Thats awesome.

    Now he just need to heal himself as well ;-)
  4. Sorry to see you go, you will still be playing though won't you?
  5. Sellefane

    "I got a rock"

    So does anyone still have a rock?

    Will the rocks return someday?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    News 8's story on the event is now online!

    If you scroll down you can play the video. I'm in it! Well... in the background. For 3 seconds. (1:08, on the right, with the cap.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that news anchor called us "junkies" what a way to put a positive spin on it eh?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    ...Unlike the rest of Texas...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah... I do love living in Austin - I just wish it wasn't surrounded by Texas.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I concur. Now if I could just get all the conservatives AND the liberals out of Austin.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But, Bill, who would that leave?!?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The gamers
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Two cute moments of the evening for me were seeing these two little girls (about 10, I think), getting their AutoAssault hats signed by one of the AutoAssault bigwig team members. They were totally geeking out about it. Happy to see the next generation of nerds.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heehee - one of those was mine and yeah she was acting like a teeneybopper at a britney concert. The other girl's parents were Lineage players...who hopefully will be migrating the CoX way if my impromptu sales pitch had any effect
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It would be kinda fun to get a list of all the CoX players who were there... I know I didn't even meet half of the player base who was there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yet, somehow, you ran into someone else I know in game...

    What sane conversation brings me up anyhow?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sane? it had to be a sane conversation? *giggle* oh and I dunno how - she I and started chatting about our characters, sgs, lvl 50's etc and in conversation one of your alts names came up. I said you mean Mantid? We both were kinda startled at that one - and we laughed over the fact that the night previous you had teamed with both of us at one point in time.... *rofl* now who gets around
  10. It would be kinda fun to get a list of all the CoX players who were there... I know I didn't even meet half of the player base who was there.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Any backwater hole the company resides in (apparantly this one is in texas)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This comment and another one further up the thread has pushed me to comment.

    Austin is not a backwater hole, and it certainly isn't hicksville, as someone called it earlier. Sure, it's not a huge [censored] city like Boston, New York, or LA by any stretch, but it's a city of roughly 550-750K in population, and it's a damn fine place to reside. Unlike the rest of Texas, which is a pretty conservative place, Austin is a very laid back, liberal, and polygot place. It also has a HUGE number of tech firms here (Dell is here, for one thing), so it's not just farms and hayseeds.

    Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest. Thank you for your time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I passes cactus farms on my way into Austin. *giggle* I've never seen a cactus farm! (Actually I asked a resident Austintonian friend about it - wasn't actually a farm, they are just very close to the edge of a desert) And from what I understand from the other meet & greet thread, Austin is very much *not* the norm for Texas as far as people and the social atmosphere
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I heard that Cuppa's built and she could kick anyone's [censored].

    [/ QUOTE ]

    mmm hmm and you know the little bug you caught? Cuppa sends her love - mua ha ha ha ha!!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Rowr, you're a jerk. I read through all that.. it sounds like it was a convention, except with jsut Co* players. I wish I could have gone Stupid Michigan.. so far from SoCal/Texas, where all the cool kids ('cept me) are.. *cries*

    At least Origins is near MI, so I'll get to meet some of you.. lovely.. people. (note to self: take large beating shovel) Dang.. my large rock to beat Catwhoorg over the head with won't fit in my suitcase... I'll mail it to his wife and ask her to beat him for me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Btw Anti - I did talk to Gil for ya, he sends his love.
  14. The meet and greet was a lot of fun. I got to meet players from all the games - ended up chatting with a gal from Lineage2 and (hopefully) convinced her to get on CoX. Everyone was nice, met moggie, rowr, Masaokun. I saw these guys Bill Z Bubba, Plasma, and Balorn but didn't intro myself.

    Talked with Gil for a bit about what he is working on now - Tabula Rosa (which sounds like it will be some thing I enjoy) and another game a few years out (I don't remember the name ) He is very laidback and was happy to chat with people, but seemed like he'd be just as content to sit with a notepad and start writing or be reading.

    Everyone was super friendly and I was esp impressed by how cool people were with the 30 min or so wait for pcs to be up and the hour+ it took for autoassault to be up and running. I was pretty bummed about not getting to try Lineage 2, but now I gots a free trial. *woot*

    I got Cuppa's view on being a forum goddess She is very cool and very much RL in her forum personality. She is who she is - compact fun!

    Artic was very sweet and helpful - and very non-preposessing. I was chatting with him as secret id (helpful guy passing out temp login info) and asked who all was there Red-name wise and he casually said Cuppa, Awry, Gil, Alexa, Empaler and Artic Sun. Without skipping a beat! About 1 min later after chatting with him, he let slip that he was the Artic Sun

    Empaler is a wild fun gal! Dancing to the tunes and getting all hyped!

    Awry is cute as can be. Med Nomad, who I remember was briefly here (though I understand she is still lurking) and is now working on AutoAssault.

    Alexa was very great and extremely gracious in getting the CoX peeps all together for a group shot . From left to right, Rads, (Wild Cards Rock!) Sellefane, Alexa, Empaler, Gil, Cuppa, Arctic & Awry.

    Energy was super high and I can't wait til the next event!
  15. Sellefane

    Forum Card Game

    The Cabbit

    now if I could just get that Manticat.
  16. Oiy!!!! this thread needs a lock!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Usually you guys are articulate, thoughtful and when you do deliver and opposing opinion or 'flame' someone it is artful, tasteful and clever. I was beginning to wonder if someone had hijacked your accounts. Seriously, you guys ok?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, lets put it this way...

    I work a mind numbing, soul sucking job in the resteraunt buisness. I've been doing it for Nine Years now, and before that I used to work retail. So, I hear stuff like "Well, I'm a paying customer!" or "Why should I have to pay for <Insert item here>" or "I've been a loyal customer for <insert time here> so you should give me <list unreasonable demands here>" ALL THE DAMN TIME. I get sick of listening to ungrateful people whining all damn day.

    So, I'm stressed out, and tired of hearing the same excuses all the damn time. It's getting on my last nerve.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep and I worked in the social services field for 6+ years, and before that in retail/customer service for over 10 years. Sometimes the customer is right though, and sometimes you want to shove them through the nearest brick wall and watch them come out the other side as processed cheese.

    Gotta remember this is a suggestion area, people can suggest anything they want - doesn't mean anyone has to listen.

    And yeah right about now I'm sure a new target has been acquired.

    Hang on a sec luv while I don my silver suit. Ok vent away! I want my witty LiquidX back.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Seriously...we've taken an innocent suggestion and made it into a flame war.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Umm yeah, I was beginning to wonder if I needed to send you to your room.

    [ QUOTE ]

    ...I guess that makes us big damn heroes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not quite what I was thinking.

    Usually you guys are articulate, thoughtful and when you do deliver and opposing opinion or 'flame' someone it is artful, tasteful and clever. I was beginning to wonder if someone had hijacked your accounts. Seriously, you guys ok?
  19. For those of you who did sign up, the time has changed to 5pm
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I tried to modify mine for the festivties... dunno how I like it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    mm pecs, abs and a beating heart....
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Hot Bod, check

    /em flex, check



    Well I did make over 100 of them!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you, my dear, have too much time on your hands
  22. I want to know how to do more symbols
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    I admit the candy heart generator makes them look more realizic them my hacks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah. You suck.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good thing there are plenty of candy hearts to go around then.
  24. Ack!!! he's contagious...

    but I had fun doing it.