12 -
My SG has been tossing around ideas on how to run one. Appreciate the info and ideas Greystar
I know that will help out anyone who is considering running one for themselves.
Your hard work was much appreciated. Sad to see you go but congratulations on your promotion! Good luck and if you get a chance over there, point some of those Dark Elven women are way
Good gravy that movie was awesome
I was fighting not to laugh too loud and wake That Which Shall Remain Unnamed aka My Honey Bunny. Wow, great stuff!
On Protector:
@ProtectorTF - Another way people can recruit, inquire about or start forming a TF on our server
@Protector Watch - This was one created by "sagcat" and is used to keep our server updated on Monster sightings and Special Events (IE Babbage, Adamastor, Ghost Ship, ect). -
Gah! Pilcrow and Dwimble! Would you stop posting reasonable, well thought out ideas that contain logic and common sense??!! Damn that's irritating. Bad enough Chrondeath has me mad as hell at the pizza guy who is trying to shaft me... My response to you? VERY LOUD NOISES!!!
There, that's better. All jokes aside, I do hope that we'll get a post from Statesman in the near future with some more info. This is an awesome game hence the emotions attached to subjects like this -
Anytime pizza is used as an analogy? Awesome. Course, now I'm hungry and kinda mad at the pizza place
Appreciate the clarification Dwimble
I still don't like this change and think it's detrimental to the casual player. I think it's unnecessary IMO. The timer with being "defeated" really irks me but there you go.
Things I would like to know, to maybe help me get a better understanding of this and possibly change that opinion I have so far:
1. As XP is currently getting divided on Test amongst the entire group rather than who is in range to actually get XP, will this be changed? Is that working as intended and is it possible that could be changed if so?
2. Will there be any other way to figure out whether you're in range or not other than by "feel"? Or by seeing that you're not getting XP? -
Son of a..!!! Shoulder Badgers!! 5 stars for you my friend because on top of that, you included that priceless link. Haven't seen that one!
I have one toon that would pay good money for any sort of animal backpack and BOY will he be upset if they're only for girls...
Also, please to include shoulder llamas at some point. -
Awesome info! Really appreciate the time and effort put into this. My first attempt at a Defender was/is Rad/Rad and since the free respec I've wanted to break him out again and try some new things out. This guide has been extremely helpful in motivating me to do so.
(I'm at work, shhhh!, so I'd test this if I could)
Can you bind an emote and set it to auto fire like a power? Wondering if that would let us do that lean back and sit emote without pounding the bind key. -
Tried that out with fly and that looks pretty damn cool. Love to know how you figured that one out, wow.
And since I3 you would THINK there'd be a way we could do all of the cool emotes that the vamps do. Of course I'm silly and want us to be able to do just about any emote animation that any mob can do -
1. Ability to change SG colors
2. Ability to change SG logo
3. "Fifth" SG costume option
(Like to have the ability to change this as well but only by the Creator of the SG)
4. Mass SG email option
5. Ability to not use the SG logo if desired