Guide to costume contests
Wow, this post was sad. I've won many a real costume contest on multiple toons. Saves me the trouble of having to negotiate transfers of influence between servers and such.
Sounds you're a bit bitter from having lost too many?
yeah he does sound a little bittter. i enjoy the contests since it gives me a slim chance to get some free influence and the time it takes to get it started is usually enough time for me to grab a quick snack and take care of some business.
Actually I have won a few too, and I have just started playing at CoH!!! They usually match a concept though and I mull over them a long time. I usually take longer deciding on a costume then what new power to choose. (Ahhhh... You didn't hear that.)
Moreover, except for a few contest, when I lost someone still gave me and everyone else a small gift as well.
Maybe you are on the wrong server, I have found both Liberty and Justice friendly and forthright.
I however do recognize the OP POV, there was a sham constume contest yesterday on Justice where somebody called a contest, just so they could find someone who was in "/hide" or "/ignore". I don't know all the details. That was just wrong.
Well, SOME might be fake, but i have yet to see one that was, i my self dont partake in those, cause its just a waste of time for me personally and im never in the need for money. But I know on Gaurdian, we have some really nice ones put together by the more well known SGs, mine just a few months ago did one with a prize of 20mil, and belive me, i was there as we handed out prizes, took fooorrevver... but even the peeps that didnt win, we gave 100k just for showing up. So yeah.... dont walk away from CCs, they can be fun if hte right people are hosting them...
I as well, always believed these to be fake and will still ignore them.
Agent R22 Dinged lvl 50 on 5-2-07, 509 logged hours, 3 years playtime
You're on the wrong server buddy.
Guardian server has a supergroup (Angels of Wrath) that does a fantastic costume contest every 2 weeks.
They aren't the only ones. I see many SG's on that server doing contests and I've yet to hear of one that isn't legit.
Heck, the Angels of Wrath even post the winners on the Guardian forum topic with pics! Do you really believe that if they took such time and effort to lie about it, they'd risk posting someone elses pic?
I'm guessing you've just had bad luck. Oh...and try to write a background for your character. Almost all of the winners I've seen posted on the Guardian forum has awesome backgrounds.
I have to mimic the sentiment of the others who have already posted. I play on Pinnacle, and to date I have won a significant amount of influence in costume contests. Granted I have been involved in a few that were bogus, but even then I still had fun chatting with those around me.
I've never, myself, entered a costume contest, being too eager to get on with the heroing and advance my character; also, I tend to design 'low-key' styled 'toons that, while I like them, are unlikely, imho, to garner any prizewinning attention in their subtlety.
However, I know of several friends who have participated, and won (not always first place, but a little something). One exceptionally generous contest-holder not only awarded prizes to their top picks, but to everyone who participated!
I am planning to hold a contest myself, to celebrate when my main reaches lvl. 50, on Pinnacle. And it will definitely not be fake!
TigerBaby: 50 MA/regen Scrapper, Pinnacle
Proud member of Twilight, Inc.
1500+ hours and still going!
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I put a paragraph about costume contests in my guide. I think you guys should read it. Wait, ill post it right here.
One of the biggest elements of city of heroes. Even in virtue, the unnoficial RP server, has almost daily costume contests. The prizes for costume contest are always alot, and there are always the scandals of a heroine picking the female who just HAPPENS to be in the same SG as the judge. Females often win, but there are the tims when a contest has a male and female, grand prize winner. Theres an old trick to get money during a costume contest, that works sometimes. While the winner is about to get their prize, satnd obscurely close to the winner. Hopefully, the judge will accidentally trade iwth you, giving you the prize! Run away fast, FAST! and ignore any tells if you dont wanna have to give back the money. The saddest part of these contests is the fact the winner often spends the inf on what?........THEIR COSTUME.
Costume contests are not fake. I have a raging case of altitis, and the only way I keep myself fully funded for SOs is through costume (and occasionally bio) contests. I take some pride in the fact that I've not had to ask for or accept infl gifts from higher-level friends, and this is almost solely because of these contests. They are very real. Indeed, because of my success in these contests, I've held a few of my own.
Now, what the OP describes is ONE way that contests are held, but they are not how they SHOULD be held. Since this thread was titled "Guide to costume contests," let me offer some real tips on how to conduct one properly. (Or what you should look for in a well-run contest.)
1. Broadcast that you are going to host a contest.
2. Give people time to get there. Remember, you're doing this in Atlas/Galaxy, and many/most of the people there don't have travel powers yet. I'd suggest giving a minimum of 5 minutes advance warning.
3. State the prize in advance. If the 1st place prize is 10k, most people won't bother attending unless they're very very new to the game. Even If it's 100k, some people won't bother. The point is, give your prospective contestants this information from the start so they can decide whether to attend.
4. I'll admit this is personal preference, but I'm of the opinion that costume contests should always be conducted with the "powers OFF" rule. It's a costume contest, not a "who has the sparkliest power" contest. You're awarding good costume design. Don't penalize the level 4 player who simply hasn't reached the sparkly-power level yet. Plus it avoids chaotic power-spamming.
5. Don't take forever. Once the contest starts, make your selection(s) of the winner(s) in a timely manner. Five minutes is good. Ten is pushing it. Having people stand around for half an hour while you continually broadcast, "Gee, you're all so good, I can't decide" is a waste of people's time. Typically, only 1-3 people get prizes, so the other 20-40 people stand there for nothing. Let them stand there for 5 minutes, not 25.
6. Announce your winners publicly. If you select finalists first, announce those publicly, and then announce your final rankings once you've (promptly) decided them. -- I will agree with the OP in this respect that it's very irritating to stand through an entire contest and never hear who the winners were. Without public announcement of finalists/winners, the other contestants may not even be aware that the contest is over, and you again have them standing there for no reason. As the contest giver, if you prefer to have finalists join your team and/or move into City Hall for the final decision phase, fine (though personally I prefer all the action to remain right there on the Atlas plaza). But if you DO go into City Hall for the end phase, don't forget to broadcast your final winner(s).
7. Thank all the participants and politely send them on their way, explicitly letting them know that the contest is over.
Now, this is how I think a contest should be conducted. This said, there are a couple of warning flags that you can pay attention to that may reveal that the particular contest you just heard advertised might be a hoax, which unfortunately does happen and is perhaps responsible for the OP's rather jaded post.
Warning flag #1: A low HostLevel-to-Prize ratio. If your host is a level 6 player offering 500k to a million infl, this could be a hoax. It's entirely possible that this level 6 player (a) has transferred the infl onto this character previously from his higher-level chars, (b) has received the infl from higher-level friends, or (c) will do the judging while a high-level friend gives out the prize. However, the smaller that Host-to-Prize ratio is, the higher the odds that it's a newbie trying to entertain him/herself at the expense of everyone else.
Warning flag #2: The host refuses to state the prize up front. When a host announces a contest and doesn't state the prize, I'll usually send him/her a /t and ask what the prize is. Usually the person will respond privately and then broadcast the prize now that I've pointed out the omission. But I've had conversations that go like: "Greystar: What's the prize?" "Host: Influence." "Greystar: How much?" "......" No reply. Those are usually hoaxes, where the host just announces a "contest" and gets people to show up, and then the "winners" are announced and learn that they've just won 173 influence. -- Now, sometimes I've had hosts say, legitimately, that they're going to decide on the prize depending on the quality of costumes that arrive, and I can understand that. I'd hate to offer a million influence and then end up with a batch of generica for costumes to choose from. But usually the host will ballpark it if it's legit. Flat refusal to state any prize range should set off alarm bells.
My lower level heroes have won several million inf from contests.
While there may be some jokers out there messing with people with fake contests, the majority of them are real.
There are some nice people playing who like to share their wealth. The contests are a fun way to do it.
5 stars for humor, 1 for actual info.
In all my time, I've never seen actual winners announced.
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Reged: 06/02/05
I've been playing the game 4 months. I've been 2nd place in 2 contests, and gotten about 500k influence in "Hey, sorry you didn't win, I liked your costume though, have 50k" prizes. My wife has made about the same amount. My daughter, on her first day, entered a contest and won 100k.
Sure, there are some scams. I've been in one where it just so happened that the person that won was in the SG of the judge, and the only person that liked the costume was the judge. But more often, it's legit. And if it's a scam, you still see cool costumes....
I just know that mine arent fake. In fact, i use this method to meet people that are nwe to the game, and help them out a bit. Imperium holds some interesting costume contest like:
-There are no losers, we annouce that everyone is a winner, and give out 100K influence to everyone who attended. I dont think anyone should lose a contest, or leave with nothing. Thats just Imperium way of thinking.
-Or my pattened whoever brings me a lvl 2 Jump Training Enchancement gets 50K. You have to pick the rare ones, to see people scramble. I usually make deals, but it's always fun.
-The most creative one is I annouce that you have 25 minutes to create a lvl 1 "Any Archtype i choose" and present the design to me in 25 minutes. This contest have grand rewards, anywhere from 2Mil influence or a PL to 28. (Funny how many people choose the 2Mil.) More people choose the 2Mil caues people like big #'s hehe.
Anyway, anything you see annouced by Imperium, you know it's legit!
When I hear a large prize announced, i'll l,og and go grab my cc go-to toon. He at least places in every contest beacause he's so badass looking, lol.
I joined a costumes contest before. After the finalists were chosen, the host of the contest asked the others to f... off.
I won a costume contest just last week. It was a Worst Costume contest, granted (Und Ed, a green zombie wearing white briefs and that's it), but I did get 100K for my trouble. Very nice to have when you're a lvl 7 scrapper...
Ive won a few contests before, most of the time im completely oblivious and people have to tell me. for instance, I was completely doubting my winning, but looking to STEAL from the winner, but suprisingly won 3rd place. What threw me off was the wonder from down under....My char. from the phillipines. But, i didnt hold it against him. Then there was the time when i was involved in maybe the longest, most organized CC EVER!! It was four judges in AP city hall, and a line down the stairs to atleast M.A.G.I. Surprisingly, everybody stayed in line. There was much Jibba jabba. The judges would hold up signs, and a magic 8 ball would tally the scores. I had not won, but i thought i did. And thus the "Stand close to the winner" trick was born!! If the judge is nice enough, he'll let you keep the prize. For some reason...I win alot actually...Odd. Oh oh, dont let forget about the time, i declared a "Bad-Costume contest" The prize went to the guy with the worst costume. No one did anything. So i gave up. About ten minutes later, i see a message in brodcast: Terrible costume contest, who has the worst costume!!" I Was infuriated. So i let him have it. But no one believed me...I will never forgive that guy.
My SG has been tossing around ideas on how to run one. Appreciate the info and ideas Greystar I know that will help out anyone who is considering running one for themselves.
another tip for spoting lagits
"chances are if you see a Keldian hosting, even a lvl 6 they got the money" i mena you gotta hit 50 to make a keld....
and no that note once in AP i posted with my PB the "1 influecne CC" and got a suprising line even thoughthe prise was /1/ infulence....
i think people has fun
AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM
The costume contests all follow this format. Someone announces a costume contest under Atlas. People line up facing away from City Hall. Lots of talk goes on, a person announces that finalists will be invited to a team, people break up and leave.
"But how," you're probably asking, "do I win a contest?" Well, the #1 thing that you should know about these contests is that they're all fake. None of them are real. Your leg is being pulled. Your chain is being ganked. In all my time, I've never seen actual winners announced. Sometimes, out of about 20 people standing there, I've known 15 of the people there and they all say that they didn't win. The finalists are supposedly "chosen" and people start asking, "Is the contest over?" "Who won?" "Why are we all still standing here?"
Don't waste your time. When a costume contest is announced, just continue on your merry way, secure in the knowledge that you're not going to be made a fool of. Of course, if you're a paranoid twit, you might think I'm trying to get you away to win myself. Rest assured that such is not the case -- however, if you truly desire to waste your time, you won't find me standing in your way.
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Um....ok i have been in many costume contests...some i win...some i dont....
If some where pre-planned or fake....well who knows.....
My super group always says things on the chat channel about how the judges are blind or have bad taste.
That coud be true sometimes...who knows.
I have been given enough influence for costumes and other things.....that i sometimes just turn around and give the influence to the other people in my super group who didnt win.
My point is....most of the time the contests are not fake.
YOu wont know unless you try.
I noticed one poster saying most of the winners have a background.
Thats very true...if you have a good background...most of the time thatwill contribute to you winning.
Also not just the costue but the attitude is important.
Some people are lame dorks who show up....are rude...use powers to annoy people...etc. etc.
Thats to be expected....unfortunately some of those same people runt he contests...and its those people who usualy run fake ones.
Now i wont say he legit contests are inocennt either.
Most of the time....the people who run them to see see what people have done...and also believe it or not they look for concepts.
Sure they are spreading wealth...being nice and having fun....but its also true many of the judges have other motives.
If anything i find it flattering to be copied.
And it gives me a chance to see what other players have done, because even though i love participating i also like to get ideas on different looks and power combinations.
Oh well...i rambled a bit.
But anywise...never be bitter...and will never succeed if you dont at least try.
And never give up....if you give will never know if you will win or if someone else will win.
I never enter these myself, but my son wins a ton of these on various servers. He really enjoys participating and seeing what costumes others put forward as well.
And great guidelines there Greystar, maybe you should make it a guide
I've only been in one "hoax" costume contest, and I received 250K from a nearby hero since they liked my costume.
Most of my low level characters will participate in costume contests, especially if the money is right. Anything less than 100K isn't worth the time, when I could just login with one of my higher level alts and make the transfer...
My 16th level rad/dark def has won over 2million influence in costume contests. She wears a very classic-style comic book costume and she's won at least 5 contests and came in second in 1.
The OP sounds a little bitter/miffed, but I can attest that the majority of contests I've seen or participated in, did in fact, have a winner and I've heard no complaints about prizes not being handed out.
BTW, I've found that simple color schemes (2 to 3 colors) make the best combos. Overly flashy rarely wins. Also, overt sexuality rarely wins one seems to like the "dumb ****/stud" look. Any imitation is a sure loss, unless you imitate something unusual; the contest where I came in second, I lost to a pair dressed as Thing1 and Thing2, but another hero gave me 2x what the prize was, because they thought I should have won. That seems to happen a lot, nearby observer handing out influence....I usually use 2 primary colors, and then 1 "trim". I also try to match my costumes to the character's name and AT. For example, I have a D3 by the name of Sadie Stick (sadistic), that wears matching black leather. When people see the combination, it usually gets a good response because I've taken the time to "theme" my character. A good bio can also benefit you in a costume contest. I've been in 2 or 3 contests where the holder has stated that in case of a tie, winner will be decided by bio.
Wow. Could you BE more bitter???
I held one on Protector and awarded 1 million to the hero with the combination of the best patriotic costume and biography. The winner certainly did not think it was fake. The 2nd and 3rd place winners were given fat awards too. As a matter of fact, ALL heros that made the finals where given 50k.
My advice to you is to quit designing crappy costumes.
I'm glad you haven't seen overt sexuality win, Gemini. I seem to see about half go to the biggest chested, least dressed toon, and half to people with actual costumes....
The costume contests all follow this format. Someone announces a costume contest under Atlas. People line up facing away from City Hall. Lots of talk goes on, a person announces that finalists will be invited to a team, people break up and leave.
"But how," you're probably asking, "do I win a contest?" Well, the #1 thing that you should know about these contests is that they're all fake. None of them are real. Your leg is being pulled. Your chain is being ganked. In all my time, I've never seen actual winners announced. Sometimes, out of about 20 people standing there, I've known 15 of the people there and they all say that they didn't win. The finalists are supposedly "chosen" and people start asking, "Is the contest over?" "Who won?" "Why are we all still standing here?"
Don't waste your time. When a costume contest is announced, just continue on your merry way, secure in the knowledge that you're not going to be made a fool of. Of course, if you're a paranoid twit, you might think I'm trying to get you away to win myself. Rest assured that such is not the case -- however, if you truly desire to waste your time, you won't find me standing in your way.