The Unofficial Stategy Guide for Controllers




I am starting our own strategy guide so others can see, try out, and use new strategies OR share their strategies with others. I would like to see alot of people with a lot of strategies, I will show you how you should post your strategies, just so others wont get confused. The strategies should look like this:

(Type of Controller, Ice, Fire, Earth, etc.)/Post 32, Pre 32

Powers used in strategy:

Strategy: (make sure you tell people what you fought, how you fended them off, and whether or not there were anything else besides minions in that group.)

This above format is reccomended becuase it will help people understand your strategy and so forth. Thank you all in advance for providing your strategies to your controller kin.

(You can tell about exploits, as in adventures, with your strategy post)



Fire - Post 32

Powers used:
Fire Imps

Push Fire Imps button every time it becomes available.
Find large groups of same-level mobs.
Stand and watch Fire Imps decimate them.
Repeat until you are level 50.



More descriptive please, anyways that never works... fire imps die, you die or other way around. Anyone else with their strategies? I'll post mine

Fire/Rad/ Pre 32

Powers used:
-radiation infecttion
-fire cages
-enerverating field
-char (on occasion)

Strategy: When fighting skyraiders, this is what I do. Like any other fire controller, i cast smoke before I engage, then I start RI, this way it debuffs their accuracy beforehand, but I always que Fire cages since it is a fast animation and keeps mobs in place for the blaster to kill, after that, I Flashfire them, that way they are held in that position and cannot damage me nor the blaster/scrapper. Then before the scrapper/blaster launches his AoE, I use EF, that way he/she can two shot them without inspirations. For anything I missed, I char. When dealing with Skyraiders, ESPECIALLY POST PATCH, I like to stay on yellows and for anything higher than that, I suggest you have a defense inspiration on you, otherwise as soon as firecages goes off, those guys will take you down in unison. If you perchance dont have any inspirations and find yourself forced to fight them, try to find an anchor, then after that try to find something between you and the mobs, while still keeping the anchor in sight.

This is my strategy for skyraiders, now that this has been bumped up again, others may have arguements corrections for my strategy, or will start their own.



Mind/Empathy - Post 32 (hahahaha)

Powers Used:

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend...




Fire / Kin Controller

Pre 32:
Power Used : Smoke, Char, Cinders, Flashfire, Firecage, Siphon Power, Transfusion

Strategy :
- Smoke the mobs
- Run close then cinders or
- Flashfire then Firecage
- Get close to your teammate then siphon power
- Transfusion as needed

Post 32:
Power Used : Fire Imp, Fulcrum Shift, Transference, Cinders, Fireflash, Firecage, Smoke, Siphon Power, Transfusion

- Make Imps, 2 groups minimum
- Smoke the mobs
- Run close, Cinders
- Char the boss(es)
- Fulcrum Shift
- Siphon Power the boss
- Transference the boss (endurance is back to full)
- Transfusion as needed (keep imps healthy)
- Flashfire / Firecage when Cinders expires

Qyn, lvl 39 Fire/Kin Cont, Protector



Fire - Post 32

Powers used:
Fire Imps

Push Fire Imps button every time it becomes available.
Find large groups of same-level mobs.
Stand and watch Fire Imps decimate them.
Repeat until you are level 50.

[/ QUOTE ]

User: Anyone, Any Archetype.

Powers Used: Griping, Whining, Describing Powers out of Context,

Goal: Nerf the Crap out of Everything except Ice Controller.

Outcome: Uncertain



Fire - Post 32

Powers used:
Fire Imps

Push Fire Imps button every time it becomes available.
Find large groups of same-level mobs.
Stand and watch Fire Imps decimate them.
Repeat until you are level 50.

[/ QUOTE ]

User: Anyone, Any Archetype.

Powers Used: Griping, Whining, Describing Powers out of Context,

Goal: Nerf the Crap out of Everything except Ice Controller.

Outcome: Uncertain

[/ QUOTE ]

lmao, nice.

Fire/rad - Post 32

Powers used:
fire cages
accelerate metabolism
fire imps
RI = Radiation Infection
EF = Enervating Field

Perma Hasten and Acc met = 4 groups of imps out at all times. Fighting any groups, smoke to get up close, then 1 of 3 strategies depending what powers are ready and dispersion of current group, but no matter what, LET THE IMPS START THE FIGHT OR RISK GETTING ALPHAED, especially if bosses are present. There are a few exceptions, like Devouring Earth that lay down fungi making them immune to being held/stun/sleep/immob/etc, always char/flashfire/cinders the group before your imps get there to prevent them from laying them down, it can be risky but with 2 acc in cinders/flashfire you should be safe. Most prefer not to fight DE anyway. I also keep tactics and maneuvers on at all times. The only real use for RI is if you are fighting a orange or higher con.

1. flashfire - medium radius - disorients the group, cages if you want to keep them in place, but not overly needed. Let imps clean up. If there is a boss in the group, if the disorient doesnt hit, use char 1-2 times to hold him, and keep the boss charred with shots every once in a while. Use EF to speed up the killing. Good for tightly packed groups.

2. Cinders/Cinders+char - medium radius - the beauty of cinders is that its a hold, so if there is a boss in the group a followup char will hold him, assuming both hit of course. Use EF to speed up the killing. Good for tightly packed groups, or slightly spread out groups.

3. EMP/EMP+char - omg huge radius - Works the same way as cinders/cinders+char, only difference is it will drain your END quite a bit, have a catch of breath ready to keep your toggles up. Use EF to speed up the killing. MEMO - EMP has an enormous radius, and can be used for holding groups that are very spread out.

Using these 3 powers, you can move from group to group indefinately without having to stop for very long, Using EMP just make sure you have end insps ready.

as a big move, for groups with more than 1 boss.. EMP + cinders will hold all the bosses (assuming it hits of course) but ill leave you pretty drained, end insps to catch up.

Thats pretty much it.... honestly fire/rad doesnt take a lot of amazing skill to work, good slotting is important though. Know what to take on for your lvl, i find +0/+1 amazingly fast to take down, even +1/+2 are simple. Higher than that are still easy but i dont think is worth the slowdown since you can mow down lower lvl groups faster, but its always fun taking out the group of reds and purples, if for no other reason than fun.



This isnt just a fire/rad post, others are welcome to post their strategies too, thank you all who took the time to give your strategies.



1. delete character
2. create blaster
3. kick [censored]



Grav/Rad - Pre 32

Primary Powers

Crushing Field
Grav Distortion
Grav Distortion Field

Secondary Powers

Radiation Aura
Radiation Infection
Accelerate Metabolsim

Pool Powers


Perma-AM, Perma-Haste
Use Radiation Infection, then Crushing Field, then Grav Distorion/ Field..... Wait for everyone else to kill the mobs.


Same thing, plus Sings... yippy !!!

And then I'll have Assualt and Tatics too.



1. delete character
2. create blaster
3. kick [censored]

[/ QUOTE ]





Ice/Storm Post 32

- Jack Frost
- Ice Slick
- Frostbite
- Block of Ice
- Glacier
- Freezing rain
- Hurricane
- SSpeed
- Steamy Mist.

I usually open the fights (not if i'm too low in my team).
1. Activate SSpeed and Steamy mist = Invisibility. Starts CJ if you have it.
Run to the center of mobs so that your glacier covers as many mobs a possible.
2. Glacier to start.
3.1 If everything is held -> Freezing Rain
3.2 If a boss or something else unheld -> Block of Ice b4 FR
3.3 If a lot is not held -> Frostbite then FR then BoI as necessary
4.1 If need be, I use hurricane to gather them.
4.2 BoI on the big ones that in no way I want them to be attacking again. I make sure FR is always running.
5. If the fight starts to take too long, Frostbite + Slick to slow them as much as possible

If Glacier is down before starting the fight and the group is small/not too dangerous -> Frostbite/BoI/FR

Deactivate CJ & SM when you feel safe to do so. I've got tactics running all the time and prefer to save Endurance.

*EDIT* this standard strategy works on a lot of mobs. But if a mob is a real pain (Crey Power tank = 1 hit -> stun) I root them first (their ranged attack is not too dangerous). then i Block of Ice till held.
The only thing you need to learn is your glacier limit. This is crucial while facing freak boss, because there's a huge difference between a rocket/grenade and getting sliced in 2.



Grav Rad pre 32 post 18

Powers used
Accelerate Metabolism (AM)
Enervating Field (EF)
Radiation infection (RI)
Gravity Distortion Field (GDF)
Gravity Distortion (GD)


Perma Hasten and AM (buff as much of the group with AM). Find a boss in the group if there is none look for a lieut and if none just find a centered minion. Cast Gravity Distortion Field, Re-aply with Gravity Distortion on any that you missed or reapply with the boss until held. Then Apply EF if the mobs are significantly higher you have to do this a bit differently.

For +3 mobs cast Radiation infection first, then cast Gravity Distortion, you might get hit a bit with this, it is ok. then apply Gravity Distortion on the boss.

Usually at this point your damage dealer friend wipe out the crowd. So there is little left to upkeep.

If you come into contact with an AV, there is a bit different of a strategy.

You need to apply your debuffs first then use Lift over and over again, wait until the AV is standing up then hit lift again. This is how you can sort of hold an AV, I do understand that this is not a perfect concept. But understand that this is very effective for teammates, because the AV will not be attacking. But to do this, you can't apply your holds. as they snare.



Because of the respec, I'm going to assume people will plan for some of that and base this strategy around picking powers someone might not normally go for.

Fire / Radiation
Pre 32

Fire Powers: Ring of Fire, Char, Fire Cages, Smoke, Flashfires, Cinders

Radiation Powers: Radiant Aura, Radiation Infection, Enervating Field, Accelerate Metabolism

Power Pools: Swift, Hurdle (or Health), Stamina, Hasten, Travel Power

Taking all the powers listed will put you at 26 or 28, depending on what Travel power you take. Slotting prior to respec/level 32 should include the following powers to be 6 slotted: Ring of Fire, Flashfires, Stamina, and Hasten (or 5 slots if you plan on using Accelerate Metabolism constantly). Beyond that, make sure you pay attention to Char, Fire Cages, Smoke, Cinders, and Accelerate Metabolism by giving them 3/4 slots. A lot of the powers you have at this point are one enhancement wonders, like Radiant Aura, Radiation Infection, Swift, Hurdle, and Enervating Field, so don't worry about them unless you're comfortable with your current enhancement layout.

When slotting enhancements, concentrate on accuracy in your hold powers, followed closely by duration. Third priority should be recharge, but Hasten should help a lot with that. Cinders should be used once you have it, in nearly every situation where there is a boss. Cinders followed by Char will overcome the magnitude (if Cinders didn't do it by itself) and hold the boss. This is pretty key for survival. Otherwise, the standard hold method for Fire Controllers is Flashfires + Fire Cages. Smoke should always be used before any AoE hold power.

Otherwise, because of the new mission bonuses, try to live off of story arcs and groups when you can. Your primary method of killing should be an AoE control power like Flashfires (followed by Fire Cages) or Cinders, while applying Ring of Fire and brawls to finish enemies off. Ring of Fire should go by the standard attack power formula of 1 accuracy and 5 damage enhancements.

Post 32, Ring of Fire will never be used, and should not be picked up when respecing. At this point, your control methods will remain the same, but you now have Imps to do your damage. Also, be sure to pick up Bonfire if you aren't going to get Group Fly. Casting a Bonfire below a flying mob will bring them to the ground into the range of your imps. At this point, most folks don't need a guide, as things become easier, so I won't bore you with what 1000 other people are going to tell you.



1. delete character
2. create blaster
3. kick [censored]

[/ QUOTE ]



[/ QUOTE ]

geez lighten up a little, it was a joke dude. i play a mind controller for crying out loud.




Pre - 32
Skills: Healing, healing, healing, phantom army for agro, healing.

Teamed with mostly my supergroup who was devoid of healers, and mostly blasters (but what wasnt at the start of this game). Got alot of sk's and what not to help keep the other alive. Occasionaly used my holds to lock a boss or flash a mob, but for the most part, I was there to heal and give Recovery Aura, and given lots of thanks for both

Post 32 (became a controller)
- Still all the heals
- Blind
- Flash
- Phantom Army
- Phantasms
- Recovery AUra
- Regeneration Aura
- Fortitude
- Clear Mind
- Assault
- Tactics (6 slotted for toHIt)

When I solo its usually for Orange-Reds. Start off with Phantom Army, move in close enough to Flash, blind any boss for a double hold, while the phantasms clean up. Only times I ever run into troubles is when the Phantasms decide to stay back and snipe, instead of dropping Energy Torrent on the whole group, and all that really means is I have to keep controlling if I want to live.

Recently picked up Decieve, and I never knew this game could be so fun Nothing like watching a Chief Soldier one-shot his buddies. I also run around with a mind controller (ick), and we find groups of 2 minions, we each decieve and place bets on whose guy wins. Retarded? Yes. Fun? OH YA!

I love my illusion/emp controller, and he will be the first of my chars to 50 (sometime by the weekend), eventhough he was started when I already had a blaster at 39.




<ul type="square"> [*]"Not so Gentle Persuasion"
Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 18+ (Ideally 28+)
Powers Used: Total Dominate, Dominate, Mesmerize, Brawl, Kick (+Rec aura).
Group: Safest without bosses, and 6 or fewer MOBs.
Shwoosh, Zap, Zzzz, sok, thump, sok, zap, zzzz, sok, thump, sok, zap, zzzz, sok, thump, sok, ad nauseam.

That is:
1) TD your cluster of MOBs
2) Dom anything else moving.
3) Mez anything yet else moving.
4) Hit the first guy you dommed with a brawl-kick-brawl combo while you wait for Dom to recharge.
5) Be prepared to pop rec aura whenever your End goes below 2/5ths or so.
6) Repeat 2,3, and 4 until everything has stopped moving.
7) Dom the lowest-hp mob
8) Mez the mob that has spent the longest time unmolested by you.
9) Hit the lowest-HP mob with a brawl-kick-brawl combo
10) If out of end, switch to "The Wall, Disk 2, Track 9" below.
11) Repeat 7, 8, and 9 until everybody's arrested.

[*]"Leadership Crisis"
Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 18+ (Ideally 28+)
Powers Used: Confuse, Total Dominate, Dominate, Mesmerize, Brawl, Kick (+Rec aura).
Group: 1 Boss, otherwise LTs and Minions, safest with 6 or fewer.

1) Confuse boss.
2) Repeat 1 until boss starts attacking his own.
3) Apply "Not so Gentle Persuasion" to the rest of the mob-- note the total dom is likely to not affect the boss, but if it does, things will just take a lot longer. SIMULTANEOUSLY reapply Confuse to the boss whenever it's available.

[*]"Criminals are a Disorganized, Fractious Lot" (A clearing technique)
Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 32+
Powers Used: Mass confusion, Confusion, Dominate, Mesmerize, Brawl, Kick (+Rec aura).
Group: Lieutenants and Minions, safest with 6 or fewer MOBs.
1) Mass Confuse your cluster of MOBs
2) If any MOBs are unconfused, Confuse one.
3) Dom anything else not attacking MOBs.
4) Mez anything yet else not attacking MOBs.
5) Hit the first guy you dommed with a brawl-kick-brawl combo while you wait for Dom to recharge.
6) Confuse the UNHELD Mob that's gone the longest time unmolested by you.
7) Be prepared to pop rec aura whenever your End goes below 2/5ths or so.
8) Dom, Mez, Brawl, Kick, Brawl whichever MOB you're currently working on. Switch to the lowest HP remaining MOB as necessary.
9) Confuse the UNHELD Mob that's gone the longest time unmolested by you, as soon as possible.
10) If out of end, switch to "The Wall, Disk 2, Track 9" below.
11) Repeat 8 and 9 until you think you're about to get killed by unheld, unconfused MOBs, or until everybody's arrested.
12) If necessary, switch to "Not so Gentle Persuasion" above.

[*]"The Wall, Disk 2, Track 9"
Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 8+
Powers Used: Sprint, Swift, Hurdle
Group: Any

1) Turn on sprint
2) Head for the nearest police drone, along the safest path you can think of.
3) Wish there were a natural movement power that made sense.

[*]"No, YOU are the MAN!"
Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller/Empath 28+
Powers Used: Fortitude, Recovery Aura, Tactics, Maneuvers, Total Dominate, Dominate, Mez.

1) Team with one blaster or scrapper two to four levels below you. Do NOT SK him.
2) Instruct your teammate in the nuances of "No, YOU are the MAN!"
3) Find MOBs your teammate's level +4.
4) Fortitude your teammate, and turn on tactics and maneuvers.
5) Total Dominate the group.
6) Dominate any mob still moving, preferring mobs closest to the center of the cluster.
7) Mez any mob still moving, preferring mobs furthest on the fringe of the cluster.
8) Hope your teammate starts attacking by now.
9) Heal your teammate if he's at 50% health or less.
10) Pop Rec Aura close to your teammate when YOU are down to 40% end, or HE's out, whichever comes first.
11) Repeat steps 6-9 until nobody's moving. Try and be ready to Dom anybody your guy wakes up.
12) If you run out of end, and there're folks moving that you think are going to still be a problem, or if things othewise fall appart, drop all toggles, spam "Run" three times, and stick close to your teammate to heal him if necessary, until either he is safely away or dead. If he's dead or away and you have aggro, resort to "The Wall, Disk 2, Track 9" above.

[*]"Haimdon's girlfriend likes to wear a leash!"
Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 5+
Powers Used: Confuse w/ 2+ accuracies, stealth
1) Team with some nice people who do damage.
2) Turn on stealth
3) Find an Archvillain
4) Tell everybody to hang back a minute.
5) Approach the AV within about 5 yards, and trash talk it thoroughly.
6) Meanwhile, confuse it repeatedly, until it's got purple dots around it's head.
7) Wait for it to kill nearby mobs, if necessary.
8) Tell your team, "OK, guys. They've agreed to take the beating they so richly deserve." Hope your team starts attacking.
9) Turn off stealth, and spam confuse on the AV until it's arrested.[/list]

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Thank you everyone who has posted =) Now if we can get a few Ice, Gravity, and Earth Controllers...



Gravity/Radiation - lvl 40

Powers Used:
- Gravity Distortion
- Gravity Distortion Field
- Crushing Field
- Radiation Infection
- Enervating Field
- Tactics
- Wormhole
- Singularity
- EM Pulse
- Accelerate Metabolism

Universal Strategies:
- Tactics: 4 slotted with to hit buffs. Allows me to land holds on mobs above red con consistently.
- RI: start off with RI (slotted with to hit debuffs) when facing bosses that use status effects (like rikti mesmerists)
- EF: learn what your group is taking out first. Some like to take out minions first while others like to take out the boss first. Apply your EF on what will die last.
- Wormhole: Send DE enamators away. Move mobs into RI or EF range.
- Singularity: Can be used to start a fight by casting one near mobs to draw agro to it. Cast on top of teammates so mobs can't get into melee range. Always have at least one with you. They are resistant to status effects and can lock down mobs while your team is asleep/held.
- EF/RI: When there is more than one boss, I like to apply each debuff to different bosses. If your team takes out a boss, one of your debuffs will be still active. You also affect a greater area of mobs overall using different targets.
- AM: applying to singularities benefits them greatly in their movement speed and damage.
- CF vs GDF: Know when its best to use each. On even level minions, use CF if your group can take them out with an alpha strike. On melee only mobs like rikti monkeys, use CF.
- CF: Do not use CF on higher level mobs without some sort of debuff/buff.

Specific Strategies (universal strategies apply at all times):
- Base Strategy: Pull out singularties. Start off with a GDF and immediately follow with GD on the boss. Once everything is locked down, throw down EF. If the mobs are reds-purples, throw down RI so mobs are easier to hit. When GDF is about to wear out, apply CF so mobs will remain in the EF/RI radius. If needed, reapply GDF when recharged.
- Solo: Same as above the base strategy. EF is best applied to the mob furthest away from the singularities or to Lts or Bosses.
- Group: Same as the base strategy. EF often comes right after GDF then followed by GD inorder to make alpha strikes most effective. CF is the 4th power I use to make sure any mob I missed stay put and within RI/EF range.



Bump.. Need an ice and an earth strategy...



Ice pre 32? (posted alrdy ice post 32).
Glacier is when the world changes for Ice controller, before that you rely so much on your secondary it's very specific. My feeling before Glacier was: I try to help as much as I can by holding/debuffing the big ones and then the others.
Depending on the mobs, i could start with slick, BoI or FR.



Bump need an earth strategy. Thank you all who have taken your time to post your strategies.



In General:

1. Network, network, network. Start teaming up with people day one. Keep a list of regular players; if you've got a steady group of people to team with in your teens it makes your twenties that much more easier.

2. Be aware of the "hidden effects" of your powers, especially secondaries. For example, Freezing Rain's primarily used for a debuff, but it can provide Knockdown as well. It's also a crowd-scatterer.

For Earth:

Some powers are "must haves", others are situational; they key thing to remember is that one person's situational is another's 'must have'.

Fossilize is a single target hold you can use it for:

1. Hitting teleporting MoBs (Tsoo Sorcerers, Sky Raider Porters) before they leave or preventing certain MoBs from activating powers (Sky Raider Engineers with their Force Field Generators).

2. Dropping toggles on MoBs (Tsoo Sorcerers and Banished Pantheon Storm Shamans both have hurricane-and now some Outcasts do too).

3. Layering Holds on Bosses (With Volcanic Gases).

4. Stopping stragglers in their tracks, or good 'ol fashioned Hold goodness.

Stone Cages is an AOE Immobilize, it keeps MoBs in place and away from melee range. However you have a chance to drop down flyers with it.

Stalagmites is an AOE Disorient, pre-gases Stone Cages+Stalagmites is your key combo. Post-gases it's good for keeping the MoBs out of commission while you wait for the gases to 'pulse'.

Volcanic Gases is you AOE Hold, but it's location based. It's good for hold-layering your bosses, but if you have teammates that have knockback, any gas-holds will vanish quickly once they're off the location. On the otherhand, you can lay it down beforehand in an area between you and the MoBs if you're faced with a difficult pull.

Typically I either do:

Volcanic Gases+Stalagmites, Fossilizing leftovers: If I have the Endurance (VG drains nearly half a bar) and time to set up the gases. If there's more than one boss, I definately start out with this combo.


Stone Cages+Stalagmites, Fossilizing stragglers-Usually if I'm with my energy blaster friends, we don't have a lot of time, or if there's only one boss (since the damage dealers I hang with can take one out fairly quickly).


Chain-Fossilize a lot, tossing in a Stalagmites if things get heavy-I only do this if I'm teamed up with someone and the MoBs are made of two or three minions/lts. I perfer to save my AOEs for larger things.

I don't have Stone Prison (took Fossilize instead), Quicksand (I have Snowstorm), Salt Crystals, or Earthquake (Wanted to see if I could make a viable controller without it, though I'll pick it up post 40 for monster-hunting on Pereguine Island). That doesn't make them worthless; Earthquake's a very good debuff/knockdown and Quicksand ensures that MoBs don't run away from the gases before they're held. Stone Prison can be used for dropping MoBs, and Salt Crystals can hold them off until properly Held (still, it is a sleep ).

Blue: Terra Skye, Piper McCormick, Urban Shaman, Umbral Squall, Nosila Marie, Shava, Subtronic, Invisible Osprey, Violet Vision, Master of Moonshadow

Red: S1lv3r Bull3t, Skilljack, Shamanic Steel, Mallory Madsen, Miss Mao, Lightweb, Mad Maenad, Deviant Red

Praetorian: Magnetic Mole, Ljosalfar

All on Virtue



1. delete character
2. create blaster
3. kick [censored]

[/ QUOTE ]



[/ QUOTE ]

geez lighten up a little, it was a joke dude. i play a mind controller for crying out loud.

[/ QUOTE ]

Controller: Flamer

Powers Used:
1. Derogatory vocabulary
2. witty retort
3. superiority complex
4. knowledge of english language
5. senseless insults

Find the troll villian group or any unsuspecting poster you don't agree with. Use your superiority complex to determine the poster is worthy of degrading. Open with a witty retort mixing in words of the derogatory persuasion. Emphasize with senseless insults of the personal nature. Lastly, point out any mistakes of the English language the original poster made to prove your superiority or the utter stupidity of said poster.

Degredation of started thread (unless thread was started by a troll) and facilitation of flame war.



Ok, I'll throw in my earth tactics. lvl 38 here Erath/Kinetics here.

I always try to have 2-3 earth pets out and Speed Boosted. Any groups of just Lts and minions is a stalagmite + cages combo and let the pets mob em up. If its a big enough group (5+) I'll use Fulcrum to boost my pets otherwise a Siphon Power or 2. Fossilize any that aren't held.

For groups with one-two bosses, I'll summon up a AS in the middle of the pack to take the initial hit followed immediately by VG and fossilize on the bosses. Most times if there's one boss their held, if 2 I might take one hit. If I'm in a particularly nasty mood, I'll l hit em with stalagmites and an earthquake as well(+1 only) and their is no way I'm getting hit. And again Siphon Power and Fulcrum to max out the 2-3 pets i have.