Observer Mode
Sounds like something like a fairy from Zelda...
always knew some of those faires were spies...
Those new ESPN cameras that zip on lines.
Cool idea anyway
*is speechless*
Very cool. I want to watch my riteous teammates enact painful vengeance upon my unworthy foes for their cowardly underhanded killing of my virtuous self.
Man, I'm really looking forward to this stuff...
Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space
I'd suggest that the 'spydrones' (I assume they look similar to the policedrones) at least make a noise so you can hopefully get a little warning when in close proximaty.
One problem I see with this plan Positron, scrappers and tankers won't be able to really hit a spydrone which is floating outside of melee range thus it creates an imbalance. Technically they could be followed around without being able to stop them.
Thats why we made these Observer cameras targetable and easily destroyable. This is a very cool feature that adds another dimension to gameplay.
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And defeating 1000 of them gives me the Black Eye badge! W00t!! <g>
If your camera is exploded can you immediately make another back at some spawn point, or are you out for the duration?
I think you said that heroes outside the Arena can watch... if so, can their 'spy-cam' be destroyed? :[ That would make it useless.
That's even better then I imagined!
So... what happens if your camera is destroyed? (Too soon?)
*Edit: Also, if you're defeated, would going into camera mode make it so you could not be rezzed by a teammate?
Aw, they're destroyable? Why not give us an option to make an invisible (thus non-distracting) version that can't be targetted, and just disable chat while in that mode?
*SpongeCake collapses to the floor, frothing at the mouth and spasming wildly*
Aw, they're destroyable? Why not give us an option to make an invisible (thus non-distracting) version that can't be targetted, and just disable chat while in that mode?
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But I do think there should be a match option for phase shifted cameras.
Aw, they're destroyable? Why not give us an option to make an invisible (thus non-distracting) version that can't be targetted, and just disable chat while in that mode?
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That could be good to a point, but my wife and I have our computers right next to each other, and usually fight as a team. Who needs chat when I can just say "He's right around that corner."
It would be sweet to see the hero get blinded for a second when the spy camera gets squashed: Ala 5th Element
The evil Zorg dispatches a spy roach mounted with a tiny camera and microphone to observe a government meeting.
The cumbersome (for a roach) apparatus depicted is already outmoded. More stealthy sensors are available, and will grow smaller. Tiny flying and crawling spy vehicles are being considered for military and intelligence use. Disguising them as insects is quite possible.
Real insects might be usable as well: a Japanese scientist has wired a cockroach so that he can remotely control its leg movements
Although one thing Pos.....right now, even with targetting pretty well thought out, If i spam the opposing team with cams.....that can expend precious seconds trying reacquire "important" targets. It would be nice to have a "Skip Objects in Targetting sequence" filter. Just a thought.
I'd suggest that the 'spydrones' (I assume they look similar to the policedrones) at least make a noise so you can hopefully get a little warning when in close proximaty.
One problem I see with this plan Positron, scrappers and tankers won't be able to really hit a spydrone which is floating outside of melee range thus it creates an imbalance. Technically they could be followed around without being able to stop them.
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*sharpens Shurikens and does squat thrusts to get his Super Jump in peak condition* Oh, sorry. Were you saying something about me not being able to hit cameras?
One problem I see with this plan Positron, scrappers and tankers won't be able to really hit a spydrone which is floating outside of melee range thus it creates an imbalance. Technically they could be followed around without being able to stop them.
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That is a valid point.
I suppose if it's team play and everyone cares so much about winning the fight, the tanker or scrapper could just call someone with a ranged attack on their team.
I knew there'd be a use for those Shurikens some day...
The drones will be neat to help with the filming of battles so that peeps can concentrate on the task at hand.
Only downside is seeing a lightning bolt come at you and then the video fades to black.
This sounds really neat, Pos...but won't allowing outside observers introduce lag that will negatively impact gameplay for those in the actual fight? We've been told that the SG limit of 75 players is here to stay so there won't be more than 150 players involved in a base raid. Will there be similar limitations in place for the number of observers who're allowed? Will Players in the actual PvP match have an option to limit the max number of outside observers that can attend?
I'd suggest that the 'spydrones' (I assume they look similar to the policedrones) at least make a noise so you can hopefully get a little warning when in close proximaty.
One problem I see with this plan Positron, scrappers and tankers won't be able to really hit a spydrone which is floating outside of melee range thus it creates an imbalance. Technically they could be followed around without being able to stop them.
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*sharpens Shurikens and does squat thrusts to get his Super Jump in peak condition* Oh, sorry. Were you saying something about me not being able to hit cameras?
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If only I saved up those "rocks" from Halloween...

I knew there'd be a use for those Shurikens some day...
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Not to mention Web Grenade.
Yeah. Only a fool would think they can hover-snipe me.
Aw, they're destroyable? Why not give us an option to make an invisible (thus non-distracting) version that can't be targetted, and just disable chat while in that mode?
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What a smart person - like me ;P - would do:
1. Activate 'Spy-Cam.'
2. Activate Invisibility. <Chat now disabled.>
3. Zoom around to see where enemy is.
4. Deactivate Invisibility.
5. Tell team where the enemy is!
Duh! ;P
Can we watch heroes battle it out in the arena, a sort of public spectacle if you will? I'd love to just log in and watch people duke it out so to speak.
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(NOTE: Any or all of the following information may change by the time this makes it to Training Room or the Live servers).
Yes... to an extent.
You will be able to view the events in "Observer Mode", either when they are running, or if you are defeated and players on your side are still running around.
Observer Mode is cool. You look like a floating camera and can move around the arena map, watching the action.
Now, of course, some of you are right to point out that such a system is ripe for abuse... you can scout out enemy positions for your buddies and the like.
Thats why we made these Observer cameras targetable and easily destroyable. This is a very cool feature that adds another dimension to gameplay.
This tries to give everyone what they want. Voyeurs get to observe, defeated players get to still watch the action, "spies" can try to gather intel on opposing teams, and at the same time, opposing teams can shut down those spies easily if they so wish.
Again, this is all being tested, and may make it to the Live servers in a different manner than described here.
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