Suggest no confusion icon on player's screen




Why bother testing anything, you devs have been pretty clear in past actions that test doesnt mean squat to you guys, and player feedback is utterly useless in the face of your datamining expeditions, at least until the outcry is too much and you actually have to make a thoughtful change to unyieldings 50% debuff turning into 5, putting range back into it, regen need i say more?



Well, how about making it so that the confuse icon is delayed by a couple seconds, rather than not displayed at all? I think that would be a fair compromise.

In fact, if you were confused, you WOULDN'T know it! A good analogy is that if you're dreaming, or hallucinating on drugs, you don't know it. Sure, you'll realize after you wake up or sober up that you were hallucinating and, in fact, that penguins can't talk. But during the hallucination you honestly don't realize anything is wrong. So, realistically, confusion would work the same way. You wouldn't realize your perception of reality is screwed up until after you start blasting your teammates.

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Well said, Diddug. I'm only sorry you beat me to the punch, though I think you made the point better than I would have.

In Camazotz all are equal. Everybody is the same as everybody else.



What if instead of an icon to inform the player that they are confused you just add a header and footer to the text to the combat logs.

"While CONFUSED $normal_combat_text insead of what you meant to do!"

where $normal combat_text could = "You crush JusticeAvenger236 for 4 points of damage"

This way someone would have to be watching their combat logs to see that they are confused. This might make it more challenging to see that you are confused, but those that are observent will notice it.

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Also, throw in a "Confused" message above the target, you know, like when you buff a phased person and it says "Unaffected" or "Miss"? After that, show the icon (or not).

Personnally, the same people who would petition this as a bug WON'T be reading the combat log OR paying attention to their icons. I for one never look at the icons until I'm held or seriously debuffed like by eyeballs and say, oooohhhh, guess i should leave



I think it is a very dangerous presence to have a power that has an effect other than damage not have an icon. I watch that icon bar a lot and it essential for knowing when to take certain actions. Also it has been my experience that most players do not know they are held till their attacks and movement stop. I suspect that most players will still fire while confused.



Well, how about making it so that the confuse icon is delayed by a couple seconds, rather than not displayed at all? I think that would be a fair compromise.

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Also, make the visual fx for the status effect subjective. That means the purple cloud will only be visible to those around the target. The target itself won't see the purple cloud, and will have to rely on teammates.



Problem with this is that most players won't think they are Confused.

They will think they are the victim of a bug or some sort of exploit.

Letting the player know when they are Confused is the easiest way to prevent Customer Service from recieving tons of false bug and exploit tickets.

We tried to implement a system where we can let the player know they are Confused, but give them the opportunity to "act normally", just occassionally changing their actions server side. Once Issue 4 hits test, try it out and give us your feedback.

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Here's an idea that would make this much more fun...

The Confused Character gets a status icon for the effect and random attacks occasionally hit something other than the target they are attacking. The Server knows when the Confused Character is attacking the wrong target and shows the Confused Character's attacks hitting who they really hit EXCEPT for the Confused Character who the Server always shows hitting what they're aiming at. The Server would show the true events to everyone else while the Confused Character gets shown only what they think they're doing.

That way it really would make the player confused because while they'd know they were confused but they'd never know exactly what they were doing wrong.



Here's an idea that would make this much more fun...

The Confused Character gets a status icon for the effect and random attacks occasionally hit something other than the target they are attacking. The Server knows when the Confused Character is attacking the wrong target and shows the Confused Character's attacks hitting who they really hit EXCEPT for the Confused Character who the Server always shows hitting what they're aiming at. The Server would show the true events to everyone else while the Confused Character gets shown only what they think they're doing.

That way it really would make the player confused because while they'd know they were confused but they'd never know exactly what they were doing wrong.

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Now that's a great idea. No problems with people filing false bug reports, since they don't even know that they're doing anything wrong!

We tried to implement a system where we can let the player know they are Confused, but give them the opportunity to "act normally", just occassionally changing their actions server side. Once Issue 4 hits test, try it out and give us your feedback.

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Is this what it means?



Although that was a good idea, with the confusee not knowing what he is doing, that requires some complex coding.
What would be simpler is no icon, but when you fire of a power under the influence of confusion it targets at random and you get a huge yellow text in your face that says "CONFUSED!" and you can see that you hit someone else then who you were aiming at. With no icon you'd stll not know when under the influence so it would still be a gamble after that but you would never have a doubt if it was a bug that made you fire at your teammate or not.



How have it not show up but also scramble the current icons or change them to make it think they have some kind of debuff / loss of buff. Add to that swap End+health (visual only) so they may panic when health is dropping so fast and randomly spam numbers above their head.



Just a thought here...
Nobody has really had themselves confused before this update will have come out.... sure it will most likely look like the enhancement for confuse duration, but I really doubt anyone will really be looking that closely at it with the mass bar of buff/debuffs they will have as almost every power has a secondary effect buff/debuff. To try to see a single debuff in the huge list there is going to be would be pretty hard.

An example of this would be to see one of the dev's screenshots during the rikti invasion where they were being attacked by player and how quickly the debuffs built up.
(ahhh, good times )

There is also the possibility that it could be different than the enhancement.

As for the combat text, I think it should be just like sprint being turned on or off. It should appear once when activated, and once when it comes off. Possibly a different color than most combat text, like brown or something, just to make it stand out a little more if you are going through to see it.



Although that was a good idea, with the confusee not knowing what he is doing, that requires some complex coding.
What would be simpler is no icon, but when you fire of a power under the influence of confusion it targets at random and you get a huge yellow text in your face that says "CONFUSED!" and you can see that you hit someone else then who you were aiming at. With no icon you'd stll not know when under the influence so it would still be a gamble after that but you would never have a doubt if it was a bug that made you fire at your teammate or not.

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From what I gather, the devs already have something like that in the works, so the text signal might actually make it worse. I'd rather wait for next Issue to come out before making any judgements.

Just a thought here...
Nobody has really had themselves confused before this update will have come out.... sure it will most likely look like the enhancement for confuse duration, but I really doubt anyone will really be looking that closely at it with the mass bar of buff/debuffs they will have as almost every power has a secondary effect buff/debuff. To try to see a single debuff in the huge list there is going to be would be pretty hard.

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You're right about that. Since I plan on attending mostly team vs. team or the massive SG battles, I doubt anyone will notice a single Confuse icon until they smoked their own teammates.



Problem with this is that most players won't think they are Confused.

They will think they are the victim of a bug or some sort of exploit.

Letting the player know when they are Confused is the easiest way to prevent Customer Service from recieving tons of false bug and exploit tickets.

We tried to implement a system where we can let the player know they are Confused, but give them the opportunity to "act normally", just occassionally changing their actions server side. Once Issue 4 hits test, try it out and give us your feedback.

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It didn't show the icon when it first went live, and everyone whined about it. "Controllers are too powerful..." etc. My main is a mind controller with 2 confuses (mass/single). When we pvp the other team in broadcast says "we only want to play if you don't confuse us - or we'll leave" or from a controller who has 5 pets.... "you only confuse my pets to kill me.... otherwise you couldn't kill me." Isn't that the point?



Necro Post

Why is this even in the Badge section?

I've already forgotten about most of you



At a guess, this was the arena section before & got changed to badges and gladiators. Wasn't this the Arena area before? Check the last few pages of this forum (15,16) arena stuff.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



wow someone revived a dead thread. read it up to the point where positron mentioned i4 then looked at the dates . ..