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  1. Ok i am a fairly new at drawing so don't be expecting wonderious things and these are just drafts. They also look a lot better on real paper. Ok according to the book (yep i am that new) the next step is inking. Err, Problem How do you ink something like this without any way of erasing your mistakes?

    Nezumi Ko

    Mistress Vine

    Also comments of any kind are welcome.
  2. I am not a very good artist but I am willing to give shot at drawing your toon. I like to draw, haven’t taken any art classes or anything like that. So here is the deal I need to down load 40+ megs of scanner drivers on a dial up connection to get my scanner working. In the mean time if you would be so kind as to post the screenshots of the toon you want drawn then I will get on it. I am a slow at any form of art so it may take me a week or so. If you like the result then maybe you could draw one of my toons. If not no big deal. I will have a sample up later tonight (Alaska time). I think you have done a lot of work drawing other people’s toon already.

    PS please include at least a powerset a story would be even better.
  3. I think it is a very dangerous presence to have a power that has an effect other than damage not have an icon. I watch that icon bar a lot and it essential for knowing when to take certain actions. Also it has been my experience that most players do not know they are held till their attacks and movement stop. I suspect that most players will still fire while confused.
  4. 1) Alliance chat.
    2) SG bank, vault or trading post. It would also be nice to have a gen pop npc that was a trading post.
    3) Super group only missions that were independent of level. You would have to get a team of eight but they would all be side kicked up to the highest level in the group automatically. All people in this mission must be part of the same super group. This would allow super groups to team regardless of the number of mentors they have and also give each super group it’s own content.
    4) Super group tf that effect the overall story line of the game in a minor way. For example if clamor was driven off by super group x then a plaque somewhere would read super group x drove clamor from this location. Plaque would change name after another super group successfully completed task force. Task force would be both long and difficult.
    5) Graphic additions that would be an added option to super group members only. Small something like an arm band or ribbon that could be bought at icon’s if they wanted to. Only people that were a member of a super group could buy these and only super group leaders could change the design.
  5. Unix awoke in mid air her mind was fuzzy and not comprehending what was going on. She settled to the ground as Steel Pixie came over to her and began to shove various pills down her throat. Unix was still in a bit of a haze trying to figure out where she was and how she was still alive if she was alive. Unix came around as she felt rage pass thru her body. She saw Sam walked up to him and un-buckled his collar then scribbled something on the hellion’s notepad. She then kicked in a wall socket and ripped off the face plate two bear wires now dangled from the wall. She ejected a small rectangle for her gauntlet and pressed the wires up against it began to glow. Unix looked at Steel Pixie “This is all going to end now you might want to run now.” Unix got up and walked up to Constance calmly handed her the note pad written across the page was “Grab Lupis, RUN!”

    Unix then held the collar high in the air and screamed “Looking for this?” all the hellions in the room turned and saw Unix holding a collar and changed there attention to her. Unix took off running down the hallway (away from our group) as the hellions trailed after her. The rectangle glowed brighter as she ran down the hall. It didn’t take long for the hellions to catch Unix as she was forced to the floor a bright light erupted from right beside her. Thousands of bright balls shoot outward from the light and then erupted into explosions that engulfed the hellions and Unix.
  6. marsbar wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    With a thud, Cocotte flipped backwards, landing on his head and shoulders before rolling too his stomach. Getting to his feet, Cocotte weaved a bit, side to side, trying to connect with the Hellion, but missing by quite a bit. With an evil-sounding ka-chunk and a vicious-looking grin, the Hellion re-loaded his shotgun.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Unix Felt her breath get shallower and shallower until it went away. Seeing the shotgun being pointed at Cocotte She mustered every bit a strength she had left and took wobbly aim at the hellion about to shoot Cocotte and fired a bolt. It almost missed but managed to snag the barrel of the shotgun and rip it out of the hands of the hellion. Unix’s muscles then all gave out at once as she toppled to the cold floor. Unix’s sight narrowed the last sight she saw was a white and black border collie standing above her. She smiled as her vision went black. “Mother will be happy to hear this news” Unix thought to herself as the last bit of awareness slipped away from her.
  7. CIT_stu wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    Sam barked at the sounds of battle, unable to do anything from his cage. All he could do was try to dig under the cage door with his paws. Since the floor was made of tiles it would not work but that did not stop him from trying.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unix calmed herself she could not afford to just waste shots. Unix took care and aimed the rest of her shots as the hellions approached. Each time a blot left her gauntlet a hellion fell. Unix started to count the hits one, two, three, four, and bleep. Unix knew what the bleep was it was the temperature safety stopping the circuit from overheating. “It’s all or nothing” Unix said to her self as she disabled the safety. The bolts departed her gauntlet much quicker now and she lost count.

    As the hellions came closer Unix could see that they were weaker than before the green mist must be working. “This might work” she mumbled to herself. Then the sea of hellions parted as a dammed entered the battle. “Just like a cheap B movie” Unix thought. Much to her surprise the dammed eyed her and began to run right to her. She blasted it but the bolt just seemed to disappear into the body of the dammed. Then a bright flash filled the room as an X-ray beam sliced into the mass hellions. The dammed changed it’s intended target and began to head toward the robo-vet. Unix saw the back of the dammed and figured a more opportune target was unlikely to come around. Unix unloaded every bolt the gauntlet could generate into the back of the dammed’s head. It stumbled but did not go down. Unix jumped up and punched it. The dammed fell like a ton of bricks.

    Unix landed and saw Constance fighting. Her body was covered with blood and holes Unix wondered how she was still alive and decided to aid her. Unix ducked as a baseball bat barely missed her head. “You will do” Unix announced to the hellion the that had just tried to decapitate her. With that she channeled darkness into his body draining the very life out of him and channeling it to Constance and Steelpixie. The hellion groaned then took another swing at Unix with his bat. This time is was noticeable slower and missed again. At the end of his stroke the hellion was so close to Unix that she could feel his body heat. Unix punched him figuring it worked on a dammed. This time the punch just made the hellion simile as he punched Unix back much harder. “That didn’t work near as well as it does in the movies” Unix said aloud as recovered from the shock of the punch and downed the hellion with a bolt from her gauntlet.

    Unix felt herself being thrown to the floor. A hellion straddled over her and pointed his revolver at her chest. Unix tried to raise the arm to blast him but soon realized that both of her arms were held to the ground by two other hellions. Unix felt a burning sensation like someone had driven a red hot steel pole deep into her chest. Unix looked back at the revolver just in time to see the cylinder rotate again. Another red hot pole jabbed deep into her chest. Unix’s eyes widen in terror as the process repeated itself four more times (six shots in total) before the revolver clicked announcing to the world that it was out of bullets. Unix’s vision narrowed to a tunnel. The hellion tossed the revolver and pulled a knife. Unix struggled to keep the shadows fighting for her as she felt herself get weak “must not drop shadows or team is thru” Unix thought to her self

    In the center of her narrow tunnel of vision Unix saw Sam behind the bars of a cage. Unix knew the that the dog was her only hope. Unix stared at the dog with a look of utter helplessness trying to convey her condition to the dog. A wall of shadows attacked the cage and rattled it back and forth but they where not strong enough to break it. Then they plunged into the lock on the cage door. Cracking sounds could be heard as the shadows wrecked the delicate mechanisms inside the lock. The cage door sprung open. “Please Lupis help” Unix’s uttered right before receiving a slap across the face from the hellion bending over her with a knife. “Look at me! I have never slaughtered a hero before and I want to see the look on your face.” The hellion growled to her as he pressed the knife against her throat.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    As the rest of the Hellions poured down the stairway, battle was joined; the corridor glowed green with an eerie light, and the air grew thick with gas as O'Niell tripped the suits offensive systems... and the Handel thundered on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unix thought so this is what Custer felt like. Unix stuck her right arm out and made a upward motion with her hand with this all the shadows leap from their respective places and wrapped themselves around feet of the hellions. The hellion advance immediately slowed to crawl. Unix then closed her open hand into a fist and the shadows jumped up to engulf the crowd of hellions. The shadows quickly settled into a knee high turbulent sea of darkness all around the hellions but they left a residue on every hellion they touched.

    Unix stood briefly transfixed as what looked to be a sea of flashbulbs went off in front of her. The horrible reality soon became real to Unix as she heard the high pitched zing noise of a bullet plowing air out of it’s way as it past close by. The next noise she heard was the deafening sound of gunfire as bounced off every wall in the confined hallway. Unix flinched expecting to be ripped to pieces by the oncoming bullets but felt relief a millisecond later as she was still standing.

    Unix snapped out of her trance and formed a pitch black disk in her hand a tossed into the center of the hellions. It erupted into a large cylinder that engulfed a number of hellions. The cylinder quickly dissipated revealing a number of near blind hellions stumbling around as if they were drunk. Unix fired off a dark bolt not really aiming she figured it would hit some thing. Unix readied her next bolt and became aware of a warm wet sensation working it’s way down her left lower leg. Unix didn’t have time to look she just pressed on.
  9. steel_pixie wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    "Killing people is bad. Talking about killing people tends you get you arrested."

    [/ QUOTE ]
    With that Unix knew that Steel Pixie was not a villain. Pixie’s over idealistic rhetoric would never come from any villain. No villain would ever think that way even if they were trying to gain false trust of a hero. Unix didn’t like killing anyone but had long ago come to terms with the fact that in some cases it was necessary. Unix heard Sam barking and figured it was only a matter of time before someone started shooting at the sound. Unix and dropped her dark cloud and ran toward the barking sound hoping that Constance and her could handle whatever or whoever was calling them out of the cloud. The mist faded away and….
  10. Steelemag wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    Constance couldn't answer him, naturally. So, hoping he was telling the truth, and was a nervous type of hero, and really was a hero for that matter, she put her right hand up and stepped out of the cloud. The left hand she twined in the dog's collar, pulling him out as well.

    She didn't want the dog to get blasted either.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    “No Constance don’t he might be a villain.” Unix had keep quite since the first noise but now things were spinning out of control there were two new voices neither of which she trusted at the moment. Shadows for every corner fed the dark mist as Unix added her power to Cocotte’s in an attempt to give Constance some time to re-think her actions. The dark mist easily doubled in size Unix took a few steps to the left in case one of the unknown people decided to shoot at the sound of her voice. “If either of you hurt Canis lupus familiaris or her I can assure you that you won’t leave this building alive” Unix now moved again to assure that her position remained a secret. In reality Unix had no idea what se would do if they hurt Constance or the dog. She was quite scared at this point and figured that they knew as little about her as she knew about them.

    sorry about no posts had to drive from NJ > FL welcome all.
  11. stelemag wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    She nodded yes, and slowly signed, spelling her name, "My name is Constance. I am mute, but can hear."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The flurry of hand movements that greeted Unix very nearly overwhelmed her. She had never used sign language and Constance was going quite fast by Unix’s standard. Unix’s face went blank for a few seconds as her mind played a mental game of wheel of fortune with the letters she missed. Unix managed to fill in the blanks and get the message that Constance had sent her. “Hi Constance my name is Unix and I am glad you are not a villain.” Unix really didn’t know what else to say it sounded kind of stupid after it came out of her mouth but she figured that it conveyed the message that she understood what had been signed to her.

    Unix then peeked her head around the corner. The rest of the hallway looked clear and there were some open cages along the wall. Unix decided now was a good time to get Canis lupus familiaris back in its cage. Unix slid a gauntlet finger under Sam’s collar and led him to the first open cage.
  12. steelemagnolia wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    Constance looked up from her kneeling position. Disentangling her fingers from the pup's fur, she drew a line across her throat, then crossed her hands over her lips and shaking her head.

    Hopefully the woman would get the idea. They might not have the time for her to write a note.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unix saw these motions and figured either she was going to kill her if she asked her name again or she was mute. Unix strained her mind to come up with pictures of from a book she read a long time ago. Slowly the images entered her head. Unix raised he right hand and held her index, middle, ring and pinky curled over while her thumb remained bent on the outside. Then shifted her hand into a fist. Unix then wedged her thumb in between her middle and ring finger. Unix continued to spell out “can you read this?” in American Sign Language. Unix’s gauntlet made it difficult to twist her fingers in the right way but she hoped the small woman would get the idea.
  13. lstar_NA

    The Kudos Thread

    well this is more of a bump than naything else but it is a thank you dev's bump.
    so with out further delay
  14. steelemag wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    Constance looked back at Unix and gave a thumbs-up.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Unix looked at the defeated hellions once again none of them where able to talk. Unix was disappointed she had hoped to get some information from one of them but she was not fool hearty enough to try and rouse one of them. She checked to see if any of them had notebooks like the one she found maybe with some legible handwriting. All she found was more black and white photocopies of the collar. It seemed that every hellion had at least a photocopy of the collar. Unix was now pretty sure that this is what the hellions were looking for. The question now was why? Unix turned her attention to the dog.

    Unix walked up to the dog. “I am surprised all the books said they were pretty smart this one is really stupid. It tried to pick a fight with three hellions that were at least four times it’s size.” Unix said not making the connection between the barking and a warning. “It is young maybe it will get smarter as it gets older. If not it’s not going to last very long in Paragon City.” Unix knelt down and grabbed the dog’s paw. “It’s claws aren’t anywhere near as sharp as I thought they would be. But it does have a really cute face and eyes.” Unix knelt entranced by Sam’s big cute eyes. The sparkle of Sam’s name tag broke Unix’s trance she flipped open the hellion notepad and held it up to Sam’s collar. “I don’t think so the one in the picture doesn’t have the name tag attached to it and it a bit wider on the top than this one. Sam huh, No wonder you are so dumb your owner wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer either. He only put his first name on your tag? This city has a couple thousand people there must be at least a few hundred Sam’s. We should put it back in his cage if we can find it make sure it doesn’t get itself hurt.”

    Unix looked back at the hero that had finished off the two hellions. Unix wondered to her self who was she? Why was she here? Cocotte hadn’t said anything to her this whole time maybe he knew her, or maybe not? It bothered Unix that she had fought with them and hadn’t said one word yet. Unix figured she most likely had something to hide and wondered what it was. Unix figured that she must not be a hellion because she had attacked some of them, so she was either a hero or a villain waiting for the right time to strike. Either way Unix figured they were safe until they found the collar. Unix also figured she would ask for a name if she refused to give a name it would be a sign that she might be a villain. Most hero’s had some form of public name or pen name that they would give up willingly.

    Unix turned to the small hero and said “If you don’t mind me asking what is your name?”

    OCC: gezz talk about fast reply 3 minutes i got up to get a glass of water and thought my post got eatten cause some elses name was on the last post section of the thread. Nice SteeleMagnolia.
  15. steelemag wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    Constance nodded assent, willing to follow the Hero's lead. She had no idea what was going on and was probably the most inexperienced registered hero in the city. The laminate on her ID was practically still warm.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unix saw a small note pad lying on the floor it had the hellions logo on the front of it. Unix bent down and cleared a pack of half crushed cigarettes off of the notepad. Unix flipped thru it was the day-to-day ramblings of a hellion. One page in peculiar caught her attention; the photocopied picture of a dog collar was taped to the backside of on of the pages. Under the picture was some hydrographic chicken scratch that passed as some form of hellion handwriting.

    Unix struggled to make out the words as best she could.
    the boos neetd neckless, big ham no [s]radation radition[/s] (hum Looks like in violation of UBB standards the strikeout command does not work so [s] is strike out) no light or we tko.
    Lotz a props find it a lotz loot. !No open!
    (citizen_stu wrote)
    [ QUOTE ]
    The Hellions found themselves looking at a young Border Collie Dog that had just jumped out from around the corner. It kept its head low, barking and growling. It could not have been much more then 6 months old with white and black fur. Around its neck was a red collar with the name tag Sam.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unix’s thoughts were interrupted by a bark. “Canis lupus familiaris I have never seen one in real life” Unix announced as she looked up at the dog barking. Unix almost looked completely past the three hellions creeping up on them. Only the hellions one hundred and eighty degree turn toward the dog had given away their location to her.

    They soon had more to worry about then a dog as Unix formed a small dark disc and tossed it into the middle of the group of three hellions. It reached the middle of the three men and expanded into a large dark cylinder momentarily engulfed the hellions then quickly faded away. All three hellions were now walking around as if they were drunk and blind. Unix then raised her arm and launched a bright beam striking the center hellion in the head he fell immediately. The other two hellions stumbled around as…..

    EDIT monetarily -> momentarily
  16. SteeleMagnolia wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    Her unknown benefactor's help had made a difference. After several minutes, she stood shakily, spent, tendrils of hair dripping sweat, chest heaving, bruised but not broken. The same could not be said for her opponents.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    “Thank you Cototte” rolled from Unix’s mouth as she felt some of the intense pain vanish. Unix wiped her hair back away from her face and reflected.

    She couldn’t for the life of her figure out what the hellions wanted with this place. All she had to go on so far was some cryptic comment about a collar that might not even be related to these events. She also scolder herself for being a two bit moron. Calling out to an enemy boss while being hide in the shadows was just dumb. She thanked the almighty that she was still alive she knew that it had all been luck and had nothing to do with skill or strategy. On top of that she had left Cototte to fend for himself instead of following him. Unix was very displeased with herself but figured the past was the past and there was no point in crying over it.

    Unix carefully dropped down from the vent using only her right hand and arm. Around her lay the remains of the ambush that Unix had seen before. Standing above defeated hellions was a small woman. She bore a look of tired accomplishment and the underlying emotion on her face made it clear that she was responsible the masses of defeated hellions lining the floor. Unix was about to say hello to her but recalled what happened last time she uttered those words to a stranger and instead just nodded in awe.

    Unix looked around the room hoping to find one of the hellions still conscious but quickly realized that none were. “We should try to find out what they (hellions) were up to and we should try and do it quickly I don’t think we have much time before they come looking for what ever made all this noise.” Unix announced.
  17. Lstar wrote
    [ QUOTE ]
    She quickly decided she should warn who ever this was before they stumbled into the ambush wait only a few meters down the hall. “hello…………..?”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Unix saw fire blossom from the hands of the figure as she called out to him. The next sound that hit her ears was the sound of drywall and tin giving way to semi solid fireballs. Unix realized her mistake this figure was no hero it was a dammed. The dammed couldn’t see her but was now blindly blazing away at the vent. It was only a matter of time before one of his fireballs landed a hit. The first one hit Unix’s left gauntlet and exploded. The next one hit her right shoulder. The armor on her shoulder began to give melt under the intense heat. Her gauntlet seemed to just absorb the fire that engulfed it.

    “Oh bad” Unix said to herself seeing the gauntlet absorb the fire. Less than a second later a small rectangular square began to glow like a heating element on a toaster on Unix’s left fore arm. Unix struggled to find and unlock a small flush fitting lever on the forearm of her armor. A small flat glowing hot rectangle ejected from her armor. Unix grabbed the cell phone battery sized rectangle and threw it out of the vent. The rectangle hadn’t made it three meters before it exploded into thousands of small pieces. The concussion from the first explosion tossed Unix back against the other side of the vent. She found herself being drug along the vent like a rag doll behind a child running for an ice cream tuck. She could hear hundreds of smaller explosions as she tumbled thru the vent. She finally can to rest on the floor of the vent.

    Unix’s first reaction was to free herself from the left gauntlet that still had the glowing imprint of a rectangle on it. As she freed herself of the gauntlet the extent of her injuries became apparent to her. Her whole hand and fore arm were badly burned and bleeding. The top of her forearm bore a bright red rectangular burn. All the sudden the pain set in. Unix grimaced but resisted the urge to grab the badly burned arm. She could feel the tears begin to flow down her face even thou she was fighting them. She took comfort as she looked to her right thru the her now completely messed up hair and saw Cocotte just before he ….

    [ QUOTE ]
    He wasn't sure, but he didn't think that she had touched the bottom of the vent while doing that. have to get her to show me how she did that

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Years of rock climbing

    And for those that must know that rectangle was a powercell Unix is tech based hero. There is normally a feedback protection loop that prevents energy from flowing backwards into the cell but a encounter with freakshow (who want Unix for different reasons) damaged it on the way to this scene. So she bypassed it to restore usefulness to it. Normally this isn't a problem rarely is there enough energy in the outside environment to cause backward flow. Well fortunately Unix has two completely separate systems that work in parallel so Unix can still function she just can’t take the same strain she could if both systems were functioning.
  18. lstar_NA

    The Kudos Thread

    Yes thank you statesman for being a complete chump. Fifteen dollars a month for this great game? Statesman you sir are being ripped off by me on this point alone. Eight slots (twice that of EQ2) per sever are you kidding? O and get this statesman you give away huge content upgrades for free, yep that’s right for free! Surely you must be an incompetent [Censored]not notice that your company is doing this. No business man in his right mind gives anything away for free there is always a catch. A whole new AT for free? You flipping idiot seek help now sir!

    As if this wasn’t enough you went and wrote a whole page explaining the changes you made to a certain power set. I have never in my life seen a letter written to costumers by a high level executive of a large company. You sure have broken the rule of bureaucracy. Responding to customer questions? No self respecting company responds to questions that are not raised by some element of state or federal government. Telling the customers what you are changing? My insurance company won’t even tell me what they are changing regarding my own coverage! All and all you have clearly gone nuts.

    Cryptic staff working over the holidays? Maybe you are so gullible as to let CappaJoe and Gilgmesh con you into paying them countless gold bars a day for each holiday that they worked? To Quote The Princesses’ Bride “Inconceivable!” Only a true utter [Censored] would do such a thing, but then again you did give stuff away for FREE. Yes sir thank you for all the hard work. (SUCKER)

  19. lstar_NA


    [ QUOTE ]
    hey comon someone can atleast comment on this or is it so horrible no one will even read it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    No it’s not bad in the awful sense it just lack any plot development right now. I don’t know what to say. You haven’t told much of a story at this point. I suspect the lack of comments comes on the due to the lack of forward motion in the plot. At this point is a bit like stopping the movie right after the opening credits then asking for comments. Right now if forced to give a comment is would say you are a little heavy on the descriptions. But it really hard to tell much with what you have provided. Please post the next section of your story and I will be more than happy to give you a better critique.
  20. Yes there are such creatures in Paragon City Take heed these creatures are not to be dealt with lightly. Many a hero has meet his match whist fighting one of these monsters. I have fought a few personally and can tell you that they are indeed hard. I would not attempt it with out help from fellow heroes. If you wish to test your steel against these monsters dozens of them can be found in PI quite a bit to the north of the main island. I have included a picture of the easiest of these beasts I suggest you stick to fighting him for starters. Please take care Max Charge these monsters are very dangerous.
    picture archive # 22341245297

    -Best Wishes
    Ls Lilo
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    "Lilo, we have to stop this now, I can't read the Naazts minds because of their helmets,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lilo’s world came to a crashing halt as she heard these words. All the sound faded to quite. She stood on the edge of a raging battle but couldn’t hear a thing. She turned her head and looked at the hero (Lilac) standing beside her. The look of pure terror emerged from Lilo’s eyes as her mind made the realization that the hero standing next to her could read minds and that included hers’. Her mind exploded with thoughts, it seemed that every failure or tragic event that she had ever experienced rushed into her mind in an endless flow. Images of her dead family, fallen heroes, fallen citizens and people screaming in pain filled her mind. Lilo tried to push the thoughts from her head but as soon as she vanquished one thought another formed to replace it. Then one word broke the silence “help!” Lilo broke her trance. Her mind was still screaming in the background but now had re-gained purpose. She could not allow another memory to be added to the horrible vault the rested in her mind. Sound quickly returned to Lilo’s world.

    Lilo turned her head to look at the building where the cry had come from. “Leader, we need to find the leader. Something this big must have a leader find him and we will know what is going on.” She said with her head stilled turned toward the building, almost ignoring Lilac. Lilo then vaulted into flight Rolling upside down in a corkscrew motion to avoid a stream of bullets intended for her as she rocked toward the door.
  22. In a series of chapters has my vote. I can't wait to see what you have been brewing.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm a lvl 50 natural AR/DEV that has never taken a travel power and never will

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Your a better person than i am 5 stars for you.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    "Pardon, but why are you not...helping? It seems many individuals need assisence fleeing" she said confused.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    “I was wondering that myself. I was going to wait for Torrent but I think he is in the middle of casting some big end all spell.”

    Lilo looked down at the ragging battle. Lilo then saw a young hero break thru a second floor window and fall to the ground below. A Fifth Column solider then jumped out after him. The hero’s fall was uncontrolled as if he had been thrown out and his impact with the ground was not a pleasant sight. By comparison the column solider landed gracefully on both feet with only the characteristic knee bent jolt that is associated with any long distance jump. The hero was now grabbing his right arm and a look of utter agony crossed his face. All this did not go un-noticed by the Fifth Column solider. The solider smiled as he walked over to the stricken hero. In the back of his mind the solider knew he was dealing with a crippled hero and has was going to lavish every last moment of his death. “It’s not every day I get to kill a hero. Heck I might even get a promotion for wasting you.” The solider proudly proclaimed as placed his boot on the hero neck. He then raised his rifle to point right at the hero’s head.

    The bolt of light that left Lilo’s hand made no sound but it raced toward the soldier’s head. A smile crept across the soldier’s face as he removed the slack for the trigger on his rifle. Lilo’s bolt hit him side of the head it did not cause any immediate effect no blast backward or sudden jerk. The only thing that happened was the soldier’s expression turned balk and his eyes rolled backward. Milliseconds after being hit the solider began to collapse as if the life had been sucked right from him. His downward movement was more than enough to trigger the rifle to discharge. The recoil sent the soldier’s limp body spinning backwards as it connected with the ground. The bullet impacted just to the right of the hero’s head spraying dirt all over his face and body.

    “Far to close Lilo muttered.” Lilo took a second to look over the cloaked purple and pink hero that was now near her. “I can’t watch this anymore, I won’t be able to live with my self if one of these kids winds up dead. Join me if you will.” Lilo jetted down to the injured hero.

    “Thank you so much I don’t…” the injured hero began to say Lilo interrupted him by rising a finger up to her lips. “shhhhh” she whispered as she laid her hands on his face when she removed them the grimace of pain was gone from his face. His hand removed it’s death grip from his right arm. “Please take care I think that was meant for you” Lilo pointed at the hole in ground a few inches from the hero’s head.
    Welcome not a problem with me I get the idea that we are playing guardians here not sure yet. Lilo is a defender as opposed to and offender. Being level 50 fifth column poses little threat to her directly. She is also physic only in the sense that her attacks effect the nervous system (read brain) she can not read minds or feelings. Well look forward to seeing more posts from you all good job so far by the way.
  25. “Torrent! Long time no see” Ls Lilo flew up next to him. Lilo had know torrent since she had returned to Paragon city. Lilo’s expression quickly turned from one of bliss to one of dismay. “Hate to be short about this but is there some reason we are up here and not down there?” pointing the battle that was now raging.
    OCC: hello Ls lilo at your service sir.