Highlife Insurance wants YOU!
Ls lilo
Tech based hero,
<back story>
While away at college here family we kidnapped by vahzilok. After her family was taken from her she had a crisis moment and decided to change the direction of her life. Already being heavily involved with computers she worked feverishly, forsaking all other aspects of life and researched nano-computers. She solved many of the problems addressing there practical use. Her crowning achievement was the development of a distributed nano matrix human interface network (mouth full I know). This is a matrix of nano sized machines that functions off the commands given off by the human nervious system. While in theory this could do most anything it is limited by the energy it receives in lilos case the heat produced by the human body. She trained and programmed the matrix to heal by transferring a small amount of nano computers to an afflicted person the nano computes can re-build tissue but are limited in what they can do by two factors
1. available information (the wound must be able to be seen/felt or conceptualized and the nano computers can not take information after they are separated from lilo. Thus they can not act as permanent re-gen effect or heal sickness)
2. The energy available (after leaving lilos body they retain only the heat energy from her thus the amount of re-building they can do is limited.)
She had hoped to produce the matrix and distribute it thus making a major advance in medical technology. But she quickly found that she could not get the interface to adapt to anyone else but her. Un-deterred she embedded a massive matrix in to her body and retuned to Paragon city. She Found work as a hospital orderly but the real focus of this was access to injured people. She would sneak into rooms late at night and heal people. Soon she was caught doing this and she be came an un-official on-call healer for many of the doctors of paragon city. After seeming more and more horror inflicted on both the heroes and citizens of paragon city she decided to become a hero. A hero made to aid other heros in there work.
ls lilo is a high level (50) hero and has seen more than her fair share of crime fighting at all levels. Currently she is rather anti-social. She has a small group of friends who know little about her other than her services can always be obtained by a phone call. She rarely goes out and fights crime directly still sticking to her role of guardian angle. She is book smart but lacks all but the most basic from of street smarts. A wiz with anything electronic and a vast depository of facts and useful information relating to anything scientific. She has also become disillusioned realizing that nothing she can do will fix all of paragons problems. She now longs to make up for the other parts of life she forsaken. However she remains an active hero and this allows her little time to do anything else.
Travel power is flight this is done by accelerating polarized air across her skin to produce thrust, this however is very power intensive and can only be sustained for short periods of time (less than and hour think of this as running type of energy)
All her skin is pale white this is as a result of having the matrix embedded into her body.
The matrix now controls her body. Thus she has adjusted it to run at a much higher level than normal her resting heart rate is the same a running persons heart rate. All this makes much more heat for the matrix to feed off but also has its draw backs. She sleeps a lot to make up for the high level of bodily activity 10 hours a night is not uncommon she also must eat as much as she can in order to keep up this metabolism. On top of this her body has learned to operate at insane levels during times of stress (combat) if not careful she could instruct the matrix to absorb way more heat than her body can produce thus she could freeze her self to death.
She has also managed to throw small groups of highly charged nano-computers at a foes the nano computers attach and release a pulse that can interfere with nervous systems. This is not strong enough to effect machines.
If you do decide to use this hero please let me know I have a much deeper story to go with her middle days as a crime fighter this is only an overview.
I've got two character that I would be more than happy to for you to use. They are both English (given that I am) but are complete different from each other. I have lot more info on both of them that I have not put here. If you want anymore let me know and I can PM it to you.
Straight-Jacket (aka: Jack Stryker)
Mutant Controller
Jack was born in London, England. As a child he suffered from powerful headaches and blackouts. Medical records show that this started around age six. Doctors were unable to find a cure for the condition or why it was happening. However, several drugs were tried. Most had minimal effect.
Additional information obtained from school reports suggests that Jack's mutant abilities started to manifest themselves at age nine. He discovered he could project his pain onto others, thus relieving himself in the process. However, the ability was at first uncontrollable. The discovery of his mutant abilities (and the possible danger they posed to the other students) led to parents protesting to have him removed from the school. They were unsuccessful and Jack remained at the school where he was then bullied by the other children.
Over the course of the following year he secretly taught himself to control and focus his abilities. The relief he felt from using them still only had a short effect but he used them to get revenge on the children who had bullied him. He put one into a coma when things got out of hand. No one ever found out he was to blame for the event.
As he got older it would appear he decided the safest way to stay out of trouble (and possibly jail) was to use his powers to fight crime. However the years of headaches and anti-mutant bullying seem to have had a negative affect on him. Jack's actions as a hero are questionable. He is often rude and mocking to those he meets. He find it hard to let others close or express his true feelings. This does not necessarily mean he is really a bad person but if he is truly trust worthy is always questionable.
Recent surveillance shows that he is now attending Paragon University as a student in Dr Sanstads class. Having just moved to America four years ago he still has a very strong common English accent. He keeps his hero identity a secret but most people know about his mutant abilities. He currently lives in The Whitemoore building.
The med building at the university has been broken into and drugs stolen three times in the last year. The drugs that have been stolen turn out to be part of some of the more successful drugs that were used on Jack as a child. It is the belief of some that Jack is responsible for the break ins, however there is currently no proof to support this.
He also has some healing powers. However, in a reverse of his main power his healing powers course him pain and he is often very reluctant to use them. Questions have also recently been raised about Jack's metal state and a possible side effect of his mutant abilities which have allowed him to manifest hallucinations in physical form.
Illusion Control: Spectral Wounds, Blind, Flash, Group Invisibility, Phantom Army
Empathy: Healing Aura, Heal Other, Resurrect
Teleportation: Recall Friend, Teleport
Fitness: Swift, Health
Jacks first appearance in The TV interview RP
Jacks first appearance in The Whitemoore RP
Shadow Marshal (aka: Alex James West)
Magic Scrapper
For almost a year Paragon city was terrorized by a serial kill known simply as The Paragon Stalker. Victims were found in their homes murdered with no signs of a break in or any clues. However it appeared that the killer had taken souvenirs from each of the crime scenes. Other details of the Stalkers MO were never realized to the press. The police had no leads and were no where near finding the identity of the killer. Then suddenly after the 15th murder all activity by The Paragon Stalker stopped. Some believe he has moved on. Others believe he is dormant. Detective David Breaker is the man who has been charged to find out.
The 12th victim of the Paragon stalker was an student of Paragon University who had moved over from England a few months before, Alex J West. Unknown to anyone it was in fact Alex who stopped The Stalker and now goes by the name Shadow Marshal. After his murder Alex found himself some how linked to The Paragon Stalker as a ghost. He could not be seen, heard or effect the world around him in anyway. All he could was helplessly bare witness to the next two murders. No matter what he tried he could not stop them. Witnessing those horrible events affected him more then his own death ever could. He could also feel he was starting to fade away into nothing.
However Alex started to discover he was not as powerless as he thought. As a ghost he was starting to develop certain powers. Weak at first but slowly growing stronger until on the night The Paragon Stalker was to take his 16th victim Alex was able to posses his body and stop the murder. Alex discovered he was able to remain in control. The stalkers soul became repressed and trapped. With a new body Alex was anchored and stopped fading away. At first he thought about walking into a police station and playing the part, giving the confession they need to put The Stalker away. He also though about taking The Stalkers body and jumping in front of a train so he could never hurt anyone again. But Alex could not bring him self to do either and instead became the hero; Shadow Marshal.
He never told anyone about his real identity or the truth about The Stalker. He changed his name to Alex Webber and never told his family that he was still alive again (in away). However he has drawn interest from Detective Breaker who has started to suspect him (as Alex Webber not Shadow Marshal) for the murders.
Alex does not want to admit it to himself but he can feel The Paragon Stalkers sole fighting back for control and getting stronger. Alex also uncontrollable slips between the world of the living and world of the dead from time to time.
Alex never asked to become a super hero. It was something that was forced upon him but now he has these powers he wants to use them to do as much as he can so no one every has to go through or witness what happened to him. He is a kind and friendly person. When he is in a fight he is total focused and always puts the safty of others first but he is still socially awkward in some situations.
Alexs first appearance in The Whitemoore RP
This sounds neat. Count me in!
Dark Basilisk
In the 1980's, the growing prevalence of the drug Supes led to panic amongst the world governments. The ability for some addicts to gain super-heroic powers deeply concerned the leaders of capitalist governments. Seeing this as a potential chance for the USSR to get a one-up ons such nations as Canada, the United States, Mexico, France, Britain, West Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and Italy, these countries co-operated one massive effort to create their own minor superheroes.
This led to the formation of the "Noah Project". They assembled 3000 of their best military, police, and special service officials, and in co-operation with Crey Industries, developed the "Noah Treatment". This treatment fused together the DNA of two distinct creatures, granting the host creature various abilities such as enhanced strength, speed, dexterity, or resistances to the elements.
For 2 years, these soldiers operated as an elite strike team known as "Task Force Noah". However, a stabilizing agent in the treatment began to break down, leading all of the subects to begin a secondary mutation. For all but 1% of the subjects, this mutation proved fatal. For those who did not die, the mutation granted unexpected powers.
Not wanting to be associated with the deaths of so many people in an experiment as controversial as the Noah Project, the government and Crey all agreed that it would be best to simply release the remaining subjects to their own devices.
David Drake, originally from Calgary, Canada, was selected as subject #0238. His DNA was fused with that of a South American lizard known as a basilisk. The mutation which granted him his abilities to petrify enemies, breathe poisonous gases, and run at super speeds, also caused him to grow scales all over his body, and he has grown a reptilian tail. Blaming Crey for turning him into a "freak," David adopted the persona of the Dark Basilisk, and has vowed revenge against them.
David is very cynical, but is usually very personable with those he likes. He does not believe that simply arresting criminals is the solution to fight crime, but will not use lethal force unless he has no other choice. However, he has no compunctions about roughing up his enemies before sending them off. Particularly if those enemies are Crey operatives. He is a natural leader, but doesn't like the responsibility involved with leading, so he will leave the task to anyone else who chooses to step up.
My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money
Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?
I offer the services of Sibling and Gal O War to your story. The idea and what you have divulged thus far interests me, and if I can help by providing characters, content or back story, you are welcome.
All right, looks promising.
I've sent PMs to each of you, and I'm already able to see some pieces fit together.
I still need about five more heroes for the Highlife team itself, (yes, I do have high standards for that group, but there's a reason for it), and does anyone know if the name "Blue Bolt" is taken? It seems like it would be....
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
The Courageous Lord Raymond at your service!
Here are my stats and specs.
Name: Lord Raymond Wilkins, more commonly known as The Courageous Lord Raymond
Height:About 4 Feet Tall
AT: Stone Armor/Battle Axe Tanker (see my sig for a link to my powers and build)
Other Abilities:Flight and Teleport Friend
Backstory: Lord Raymond Wilkins was a member of the British Royal Family as well as being a high-ranking military official. One afternoon Lord Raymond was invited to a demonstration of new technology by Crey Industries. Not suspecting anything, Lord Raymond agreed to come to the demo as long as a deal could be made for military use of the technology. About half-way through the demo a "malfunction" occurred and a massive explosion killed all present, including several ranking officers in the military. Lord Raymond was assumed dead after not being found during the hours of rubble rummaging that ensued. But much to the surprise of the Royal Family, Lord Raymond appeared at Buckingham Palace later that night. The family was horrified at how Lord Raymond had been marred by the explosion. The explosion had had bizarre effects including shrinking him from his once proud 6 ft 7 inch stature to a miniscule 4 ft and also burning his face very badly. Other changes including giving the power to command the Earth beneath his feet as well as giving great strength and the power to fly. The Royal Family feared that if this news were to go public there family's history would go to shambles and instead chose to banish Lord Raymond from ever returning to England under the name Lord Raymond Wilkins. Raymond, who was too proud of his heritage, refused to live under another name and fled to America still under his true name, and wearing a mask to hide his horribly burnt face. Lord Raymond decided then that clearly this malfunction was intentional, seeing as how there were so many influential people present, and began his search for those who were responsible. At the same time he also felt that by becoming a hero in America he would be welcomed home by his family again. This search led him to Paragon City, City of Heroes, and home to Crey Industries. Lord Raymond has to fight through many trials to get to the point where he would have access to Crey Industries and all of his victories soon gained him the title The Courageous Lord Raymond. The Courageous Lord Raymond helped in the defeat of Dr. Vahzilok on several occasions as well as defeating all other villain groups that could have possibly had something to do with the "accident."
Motives:Find Proof of Crey's Responsiblity for his near death and the death of hundreds of other innocent Brits. And to get his Family to respect him again. He will fight anyone to accomplish these goals.
Feel Free To Check my Crey Report from my sig for pictures and other information on Lord Raymond.
Hope you can find a way to use me.
(Edited for grammar and punctuation)
Me, too...
Good gravy, Crey must be a lot more hated than I initially thought, based on this incredibly accurate cross-section (kidding) of the player population.
It is a trifle inconvenient that people are so against it, however.... But I'll make do.
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
I think that the reason Crey is so often used is because they are known right from the beginning. Whereas you don't even hear about some groups until late in the game. That and Crey is a good villain group for Tech, Mutant, and Science people because they can be used for any storyline with any of them.
Also the Crey Industries Website helps contribute by making a threat database from Crey's point of view.
You have a point, good sir.
It's just that Crey and the Countess are insured, in part, by Highlife, and having a bunch of vengance-bent vs. Crey Heroes on a team dispatched to recover stolen goods and prevent other losses is a bad idea, in my mind.
So you can see my difficulty; trying to get someone to sign forms while the screams of their coworkers linger in the air is not great from a business standpoint.
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
You got my attention.
See desmodas
You also have a good point. I am sure there is a logical way around it.
I've got one that you can use. I'm interesting to see what ya' cook up.
Blood-Raven Formerly Blue Jay.
Magic Controller.
Zoe Tak was made, not born, in another dimension eighty odd years ago, beneath a still fully functional reactor that is now the site of 'Crey's Folly'. Number 296 amongst 522 "Sisters" that were nearly identical, Zoe was made as a grunt, a defender for her 'Alchemist'. She was a Golem.
Not truly strong, she was a strategic captain of her unit, and was more of a book worm, learning all she could about the surface, namely passed famous battles for strategy. Feeding off children's souls and devouring heroes.
It was the Back Alley Brawler of her dimension that put a stop to that, defeating her (quite easily) and her brethren with the help of a few other heroes, they took her to see if she would say anything about the god they planned to awaken or if there were more like her, it was then that Azura noticed she seemed to act more robotic then magical, and read that in the fight, something 'broke' and Zoe was now with conscience, something she lacked before.
Taking it on herself to begin to slowly teach Zoe the very meaning of conscience, Zoe begun to grow into a rather normal teenager (She aged barely mentally and doesn't age physically).
Even though she knew her pass deeds, she has never whined or felt sorrow for them. They were her way of eating and she could not help what she was 'programmed' to do.
It was recently (After getting Security level 50) that a friend, and deity, Hermod Imy-ut (Psychopomp), exchanged her starving body for a fresh new one.
She had stopped eating the way she did when she entered the realm, her body had been wasting away for the 'better good'. Her new body is more like the greek Daemons or Titan in battle skills. Even though she is at her peek in strength, she has dropped all thoughts of becoming strong and instead, has begun going to highschool and is turning into quite the normal, sub-average teenage slacker.
Physical Age: 17
Real Age: 84
Knowledge rating:
Strategies - Genius
Everything else - C minus sub-average human teenager.
Archtype: Fire Control/Force Fields
Her fire was once Unholy, black and red, devilish. It seethed with evil untainted. But because of her new body and gifted freedom, it is now bright red holy flames. It comes from deep within her body, and circulates her inhuman system, she simply calls it 'inner fire'.
The force fields are made via magic spells that she is proud to say are her best abilities. They don't stop, they deflect outward ( +Def, not +Res.. Hehe).
Travel abilities: Super Speed ( Rarely used unless late for something)
The Super Speed was actually at first a mistake made by a cousin who was playing the character at the time and picked the wrong skill, but it seemed to stick for some reason. It was a spell gone wrong that sped up her body reflexes. Now it is simply the ability of her Titaness Body.
Hover (Might I add, six slotted, so she has impressive air control), Flight, Group Flight.
Her hovering ability is a natural spell that is ingraved into her, but her flight is different. Her flyign ability is really more like gliding mixed with jumping. She leaps into the air and takes hold of the wind current with invisible forcefields and uses it to glide about like bat wings, curling them into cups to catch the air when needing a rise.
Personality: Very rational to the point of not caring about others. If there is a choice given, she won't hesitate from picking the choice with the highest chance of success, even if it causes another persons pain and/or death.
Easily angered, but she's the hero that, when she is enjoying herself, will toss in a taunt, catchphrase, joke here and there.
She's a high security level hero (50), and is also owner of the Omega Clearance Badge (Souvie for Rikti Story Arc) which gives her some freedom with the government. She's worked with a few from government agencies as well (Anthem X, Capt. Valor, Dwarf Star.) and of course picked up secrets on the way.
She doesn't have a real hatred for any villain group. Ever since she started going to highschool, she has been behaving very much like a slacker. She doesn't wear her costume anymore, just baggy pants, sneakers, and a shirt. (Sometimes overralls or a unbuttoned shirt over another shirt.)
She summons Imps made of her own inner fire by blowing toward the ground in a flame thrower fashion with her right hand curved near her chin.
Her Force Bubble has nice glowing runes in it. (I normally do the Yoga pose when I use it, to show concentration.)'
Thats about it. Oh!
Past Groups:
Strategic Captain of Guardian Force and Guardian League
Co-Leader of the Circle
Now soloing-it/slightly-retired to highschool.
Just read that Countess Crey is one of your insured clients. If the story involves assisting or protecting Crey, Sibling would not participate and Gal would never cross Sibling knowingly. Sorry.
Yes, I gathered that.
I'm going to be quiet for the rest of the day, but I'll say this:
Crey is involved in the story, but this story is not about assisting Crey. It's about community, distrust, and protecting that which you hold most dear.
I will be reading through all the characters submitted, but today is the last day I can chat in depth until I've the following done:
1. Class projects
2. Finals
3. Professor's Projects
4. Getting letters of reccomendation for grad school/whatever
5. Applying to various departments by January 3rd...
6. Collapsing in an exhausted heap and coming up ready to be creative.
Long story short, I'm probably insane to begin drumming up interest in this tale when I've got so much on my plate, but It's just whenever inspiration strikes, I have to write it down or it won't leave me alone.
I'd appreciate if people keep submitting characters, and I will get back to each of you by PM when I have the time.
Current Status:
There's already 8 pages (12 pt, single-spaced) setting up the storyline, but I'm not happy with it yet...
One major character (hero) introduced, relevance to storyline established. Currently lacks luster and polish by design, intended to develop through storyline. Motivations established; Only one major issue unresolved, but CoH playstyle provides legitimate means to explain.
Major character (villain) introduced, motives known but unwritten, background established (unwritten), highly memorable, very, very evil.
Abalest family story: Tangential, but was designed for easy adaptability to entire CoH lore; Ls Lilo fits in with this storyline perfectly.
Plot is mostly complete, pending further character submissions, analysis, and role fitting. All contingencies and explanations fully integrated without obvious plotholes.
And that's where it currently stands; I'm going to run silent now. Wish me luck... I'll need it.
I'm still accepting submissions by post and PM.
Oh. And if anyone has fire tankers/blasters/AR blasters... Those would be quite helpful.
Sorry about leaving you all in the lurch while I sort out my RL future, I'd much rather be writing this than my Statement of purpose and the final reports... Kay Sera, Sera.
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
Tick-Tok Former Clockwork
electricity/device Blaster
Tick-Tok is basicly a clockwork minion with the mind of a 13 year old child. This is due to an accident in his fathers lab 20 years ago.
Travel Powers:
Hover, Flight, Group Flight
Only uses them when super jump cannot get the job done.
Combat Jump, Super Jump
Tick-Tok's main way of getting around. Declared fastest super jumper during the Infinity Olympics.
Knowledge rating:
Tactical: Genius
Everything else: Genius
What would you be doing during ten years of planning revenge?
Kind, Funny, but tough. Will become feroucious under the right circumstances.
Security Level: 32
Has the Freedom Phalanx Rexerve Accolade, thus giving him access to most areas beyond his limit.
Recently got Thunderous Blast, so he tries and uses it often, but it leaves him drained.
Okay, most all of my schoolwork is done, and I'll get down to writing.
Fortunately, my roommate (who played on my account when I first got it) created any number of alts because he loved creating characters, and gave me full control over them.
I'm still accepting entries, and I've got a question:
How should I release this? In a series of chapters to a single thread, or all at once?
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
I see that some of my fellow Whitmoore RP'ers have responded. Very well, I shall join them!
I offer to you my two characters: Steele Magnolia and Simon-Says. I'll put the bare bones of their background here, but you can read my posts in the Whitmoore thread for a better feel. (Sorry, I'm just not up to typing about 10,000 words for this.)
Steele Magnolia (Helen Markov) AR/Dev Blaster: 5'7" 130 lbs, shoulder length auburn hair, green eyes, 32 yrs.
Costume: Dark green metal armor, white and green utility belt to hold gadgets, white and green cape with celtic cross, and a really big gun with lots of attachments.
Powers: the usual slug, burst, buckshot, grenade, web grenade, caltrops, flame thrower, ignite, targetting drone, beanbag, snipe, and trip mine. Movement power is jumping.
Background: Helen was a former street kid who was adopted into a good home. Mom was the police officer who arrested her, Dad owned a small electronics development firm. She was a gifted student and made up for lost time, graduating college at 19 with the goal to go on to medical school. Between college and med school, she had an gymnastics accident and broke her back, rendering her paraplegic. She eventually went on to medical school, then back to college for further studies, then to work for her father and doing volunteer probono medicine on a part-time basis. At 30, she created a new metal alloy, jadenium, and caught the attention of Crey who attempted to take control of her father's company. Her parents then died under suspicious circumstances (I haven't decided what yet). Helen suspected Crey was involved, but there is no proof. She retained control of the metal's patent, but bankrupted the company fighting in court. Since her parent's death, she has continued her research and development, creating the powered armor and weapons she now uses as Steele Magnolia.
Personality Notes: Recently she moved into the Whitmoore and has become good friends with Sol_Ar, in whom she has a romantic interest (so don't have her involved with someone else). She would happily assist in protecting Paragon. She is highly moral, thoughtful, deliberate, and when she speaks her language is precise and polite. If any of the team is injured, she will probably opt out of combat to treat them if possible.
Simon-Says (Simone St Croix) Mind Control/Kinetics Controller: 5'9" 110 lbs, black hair, blue eyes, 17 yrs.
Costume: Black and purple leather body suit in a psychadelic swirl pattern, twin pony tails, goth makeup over eyes, silver Eye of Horus dangle earrings.
Powers: Mass Hypnosis, Mass Dominate, Hypnosis, Confuse, Dominate, Siphon Power, Transfusion. Movement is teleportation (friend, foe, self) and Hover.
Background: Simon grew up in Paris, the daughter of an American businessman and his French wife. Her powers developed early and gradually. By the time she was 4, she was diagnosed as mentally ill due to her emotional instability and periodic catatonic and delusional fugues. By 10, she began to hear voices in her head. At 14, her parents died in an automobile accident, and she attempted suicide, and was confined to a sanitarium while the authories sought her next of kin, Uncle Max Croninger, a senior Crey officer in Paragon City. Max took custody and brought her to America. He realizes that she is a mutant and has been trying to protect her, shielding her secret. She has never registered with Paragon City.
Personality: Simone cannot "turn off" her telepathy, she hears and sees the thoughts and images of those around her, stronger emotions and close proximity can be painful. As a result, she is a mixture of jaded sophistication and innocence. She has never been to school, rarely leaves home, and spends most of her time on the internet. She recently met Straight-Jacket (Jack Stryker) and fell head over heels for him upon first sight when she realized that he "didn't hurt her head" - as a powerful psi, he doesn't "leak" like others. Simon can be altruistic, and would help others she saw in need, but doesn't feel the same level of responsibility as other heroes. But if Jack's involved, Simon will be happy to go too.
Any questions, PM me.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
More Crey hatred? Ooh, this is going to be quite amusing, in a good way. I'm glad I've kept relatively quiet about the story; and it gives me a new idea for the plotline...
Yes, I can use both Simon-Says and Steele Magnolia, particularly if they have an existing connection to other characters.
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
Okay, most all of my schoolwork is done, and I'll get down to writing.
Fortunately, my roommate (who played on my account when I first got it) created any number of alts because he loved creating characters, and gave me full control over them.
I'm still accepting entries, and I've got a question:
How should I release this? In a series of chapters to a single thread, or all at once?
[/ QUOTE ]
Do it in Chapters because that way you will keep the readers in suspense.
Seeing how some of my fellow Whitmoore neighbors are in on this, I figured I would join in on the fun as well!
Real Name: David Clemmons
Occupation: Professor of Criminal Psychology at Paragon City University
AT: Invul/Super Strength Tank
Background: David Clemmons was the stereotypical nerd throughout his school years. He was skinny, unathletic, and always had his nose in a book. His studious habits assisted him in completing a Master's Degree in Abnormal Psych, specializing in the Criminal Mindset. A native of Paragon City, David naturally applied for a job at the University and was pleasantly surprised when they hired him. He has worked his way up to full professorship, teaching mostly criminal justice courses and abnormal psych classes focusing on the criminal mind.
During the Rikti War, David did what most other powerless citizens of the city did: He tried to stay out of the heroes' ways as they fought the threat. He longed to help out, but he was sure that his limited field of knowledge and lack of physical ability would be of no use to anyone besides his students. But, being a civic minded individual, he still volunteered his time to assisting in charity functions and supporting the local heroes of the city whenever he could. His particular 'politics' towards metas didn't make him popular with his boss, the Dean of the criminology department who made no secret about resenting metas and 'heroes', but David didn't care. He felt they did important and selfless work, and should be applauded for their efforts, not resented for their abilities.
The Dean's stiff nosed attitudes towards David changed from indifference to almost blatant hostility when the most important even in David's life occurred: He became a hero himself. David's absentmindedness actually led to the events that resulted in him living out a childhood dream:
He had been walking home from teaching late one May evening, enjoying the sunshine caressing his face as he went through the familiar neighborhoods. When he passed through one old back lot that he had traversed hundreds of times before, he noticed the sunlight glint off something in the ground across the way. Curious, David approached the object, noticing a piece of metal stuck in the dirt at his feet. Kneeling down, David had cleared off the dust as best he could, and noticed strange markings on the object. The more he rubbed, the more he uncovered, until it became apparent that the object in questions was some sort of missile left over from the clashes during the Rikti War. Excitement coursed through David, and he let his fingers reach under the missile, attempting to pry it up from the dirt that held it...and that is when his life changed forever.
What David had no way of knowing was that the weapon in question was an experimental Rikti Radiation Bomb. It was designed to destroy any organic matter its light touched upon detonation, but it never had a chance to reach its intended target. While streaking across the sky, it had been knocked off course by one of Paragon City's heroes, her radiation beam striking the bomb and scrambling its internal machinery and programming. The bomb had crashed 'harmlessly' into the old lot David had discovered it in, buried and waiting for someone to find it...and David had activated it by touching it.
A flash of light had soundlessly exploded out of the bomb blinding David and lighting up the sky. The silent explosion was bright enough to temporarily over power the sun, and draw the attention of the nearby residents. When they arrived, they found David unconscious and the object he had been touching a melted slag stuck in the ground.
They had immediately called for medical aid, and David was rushed to the hospital. Doctors were baffled by some of the readings they were getting off of his body, they were unable to make heads or tails of his vital signs. His body seemed to be expending tremendous amounts of energy, but his heart rate remained steady throughout the entire process. They also noticed that after the first few hours, David seemed...taller, and slightly more filled out.
They couldn't find any way to halt the progress of whatever was happening to him, or to wake him up. David remained unconscious for two whole days while his skeletal and muscular system underwent radical alterations. When he finally woke up, he was more shocked than anyone else to discover the differences in him:
He now stood slightly over seven feet tall, and weighed over 400 lbs of solid muscle! He was grateful that the process had left him with the normal proportions of a man, so he simply looked like someone who had spent their entire life in a gym...lifting freight trains for exercise.
Further tests proved that even stranger changes had taken place on a basic cellular level within David's body. The Rikti weapon had, instead of emitting light and destroying his organic matter, reprogrammed his DNA and cell structure to absorb light and other energy wavelengths to turn them into energy for his body to use. Some benefits of this change were immediately apparent: David now found himself to be super strong and almost entirely impervious to pain or injury.
Although concerned with the changes to himself, he knew he had to use these new found abilities to aid his fellow citizen. Donning a costume, David decided on the hero name of Sol-Ar, dedicated to the fact he could absorb solar radiation to power himself, and set out to help Paragon City. Over the course of his career, David's abilities have strengthened and several new powers have cropped up. It seems that with more and more energy being absorbed into his being, his body channels that excess energy to new and varied abilities.
He still teaches over at Paragon City University, but has now become the pet project of his boss, the Dean, who is looking for any excuse to fire him. As his exploits have become better know however, his class attendance has exploded, making him one of the more popular professors on campus. As an added bonus, he can now include personal examples of the criminal mind at work for his students based upon the cases he has handled.
In recent times David has moved into The Whitmoore Apartment Complex, to be closer to other heroes and find some security in his 'home'. He feels the work he does at the University with young people is as important if not more so than what he does in his tights, and continues to teach enthusiastically. He has also become romantically involved with another Whitmoore resident, his neighbor Helen who is also known as the hero Steel Magnolia.
As a hero already in his forties of Security Levels, David has access to a massive amount of money and acclaim. He has also managed to reach the cap on all his resistances and defenses, making him the embodiment of the word 'Tank'.
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 425 lbs of muscle
Hair: Short, black, combed to one side
Eyes: Brown (Wears glasses when in civilian clothes, although he doesn't need them anymore. Had them switched to plate glass, no longer a prescription)
Costume: Upper body is blue tights with white stripes going down the insides of his arms and along his rib cage to his belt. His chest sports a red starburst symbol outlined in yellow. His belt is a plain white metal belt with a yellow buckle. His lower body has white briefs over blue tights that fit into folded over 'swashbuckler' type boots. He wears white gloves of the same design, folded over at the tops in 'swashbuckler' fashion. The entire uniform is completed with a red ankle length cape that is secured in front of his chest with a golden brooch.
Personality: David is a realist, knowing he can't save everyone all the time. That being said, he has still dedicated himself to assisting anyone who needs his help in the city. One of the last living examples of chivalry, David acts the proper gentleman most of the time. The only time his behavior changes is when he sees a crime committed against an innocent, and he can do nothing to prevent it. Then an internal rage consumes him, making him see red and lash out at the villain who is committing the crime.
David has also realized that he is more resistant to damage than many of his fellow heroes, and selflessly volunteers to go in first in any combat situation. He would rather see himself injured than watch as a team mate or fellow hero takes a blow he himself could have accepted.
Invulnerability Set:
Resist Physical Damage
Temp Invul
Dull Pain
Resist Elements
Resist Energies
Tough Hide
Super Strength:
KO Blow
Foot Stomp
Power Pools:
Fitness Pool:
Flight Pool:
Speed Pool:
Super Speed
All of his abilities in Invul have been capped out, while he uses his Unstoppable, Hasten, Rage, and Dull Pain to stay in the fight with damage and accuracy.
His Flight speed has also reached its max, and he moves at Super Speed quickly enough to disappear from normal human perception. He has Whirlwind just as a means of getting into and out of costume, although in tight situations he uses it to call attention to himself from villains, thereby removing other heroes from the enemy's focus.
In Fitness, Health and Stamina have also been capped out, letting him stay in the fight plugging away longer than he otherwise would be able to and quickly recovering from any wounds that might get inflicted.
Here is a link to my charecter concept:
Fell free to use him (with the stipulations you proposed...) if you need any other info go ahead and PM me.
also check out my Crey profile
edit: oh sorry Stone/Stone Mutant Tanker Super Jumper
In a series of chapters has my vote. I can't wait to see what you have been brewing.
I should be able to focus on writing the story, as opposed to thinking about it, very soon. I won't make a promise, but let's say you should be able to expect something by friday next week.
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Okay, here's the deal.
I'm writing a story that requires a lot of various heros fighting valiantly against seemingly impossible odds. Most or all of the highest level Heros and the Freedom Phalanx will be unable to act in the crisis I've got planned, conveniently lifting the onus of correct representation from my shoulders. However, I'm only familiar with a few AT's, and I'm not thrilled at the amount of creativity I'd need to exhibit to come up with that many backstories, motives, powersets, and so on.
So, I'd like the help of any party interested in getting his or her name written into this, by either posting or PMing the character name, backstory/general attitude, powersets (builds too, if you wish), preferred mode of travel (this can include vehicles...) and anything else (Like supergroups) that is deemed appropriate to developing the character.
Up to three characters can be submitted by each interested party, and I'll need at least 12.
The crisis, as far as I'm willing to reveal publicly, is such that the major fighting is opened with precision strikes against what allows Paragon's hero population to function.
And it only gets worse as the city is systematically crippled.
CuppaJo has expressed an interest in this story based on the limited information I gave her (I was concerned that one plotpoint was too graphic, and she agreed...) and wants to see it when I finish.
In order to prevent contention and "My character wouldn't do that!" syndrome, All parts mentioning/involving your character will be PMed to you in advance for critique and conversation about how we could change the story to better represent the submitted character. I fully respect the sancticity of the heroes a player creates, and will not make the characters behave in a way out of line with their ideals.
But then again... This fight may result in some unexpected truces and bedfellows...
As for when this story will be finished: No idea. I am busy with real life matters currently, but once I get to christmas break and after new year's, I'll make completion of the story a top priority, and release sections as they are finished to my satisfaction.
Thanks in advance, and hope to see you on the Highlife Insurance Company (Paragon Branch) team!
Eric Unterwald
-The Claims Adjuster
(Should no interest in this venture occur, I will still write the story, but I'm sure it will suffer as I agonize about each character.)
My Motto: "Debt is merely another Goal."
"Wow Abalest--you manage to start a discussion even when you ain't given a topic" -Ghostman
Abalests on Infinity:
Miss Fulcrum
Dark Soul Golem
Power Drain