Rescuing the rescuers




((I am very (read have none) inexperienced in RPing in a forum, but would like to give it a shot. Please be gentle and, if you see something that I should change or do differently, please don't hesitate to let me know. I won't cry too much. Thanks))

Honey, I'm home!!" he yelled as he opened the door to his apartment.

"Did you get a girlfriend while I was on vacation Marcel??" asked the lady with the apartment across from him.

"No Mrs Field, I didn't", he replied, pausing before entering the apartment, "Although you know what they say about the power of positive thinking, maybe if I say it enough often enough, I will end up with one" he said with a self-mocking smile.

"2 months in Paragon City and you still haven't left your apartment except to go to work. Not healthy for a man your age. My grand-daughter, Shirley, might be able to help with some companionship, if you are looking for something."

"Um, your granddaughter, that would be kinda wierd", he interjected.

Ignoring the interruption, Mrs Fields continued over the objections. "Could even arrange for something tonight if you aren't too picky. Are you interested? Of course, you are, strong young man like you. Come with me."

With a strained look on his face, Marcel allowed himself to be pulled down the stairs by the 85 year old grandmother who was doing a very good job of ignoring his objections.

"But...Hold on...Just a second...I'm busy..Wait a minute..."

"Get in the car, and be quiet, or the next time I bake some cookies, you aren't getting any," she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Yes ma'am", he sighed, his 6 ft tall, 200 lb frame radiating disappointment as he folded into the sub compact car.

Driving, Mrs Fields kept up her chatter, every sentence causing Marcel to look more and more depressed.

"She has quite a wide selection. Big ones, little ones. Fast ones, strong ones, skinny ones, chubby ones. Some of them have even been through numerous training programs"

"Training programs??" he choked out.

"In fact, she got some real young ones in last week, and they are just about ready to be chosen. I bet that's what you would liek, wouldn't you?? A young one that you can train just the way that you want."

"STOP IT!! I don't know what kind of guy you think I am Mrs Fields, but I am not sure that I want what you are offering me" he yelled, agitation quite evident on his face in the glow from the neon sign on the side of the building they had stopped in front of. Not looking up, he whispered, "please take me home".

"Well, it's too late now, we are here, the least you can do is come inside and take a look. You never know, some of them are very cute."

Looking up at the sign with a look of revulsion on his face, he did a double take and got a very embarrassed look on his face.

<<Paragon City Canine Rescue>>

((You are all a bunch of perverts. Every one of you!!))

With a note of contrition in his voice, he started to apologize to Mrs Fields.

"I am really sorry Mrs Fields. Umm, you see. When you were talking about what your granddaughter did and could offer, I had a whole other thing in mind. I am really sorry"

Mrs Fields paused halfway out the door as he started speaking. Once he finished, her shoulders started shaking.

"I am sooo sorry Mrs. Fields, really, please don't tell your...Are you laughing!!! You knew all along I had the wrong idea didn't you!!"

"I am sooo sorry Marcel, it was too precious an opportunity to pass up. Will you forgive this evil old lady??"

"For a double batch of your chocolate chip cookies, I will consider it. Now lets go see these dogs your granddaughter has."

Getting out of the car, he walked around the car and helped Mrs Fields up the stairs and around the corner to the entrance of the building.

They paused as they saw the front door ajar, hanging off of one of it's hinges. An orange flickering glow was reflecting off the glass, and laughing could be heard coming from inside.

"Ohhh Marcel, we had better call the police. This doesn't look right."

Reaching the car, he gave her his cellphone and started back towards the building, saying over his shoulder. "Take this cellphone and dial speed-dial one. Tell the receptionist that the location is the Paragon City Canine Rescue Building, it is code Bravo, and that Cocotte is requesting backup."

Continuing towards the building, a dark cloud envelopped him as he walked up the stairs.



((You are all a bunch of perverts. Every one of you!!))

(And so are you for setting us up like that.)



OOC: For not having much experience at RPing, you're doing just fine writing. Post more! Your fans await!

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



OOC: For not having much experience at RPing, you're doing just fine writing. Post more! Your fans await!

[/ QUOTE ]

((Thanks. I will try to keep writing, and if anyone else wants to join in and play, feel free to do so. Drop me a PM and we can discuss where it (the story) feels like it should go.

As for me being a pervert...Well duhhh, I am a male. ))



((I have a lot of stuff in the air IRL, so forgive me if this takes time. I also have no clue where this is going, so bear with me.

As I mentioned before, anyone else that feels like playing along, feel free to join me. I know I would like to keep it at lower levels (14 and below) simply because that is what I have played up to...

Here is a short dose to keep you happy.))

Rescuing the Rescuers, Part 2

As she closed her car door Mrs Fields watched the inky cloud evaporate as Marcel turned the corner. His bearing had changed as he walked up the stairs. No longer loose and relaxed, a tension filled his body and his gait transformed from any easy walk to a purpose-filled glide. Sitting in her car, she locked the door and tried to dial the phone.

"Damn these cell phones, I can never figure them out" she cried in frustration as she stared urgently at the buttons.

After several minutes of frustration, she finally manages to dial out, putting the phone to her ear aas she waits for someone to pick up.

"Come-on, come on. Someone answer this darned phone."

With a click, she hears the phone pick up and and bored sounding voice answers the phone.

"Jacque's Handyman Services, no call is too small. How may we help you."

"Oh, I am sorry, I think I got the wrong number. You can't help." she says with a hint of desperation and panic.

"Help with what ma'am. We have very many experienced contractors on call."

"I don't know what is wrong, I was told to dial this number and tell you code Bravo-"

At that word, the demeanor of the secretary changed in an instant. If MRs fields had been able to see to the office where the phone was answered, she would have seen a rush of organised chaos as the receptionist turned on monitors and activated beacons. Metal grates slid down quietly over the windows and quickly locked shut with an ominous KA-CHUNK. The receptionist replaced the handet that she had been using with a headset and quickly opened a window on her computer.

"Calm down ma'am, I will have contractors at your location as soon as we can. Where is the problem located."

"The Paragon City Canine Rescue building."

"And who told you to call ma'am"

"Marcel, the young man who lives across from me, he said to say that Coconut was requesting back-up" she cried with an edge of hysteria entering her voice.

"Coconut, we don't have anyon...Did he say Coconut, or Cocotte?"

"Cocotte, yes, that is it!! Please hurry!!" This last came out as a scream as Mrs Fields heard a loud whoosh and saw a cloud of darkness leaking through the windows.

"Yes ma'am. We will get someone there as fast as possible. I am going to hang up on you now, but you need to do something. Get away from the building, and please keep the cell phone with you. If you see anything else. Anything else at all, call back and let me know. If the phone rings, answer it, I may have information for you. <click>"

With the click, the once sedate secretary moved quickly. Typing rapidly, she brought up a window which showed Cocotte's vital signs and enabled her to communicate with him.

"Mother Hen to Cocotte, Code Bravo received, backup on the way. Be careful, an increase in Hellions activity has been reported in the area surrounding your location." The acknowledging click relieved a bit of her tension and she focussed on calling up the profiles of the on-call members, deciding who to call.

With a quick mental review of the information she had on the happenings in the area around PCCR, she quickly determined who would be required. Opening another window on her computer, she entered the GPS co-ordinates along with the street asdress and name of the building, and sent it out over the communications network.



(OOC: Is it possible for a young hero who happened to be coming by to adopt a pet to join in?)

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



((Come-on down!!!))



As Experiment got across town with the location of a Hellion disturbance, his legs got tired. "I need to improve Super jump." he said quietly, then saw a woman at a car with a cell phone. "Excuse me Mam, but do you know who might be in danger here? I was told this is a dog rescue building, but who might be inside... except dogs?"



From Prodiguy
..., but who might be inside... except dogs?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Mrs fields jumped away from the window with a muffled shout as she heard a tap on the window. She had been so focussed on the cell phone, willing it to ring with some information, she hadn't seen the figure in the cape and red armor walk up to her window. She stared at him, not really sure what was going on.

"Who's in there ma'am? I need to know."

"My neighbour, Marcel. The lady on the phone called him Cocottus."

Just then, there was a series of rapid cracks followed by the sound of glass hitting the ground.

"Ma'am, you had better get around the corner out of sight. Do you know if anyone else is in there??Staff, customers, anyone??"

"No, we had just gotten here and we saw the door ripped off the hinges. He sent me back to the car and gave me this cell phone, then he went back in. You have to help him!!"



MarsBar wrote
...Opening another window on her computer, she entered the GPS co-ordinates along with the street asdress and name of the building, and sent it out over the communications network.

[/ QUOTE ]

Around the city, pagers and cell phones went off, summoning heroes to the PCCR building.

((this is an opening for a couple of more people to jump in if you feel like it. Maybe 2 or three more, to make a group size of about 5 or 6 people in total. Anyone interested in joining, drop a message in here if you don't have a chance to get something on the wire))



"Thanks... wait, ripped off its hinges? That could mean three things... The hellions have more weapons, they have those Damned, or they are fighting Trolls..." Experiment said, and jumped in the air, and onto the roof, his cape blowing in the wind. He started looking for a skylight... then he saw it. He slashed it with a spine he just grew, and jumped in. After landing on the top floor, he rolled to a barrel, and put away his spines. He decided stealth would be good here, so he activated his color changer. His armor turned black, the scarf around his mout, black also, his boots and gloves, back, he covered his hair with the rest of his mask, turned his goggles to nightvision, and turned his cape to silk. He grew a spine and aimed it at the light. He could hear people, but he didn't want to be seen. He thinned the spine, and shot it at the bulb... it was dead on. The light went out, and everything was green and black. He came up behind who he thought was the leader of the little group, and hit him on the back of the neck, knocking him out. He could not see who they were, but these guys felt human, and he had heard of the increase in hellions. Then, a light flashed on, showing a damned... and another, and another, and the light was emnating from the flames of the other 3... and then there was a flash of fire, as he was knocked down, then kicked, then punched, then set on fire, then thrown into a wall, and then through the ground.



((When people post, could you include the last line of the message that you are replying to as well as who wrote it?? Might help keep things clearer.))

MarsBar wrote
...Continuing towards the building, a dark cloud envelopped him as he walked up the stairs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Summoning the darkness that was always whispering to him, Marcel hid himself. He was not quite sure how it worked, but even though he was in plain sight, people seemed to look right by him when he did this. Breathing a bit easier, he rounded the corner and pulled off his sweater, revealing the outfit he always wore underneath. A quick flick of the wrist dropped gloves and a bob of the head allowed him to pull the mask up over his face. With the mask securely in place, he felt a whole different personality come to the fore. Cocotte, a spirit that had been with him since, well, forever, and used his body to work off a debt owed to something not existing in this plane of existance. He felt his footsteps slow and become more sure as millenia of experience filled him.

Standing in the door, confident in his concealment, Cocotte looked into the room. The reception area had been completely trashed and small fires were burning here and there. Scorch marks and ashes showed other areas where fires had burnt themselves out. There was a cmputer on the floor, the monitor thrown through the wall into the adjoining offices. Paper scattered all over the floor, combined with the filing cabinets and drawers opened and emptied showed that someone had been searching for something.

Laughter continued to echo throughout the building as he decided what to do. If Mrs Fields had done her job, he though to himself, there everyone else should be joining me shortly. The question is, do I wait now and risk allowing innocents in here to get injured, or do I press on.

The earphone in his mask came alive with a short hiss.

"Mother Hen to Cocotte, Code Bravo received, backup on the way. Be careful, an increase in Hellions activity has been reported in the area surrounding your location."

With a click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, he acknowledged receipt of the message, relaxing a bit knowing his vitals were being monitored.

Looking around, he saw series of timecards scattered on a desk.

Ah-ha, I can tell how many employees should be in the building still.

Shuffling through them rapidly, I know that working at McDonalds would come in hand one of these days he rapidly determined that there were two employees who had clocked in this morning and had not punched out yet.

Sliding back out the door, he saw two cars in the parking lot whew, Mrs Fields has moved across the street and a bike in the bike rack outside.

That makes at least 3 people inside.

Speaking softly, he passed the message on to Mother Hen that there were at least 3 civilians inside, and that he would be moving slowly throughout the main floor of the three story building to search for them.



marsbar wrote
Speaking softly, he passed the message on to Mother Hen that there were at least 3 civilians inside, and that he would be moving slowly throughout the main floor of the three story building to search for them.

[/ QUOTE ]
“Good I won’t have to worry about you trying to kill me,” A voice echoed around the room. “Over here, in the corner.” The shadows seemed to move back and expose the figure of a small woman. She was dressed in black armor that had dark orange highlights to it. She had dark black hair and darkened eyes. But as quickly as shadows had moved back they then moved forward making her all but invisible. “I am guessing you are not a villain seeing how you are talking about civilians to someone. And to answer your next two questions my name is Ls Unix and yes I am here to assist you, no I am not from your agency. Guess that was three questions. Now what is going on here and who is that laughing?”



Istar wrote
...Ls Unix and yes I am here to assist you, no I am not from your agency. Guess that was three questions. Now what is going on here and who is that laughing?”

[/ QUOTE ]

"I wish I know. I was being strong-armed by the old lady who lives across the hall from me to pick out a 'companion'. When we got here, I found the door ripped off it's hinges, saw the flames in the reception, and deduced that this is not the normal way a Canine rescue organisation does things. I sent the old lady to get back-up and came in to see what I could do to help."

<fumbles around in cleverly hidden pockets>

"Here, slip this into your ear and stick this on your throat, right like mine." <shows neck> "It is a secure communications channel, should help keep the confusion down a bit. LEt me tell base that you are on this channel."

"Mother Hen this is Cocotte, prepare for another voice to be on this channel. Ls Unix was already inside the building."

<to Ls Unix>"My agency's sources indicate a surge in Hellion activity in this area. That, combined with the flames leads me to believe they are involved but, beyond that, I don't know. I suspect that they are looking for something based on, well..." <indicates the mess inthe reception area with his head>" Did you see anything while you were hidden??"

((Welcome to the fun. Cocotte is a DDD, L12>>



mars bar wrote
I suspect that they are looking for something based on, well..." <indicates the mess inthe reception area with his head>" Did you see anything while you were hidden??"

[/ QUOTE ]
A shadow covered hand reached out and took the two small devices. “My step mother told me never to take things from strangers. But in this case a guess I will make an exception.”

The shadows in the corner bent around a little as if the darkness it’s self was fumbling with something. “No I have no idea what is going on here. All I know is that your agency was screaming across every electronic medium know to man so I intercepted one of them and it had this address on it. Only reason I saw you is you stepped on that piece of paper back there. Then the voice was a give away.”

Unix’s form became visible again as she jumped up grabbed a seemingly impossible hold of a corner where the air duct had been finished over with drywall. Unix hung there held up only by one hand on a right angle surface. She produced a small screwdriver in her left hand pulled herself closer to the air duct vent and carefully unscrewed it. She took care not to drop anything. After placing both the screws and the vent cover in side the vent she looked down.

“Well given that you got strong armed by a old woman earlier today I hope you don’t mind if we do a few things my way. I would rather take the vents thus avoiding walking directly into the jaws of certain death.” She gracefully swung up into the air vent. “Come on up I hear the vents are warm this time of year. I think I heard some type of fight up ahead.”



Istar wrote

I would rather take the vents thus avoiding walking directly into the jaws of certain death.”

[/ QUOTE ]

<mumbles to himself> "You've never met Mrs Fields before..."

She gracefully swung up into the air vent. “Come on up I hear the vents are warm this time of year. I think I heard some type of fight up ahead.”

[/ QUOTE ]

"Right behind you."

As he is about to jump up, there is a crash of glass and a thud outside. Taking a quick peek through the window, Cocotte can see a body encased in red armor with a severely singed cape lying limply on the ground.

"Hold on a sec..."

Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a small vial. He throws it through the window, striking the figure and releasing a greenish cloud.

"Whoever that was, that should keep them stable while they recover. They were wearing armor, and their cape was singed. Badly. That can only mean that we have at least one boss in the building somewhere. Probably more."

He followed her up into the ventilation system, passing along the information to Mother Hen.

"Sure hope we get some more help here soon."

((Still more room for players here.!!!))



marsbar wrote
He followed her up into the ventilation system, passing along the information to Mother Hen.

"Sure hope we get some more help here soon."

[/ QUOTE ]

Once inside the vent’s Unix sprinted down the main duct and disappeared down a smaller side duct. She made surprisingly little noise a barely seemed touch much at all. The muffled clicks that came from her gauntlets were the only sound that betrayed her presence. Unix re-appeared in the main duct again only to disappear into another side duct. This process repeated it self several times.

Suddenly a large mass of long hanging black hair appeared in front of Cocotte. Unix hung upside down inches away from his face from a vertical vent just in front of him. “To the left you have a room with two dammed and a worker. To the right a huge ambush waiting for someone to go down the main hallway. Up and to the right is three more dammed who are bragging about turning some hero into a lawn dart. After that it gets to small for me to get down.” Unix’s face grimaced in pain as she slipped down the vent some grasping her left wrist with her right hand. She was now dangling in the vent only by her feet. “The dammed was asking the worker some thing about a collar I didn’t catch all of it but I think that is what they are after.” She continued with a noticeable bit of pain in her voice. “Anyway you slice it right now it’s a death wish please tell me you have some more help coming?”

:OOC it's an L not an I sorry i broke convetion by not caping it.



lstar wrote:
“Anyway you slice it right now it’s a death wish please tell me you have some more help coming?”

[/ QUOTE ]

((Well, if no-one else show up soon, I will just make up some other characters.))




Sliding back out the door, he saw two cars in the parking lot whew, Mrs Fields has moved across the street and a bike in the bike rack outside.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mrs. Fields was watching the building nervously, clutching the phone, when a horrible grinding noise made her jump. She gasped, turned, and... saw a wreck of a car pulling into the parking lot.

From the noises the car was on the point of self destruction. Before the final catastrophe, it pulled to a halt in a "staff" parking slot, and the engine coughed to a halt.

A door squealed open, and a rather short man carrying a gladstone bag emerged.

He looked at the broken door of the building for a moment, and then said "Ah, JAYSUS .

Mrs. Field shouted over "Are you one of Crochet's friends?" She thought it was unlikely, but it was best to check.

"Er.. chrochet? No, ma'am, I don't sew. I'm a vet; name's O'Neill" said the short man, still staring at the building in apparent exasperation. He had a noticable accent, but Mrs. Fields could not place it.

"Oh" cried Mrs. Fields, "something bad is happening in there and my neighbour Crocket went in there to help ...."

" Sucre " muttered O'Neill. He flung open the boot of the car with a load bang, and threw his bag in. Then, grunting with effort, he dragged out something yellow and heavy, and dropped it on the tarmac.

"Ma'am, can you give me a hand here?", said O'Neill. The yellow object was revealed as a heavy looking suit of armour, its matte yellow and black paint scarred by many burns, patches, and scrapes. " I need help with the legs." O'Neill muttered apologetically as Mrs. Fields approached; "I can never manage the legs"...

Moments later, Mrs. Fields withdrew as O'Niell managed to seat his helmet.

With another alarming sequence of groans, hisses, sparks and clunks, accompanied by a series of words Mrs. Fields could not quite make out, O'Neill started his armour, and moved into the building.

The last thing she heard as he disappeared into the entrance was... "

"I cannot see a bleeding thing in this bloody helmet."

Mrs. Fields could not help thinking she now had someone else to worry about....

((Curies's Dream is an level 11 Rad/Rad defender. He does have Mutate (rez) if we need it.. and I hope you do not mind a newb butting in... and I assume that the red guys was not in the car park, or MRs. Fields would have legged it long since))



((Curies's Dream is an level 11 Rad/Rad defender. He does have Mutate (rez) if we need it.. and I hope you do not mind a newb butting in... and I assume that the red guys was not in the car park, or MRs. Fields would have legged it long since))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Come on in, the water's fine. Looks like we have a defender strike force here. Should be fun. The "lawn dart" was on the grass to one side of the building. As for Mrs Fields, while not a hero, she is a pretty tough old biddy, with an overwhelming concern for Marcel/Cocotte.

Seeing as how it is Christmas Eve, and I am not likely to have a whole lot of time to post over the holidays, feel free to dop the thread until the new year..

Have a Merry Christmas all!!!))



Constance was new to Paragon, having just moved here from Monterey, California. Master McKee, AKA Perfect Weapon, had suggested Paragon City as a destination when she had decided to take her skills 'on the road' to test herself.

At 20, she stood only slightly over 5' tall, with wavy masses of light brown curls around her face. She kept it short to prevent an attacker from grabbing hold of it, but the shorter length and curls gave her a more youthful appearance than she would have liked. Well, that just meant that she would be underestimated. something a villain would soon regret.

She'd registered with Paragon City's Hero Registrar as Quiet Thunder, the name she'd earned in her martial arts training. Walk softly and carry a big stick, indeed. The registrar had been skeptical; she didn't shoot lightening bolts, toss about freight trains, or emit waves of healing energy. Her one true gift, as far as Paragon was concerned, were her relexes. Despite having no meta traits, she had an innate sense of balance and response far better than most and seven years of training under Perfect Weapon's tutelage had honed it.

She'd come to Canine Rescue to look into getting a dog, a companion to share the apartment Paragon was issuing her at the Whitmoore. She hadn't been planning on adopting today, just getting information and meeting the custodians. She hadn't even moved into her apartment yet, her few belongings were in the pack slung over one shoulder and her mode of transport was a bicycle.

Not your typical girl.

Now, she lay very still, suspended on the rails of the lowered ceiling of the hallway. Below her, trouble was brewing in the form of super-powered street gang members. She watched, and listened, to discern their plans and weaknesses before taking action.

It looked like Quiet Thunder was about to get her intro to Paragon's criminal element.

(OOC: Natural Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper level 6)

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



empty wrote
The last thing she heard as he disappeared into the entrance was... "

"I cannot see a bleeding thing in this bloody helmet."

[/ QUOTE ]

Unix’s body paused for a moment as she strained to hear a muttering in the distance. “what was that?” She turned herself upright again quietly worked her way to the open vent . She paused a second to let the shadows embrace her before she poked her head out. She could see a figure in the darkness it was backlight and silhouetted by the light coming thru the door. She quickly decided she should warn who ever this was before they stumbled into the ambush wait only a few meters down the hall. “hello…………..?”

OOC: welcome Constance and Curies's Dream. Curie post is kinda for you if you want to get grouped up if not just send me a PM or post i left myself a way out (name is Lstar ont Istar) Constance i have no idea how you want to meet up or if you want to so i will leave that to you. merry Xmass to all



lstar wrote:
She quickly decided she should warn who ever this was before they stumbled into the ambush wait only a few meters down the hall. “hello…………..?”

[/ QUOTE ]

Cocotte watched with a bit of amasement as Unix contorted herself and slid back into the vent they had just come from. He wasn't sure, but he didn't think that she had touched the bottom of the vent while doing that. have to get her to show me how she did that

Watching her disappear as she shrouded herself, he decided to check out what she reported to have found in the other rooms. He quickly reported the information back to Mother Hen, and then travelled along the vents to confirm the information.

As he approached the ambush site, he allowed the darkness to flow through him and ooze from his pores. He was never sure how it worked, but somehow the boiling black smoke rolling off his body made him harder to spot, even in broad daylight. It cost him a bit of speed if he wanted to stay within it's effects , but the payoff was well worth it.

Laying down on his stomach, he inched along the vent, careful to not make any noises or buckle the vent. Reaching a grate, he looked through it. Sure enough, there was the ambush. About 10 strong, mostly lower-level members of the Hellions, it didn't look like there were any of those damned Damned in the group.That will make this hallway a whole lot easier to handle Waiting and watching for a little while longer, his patience was rewarded with a pair of shotgun-wielding Lieutenants come into view. 12 in total, that's about the right size to be with two LT's.

He watched a bit longer, looking for patterns and looking for weaknesses. Out of the corner of his eye, barely visible from the vent, he saw another hero, hanging, somehow, by her fingertips and sheer force of will. Watching further, he saw her muscles tense. well, time to introduce myself to these guys

Sliding the vent out of the way, he waited for the girl to make her move.

((SteeleMagnolia, check your box for a PM before you reply))



A shadowy form vaults the back fence to the building and notices the crumpled form in the side lot. Moving towards the fallen hero, the young girl slips into the pool of light shed by the streetlamps.

She looks terribly young - maybe fifteen or sixteen. She wears a body suit of black leather, buckled on tightly enough to show the armor plates built into it, and a small black mask. Her skin is chalk white, and her equally white hair corkscrews around her head in unruly dreadlocks.

"Oh, my." she murmers. She tries to check the man's pulse, but the armor gets in the way. Looking up she sees the broken window. Her eyes narrow.

"Right then." She glances back down at the unconscious hero, "Um, don't die. I'll be right back."

The girl leaps to the second floor of the building and balances on a window ledge. From there she springs up and does a neat front flip into the already broken window.

A few seconds pass, and a gout of flame shoots out the window.

A few more seconds pass, and one of the Damned flies out - landing hard next to Experiment. The Damned staggers to his feet and starts walking back towards the front door of the building, muttering curses under his breath.

((anybody that can see into the room - 1 damned down, 1 out the window, and 1 badly injured but kicking the girl, who is now a singed, bloody heap on the floor))



As Constance observed the large group of Hellions within the Hallway, faint vibrations fluttered through the ventilation system, She could barely hear it, feel it, and knew someone was using the vents.

Who was in the vents? More foes? Escaping employees? Santa Clause? OK, not really Santa Clause, but still....

From elsewhere in the building came the sounds of combat, breaking glass, and a scream. Time was up.

She released her fingertip hold and dropped, somersaulting on the way down to gain additional centrifugal force. Her first kick, executed enroute to the floor, took the gangmember by surpise and he fell with a heavy thud.

So much for the element of surprise. One down, eleven to go. She knew she was good... but she knew she wasn't that good. Perfect Weapon could have handled this without breaking a sweat. After all, he was the Master, while she merely the student.

She let out a hiss of air, her kai silent, and prepared to lay the smackdown... and get hurt.

(OOC: Constance is mute, but not deaf.)

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.