208 -
Quote:You forgot something though:Radiation could automatically respec you to the Sonic secondary when you start the game
Sonic would automatically render you, and every player you ever played with deaf and partially blind.
(I dislike the sounds/graphics of sonic, I really do.) -
Captain America is NOT a natural hero.
Captain America is Weapon I. The first weapon produced by the Weapon Plus program, that is more commonly referred to as Weapon X. Of course Weapon X is Wolverine, the 10th Weapon produced by the Weapon Plus program. -
what if....
Imagine if the combat teleport was a toggle power, that like hover/CJ would offer some limited a mount of defense, but had the secondary effect of causing teleport to trigger if you used a melee attack just a little out of melee range. (say 15' away?)
Dunno if it would be doable, but it'd be cool. -
On the "Let me buy veterans rewards thing:
No. Just no.
On the "Give non-veterans access to veterna costume pieces thing:
Yes! Costume pieces should equally obtainable by all players regardless of if they've been playing 6 months or 6 years.
Switch the vet costume pieces out with some other form of reward, and release all the vet costume pieces free to the player base.
(this is coming from a 57 month vet, so I already HAVE the costume pieces.)
Quote:You didn't hear it from me..or how the imbalance is going to be reduced without a merger, but there you have it.
But I heard a rumor.. From a friend.. who knows a guy who's got a guildmate who's roomate's brother rides the bus to work with the guy that sweeps the floors at Paragon Studios..
According to rumor they've solved this.
They're just gonna delete EVERYTHING and start us over from scratch.
While they're at it, they're un-naming every character in the game, because "all the good names are taken"..
>.> -
Correct, it's not broken.
It's just absolutely useless.
Immob protection can be done better by Combat jumping, which most fire tankers/scrappers take because they want acrobatics for the KB protection.
The damage is minimal, unless.. oh hell, it's been said 5 times in this thread already so I won't go there.
It's recharge time isn't all that great.
The scatter effect is just outright annoying..
It's pretty much a power for those who REALLY don't want to go with an alternative immob protection than what their set offers.
Honestly, when they put the scatter effect in (which I FULLY agree with. because it was bloody well broken) they should have undone the damage and recharge nerfs it took.. I've got a 50 fire/energy tanker, build in the burn-tanker's prime, and a 40 spines/fire scrapper (built at I16 release).. Neither has burn.
But really.. naw.. you can leave Burn as is..
It's nice having powers you can skip without feeling bad, which fire is good for >.> -
I still say (as a 57 month vet):
Make the costume pieces available to everyone.. Give vets additional Salvage/Rec/WW slots. -
... Sorry, someone had to do it.
I would say.. WTH isn't time Bomb already like this? I couldn't imagine having to sneak in to drop Omega Manuever... -
Quote:that.. is actually the point.I was going to post a new thread about this subject, but as this one exists already I'll post my comments here. My belief is that there should be some sort of scaling system for enhancement slots based on level like the OP alluded to. The system is the way it's been for years, before the Invention system even existed, and as such it is now outdated in my opinion. It's one thing when we're referring to TO's, DO's, and SO's, which are no problem to replace, but quite another when we start talking about IO's (which can cost a player millions to build, but for which they only get back the cost of crafting at the table upon selling them after a respec.) If, after a respec I decide to take my character in a different direction, build-wise, and the IO's I already have are incompatible with that, I don't feel it's fair to be forced to sell back all you legitimately earned and built at a steep discount.
CoH here has one MASSIVE problem in it's economy.
There's no real inf. sink, especially not now that so many people bypass SOs entirely and go straight to IOs.
Prior to that, enhancers were a solid inf sink at low levels, a decent one at mid levels.. but of course were no longer a sink at 50. Because the money you spent on them left the games economy because it went to NPCs.
IOs: someone pays a relatively small sum to the game world to craft it, and if it's sold on WW, they pay a small sum to WW for the sale, but most of the inf that is paid for that enhancer, goes to them.
Pair that with the fact that if you have a 50 it's insanely easy to make money, especially if they're a speed killer (my ill/kin is anything but, and still makes money too easily), it causes the price of everything to slowly but surely creep up because more people have more money and less to spend it on.
The enhancer loss on respeccing is the closest to a sink in this game. >.> -
What he's referring to is..
the devs have pretty well much learned that "replacing" powers is just a bad idea. Because at first it seems like it X power sucks and is completely useless..
Then out of nowhere, hundreds of players start screaming "X WAS MY FAVORITE POWER!!!!!!!"
So, whether or not your idea is good, whether or not you have a well thought out reason for it.. saying "replace X power" is usually a good recipe for "DOOOOOOOOOOOOM". >.> -
"Annoying travel"
"Time sink"
.. *sigh* First, the "no travel powers" of TFs/Ouro missions? It's not there to "be annoying" it's there so that players who wish to can add some challenge to their missions. It's not mandatory.
And second.. Even when you discount Ouro, Pocket D, and the Mission Teleporter, City of Heroes is one of the easiest games I have ever played for travel. Most single player RPGs are worse for it. Hell, it still ranks pretty high in easy travel if you discount travel powers!
With every time people say "make travel shorter", it gets closer to the point people joke about of the entire game being 1 room, with a mission terminal, crafting table, WW employee, Vault wall, and a door.
Then people will want that room made smaller because ".. it's so annoying walking ten feet!" -
Badges are intended to reflect in-character actions/achievements. The only ones that are intended to note a player achievement are the (very few) global badges. And if they tried to make every badge global it would.. ye gods, I don't want to think of what it would be like.
They would either have to remove/nerf every benefit from badges, or otherwise make them a lot harder to get.
I can perhaps respect where you're coming from with this idea, but it would honestly be pushing it far too far. I think this suggestion will meet nearly the resistance of a suggestion to raise the level cap. >.> -
Quote:This is why I say make the unlocks account based, or at minimum allow us to choose which characters we give them to.question. If the devs gave everything to the players straight off... what would be the point of actually playing the game itself? Or have just that many players forgotten that City of Heroes is a GAME?
Unlocks as a per-character reward would work.. if they weren't so selective. I can never use weapon unlocks. Why?
My higher level toons:
Fire/Energy tank
DM/WP brute
Ill/Kin controller
Crab Spider (without any rifle attacks)
Spines/Fire scrapper
Thugs/Pain MM (without any pistol attacks)
You might say "Well that's just you!"
No, it's not. More than half the characters in the game cannot use any weapon unlocks, and of those that can only a select few can actually use X weapon unlock.
Is an AR Blaster going to have any use for the Tsoo katana?
Or is a Claws scrapper going to have any use for the Nemesis rifles? -
I'm in the minority that agrees that an expanded level cap would be nice. But I doubt it will ever happen.
The best we can hope for is that the rumored post-50 powergain will not be a case of "farm money until you can buy ****."
That's more your computer than their fault.
But yeh, servers could use some help >.>
This would of course require adjusting numbers, leading to probably lower damage output, due to a damage type being one of the less resisted ones. -
He's not referring to "Perma" in the .. game slang sense of it fully recharges while the power is still active.
What he means is..
"Why aren't more pets like the Mastermind pets, where you only have to summon them once, instead of constantly resummoning them."
Which of course, even then:
Most of the pets in the game do fall in to this category.
Mastermind pets and Controller/Dominator T9s all do.
Generally the only pets that do not fall in to this category are specialty pets that have certain special elements, or offer a pet to an archtype which does not typically receive pets.
Which that right there answers the question as to why these are not "perma". The pet has certain traits which the developers felt would be off balance to have them ot at all times (without working for it.)
Do I claim to know what those traits are? Nope, not at all familiar with the in-question Voltaic Sentinel. -
The most I could see is on the /whoall would be listing everyone unhidden as normal followed by X hidden players in the zone.
It would prevent you from flying around an empty PvP zone looking for someone to kill, and also give you an idea of how many people are REALLY in the zone. But it would not take away ANY of the anonymity of those on /ghide. -
Quote:Pre level 14 you run everywhere. Post level 14 a lot hof heroes still run/jump everywhere.It is in fact possible to exercise, be in shape, and still be "fat". Losing a gut requires an entirely different set of exercise from fighting.
I submit, Butterbean, AKA Eric Esch, a professional Heavy Weight Champion boxer and Mixed Martial Artist.
Also, what the heck does staying in shape have to do with anything but a Melee set anyway?
There tends to be a lot of running this way and that in missions.. etc. >.>
... But, you're quite right, you can be Tubby McTubinson, and still be in good physical condition. Another example is the guy who makes a lot of appearances in Jackie Chan movies (and has a few of his own) Sam Ohung. -
Quote:*sigh*It seems not. I never understood why we have to run across 2 zones to do a mission if we don't have a SG.
MMO kids these days.
What would you have done in the glory days of UO and EverQuest? Even Horizons..
Games where you had very little options for increased travel speeds, and would often spend 10+ minutes just running to where you wanted to hunt (I think in Horizons my favorite hunting ground was 15 minutes from the nearest city), and then spend that same time running back to where you had to go to sell loot.
With very few exceptions, even without anything but sprint, running across 2 zones is like.. maybe 7 minutes time. Most travel powerless builds boost their run speed through Swift, and slotting Sprint. And most people don't even DO no travel builds.
this game gives us incredible travel options, and even considering that, it's rarely ever a long run back to where you need to go. There is no real reason to reduce the travel times further.
Why not just give everyone a 30 second recharge mission teleporter, that will take them directly to the mission objective? -
Quote:I .. liked Heath Ledgers portrayal of the character he was playing.Interestingly, Jack Nicholson's Joker is my least favourite depiction of the Joker ever, while Heath Ledger's is my favourite.
I do not like that the character he was playing was supposed to be The Joker. >.> -
Quote:Usually however they are in one at least somewhat convenient to the zone as the mission.*chuckles*
You DO realize contacts aren't always in the zone the mission is in?
And this pretty much indicates "I want my transport hub improved, but need an excuse to suggest it." to me. It really does. -
I do not want my wood cursed!
I need to build a porch out of it. >.>
It's an awesome idea, but this isn't the right game for it, sorry. -
You DO realize the Ouro system has a built in teleport to send you to the contact you need?(once you get the mission, clicky the biiiig crystal.)
So, I've solved your suggestion.. unless you were just trying to find an excuse to get your transport hub improved.....
The last thing it needs is to be turned in to an all-encompassing transportation hub, which gives you no need to ever walk anywhere other than limited distances inside zones. -
Quote:I also said people tended to lean one way or the other on certain issues. This is one that I lean towards type 3 on
If you are a type 2 as you say, shouldn't you be "doesnt affect me either way, so /signed"?
I feel the suggestion is pointless. I do not LIKE the idea, which is why I'm not for it. But if they implemented it, it wouldn't bother me much.
And, my analogies were actually not flawed (especially because it's how I see it):
You said "I want to be able to do X without meeting the requirements." my examples might cheapen other peoples play more, but that is because I specifically use somewhat over the top examples to make the point.
Yes, "rules" have changed over the years, like level restrictions on zones being removed. Sometimes I feel the changes are good. Others, I feel they are not. -
Quote:It's simple..Could you elaborate on why you're opposed to me playing the TFs in 'lite' mode (for no rewards)? Under my suggestion, the current challenge levels are unchanged for those that want them.
There are 3 standard schools of thought about making a game (or parts of it) "easier".
1: I want it easier because *insert reason*
2: I don't care one way or the other, I play the game to have fun, and as long as my fun is intact, you can play the game however you feel like.
3: I don't want it to be made easier because it will (Reduce people looking for teams, make X less special, dumb down my game, etc).
You obviously fall in to type 1.
I, and the majority of the MMO populace actually fall within type 2 (with some degree of lean to one side or the other on certain issues.)
Lemur here is a type 3, at least on this issue. Regardless of what his specific fear, it still puts him in the type 3 mindset, which translates to "making the game easier is bad." No matter how much it it pointed out that his fear is unfounded (which it may or may not be), he will likely as not continue in his mindset.
Now my opinions on this:
I do not believe they should offer increased merits for making it harder, the additional reward for making it harder should be the extra inf/xp/drops.
On the same token, een if they make it soloable, it should still take as much, if not more time to complete, ergo the merit reward should still be intact.
I would like to see even better difficulty options.. but I do not really see the need for them to make TFs soloable. As I see it the requirements of the TF are part of the game, asking to be able to run them solo would be like... Asking to be able to disable PvP in PvP zones so you could hunt there, or asking to be able to craft IO set pieces without having the required salvage. Essentially you are seeking to bypass a basic mechanic of the game.
So while if this were implemented it wouldn't spell DOOOOOOOM to me, I also do not support this suggestion, ergo:
/unsigned -
Wait.. Masterminds have attacks? Duuuude.
I support this idea. Even if I would likely not make use of it because.. I never take MM attacks..