Fix Burn

Adeon Hawkwood



I recently rerolled my Fire Tanker into a Fire/Fire Scrapper and having ignored the advice of many other players I decided at level 30 to take and test Burn. To sum it up, it sucks. The enemies both high ranking and low leave the burn patch and scatter before 3 ticks of damage making it a worthless attack power unless you have other tools or other players to force the enemies in place.

Fire Aura claims to be the most offensive power set. It appears to sacrifice durability in layered defense, no KB protection and no good Tier 9th power for better damage. But where is this damage ? The only thing I see which other Defense sets do not get is Fiery Embrace which is a weaker form of Build Up unless you are a Fire Melee. Outside of that , it offers nothing more than other sets do not have. The set description is therefore misleading or an outright lie which is why I use the word FIX and not CHANGE.

Burn should be fixed to do what it was destined to do, BE AN ATTACK. The Fear Effect should be removed and the Immobile protection should be moved in Plasma Shield because having Immobile protection in an attack is just strange and would only hinder a player from using Burn offensively since he would need to use it for protection as well. Having Immobile protection in Plasma Shield would also completely end the Fire Aura ATs disadvantage of having to take the Leaping Pool, since currently Combat Jumping is a better alternative for Immobile protection than Burn.

Others may claim that they like Burn the way it is because it makes mobs scatter thus increasing their surviviality. This is not what Burn was made for though and their mitagation will just as well be served or better served if Burn was just an effective attack because enemies would die faster, the philosophy of Fire Aura.

As for farming, the arggo cap has made this change to Burn unjust. Using Burn as a farming exploit is no longer an issue, at least no more then any other AOE oriented ATs.

Fire Armor simply fails to deliver on what it promises. Fiery Embrace alone simply does not suffice. In order for it to be a truely offensive power set, Burn should be changed into a more offense attack by removing the fear effect and placing the Immobile protection elsewhere. If the damage must be front loaded or its recharge be changed slightly then so be it.



The scatter mechanic was added because Burn was too strong without it. I don't see them changing that. How about front loading most of the damage?

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Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
The scatter mechanic was added because Burn was too strong without it. I don't see them changing that. How about front loading most of the damage?
Whatever works. It is currently too weak right now so a sensible change should be made with the scatter effect being removed.

They can front load the damage and make it like the power Combustion with the Burn animation simply lasting the same length.

Regardless, Fire Aura needs a more offensive tool to do what it was made for.



I'd argue about the tier9 not being useful - whiel not used constantly, it certainly is. But that's not what the post is about.

Right now, yes, people DO use Burn's scatter for survivability. OTOH, it makes it useless to people like me for the very reasons you mentioned - I play quite a few fire tanks (and one DB/Fire scrapper.) Chasing the mobs away from me like that doesn't help at all.

Personally, I'd rather see it go the "hot feet" path - keep the scatter because of how people DO use it, but add a slow. If that means taking away the immob protection (moving it elsewhere) or something, fine - but keeping the mobs close to me, where my tanks can maintain aggro, is far more important IMHO. Right now, for me, it's a skippable power.



I agree. It needs fixed or changed.

That said, I use it as a immobilize protection all the time. I also use it on AVs/GMs that don't run from it.

All on my ELM/FIRE Scrapper.

I have a Fire/Fire Tanker, and a Fire/SS Tanker as well, but I haven't played those two since Burn was made to scatter really. Pulled out my Fire/Fire every now and again, but...she's no fun to play really. :/

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players have been complaining about how bad burn is as a power for years. I should know, I'm one of them.

However, the devs have declined, for years, to revisit the changes made to fire aura. When they ported Fire Aura to scrapper, the devs didn't spend any time at all thinking about the power set. They just lopped 30% off the tanker values, called it a day, and moved on. Since I5 the devs have looked at everything else but Fire Aura. Even Invulnerability, which really didn't need a rework, got one.

Fire Aura? Still ignored. I honestly don't know what it's going to take to get the developers to sit down and rethink the power set, sort of somebody abducting Posi or Castle next Hero-Con, tying them up in front of a laptop, and not letting them go until they get at least 30 levels on a Fire Aura.

... Let me Stress. That's a BAD IDEA. No. We Shouldn't actually do it.




Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
... Let me Stress. That's a BAD IDEA. No. We Shouldn't actually do it.

Awwww.... but I got the chloroform and everything



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Awwww.... but I got the chloroform and everything
Blue triangle, red square...

You fool! These are colour forms!

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While I agree that Burn isn't too useful on a Fire/Fire tanker, it works fairly well on a Fire/Ice tanker with Ice Patch. Not perfect, of course, but in combination with the slows from the attacks and all the slipping and sliding, I've found it to be a pretty potent weapon.

I also have a friend with a Fire/Stone tanker who makes pretty decent use of it in combination with Stalagmites, I believe. They wander around a bit, so it's a little less efficient than Ice Patch, but it works.

The best power in combination with Burn is some kind of area immobilize, and as a scrapper you can get that with Darkness Mastery in Tenebrous Tentacles. Again, it isn't a perfect "just stand there and let me roast you to death" combo, but it comes pretty close.

Get to 47 and try that out. I think you'll find it an effective combination. With proper tactics you should be able to get compact groups and immobilize them with TT, and then drop Burn on them.




Burn isn't broken.




Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post

Burn isn't broken.

Correct, it's not broken.
It's just absolutely useless.

Immob protection can be done better by Combat jumping, which most fire tankers/scrappers take because they want acrobatics for the KB protection.

The damage is minimal, unless.. oh hell, it's been said 5 times in this thread already so I won't go there.

It's recharge time isn't all that great.

The scatter effect is just outright annoying..

It's pretty much a power for those who REALLY don't want to go with an alternative immob protection than what their set offers.

Honestly, when they put the scatter effect in (which I FULLY agree with. because it was bloody well broken) they should have undone the damage and recharge nerfs it took.. I've got a 50 fire/energy tanker, build in the burn-tanker's prime, and a 40 spines/fire scrapper (built at I16 release).. Neither has burn.

But really.. naw.. you can leave Burn as is..
It's nice having powers you can skip without feeling bad, which fire is good for >.>



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
players have been complaining about how bad burn is as a power for years. I should know, I'm one of them.

However, the devs have declined, for years, to revisit the changes made to fire aura. When they ported Fire Aura to scrapper, the devs didn't spend any time at all thinking about the power set. They just lopped 30% off the tanker values, called it a day, and moved on. Since I5 the devs have looked at everything else but Fire Aura. Even Invulnerability, which really didn't need a rework, got one.

Fire Aura? Still ignored. I honestly don't know what it's going to take to get the developers to sit down and rethink the power set, sort of somebody abducting Posi or Castle next Hero-Con, tying them up in front of a laptop, and not letting them go until they get at least 30 levels on a Fire Aura.

... Let me Stress. That's a BAD IDEA. No. We Shouldn't actually do it.

Well, to be honest, they DID make a change to fire aura, one that was rather important given healing flames - they added slow/recharge protection to Temperature Protection. So we can't say it's been *completely* ignored.

But burn still needs to be looked at.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Well, to be honest, they DID make a change to fire aura, one that was rather important given healing flames - they added slow/recharge protection to Temperature Protection. So we can't say it's been *completely* ignored.

But burn still needs to be looked at.
I know. That's still sort of like getting your car into a wreck, having the insurance adjuster drive up, examine the ruined chassis, tossing a pine-scented air-freshener into the burnt wreck, and then declaring the vehicle drivable. Yeah, the bad smell has been taken care of, but that really wasn't the biggest problem at hand.

I think I'm right in saying that the only reason Temperature Protection got slow resistance is due to the Thermal Rad offering slow resistance. Of course, if whoever made the change was bringing all fire power-sets into balance, why not just change the burn status effect to knockback, like bonfire? Or put the ludicrous fear effect onto bonfire and remove its knockback.

Really, while I respect, and admire, the job the developers are managing to pull off, I just can't help but look at Fire Aura and wonder What Are They Thinking?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I know. That's still sort of like getting your car into a wreck, having the insurance adjuster drive up, examine the ruined chassis, tossing a pine-scented air-freshener into the burnt wreck, and then declaring the vehicle drivable. Yeah, the bad smell has been taken care of, but that really wasn't the biggest problem at hand.
Except Fiery Aura is not a burning wreck. OK, it's burning, but it's not a wreck. I've only tried it on Brutes so far, but between one of the best heals I've ever had and a self-rez with incredible damage, the powerset is far from bad. I wouldn't mind seeing Burn put on a shorter timer, or at the very least slottable for accuracy, but I do NOT want to see a return to the old days of taunt-n-burn. Even if it's an attack, it's in a secondary set, and as such shouldn't rival attacks in your primary.

That said, I wouldn't mind seeing it go the Shield Charge route - mini-nuke level damage once every 90-120 seconds with full break-free effect. Held in stone? EXPLODE! It's what they do in cartoons to free themselves from entrapment, after all.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
Blue triangle, red square...

You fool! These are colour forms!

Yep, Burn is fairly horrible now unless you've got the tools to leverage it with. Which Scrapper don't really get much (a few single target immobs mostly). The Scrapper Damage on Burn is incorrect too, so you're really getting hit with a double whammy. Brutes have the tools to take advantage of it far more than scrappers do (although Brutes take a hit since it doesn't play well with Fury for long). Fiery Aura on Scrapper is pretty flawed, an example of bad proliferation (it's decent on Brutes because the Heal works better, you've higher caps on your resists so you basically become immune to Fire damage and Brutes can use AOE Control & knockdown and/or the Patron immobs with Burn)

why not just change the burn status effect to knockback, like bonfire?
Ew. No. Bonfire is bad.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
but I do NOT want to see a return to the old days of taunt-n-burn.
Prior to ED yes, burn was ridiculously overpowered. Since then (coupled with the "fear" element), Burn is much less effective as an offensive power.

There have been many, many good suggestions made since the changes were made to Burn that would make the FA set work much better. Sadly, they've fallen on deaf ears.

IMO, thematically it is silly to have Burn cause NPCs to run off, yet Blazing Aura does not. Aren't they both supposed to be flames that burn an enemy? Also, making the sole immob protection to the set via Burn is just plain silly.

Count me among those who would like the devs to take another look into improving Fiery Aura.

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I would certainly not mind Burn being improved, but you have to remember one thing - it pumps out a LOT of damage over an AoE, and does so practically for free. If you prevent enemies from running away, then it becomes, essentially. A LOT of free damage to a LOT of enemies. Yes, it takes a while to burn them, but it's doing so while you're pumping out other attacks.

Personally, I see Burn and Ignite as serious damage dealers if you can keep things in them long enough. Perhaps altering their structure might help, but neither has lost its potential to do serious harm.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
Ew. No. Bonfire is bad.
Bonfire can be bad. But it can also be very good. Consider, for instance, what ATs have access to Bonfire. They're all squishy. Set Bonfire at your feet, and enemies don't run up to munch on you any more.

And since it's a location AoE, it's fairly easy to place in the most optimal spot.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Bonfire can be bad. But it can also be very good. Consider, for instance, what ATs have access to Bonfire. They're all squishy. Set Bonfire at your feet, and enemies don't run up to munch on you any more.

And since it's a location AoE, it's fairly easy to place in the most optimal spot.

Thank you for saying that I love bonfire and I hope it never gets changed.




why not just change the burn status effect to knockback, like bonfire? Or put the ludicrous fear effect onto bonfire and remove its knockback.
I didn't really make this clear enough. I brought up bonfire because it is a similar PBAOE / TAOE drop fire effect to burn. I was pointing out that the (apparent, if not stated) goal of equalizing fire / effects by adding slow resist to Fire Aura was to bring the Various status effects of fire in line with each other hadn't been met. I was pointing out that there still were some glaring differences in the status affects that similar fire powers offered.

By using the term ludicrous fear effect the intent was to make it clear that the massive fear on Burn hadn't been thought through, and that the fear status effect made absolutely no sense, what-so-ever. I wasn't suggesting actually replacing the knockback effect on bonfire. I was trying to put into perspective just how idiotic the fear effect on burn was.



Back during the time of pitchforks and torches when they first added the fear effect to Burn; I suggested that the fear effect be kept but that an initial knockdown effect be added. Basically you activate burn and everything in range is knocked to the ground, hit with a fear effect and begins to take damage. You would get a couple more ticks or so of damage as the mobs attempt to get up before running off. I would also add in the fire pulse power effect (sans damage of course) from Combustion to the Burn power animation just for flavor.

Of course you could also lose the burn patch, keep the knockdown effect, keep the animation change suggested above and front load half or all of the damage and rename the power Backdraft.


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Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
players have been complaining about how bad burn is as a power for years. I should know, I'm one of them.

However, the devs have declined, for years, to revisit the changes made to fire aura. When they ported Fire Aura to scrapper, the devs didn't spend any time at all thinking about the power set. They just lopped 30% off the tanker values, called it a day, and moved on. Since I5 the devs have looked at everything else but Fire Aura. Even Invulnerability, which really didn't need a rework, got one.

Fire Aura? Still ignored. I honestly don't know what it's going to take to get the developers to sit down and rethink the power set, sort of somebody abducting Posi or Castle next Hero-Con, tying them up in front of a laptop, and not letting them go until they get at least 30 levels on a Fire Aura.

... Let me Stress. That's a BAD IDEA. No. We Shouldn't actually do it.

I like all the changes you advocate in Fire Aura. The sole purpose of my posting was to improve Burn for more offense but I know that there are other areas of Fire Aura that need to be improved as well.

Fire Aura does not Tank well. I watch Invul, WP, SR , Ice and Elec perform much better. I played a Fire Aura Tanker to lvl 28 who was mostly loaded with SOs and I would jump into a crowd of enemies and when I took the Alpha , my health would go down to under 50% and I would then use healing flames, but then it would quickly drop again immediately after, often forcing me to use inspirations while my heal was recharging. I watched in envy as other Tanks were in no danger of dying fightng the same group enemies. This is one of the reasons I rerolled as a Fire Scrapper. Fire Aura on a Tanker just felt weak. Before making a Fire Tank, I played a Will Power Tanker to lvl 20 and did not die a single time in those 20 levels. On my Fire Tanker , by lvl 20 , I must have died at least 12 times.

Making Burn into a effective attack would be a step in the direction of offensive over defense. Another improvement would be to improve Fiery Embrace for a longer damage duration and shorter recharge. As for improving Fire Aura's duribility directly, I will leave the ideas to others for now.

I am surprised this problem with Fire Aura has lasted such a long time considering all the changes made to this game in my absence.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
By using the term ludicrous fear effect the intent was to make it clear that the massive fear on Burn hadn't been thought through, and that the fear status effect made absolutely no sense, what-so-ever.
For reference, Burn gives mag 50 Afraid (makes the AI run away), while Rain of Fire has mag 5 Avoid (makes the AI stay out of the AoE, but not necessarily run away)



ITT: People complain about a team-based power in a team-based game.

Burn does a huge amount of damage if an enemy is Held or Immobilized, only marginally less than Incinerate, and it's an AoE. It only has a 25s recharge, even BEFORE enhancements, but the immobilize protection lasts for 100 seconds.

Additionally it's 100% fire damage, which sits nicely with Fiercy Embrace, which btw is a great power. Enhancements + Fiery Embrace + Build Up = >400% damage. You can almost hit the damage buff cap on your own as a Scrapper which absolutely no other set can do. Additionally Fiery Embrace lasts longer than Build Up, and while it has a longer recharge time, this means +recharge buffs have a much better effect on it. It's a spazzed out version of an already useful power which can stack on that original already useful power.

tl;dr: Both Fiery Embrace and Burn are amazing powers, even if one of them is very situational.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
For reference, Burn gives mag 50 Afraid (makes the AI run away), while Rain of Fire has mag 5 Avoid (makes the AI stay out of the AoE, but not necessarily run away)
I always wondered why some powers were Afraid (the old Fear mechanic) while others were Avoid (an unresistable AI cue). I'm not sure how they compare, I just find it odd that they're set up that way.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.