Why don't we get more Enhancement inventory slots?




The title says it all. We get more of everything else as we level up. We get more powers. We get more Inspiration slots. We get more Salvage slots. We get more Recipe slots. We get more costume slots.

So why don't we get more Enhancement inventory slots?

Perhaps we could go from holding 10 (at Level 1) to 20 (at Level 25) to 30 (at level 35).

We could even incorporate the arrow navigation feature that's already used to go through the trays of powers.

It's just a small QoL suggestion that would allow us to make more Enhancement purchases in one go when we upgrade at those mid- to high-levels.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



They'd be nice, especially when crafting IO's, to allot more space for slotting and/or selling.

As it is, with the value of TO/DO/SO's being what they are (tens of thousands relative to millions), the extra slots aren't worth much for game play, although they're likely worth a lot more in market play.

(Edited to add: As an IO player, I just sell off whatever drops in the 10 slots.)



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
So why don't we get more Enhancement inventory slots?
Well, originally I expect it was because the designers didn't think it was important. Nowadays it probably has something to do with limiting how many you can keep after a respec. I hasten to note that this is not something I give a damn about, before you think I'm some kind of respec Nazi or something; I'm just speculating as to the developers' motivations for not changing it.



The enhancement system was designed by Adrian Monk. You'll thank him later.

But seriously, I remember this subject coming up a couple months ago. I think someone said it was something along the lines of what Captain_Photon said.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Well, originally I expect it was because the designers didn't think it was important. Nowadays it probably has something to do with limiting how many you can keep after a respec. I hasten to note that this is not something I give a damn about, before you think I'm some kind of respec Nazi or something; I'm just speculating as to the developers' motivations for not changing it.
if this is the case, and they use the multi tray system, they could just not let you change trays while assigning your inspirations in a respec?



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
So why don't we get more Enhancement inventory slots?
That's what base storage is for.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
That's what base storage is for.
Presuming you either have a SG of your own, or are in a SG which you can trust people to not take yer stuff
(Or aren't like me and just.. have issue finding SGs that suit your characters, are active enough to have a viable base, and aren't filled with drama and idiocy the likes of which makes you not want to call yourself a roleplayer.)



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
That's what base storage is for.
Yes, it comes in very handy and reminds one what supergroups and bases is good for.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
So why don't we get more Enhancement inventory slots?

Perhaps we could go from holding 10 (at Level 1) to 20 (at Level 25) to 30 (at level 35).
Inspiration slots increase as:
Level 1: 3 slots
Level 2: 4 slots
Level 3: 8 slots
Level 10: 10 slots
Level 25: 15 slots
Level 40: 20 slots

Recipe Slots:
Level 1: 1
Level 6: 4
Level 10: 8
Level 16: 11
Level 20: 12
Level 26: 13
Level 35: 14
Level 41: 16
Level 42: 18
Level 43: 20

Level 1: 3
Level 2: 4
Level 3: 8
Level 4: 15
Level 5: 30

There's more of course, but I don't want to make this into a tl;dr post. Over all the point I was attempting to make is, enhancement slots start at ten, and end at ten. Everything else starts small(1's and 3's). If they were to change this, so you got more enhancement slots as you leveled up, you'd have to start at a smaller number, probably 3. So lowbie toons would have an even worse time trying to buy enough enhancements for their build until they got to a point where they would have at least ten slots, than they do now.

Also, were that to happen, it would also be harder for lowbies to build up some starting capital when they don't have a sugar daddy/momma to help them out. For all my low level characters I sell off every enhancement that drops until I get to level 12, and can start slotting DOs cause that's the main way I build up inf for the toon so he can afford the DOs.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
The title says it all. We get more of everything else as we level up. We get more powers. We get more Inspiration slots. We get more Salvage slots. We get more Recipe slots. We get more costume slots.

So why don't we get more Enhancement inventory slots?

Perhaps we could go from holding 10 (at Level 1) to 20 (at Level 25) to 30 (at level 35).

We could even incorporate the arrow navigation feature that's already used to go through the trays of powers.

It's just a small QoL suggestion that would allow us to make more Enhancement purchases in one go when we upgrade at those mid- to high-levels.
You know, it never really occurred to me until you mentioned it, but yeah! Why not? We get more of every other storage space imaginable except the one that can pose the most problems. For example, having to make dozens of shopping excursions to get what we need because we fill up, not to mention the problem with crafted IOs; you can't sell them to vendors, only the auction houses, and if your auction space is full, and you fill up on IOs while waiting for those to sell, tough luck. You're stuck with them until you auction them all off or delete them.

I'm gonna call you on that suggestion and raise you five "Hell yeah!"s.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Well, originally I expect it was because the designers didn't think it was important. Nowadays it probably has something to do with limiting how many you can keep after a respec. I hasten to note that this is not something I give a damn about, before you think I'm some kind of respec Nazi or something; I'm just speculating as to the developers' motivations for not changing it.
I don't see why you would limit what someone could keep after a respec. Once you put your enhancements in your character, they are there forever... until you respec. Then you get paid back a ton of money for the ones you didn't keep. They are already giving us a huge refund if we DON'T keep them... why would it be any different to keep a few more? Especially with the addition of invention origin enhancements. If I happen to have the +Stealth run enhancement, but I respec into Flight or Super Jumping, I have to get a whole new one, so what am I supposed to do with it? They obviously don't have a problem with us getting paid back for our old pre-respec enhancements, so would it be so bad to return that +Stealth IO to Wentworths and get paid back for the enhancement I no longer need? (Oh, on a side note, how much are you compensated for IOs when you don't keep them after a respec?)

I don't know, but the way I see it, if they already reward us for NOT keeping them, how is keeping them and THEN getting a reward (or perhaps no reward just giving it to a friend) such a bad thing? Limiting enhancements you can keep after a respec is like limiting the amount of dessert you can eat at a buffet. "You can eat all the food you want... except that table of desserts... I know we let you eat all the meat and vegetables and drink all the drinks you want, but absolutely not desserts... Enjoy!"



MY only assumption would be to keep people from pulling more than 10 enhancements out during a respec.


I don't see why you would limit what someone could keep after a respec. Once you put your enhancements in your character, they are there forever... until you respec. Then you get paid back a ton of money for the ones you didn't keep. They are already giving us a huge refund if we DON'T keep them... why would it be any different to keep a few more? Especially with the addition of invention origin enhancements. If I happen to have the +Stealth run enhancement, but I respec into Flight or Super Jumping, I have to get a whole new one, so what am I supposed to do with it? They obviously don't have a problem with us getting paid back for our old pre-respec enhancements, so would it be so bad to return that +Stealth IO to Wentworths and get paid back for the enhancement I no longer need? (Oh, on a side note, how much are you compensated for IOs when you don't keep them after a respec?)
"OOO Luck of the gambler prices are up and so are purples. I'll quickly respec and sell them while prices are up then I can buy them back later and a cheaper price. Profit!"

^This is basically why^

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



The devs have flat out told us that enhancements were always intended to be permanent and they were being generous when they decided to allow us to pull 10 enhancements out of a respec.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The devs have flat out told us that enhancements were always intended to be permanent and they were being generous when they decided to allow us to pull 10 enhancements out of a respec.
Specifically, I think it was Posi who said that




But whenever the devs lend you a little finger, there are always some who demand the entire arm.

No, they say when I ask them why they dont just suggest no limitations at all, as that is where it will lead to if the devs give in each time such a request is made. Would be even more convenient, not?
"No, you are totally overreacting! We only want THIS little bit more after they gave us that other little bit."
Request granted -> rinse and repeat.




My thoughts on why they wont be giving us more enhancements slots is because when people delete toons or kill them it takes about 3 or 4 respecs to get everything good off of the toon and once you run out then its either pay inf to buy more or its to the online store and pay $17-ish US (?) for more, seems pretty obvious to me. Its a business decision.

More slots would be nice but it isnt goin to happen, IMO.

Member of the Stoned Templars

{|-|} Easy Kills {|-|} A&TC {|-|}



Sorry to disagree but they had the restriction on how many enhancements we could pull from a respec years before they sold respecs. The devs felt that the Inf we could get from pulling ten enhancements was too much when it was limited to DO's, SO,s and HO's. That certainly didn't change when IO's put the amount you can get back into the tens and hundreds of millions.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
The title says it all. We get more of everything else as we level up. We get more powers. We get more Inspiration slots. We get more Salvage slots. We get more Recipe slots. We get more costume slots.

So why don't we get more Enhancement inventory slots?

Perhaps we could go from holding 10 (at Level 1) to 20 (at Level 25) to 30 (at level 35).

We could even incorporate the arrow navigation feature that's already used to go through the trays of powers.

It's just a small QoL suggestion that would allow us to make more Enhancement purchases in one go when we upgrade at those mid- to high-levels.

I was going to post a new thread about this subject, but as this one exists already I'll post my comments here. My belief is that there should be some sort of scaling system for enhancement slots based on level like the OP alluded to. The system is the way it's been for years, before the Invention system even existed, and as such it is now outdated in my opinion. It's one thing when we're referring to TO's, DO's, and SO's, which are no problem to replace, but quite another when we start talking about IO's (which can cost a player millions to build, but for which they only get back the cost of crafting at the table upon selling them after a respec.) If, after a respec I decide to take my character in a different direction, build-wise, and the IO's I already have are incompatible with that, I don't feel it's fair to be forced to sell back all you legitimately earned and built at a steep discount.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Sorry to disagree but they had the restriction on how many enhancements we could pull from a respec years before they sold respecs. The devs felt that the Inf we could get from pulling ten enhancements was too much when it was limited to DO's, SO,s and HO's. That certainly didn't change when IO's put the amount you can get back into the tens and hundreds of millions.

How much do you get for HO's if for some crazy reason you decided to sell them after a respec? I've never had the opportunity to see for myself.



Originally Posted by Tabik View Post
I was going to post a new thread about this subject, but as this one exists already I'll post my comments here. My belief is that there should be some sort of scaling system for enhancement slots based on level like the OP alluded to. The system is the way it's been for years, before the Invention system even existed, and as such it is now outdated in my opinion. It's one thing when we're referring to TO's, DO's, and SO's, which are no problem to replace, but quite another when we start talking about IO's (which can cost a player millions to build, but for which they only get back the cost of crafting at the table upon selling them after a respec.) If, after a respec I decide to take my character in a different direction, build-wise, and the IO's I already have are incompatible with that, I don't feel it's fair to be forced to sell back all you legitimately earned and built at a steep discount.
that.. is actually the point.

CoH here has one MASSIVE problem in it's economy.
There's no real inf. sink, especially not now that so many people bypass SOs entirely and go straight to IOs.

Prior to that, enhancers were a solid inf sink at low levels, a decent one at mid levels.. but of course were no longer a sink at 50. Because the money you spent on them left the games economy because it went to NPCs.

IOs: someone pays a relatively small sum to the game world to craft it, and if it's sold on WW, they pay a small sum to WW for the sale, but most of the inf that is paid for that enhancer, goes to them.

Pair that with the fact that if you have a 50 it's insanely easy to make money, especially if they're a speed killer (my ill/kin is anything but, and still makes money too easily), it causes the price of everything to slowly but surely creep up because more people have more money and less to spend it on.

The enhancer loss on respeccing is the closest to a sink in this game. >.>



Originally Posted by Archon099 View Post
You know, it never really occurred to me until you mentioned it, but yeah! Why not? We get more of every other storage space imaginable except the one that can pose the most problems.
Actually, you get shafted on everything but enhancement slots early on.