79 -
I keep the recipes I can use, then craft and store them in my SG base (My SG is only made up of my toons,) and sell the rest. I personally think purples are over-rated, though I see why people would see otherwise, so I usually sell them immediately after getting them. I definitely prefer having my assets liquid.
I've always found Empathy to be a unique set in that it requires a player to know his/her teammates' strengths and weaknesses to be as effective as they most possibly could. When I team on my Empathy/Sonic, I /info all my teammates before doing anything else so I'm aware of what everyone is running, and what powers they have. That gives me a preliminary idea of who will make best use of my buffs. I'm always prepared to adapt my tactics, however, based on how my teammates' toons actually perform in battle.
Quote:Day Jobs murdered my father and molested my dog.
No, really I just think they're a bad idea. I never liked the idea of rewarding people for not playing a game. Couple that with the idea that you have to log out in a certain place, for a total of 21 days to earn each badge, and you've got some players (like me) who feel that playing their badge character at all is counter-productive to the badging process. If there was one thing I could take out of the game, Day Jobs would be it.
I never said they were game breaking, but that's not what the OP asked. I just think they're mostly pointless and a waste of time.And anyway, given that they're so trivial (as you yourself mentioned), that should imply that other than this very small portion, I'm totally thrilled with the game--which I am.
(But I also understand that this is only my opinion, and other people feel differently. So I'll stop talking about Day Jobs. For now. >_>)
I respect your opinion on the issue of Day Jobs, but the flip-side to all your arguments is that no player is required to participate in them, like much of the content present in the game. -
There aren't any specific powersets I won't play outright, just sets I like more than others. Toons with powersets I really enjoy get played and leveled up fairly quickly, and the ones I don't enjoy as much languish until I finally pick them up or delete them.
All of my characters are on Champion for the most part, with a few lowbies being the exceptions.
Jaded Razor - 50 Claws/Regen Scrapper
Jagged Razor - 34 Claws/Regen Stalker
These two are fairly similar in appearance to each, both Mutation origin. They were my first attempt at making a hero/nemesis duo, but I haven't quite got their back-stories fleshed out yet. The scrapper was my first character to get to 50.
Pyralis Blaze - 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
My second 50, and by far my favorite character to play. He is Technology origin, essentially a guy in a powered suit that can shoot flames, so character-wise, not a whole lot of depth there, but fun to play.
Selena Shockwave - 48 Empathy/Sonic Defender
Marlena Shockwave - 25 Sonic/Energy Blaster
Damien Shockwave - 6 Sonic/Pain Domination Corrupter
A family of mutants with Sonic powers, their secondary abilities (or primary, in Selena's case) correspond with their personalities, with the older sister Selena being empathic and caring, the younger sister Marlena being brash and impulsive, and their father Damien seeking revenge for his wife's death.
Serena Tempest - 44 Ice/Ice Tanker
Mutation origin, her powers manifested after a bad break-up with a former lover, after which she was convinced she wanted to end her life. She attempted to do so, but her powers prevented her from dying. Eventually, she came to accept her fate, but she still carries great pain.
Sonya Blaze - 45 Fire/Fire Brute
My first ever villain, she was actually created by my wife, along with a twin - Sanaa - which we used to duo a lot. She's Natural origin, due to my wife's preference for that particular origin, so I say that Sonya is a fire demon in the form of a human female to explain her powers.
Tabik - 42 Mind/Kinetics Controller
A character based on one of my Star Wars Galaxies characters, I tried to choose powersets that could be interpreted as Force-like. I'm not sure he works from that standpoint, but I have fun playing him.
I have lots of other characters besides these, but these are the ones that have more developed stories, or that I just tend to play a lot. -
Quote:These fake relationships are about as odd as they come. It's one thing to meet people online it's another to not meet them and ERP with them.
I used to ERP and just generally RP with a person in Star Wars Galaxies who played a blue-skinned Twi'lek female. We eventually did meet IRL, and we're now married. -
Quote:Hell that happens everywhere McC.... people in Iowa and Wisonsin that are USED driving in heavy snow every year and they STILL act like they don't know what they're doing half the time.
I just don't get it.
True, but I think they meant snow and ice that people in states that are used to it would laugh at. I'm in Oklahoma, but originally from New York, and I see this every year here in winter. They close schools here because a few inches of snow fell. -
Mine is simply the name of my Star Wars Galaxies character. Had the most fun on that character of any I've made in any game. Of course, having met my wife (IRL) while playing him might have had something to do with that..
Quote:but the game will arleady be open world in GR so..what was the point of all that flaming besides my grammer?
Because you were suggesting something different from what will be put in place by GR. Vigilantes and Rogues are both in the 'gray' area between Heroes and Villains, which is why they can go wherever they'd like, whereas what you were suggesting was Heroes being able to go to the Rogue Isles, and Villains being able to go to Paragon City. Even in GR, that dynamic won't be possible, so it isn't the 'open world' exactly that you were asking for. The reason you've received the replies you have is because those people are steadfastly against what you're asking for. -
Quote:To be Honest with you,
I can see the nice benefit that Vengeance would give on those ocassions when someone dies, but I have a personal aversion to anything that is based on a situation that, hopefully is avoided. Usually, Death is a rarity on my teams, so I have even opted to drop Rez from my build in order to take another power which I will use the heck out of more often.
I agree with this. I considered taking Vengeance on my Emp/Sonic's Teaming build, but ultimately decided against it for this reason mostly. Also, like Biospark, my Emp didn't have Rez either, though I've now taken it later in her build (48 currently.)
Looking over your build, I don't necessarily agree with a lot of your power choices and slotting, but that's your choice, as is taking Vengeance. While I personally find its use highly situational, it's very handy to have in those situations. -
Quote:The biggest thing that I think an empath needs to learn at the end game is how to time-manage buffs and WHO to put them on.
The time management comes with experience and the "who to buff" can change with every team. I prefer this kind of challenge personally. If buff targets were "cut-n-dry" for every team, then I would still enjoy my Hero, but he would be less challenging to play.
This, in my opinion, is precisely what differentiates a good Emp from a satisfactory one. The first thing an Emp should do on any team is /info each other player on their team, see what their powersets are, and what powers they have. Based on that assessment, determine what players will benefit the most from your buffs and make them your priority. That said, it's necessary to remain flexible based on the actual performance of the team, changing up your initial buffing strategy if need be. -
Quote:What about turning hurricane on and setting the tank to auto-follow? Sounds a bit like griefing to me.
Depends on intent, like the example of TP Friend. If it's meant to be griefing, then that's what it is. Using your hurricane example here, if the player using it just doesn't understand that turning on hurricane and auto-following the tank is something the majority of players would frown upon, then they are simply ignorant and using their powers unwisely. If they're doing it because they know it will annoy the tank, then it's griefing. -
Quote:There's already a precedent for it though. Teleport effects can be turned off on the recipient's end.
That's not quite the same, especially considering that the particular 'precedent' you refer to was put in place specifically because TP Friend could be used for griefing other players. Mis-using KB might be an annoyance, but it's hardly griefing, at least not in the same sense as TP'ing another player into a group of baddies for your own sick satisfaction would be. ("Your" is used generally, not referring to any specific person.) -
Quote:Could dev add Team Switch about Knock Back ?
Like team leader can choose Knock back allowed or not.
When KB not allowed, all KB power effect to KU or KD.
If feel KD or KU is too useful, how about add high taunt effect to KB power ?
I know Knock Back is 1 of most important action for "Hero feeling".
But in game play, especially team play, knock back is just harmful.
I saw many team wiped because KB happy KBing toggled mob to next group,
melee toon chasing KBed mob and bring more aggro etc
and I rarely seen team never broke after 4-5 wipe like that.
I know KB can be an annoyance when used excessively and without regard, but this suggestion is too extreme in my opinion. Any game dynamic that places control over my power's effects to another player is a dynamic I'm against, regardless of who that player is. Besides, a team leader already has an available dynamic to deal with players on their teams who choose to make unwise use of KB. It's called the Kick button. -
Quote:Team-oriented search tools - so that a team can advertise itself as LFM and someone looking to join a team doesn't need to send tells to all and sundry but can pinpoint the team leaders of those with available spaces.
SSK means that levels aren't anywhere near as important as they used to be, so this would pretty much seal easy-teaming for CoX as wayyyyyy ahead of most (possibly any) other MMOs.
I agree with this one, though there were several good ideas through the thread so far. If this dynamic is possible and was made available to us, I'd make regular use of it for certain. -
Quote:The title says it all. We get more of everything else as we level up. We get more powers. We get more Inspiration slots. We get more Salvage slots. We get more Recipe slots. We get more costume slots.
So why don't we get more Enhancement inventory slots?
Perhaps we could go from holding 10 (at Level 1) to 20 (at Level 25) to 30 (at level 35).
We could even incorporate the arrow navigation feature that's already used to go through the trays of powers.
It's just a small QoL suggestion that would allow us to make more Enhancement purchases in one go when we upgrade at those mid- to high-levels.
I was going to post a new thread about this subject, but as this one exists already I'll post my comments here. My belief is that there should be some sort of scaling system for enhancement slots based on level like the OP alluded to. The system is the way it's been for years, before the Invention system even existed, and as such it is now outdated in my opinion. It's one thing when we're referring to TO's, DO's, and SO's, which are no problem to replace, but quite another when we start talking about IO's (which can cost a player millions to build, but for which they only get back the cost of crafting at the table upon selling them after a respec.) If, after a respec I decide to take my character in a different direction, build-wise, and the IO's I already have are incompatible with that, I don't feel it's fair to be forced to sell back all you legitimately earned and built at a steep discount.
Quote:Sorry to disagree but they had the restriction on how many enhancements we could pull from a respec years before they sold respecs. The devs felt that the Inf we could get from pulling ten enhancements was too much when it was limited to DO's, SO,s and HO's. That certainly didn't change when IO's put the amount you can get back into the tens and hundreds of millions.
How much do you get for HO's if for some crazy reason you decided to sell them after a respec? I've never had the opportunity to see for myself. -
I wish I knew what all those quoted "Post deleted by moderator08" actually said..
Quote:Hmm... Due not quite knowing what the word "goatee" means, I didn't catch that in time, but a search around the net educated me. Turns out I have a goatee, as well. My boss keeps telling me to shave it, but it's around 5 centimetres off my chin now, and it's starting to get in the way.
Does that make me evil, too?
Yes, it does, according to my logic. -
Quote:good and evil are not clearcut at all. Take Goatees for example...they indicate evilness, yes?
...yet Morgan Freeman has one.
I could use this as an example for my Critical Thinking class.
Goatees indicate evilness. Morgan Freeman has a goatee, so Morgan Freeman must be evil.
Perfectly valid logic
(Not necessarily sound, but..) -
Quote:There are a couple problems with that from the get go the way I see it. First of all, I'm having difficulty thinking of a scenario where killing "for fun" can be, or ever has been considered moral. Perhaps this is merely a mistake in the wording of the question, but I would think the basic premise of that can only be considered immoral by most people's standards.Question: can killing for fun be considered moral if the person really deserved it?
(Disclaimer: This is not a question stemming from my own beliefs, it is designed to get people talking).
Secondly, who decides if the person "really deserves it," and what gives them the right to make that judgment as to whether a person should die?
Quote:-Time Out-
I just want to say how much fun it is to discuss morality and moral philosophy with people that actually know what the subject means.
Conversations with certain other friends have been.. unfulfilling.
-Time In-
I think that's their appeal, having that moral and philosophical simplicity that our real lives just don't. A friend of mine once told me that there are no "gray areas", that everything is black and white, but as I grow older I realize that just isn't true, no matter how strongly you want to believe it. You can choose to view the world in that simplistic sense, but in the end you're always closing your mind to something in order to make it fit that way. -
I only have concrete plans for one of my characters so far, a Traps/AR defender who's a Punisher-type toon. He'll be going vigilante for certain. There's a lot of potential for side-switching with a great number of my characters, but nothing set in stone yet.
I'll probably be rolling a lot of new toons once GR gets here, rather than move many of my existing ones around. -
Quote:So I have a Sonic/MM (play only on teams) and decided to pick up electrical mastery. I was wondering just how good is EM Pulse? Is it different from the EM Pulse from the radiation emission set (the one controllers and defenders have)?
Yes, it is different. The Radiation Emission version is a Mag 3 AoE hold with a 300 second base recharge while the Electricity Mastery version is a Mag 3 AoE DISORIENT with an 800 second base recharge.
Quote:Also, can the disorient from EM Pulse stack with Dreadful Wail's stun? I wouldn't be able to give EM pulse more than 4 slots so would it be worth it? I have a choice of either getting EM Pulse, Siren's Song, Shocking Bolt, or Assault. Thoughts?
I see no reason why it wouldn't stack, but my question would be what the purpose of doing so would be? Since this is a blaster nuke we're referring to, and assuming it's slotted up for damage, most of a spawn should be dead after you use it anyway. If there are any stragglers, it would make more tactical sense to me to pop a blue then use Screech.
I used to have EM pulse on my Fire/Fire before I re-worked his build, and while the power works decently, I found the recharge to be excessive. In the end, it ended up being a seldom used power on my bar, because the -recovery would hamper my attacking if I used it as an opener, and it likely won't save you if you get in over your head.
I would suggest looking at Siren's Song or Shocking Bolt from the powers you listed. Neither will stack with anything you can already do, but either will give you another control option, both of which can be effective with only 4 slots (possibly less, in Siren's Song's case.) Surge of Power could warrant a look-see as well. It has a long recharge as well, but while you have it active you'll have high resistance (for a blaster, anyway) to all damage but psi. -
I've gotten my Emp to 48 now, and have just started IO'ing her out - Thunderstrikes in Shriek, Scream, and Shout, Stupify in Screech, Call of the Sandman in Siren's Song, Kinetic Crash in Shockwave, and 4 of the Mako's Bite's so far. Already she's head and shoulders above how effective she was with just SO's.
And I chose the Power Mastery epic for Power Build Up and Total Focus mainly, but now I'm wondering if I should switch out Temp. Invuln. for Force of Nature.. I didn't choose the Electric Mastery pool because Thunderstrike isn't as good as Total Focus, in terms of the stun, and the damage of both is a wash imo due to Thunderstrike's KB and mostly Smashing damage. Power Mastery was the only pool that offered a RELIABLE stun to stack with Screech, so I took that. Power Build Up is nice too, and that is actually the only ancillary pool power that both my Empath's builds have. Very useful power for a variety of things, despite the recharge. As for having resistance to my own damage type(s), she's got 34% defense to Energy and Neg. Energy , so I felt Temp. Invuln worked well enough in that department. -
Quote:What is so special about Disruption Field that makes it cost so much?
If I'm not mistaken, this is the only -res toggle in the game you can place on an ally rather than an enemy. If it had a -dam element as well it would be grossly overpowered when combined with Sonic's +Res buffs.