Open world for both Factions




i was wandering if you guys would have want the devs to make the world of the game open for both factions, to be able to travel anywhere regardless of your faction.

i'm going to get flamed about what i'm going to say next but..would have you enjoy comics/superheroes movies/tv shows if the heroes would be only in the heroes' city and the villains in the villains' city?i truly belive that this game need Paragon city and the Rogue isles to be open for both heroes and villains.

about Heroes vs Villains and how it may effect leveling, i think it will be best that the Heroes and Villains would be unable to atack each other.

i belive that making the game open for both factions would bring alot more subs then going rogue, but thats just my opinion.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
would have you enjoy comics/superheroes movies/tv shows if the heroes would be only in the heroes' city and the villains in the villains' city?
I dunno what you're talking about. I see plenty of villains to beat up all over Paragon City, and the Etoile Islands are lousy with heroes.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I dunno what you're talking about. I see plenty of villains to beat up all over Paragon City, and the Etoile Islands are lousy with heroes.
its NPCs.

open world for the hero or the villain is for the players that don't like to play with more then 1 toon or dont like to be on the other faction.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
i was wandering if you guys would have want the devs to make the world of the game open for both factions, to be able to travel anywhere regardless of your faction.
Not particularly, no. Player heroes and villains being unable to fight each other in City Zones is nonsensical, and worldwide open PvP is unacceptable.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
i belive that making the game open for both factions would bring alot more subs then going rogue, but thats just my opinion.
... You DO know that you'll be able to explore both cities if you purchase Going Rogue, right...?

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
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Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Not particularly, no. Player heroes and villains being unable to fight each other in City Zones is nonsensical, and worldwide open PvP is unacceptable.
flag system, if you want to pvp, you put the flag on pvp and are able to atack or get atacked while the people with the flag off cannot be atacked or atack.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
flag system, if you want to pvp, you put the flag on pvp and are able to atack or get atacked while the people with the flag off cannot be atacked or atack.
I'm sorry, you're right. I should have said that worldwide PvP of any kind is unacceptable. I have no desire to wade through other people's slap fights to get to the tram, which is what would happen with a factional flag system.

No. Just no.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
... You DO know that you'll be able to explore both cities if you purchase Going Rogue, right...?
its side switching, i'm talking about going to paragon as a villain and to rogue isles as a hero.

if EQ and warcraft didnt have this, i belive they would have not reach the million mark[or the 500k mark for eq]



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
its side switching, i'm talking about going to paragon as a villain and to rogue isles as a hero.

if EQ and warcraft didnt have this, i belive they would have not reach the million mark[or the 500k mark for eq]
The side switching system in Going Rogue has "half-way" points, where you are still mostly in your original faction, but able to explore both sides.

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Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
its NPCs.
You asked if I would like a comic or movie that didn't have villains that the heroes could interact with. I pointed out that there are dozens. Just because they aren't players doesn't mean they're not there.

Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
flag system, if you want to pvp, you put the flag on pvp and are able to atack or get atacked while the people with the flag off cannot be atacked or atack.
That... doesn't solve the problem C_P presented.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I'm sorry, you're right. I should have said that worldwide PvP of any kind is unacceptable. I have no desire to wade through other people's slap fights to get to the tram, which is what would happen with a factional flag system.

No. Just no.
why do you care what other people do if it doesnt interfere you?they won't be able to atack you.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
if EQ and warcraft didnt have this, i belive they would have not reach the million mark[or the 500k mark for eq]
WoW does not have millions of players because players can enter opposite faction territory. WoW has millions of players because:
  1. It's made by Blizzard Entertainment, one of the most recognizable names in the entire CRPG genre
  2. It uses the Warcraft IP, Blizzard's most popular property
  3. Blizzard literally throws money at the game



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
The side switching system in Going Rogue has "half-way" points, where you are still mostly in your original faction, but able to explore both sides.
you will stay go as a hero to paragon and a villain to rogue isles, its a nice thing for the people who dont have alts, but its not open world.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
why do you care what other people do if it doesnt interfere you?
Because it does interfere with me. It gets in my way. It makes for a lot of extraneous power effects and suchlike for my system to animate when I'm just trying to get from point A to point B. It makes loud, annoying noises and clutters up chat channels with inane posturing. Did you ever play Star Wars Galaxies back when it had subscribers? Did you ever try to get across the courtyard in front of the Mos Eisley spaceport? Did you notice the hordes of Jedi and bounty hunters, Rebels and Imperials having their huge lagfest-inducing duels right there because they couldn't be bothered to leave the high-traffic area in which they happened to encounter each other to have their pointless fight? I did, I did, and I did, and I don't want to go through it again in City of Heroes. Leave PvP on its island where it belongs - and then we're back to the other option, heroes and villains traveling openly in each other's territory but mysteriously unable to attack each other. That'd be acceptably peaceful, but makes no sense.

Lacking any sort of incognito or changing-sides mechanism at the present time, there is no way to implement your suggestion that I consider workable, and which would not alter the in-game experience to an unacceptable degree, full stop.



Not to mention that everyone I know who plays Warcraft hates the whole duel challenge idea. Generally, some jackass will walk into town and challenge everybody (especially those weaker than him) to a duel until they accept, and will otherwise get in their way and impede their progress.

It's a form of trolling that I definitely don't want to see in City of Heroes.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
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Nah doesn't sound good.Really don't want to have to be molested by someone when they want to "duel" me if I want that I'll go to the pvp zones or the arena.

Also,true I don't want to be trippin over people when they get into fights or listen to the "smack" talk on broadcast.

For some reason this sounds too much like some other mmo I do not play.

In addition I think it best to fix the problems with pvp before anything like that is even considered.The pvp population is too small now to try to do a major change like that.If you think it might attract people to try your wrong.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
WoW does not have millions of players because players can enter opposite faction territory. WoW has millions of players because:
  1. It's made by Blizzard Entertainment, one of the most recognizable names in the entire CRPG genre
  2. It uses the Warcraft IP, Blizzard's most popular property
  3. Blizzard literally throws money at the game
you realy think that the game would have 13 millions players with a half world for the player?

just look at Lord of the Rings online, amazing game but without a second faction, the devs have said before thats its the only reason the game don't have a number similar to wow.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
you will stay go as a hero to paragon and a villain to rogue isles, its a nice thing for the people who dont have alts, but its not open world.
You can make 12 characters per server for no additional charge, and up to 36 per server for a fairly reasonable cost. Why would you NOT make alts?

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post

if EQ and warcraft didnt have this, i belive they would have not reach the million mark[or the 500k mark for eq]
you really want to avoid presumptuous statements like this. This community is generally not huge on pvp, and tends to have some strong reactions against it, so shoehorning pvp into the areas where people who do not want to deal with it is a very bad idea.

ok so how do you see it working, adding contacts for both sides in every zone, full story arcs? you do realize this is adding a significant amount of content planning needed and balancing, so this is a large addition of content for a very small community, content that will present more focused and appropriate content from being added. so i have to say that this would not really be something appropriate for this game.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
just look at Lord of the Rings online, amazing game but without a second faction, the devs have said before thats its the only reason the game don't have a number similar to wow.
That's what we in the usage-of-language business call a Conveniently Un-Verifiable Made-Up Excuse.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
WoW does not have millions of players because players can enter opposite faction territory. WoW has millions of players because:
  1. It's made by Blizzard Entertainment, one of the most recognizable names in the entire CRPG genre
  2. It uses the Warcraft IP, Blizzard's most popular property
  3. Blizzard literally throws money at the game
I don't think Blizzard literally throws money at the game. It does paint an awesome mental image of everyone at Blizzard standing around throwing wads of cash and coins at a boxed copy of World of Warcraft. Which at best, would just confuse the game (assuming it's sentient enough to be aware of what's happening)



first of all, open world is for the pve not the pvp.

villains won't be able to dual you or even talk with you.

and game effects to annoy you?dude..the game don't have many subs, you won't see many battles on your way, besides, you have a real problem if it will distrub you, i mean....its a little bit extreme.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
its side switching, i'm talking about going to paragon as a villain and to rogue isles as a hero.

if EQ and warcraft didnt have this, i belive they would have not reach the million mark[or the 500k mark for eq]

Enough reason for me to ignore the entire discussion.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
you realy think that the game would have 13 millions players with a half world for the player?
Players in WoW are just as free to make an opposite-faction character as we are in CoH. being able to visit an opposite faction town in WoW has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with their obscene subscription numbers.

Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
just look at Lord of the Rings online, amazing game but without a second faction, the devs have said before thats its the only reason the game don't have a number similar to wow.
If the LotRO devs said that, then they're either utter morons, deluding themselves, or flat-out lying to whoever they made that statement to.

Before WoW was released, 100,000 subscribers was considered "doing well" for an MMO (CoH numbers: approx. 130,000). World of Warcraft is an anomaly fueled by creator recognition, brand name recognition, and funding out the wazoo.

I can quite literally guarantee that adding the ability for players to visit opposing faction territory to an existing MMO will not boost its subscriber base by a significant fraction of WoW's subscriber base.



Flag systems suck. Proof of concept: Star Wars Galaxies.