Open world for both Factions




Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Have you noticed that in one of the previous issues they started labeling some of the missions with big blue Hero or Red villeins? That's probably part of the bases of the alignment exchange.
Actually, it has more to do with co-op zones and the [Mission Teleport] power than anything to do with GR.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Because in both of those zones (according to the supposed storyline), Heroes and Villains have chosen to *reluctantly* team up to fight a common enemy?
Personally, I would go with the explanation that, if you ever engage in combat with a hero or villain operating under the direction of Vanguard in that war zone, you will be banned from it forever. The same goes for Pocket D. So you don't engage in combat with the other faction because the access to the area is more valuable to you that your moral imperative to combat the other side.

I'm guessing that similar restrictions will be placed on the Rogues is Paragon City and Vigilantes in the Rogue Isles in GR. In essense, by making yourself a Rogue, you've expressed a willingness to work with heroes. Attacking a hero in Paragon City would pretty much nullify that, making you a Villain again. So out you go.