Open world for both Factions




Originally Posted by NeoSporin View Post
A blanket search with no qualifiers does not list everyone who is not hidden that is currently logged in.
It doesn't list them but it explicitly states how many are found.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I don't think Blizzard literally throws money at the game. It does paint an awesome mental image of everyone at Blizzard standing around throwing wads of cash and coins at a boxed copy of World of Warcraft. Which at best, would just confuse the game (assuming it's sentient enough to be aware of what's happening)
He used literally wrong. I get it haha.



Open World Pvp. NO.

Open World where heroes and villains can cross back and forth sure.
But not like we are getting an expansion soon that allows this . . . oh wait.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Uh, yeah. The list is truncated whenever it gets more than 50 hits. All you have to do is search by level or AT and you should get everyone in that level range or AT (up to 50 characters). It’s not a bug.

I'm not here to make you laugh.



Originally Posted by Straightman View Post
Uh, yeah. The list is truncated whenever it gets more than 50 hits. All you have to do is search by level or AT and you should get everyone in that level range or AT (up to 50 characters). It’s not a bug.
Right but the point was that because of the way it does work, it's not really accurate to use it to get a real count of how many players are on in game at any time.

Not to mention that the number of players who log on and off probably changes every 30 minutes or sooner.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Hum... Well, as said Going Rogue will fix that for us, in the "open world" discussion.

And PvP in this game totally sucks... I totally suck in PvP in the other games I´ve tried, but the system on this one is outrageous.

For the PvE with PvP on stuff... Have you tried to get Shivans when people who actually desire to PvP are on the Zone? That´s extremely annoying... And would be that way with whole world open to that. Flagging is terible too (check the combo explanation on the other post).

WOW is that big for several reasons, most of them commented on one post or another around here. One of them nobody tought about is because the majority of some servers are made from asian teen nerds that have no social skills on RL so they spent ALL their free time in the game. Have you (generic you) bothered to check how many Chinese and Indian people are in the world? (BTW: I don´t think ALL people from those country are like that or that ALL WOW players are like that either... I´m no hater. And sadly I was a teen nerd with no social skills until i graduated from High School... lol)

I think a server merger with Eu could turn out to be interesting... But would create some more language problems. Some people have trouble learning english, and I don´t think they would have fun being ignored because they don´t speak it..

And on other hand... English is not my main language, but I try my best to write properly.

Just to finish, to put some enphasis on it... PvP in CoH really sucks.

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Right but the point was that because of the way it does work, it's not really accurate to use it to get a real count of how many players are on in game at any time.

Not to mention that the number of players who log on and off probably changes every 30 minutes or sooner.

At the bottom of the list it shows the total found online [unhidden] within the parameters set. The list is just shortened showing players name. For example it could say 130 people found, this list was truncarateredio [hehe ] but only display 50 names.

As far as im aware, this is the most accurate way possible to see a total number of people online at X given time.

But the point i was trying to make was in regards to people saying that all EU players do is moan, which i admit we do do a lot, but if your entire server lists were like that then you'ld moan too. I was just showing actual evidence as to the reason since the person i was responding too has said numerous times that they dont have access to the EU servers and therefore have no idea on what it is like over here.

But dont get me wrong, i know one or two of your own servers are possibly in a similar/worse state than ours so dont misunderstand me in that regard, was just saying that there is a reason WHY we moan.

To do a mothership raid you need almost the entire german server? Can see my point

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I think a server merger with Eu could turn out to be interesting... But would create some more language problems. Some people have trouble learning english, and I don´t think they would have fun being ignored because they don´t speak it..
Well there is that problem obviously, but yesterday i was logged in to the french servers for about an hour or so and the majority of people there had a good understanding of english. Obviously isnt ideal though.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I'm a veteran EU player (over 54 months) and I spend the vast majorty of my time on /hide. I watch sals badgehunters and defiant events channels and if somthing interesting comes up I will join.

I'm probably not the only player that does this. I don't know if /sea is really a good indicator of anything.



I think a server merger with Eu could turn out to be interesting... But would create some more language problems. Some people have trouble learning english, and I don´t think they would have fun being ignored because they don´t speak it..

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Well there is that problem obviously, but yesterday i was logged in to the french servers for about an hour or so and the majority of people there had a good understanding of english. Obviously isnt ideal though.

Actually it isn't a problem at all. There are currently players on the NA servers that are from South America and few of them are hampered by a language barrier. We also have players from Japan.

I've gotten several tells in Spanish over the years from players that thought I understood that language based on the names of some of my characters.

I know there's at least one Brazilian SG out there that caters to the players that are both bilingual and monolingual on the NA servers. There's nothing that would stop EU players from doing the same thing as they expanded into other servers and vice versa for us going onto their servers.

I welcome the chance to game with our EU brothers and sisters. I also look forward to picking up a few words and phrases in whatever boobely boobely language they speak.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Right but the point was that because of the way it does work, it's not really accurate to use it to get a real count of how many players are on in game at any time.
And the point is still wrong. As Dersk and Damz have patiently explained, the tool will tell you that there are X unhidden characters on the server, but if X is larger than 50, it will only list 50. This is what "truncated" means." If a list of 75 characters is truncated to 50, it doesn't mean that 75 is an inaccurate count; it means that 75 names (each with level, AT, location and Comments) are too many to list one-by-one.

You're drawing a conclusion which is completely unsupported by the evidence. It's like talking to a sociologist.

I'm not here to make you laugh.



Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
I don't know if /sea is really a good indicator of anything.

well, it's a good indicator of how many people aren't using /hide.

which doesn't support the doomcriers argument, since they have no idea how many people are using /hide.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
but the game will arleady be open world in GR so..what was the point of all that flaming besides my grammer?

Because you were suggesting something different from what will be put in place by GR. Vigilantes and Rogues are both in the 'gray' area between Heroes and Villains, which is why they can go wherever they'd like, whereas what you were suggesting was Heroes being able to go to the Rogue Isles, and Villains being able to go to Paragon City. Even in GR, that dynamic won't be possible, so it isn't the 'open world' exactly that you were asking for. The reason you've received the replies you have is because those people are steadfastly against what you're asking for.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I know there's at least one Brazilian SG out there that caters to the players that are both bilingual and monolingual on the NA servers.
Yeah, I know... They´re on Freedom, have a toon on it even tough I barelly enter Freedom... But even tough I can speak some English there are still words I don´t understand. Now think a 13 year old with no language knowledge trying to play. I had to help some of them already...

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
well, it's a good indicator of how many people aren't using /hide.

which doesn't support the doomcriers argument, since they have no idea how many people are using /hide.
Obviously NCsoft and the Devs know, which still tells us very little. i am quite confident that none of the doomcriers fall into the prior groups, so they have no better way of knowing than any other player.

Going by global channels i'd say Champion is still quite active most weekday evenings and weekends, and it rarely falls into the top 5 in terms of load.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Obviously NCsoft and the Devs know, which still tells us very little. i am quite confident that none of the doomcriers fall into the prior groups, so they have no better way of knowing than any other player.

Going by global channels i'd say Champion is still quite active most weekday evenings and weekends, and it rarely falls into the top 5 in terms of load.

From my personal experience, i'ld say the more populated a server is, the less active a channel is compared to the lesser populated ones

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



/sea only shows players that are non-hide, but the problem isn't here.

It's just like if NCSoft was saying "We have more than 3 millions french suscribers, that all play on Vigilance". Ok, let's admit that it's true (even if it obviously isn't).
What does it change for me? I still can't find a team if I play before 8 pm or after 12 am, PvP zones are still empty, etc...

So maybe there are 500 players using hide on Vigilance, but since they're on hide, and I can't find them to play with them, why would it matter? Yeah, maybe they'll send me a tell to maybe invit me to a possible arena or whatever they want... but too bad for me, it never happened in the past year.

If I can't find anyone to play with me, that's a problem when I play MMO. No matter how many players there might be.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
From my personal experience, i'ld say the more populated a server is, the less active a channel is compared to the lesser populated ones
i'm guessing you mean in proportion to the number of players since Virtue's global channels are still more active. (Stroke Victim Smiley agrees with me.)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
i'm guessing you mean in proportion to the number of players since Virtue's global channels are still more active. (Stroke Victim Smiley agrees with me.)

In that regard then i am wrong I admit it

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
In that regard then i am wrong I admit it




Originally Posted by Westley View Post

You've been waiting for this moment havent you

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Actually it isn't a problem at all. There are currently players on the NA servers that are from South America and few of them are hampered by a language barrier. We also have players from Japan.

I've gotten several tells in Spanish over the years from players that thought I understood that language based on the names of some of my characters.

I know there's at least one Brazilian SG out there that caters to the players that are both bilingual and monolingual on the NA servers. There's nothing that would stop EU players from doing the same thing as they expanded into other servers and vice versa for us going onto their servers.

I welcome the chance to game with our EU brothers and sisters. I also look forward to picking up a few words and phrases in whatever boobely boobely language they speak.
I'd love the opportunity to merge the server lists and open a new Spanish language server with the 'EU only currently' language localization.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Copy of my post:

Have you noticed that in one of the previous issues they started labeling some of the missions with big blue Hero or Red villeins? That's probably part of the bases of the alignment exchange. Having to something like run a ark to get rouge status thin run random missions to change your alignment far enough to one side or another. Thin another ark to completely switch over to the other side.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Hero and villain are in the back corner of Rikti War Zone or Cimerora. No one around to see. Why can't they fight each other then?
Because in both of those zones (according to the supposed storyline), Heroes and Villains have chosen to *reluctantly* team up to fight a common enemy?

I thought that was obvious.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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