Open world for both Factions




Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Not particularly, no. Player heroes and villains being unable to fight each other in City Zones is nonsensical, and worldwide open PvP is unacceptable.

It's a game. Games have rules. Heroes and Villains can't fight each other in three zones right now. It's probably going to be more than than if I understand how Praetoria is going to work.

Many games allow good and evil characters to exist in the same PvE space. This is a good idea and should be how they implement GR.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Actually, if the content was designed to support it being able to at least occasionally cross sides is something that I think opens a lot of opportunities for tying the two sides of the game together.

I wouldn't be opposed, say, to making a CoV-side mission "burn down building in Steel Canyon" that literally sent you to a hero-side Steel Canyon instance and had you initiate one of SC's building arson events (which then the heros would have to react to). That sort of thing is something that I think there are lots of opportunities to do that would be considered overall improvements to CoX gameplay.
I really do love me some Queen of Maths, when she's making sense!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Many games allow good and evil characters to exist in the same PvE space. This is a good idea and should be how they implement GR.
We already have Heroes and Villains in the same PVE space: Pocket D, Rikti War Zone, and Cimerora.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!




If it was a totally open world.... one side would "wipe" the other side out pretty quickly. What I mean is, one side which had a substantially larger population would bleed over into the other side and keep them from coming back to any sort of power. It would be in-game griefing on a MASSIVE scale.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Not to mention that everyone I know who plays Warcraft hates the whole duel challenge idea. Generally, some jackass will walk into town and challenge everybody (especially those weaker than him) to a duel until they accept, and will otherwise get in their way and impede their progress.

It's a form of trolling that I definitely don't want to see in City of Heroes.
QFT! I had someone in my time there, he was literally spamming me with dual requests (or possibly guild charter request) so hard that I couldn't click on him to /ignore him. I couldn't do anything until I had to type /ignore



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Many games allow good and evil characters to exist in the same PvE space.
That doesn't actually indicate that it makes sense for them to do so. I forget precisely which flavor of rhetorical crap that is - possibly the false conflation of causation and correlation? Whichever, that other games do it - indeed, that this game does it in a couple of places - is irrelevant. It's still annoyingly nonsensical. Either it requires a cumbersome handwave ("Pocket D is neutral ground, and for some reason just the DJ saying that is enough to keep the peace") or simply a game mechanic enforcing behavior that the characters would otherwise not exhibit.



("Pocket D is neutral ground, and for some reason just the DJ saying that is enough to keep the peace")
That's because DJ Zero MADE that pocket dimension. He created the rules, literally. So heroes and villains simply CAN'T attack each other, because it's not POSSIBLE in the mini world that he created.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
you realy think that the game would have 13 millions players with a half world for the player?

just look at Lord of the Rings online, amazing game but without a second faction, the devs have said before thats its the only reason the game don't have a number similar to wow.
Um, no, the LOTRO devs have never said that. Ever. I say this as one who has been in LOTRO since friends-and-family alpha and is related to one of the devs (who would be vehemently opposed from a lore and gameplay standpoint).

If we had a vote on Open World, I would vote no for the reasons others have mentioned already.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I don't think Blizzard literally throws money at the game. It does paint an awesome mental image of everyone at Blizzard standing around throwing wads of cash and coins at a boxed copy of World of Warcraft. Which at best, would just confuse the game (assuming it's sentient enough to be aware of what's happening)
You win Ten Thousand Internets!

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Pffft. BABs already owns all the internets. You can't give him what's already his.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
That's because DJ Zero MADE that pocket dimension. He created the rules, literally. So heroes and villains simply CAN'T attack each other, because it's not POSSIBLE in the mini world that he created.
I think the reasoning in the D might be "If you start a barfight, I'mma teleport you into your own, private pocket dimension... forever."



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
WoW does not have millions of players because players can enter opposite faction territory. WoW has millions of players because:
  1. It's made by Blizzard Entertainment, one of the most recognizable names in the entire CRPG genre
  2. It uses the Warcraft IP, Blizzard's most popular property
  3. Blizzard literally throws money at the game
Also, the game is constantly fresh - players at every level of play (not character level, but super casual to super hardcore) are constantly being given more to do. Their quests have an amazing level of variety. It isn't that they're amazing feats, but it ends up being all the little things that make so many quests slightly different. For exmaple: a fishing daily question. You need to attract some fish attracted to blood. So you kill an animal, "wash off" the blood in water, that creates a little bloody pool where you jumped in. You fish that bloody spot, you get the right fish.

It's those little things that distinguish each quest from clicking a glowie.

Then there's the dungeons, which are pretty comparable to a Task Force, except with a wider variety of mechanics. Only a few fights in CoH - end of ITF, the Four Horseman in the LGTF, etc, have really "different mechanics", and (almost?) none of them have mechanics you can't just overpower with a sufficiently strong group.

And then there's the raids. Lag-free, challenging activities that take 25 good players, and are still HARD. (And scaling up to where you literally need 25 really excellent people, all playing nearly error-free for the duration of an encounter.)

To say nothing of the PvP, which seems amazingly well balanced considering how the powers are essentially the same as the PvE versions.

Granted, this is a game they spent maybe 75-90M$ developing, and then it became a monster hit, far beyond what anyone would have expected - even the most optimistic Blizzard fanboy would never have predicted 12M subscribers, with 35M+ people trying the game over time. But rather than rest on their laurels, the game has been made drastically better over time as they listened with a deft ear to their players. (Despite all that was good about it, I found it nearly unplayable in it's first couple years.)

I do think it's true though that there are only a handful of companies that could have pulled it off, no matter how good their game was. Blizzard being one of them. The only company I can think of with a comparable clout - and even they are not as strong as Blizzard - is Bioware, and I am pretty sure their MMO will be the next one to break into the millions, and stay there.



Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
To say nothing of the PvP, which seems amazingly well balanced
I'm not a WoW player, but that's not what I've heard about their PvP.

On the other hand, WoW (and several other MMOs besides) have a larger variety of PvP modes to make it more interesting than simply "kill the other guys".



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
I'm not a WoW player, but that's not what I've heard about their PvP.

On the other hand, WoW (and several other MMOs besides) have a larger variety of PvP modes to make it more interesting than simply "kill the other guys".

What are you TALKING about? WE have Pokemon PvP!



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
That doesn't actually indicate that it makes sense for them to do so. I forget precisely which flavor of rhetorical crap that is - possibly the false conflation of causation and correlation? Whichever, that other games do it - indeed, that this game does it in a couple of places - is irrelevant. It's still annoyingly nonsensical. Either it requires a cumbersome handwave ("Pocket D is neutral ground, and for some reason just the DJ saying that is enough to keep the peace") or simply a game mechanic enforcing behavior that the characters would otherwise not exhibit.
Still BULL! Same reasoning could be extended to say that we should be able to attack ANY target. Heroes and villains can't fight each other? Why can't villains fight each other? You can't even use the "Heroes wouldn't have any reason to fight each other excuse."

Player character Villains can't beat each other up in the Rogue Isles because it's a game rule. It's a PvE space.

Try to quote all the debate maxims that you want. Your argument is irrelevant. We already have to make allowances for the fact that players can't fight each other. Better to just say you don't like the idea than to try and justify it with a weak argument that reflects nothing more than your own prejudices about how the game should work.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
That's because DJ Zero MADE that pocket dimension. He created the rules, literally. So heroes and villains simply CAN'T attack each other, because it's not POSSIBLE in the mini world that he created.
Hero and villain are in the back corner of Rikti War Zone or Cimerora. No one around to see. Why can't they fight each other then?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Hey I only explained the reason for Pocket D... the other two zones don't make any sense to me at all.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Hero and villain are in the back corner of Rikti War Zone or Cimerora. No one around to see. Why can't they fight each other then?
Why do you presume that heroes and villains *must* automatically be antagonistic to each other, just because of their archetype or the place they started?



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
Why do you presume that heroes and villains *must* automatically be antagonistic to each other, just because of their archetype or the place they started?
If you put two siblings in the back seat of the car and told them not to mess with each other, guess what's gonna happen eventually? Daddy's gonna have to pull this car over and whup somebody.

I like Arcana's idea of being more proactive in opposing faction zones with special missions.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I was wandering if you guys would have want the devs to make the world of the game open for both factions...


I'm not here to make you laugh.



Originally Posted by Lighting_Thron View Post
i was wandering if you guys would have want the devs to make the world of the game open for both factions, to be able to travel anywhere regardless of your faction.

i'm going to get flamed about what i'm going to say next but..would have you enjoy comics/superheroes movies/tv shows if the heroes would be only in the heroes' city and the villains in the villains' city?i truly belive that this game need Paragon city and the Rogue isles to be open for both heroes and villains.

about Heroes vs Villains and how it may effect leveling, i think it will be best that the Heroes and Villains would be unable to atack each other.
I wouldn't like it.
By making every zone co-op PvE, what would be the point of even having factions?
We've already been proliferating the heck out of powersets, which some people love, but I do not. I wish that every AT had at least one exclusive Primary and Secondary, to make it stand out as special in a way other than just the AT's Inherent.

I'm against having PvP flags and Dueling requests, for reasons other posters have expressed.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Hero and villain are in the back corner of Rikti War Zone or Cimerora. No one around to see. Why can't they fight each other then?
Because the game has player convenience mechanics that are poorly justified by the in-game story. I think we've covered this already.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
WoW does not have millions of players because players can enter opposite faction territory. WoW has millions of players because:
  1. It's made by Blizzard Entertainment, one of the most recognizable names in the entire CRPG genre
  2. It uses the Warcraft IP, Blizzard's most popular property
  3. Blizzard literally throws money at the game
You forgot to mention one of the biggest contributors to WoW's success. It had a 10 year head start over City of Heroes.
Yes, World of Warcraft as a title did not exists before CoH, but it was already a successful MMO early on and when it was 'Warcraft'. Then it got a major overhaul and was re-released as 'World of Warcraft'.

Subscribers to 'Warcraft' naturally subbed to WoW.

"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
Why do you presume that heroes and villains *must* automatically be antagonistic to each other, just because of their archetype or the place they started?
Um... because they're heroes and villains. One of the things that defines supervillains is "antagonism toward superheroes", and vice versa. You'd as well ask why one presumes that something knocked off a kitchen table will fall to the floor. Because that's what they do.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Player character Villains can't beat each other up in the Rogue Isles because it's a game rule. It's a PvE space.
Yes. Quite true. I don't think I ever denied that, did I? And once again you ignore the fact that just because some things already don't make sense, that doesn't mean it's okay for more things not to make sense.