395 -
Should clarify this by saying that 'fiction' was only one of the reasons we opted to not do EAT power customization. It wasn't the only reason, it wasn't even one fo the more important reasons, and it doesn't necessarily mean that we'll never do it.
Quote:Never were truer words spoken.Yeah, there's nothing wrong with the official trailer, it's actually pretty good!
People gotta remember the NC Soft guy is making his trailer for a different audience. Bob & Betty six-pack don't get excited about all the same things we do. And they don't have as intimate an understanding of the game as us.
That's why Samuraiko's vids seem better to us, because she understands the way we think and adds in little details that we appreciate. Well, that, and she has mad skillz ;P -
Quote:Oh hey, that was me.i'm such an idiot for not asking for his name! but i'm getting ahead of myself.
so i was working last week. i'm a server at Red Robin in san jose. i walk out from the back and at a table is a man wearing a shirt with the round CoH symbol on it. i walk up to the table and tell the man how much i love the game and ask him if he plays. he replies to me that he actually works on the game. i geek out for a while and we talk about how i17 just went into open beta and how i can't wait for demon summoning. i shake his hand and went back to take care of my tables.
wasn't until hours later that i realized i forgot to ask for his name. D'oh!
That's the 3rd time I've run into a player in real life, and it never stops being awesome and shocking. -
Quote:"hard" or "difficult" are not appropriate terms when referring to an unknown quantity of time. When the actual amount of time required is unknown, saying it would require a "significant amount" may not be correct either. It may take 2 hours, 2 weeks, 2 months, etc. Weeks or Months would be a significant amount of time while hours or minutes might not be. All we do know is that it won't take 2 seconds, which would be an insignificant amount of time...so the most accurate and comprehensive thing we could say would be that it's "not insignificant"I'm not trying to bug Castle about this, but I really dislike that this (and 'non-trivial' too) became a popular term...it just sounds so silly...why can't we just say 'hard', 'difficult', or even just 'significant amount'? Or what's wrong with 'time/resource costly' even, if we still want to sound hoity-toity?
I speak not about just this, but it's proliferated into many fields (mine and the devs especially)...ugh.
...sorry Castle/everyone, didn't mean to pester.
/off topic -
Quote:Do wha?lol. You win this round, Golden Girl.
Wish we were still publishing a COH comic so we could give all the ladies out there some equal opportunity eye candy.
But before I throw in the towel completely, you might to check the last couple pages of Issue 8, where Back Alley Brawler suits up in his new uniform, or the first half of Issue 9, where he opens up a big can of butt-kickery on some goons. You have to admit that there's a certain beefcake factor to the proceedings. -
Quote:In my humble opinion, only a couple of simple things:I was reading the massive awards page and thought to myself, "What would it take for CoX to be better than WoW?" This might be a hard question to answer other than one obvious solution.....WoW disappears.
But outside of that how is it that WoW remains on top? Is it that it has longevity? Is it that it's genre is the most popular? Is it that it has great expansion packs? Is it the graphics? What gives? I've been playing CoX on and off for a number of years now and I hate seeing the numbers dwindle. The streets are much more quiet than they used to be. Less raids going on. Ah, but the costume contests are still a plenty....in which I rarely win unless I happen to catch an early morning CC where like 10 people are there. (BIASED JUDGES!)
I just want to see CoX reign supreme. Do you think Going Rogue and Ultra Mode will help alot or just a little? I wonder how many folks will even be able to enjoy ultra mode with the system requirements and all.
1) It needs to be made by Blizzard
2) It would need to be based in the Starcraft universe. -
Quote:www.i-am-bored.comIf your like me you often find yourself bouncing between one or two websites trying to find entertainment. So my question is, what are your "I'm bored" sites? If we pool our resources then we can help quell eachother's boredom for awhile.
I'll begin with my own contribution:
mylifeisaverage.com :funny stories from everyday life.
despair.com : check out the demotivators, funny stuff. -
Quote:The Basilisk Lizard?Ostriches aren't the fastest. What about chocobos?!
Also what's the fastest two-legged animal on water?
In water is a different story... -
Quote:The ostrich would disagree with you, being the fastest two-legged animal on land. Even humans when sprinting tend to run on their toes or balls of their feet. There's generally not of heel-to-ground contact during a full out sprint.As someone who has 4 Cockatiels and a Quaker Parrot in his house, the larger birds do walk instead of hop but it is much more of a waddling motion than what we think of as walking.
Very few birds have feet optimized for running and walking. Most of them are adapted for perching on branches and climbing sheer surfaces. -
Quote:There's this guy...Do any actual bipedal animals have backwards knees in nature, though? That'd be good for reference materials, as I tend to not like how artists usually draw them as basically elongated feet and people walking on their toes. Granted, it's probably more realistic that way, but it just looks goofy to me. The much more stylised backwards legs with a shorter shin bone and vertical foot seem to look a lot more natural for some reason.
As a point of reference, check out Mass Effect's Tali'Zora.
"The Arrival" and "Xavier: Regnegade Angel" are the only examples I can think of with a truly "backwards knee".
Plenty of people have made homemade or professional rigs to mimic digitigrade legs for humanoid characters. -
Short clarification that statement being attributed to self was never actually said by self but instead inferred from another unrelated statement made by another redname.
Snarky comment. -
Quote:Is that like all of the sax and violins on television that people are always complaining about?You know, for a YEAR whenever people talked about Euthanasia I thought they actually WERE talking about "youth in Asia" because I'd never had the term explained to me...
...it was very confusing wondering why all these Asian people were dying all the time and why people in America were talking about it so much.... -
Quote:Animated tails are not capes. They're nearly identical to how we do wings, but a much simpler rig. (Not too much more expensive than a bow when you really get down to it.)I just had a thought...
will animated tails count towards the 1cape rule?
I sure hope not, cause i'd be devastated if i cannot use the bat wings with a tail...
eidt: yes i can't type... *mutters*
They've also been put on their own costume node and will now show up under "Lower Body". Which will mean you can do a Belt and a Tail (animated or static) on the same character. Unfortunately, that means the tails under the belt category are being flagged as legacy. So if you want to keep your current, non-animated tail, you'll still need to go in and select that costume part from the lower body the next time you edit your costume at the tailor. -
I will no longer be accepting PMs. Please use these threads to alert us to any issues with Animation or VFX.
Bugs or exploits can be addressed to Ghost Falcon
For all other questions or concerns, direct them to the appropriate thread, or to our community people EMpulse, T'He O'Cho, Niviene, or Avatea. -
Quote:I believe it could be done, but it would have ramifications on balance.The problem with that is new code, not new animations. You are talking about adding a weapon to non-weapon powers, which will also require drawing that weapon. Adding that option may or may not be easily doable.
Adding customizeable weapons to power customization is another story. -
Quote:*wonders which one of us is Picard, and which one is Riker*
Quote:If we attempted to answer every question or concern directed our way, we'd 1) fail and 2) not have any time to actually work on the actual game.My old complaint is worn and tired.
It also seems to fall on deaf dev ears, who don't explain why it can't be changed/updated, or simply wont change them.( Sorry BaBs... truth.)
All Maps are Stale and Predictable.
All of them: Police Radio. Newspaper. Contacts.
When you know where mobs are on any given map you come across, it's time to change the d-mned map.
Put in a randomizer, change things up, SOMEthing.
Quote:To be honest, I'm actually less concerned about the fact that the maps are predictable, than I am that 95% of the time the maps make no sense.
And you can't say that the reason why they make no sense is because the point is to force players to explore. In old school PnP games there were two kinds of maps. The random, twisty, explorey maps where the point was to explore and there were actual things to find. And regular buildings, like castles, which at least attempted to look like functional structures. Most of the maps are random twisty maps just to require players to navigate random twisty maps. They usually don't have a spectacular pay off room that rewards explorers, and they usually imply that the Rikti killed all the architects in the first Rikti War.
I would occasionally like to enter an office building that doesn't look like a scene from Being John Malkovich. And to be honest, when the building layouts are actually logical, it actually makes players *think* more: if this is the lobby, does that mean the elevators are that way; if I want to get to the storage rooms, would they be in the back of the building? Random layouts just make me think "run real fast and kill everything." I rarely even have the sense of being in a building so much as a concrete hedge maze with elevators.
And it isn't that I'm unaware of *all* the game implementation issues here when I say this. But I will feel slightly disappointed if Going Rogue shows me amazingly detailed architecture rendered in stunning Ultra Mode, and the inside of every single building looks like the corporate edition of the Winchester Mystery House. -
Quote:I still want to see it on You-Tube!Really Bab's? With that many goals to pass I would imagine a TP friend chain would be ineffective. Reason, many goals, 7 players that have to find their mark and press the power at the exact correct time.
Personally as I have said in earlier posts Inertial Reduction is your friend. Or take the acrobatics power or get the safeguard jump pack. That is if control is the problem.
Add Speed boost if Speed is the problem.
"Goggle-net...bring me my You-Tube video of 7 people TP'ing someone through the ski slope courses!" -
Quote:*cough* TP Friend chain *cough*Instead of Speed Boost, have your friendly Kineticist cast Inertial Reduction instead. I find that makes a bigger difference than Speed Boost. Combat Jumping is the single best power you can have for this, of course. The Ninja Run power ought to be pretty handy for this, too, though I've not specifically tested it.