What keeps CoX from being the TOP MMO?




I was reading the massive awards page and thought to myself, "What would it take for CoX to be better than WoW?" This might be a hard question to answer other than one obvious solution.....WoW disappears.

But outside of that how is it that WoW remains on top? Is it that it has longevity? Is it that it's genre is the most popular? Is it that it has great expansion packs? Is it the graphics? What gives? I've been playing CoX on and off for a number of years now and I hate seeing the numbers dwindle. The streets are much more quiet than they used to be. Less raids going on. Ah, but the costume contests are still a plenty....in which I rarely win unless I happen to catch an early morning CC where like 10 people are there. (BIASED JUDGES!)

I just want to see CoX reign supreme. Do you think Going Rogue and Ultra Mode will help alot or just a little? I wonder how many folks will even be able to enjoy ultra mode with the system requirements and all.



Fundamentally, SuperHeros are a niche market.

Ontop of that WOW had a huge player base from the previous Blizzard games to get started, now it has critical mass going for it.

What would it take for CoX to be better than WoW?
My answer to that is: CoX is better. It doesn't take sheer weight of numbers to make that happen.

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Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
I was reading the massive awards page and thought to myself, "What would it take for CoX to be better than WoW?" This might be a hard question to answer other than one obvious solution.....WoW disappears.

But outside of that how is it that WoW remains on top? Is it that it has longevity? Is it that it's genre is the most popular? Is it that it has great expansion packs? Is it the graphics? What gives? I've been playing CoX on and off for a number of years now and I hate seeing the numbers dwindle. The streets are much more quiet than they used to be. Less raids going on. Ah, but the costume contests are still a plenty....in which I rarely win unless I happen to catch an early morning CC where like 10 people are there. (BIASED JUDGES!)

I just want to see CoX reign supreme. Do you think Going Rogue and Ultra Mode will help alot or just a little? I wonder how many folks will even be able to enjoy ultra mode with the system requirements and all.
Well... Firstly Superheroes would have to be the number one genre of fantasy. Which thanks to dozens of fantastic novel writers over the past hundred years or more: Won't Happen.

Secondly, this incredibly Western theme would need to be mainstreamed into the eastern world. Which won't happen due to cultural differences without an incredible effort applied by the various Superhero product managers and owners around the world.

Thirdly, NCSoft would have to invest a lot of money into CoH's marketing budget. which is incredibly small, sadly.

So. Without the sudden and inexplicable death of WoW and Everquest, and Lineage, and LotRO, and DDO, and a hundred other "Fantasy" MMOs City of Heroes won't be number 1 on the MMO charts.




WoW is an aberration. In other words, it's not that CoH and other MMOs are particularly "unsuccessful", it's that WoW is a massive runaway success that exceeds all expectations for a game of the genre.

Some factors:

* It's made by Blizzard, who are one of the few development studios with an actual fanbase who will at least try every game they make.

* Blizzard's development strategy is "take games that are popular, extract the most important elements, build a game around that". They don't invent, they refine and polish. In a market where "innovation" is hyped and sought after, this may sound like an insult, but it really isn't - Blizzard have an uncanny ability to zero in on what really makes a game *click*.

* Massive, massive budget. This has two effects: one, the developers can work on the game with the confidence that they can hold off releasing it until it's *really good*. They'll never be stuck having to release an unfinished game to try to at least break even. Two, advertising. WoW is the only MMO which has had TV spots. No other MMO can *afford* them.

* Snowball effect. If you're not a MMO gamer yet and all your friends are playing WoW, the first MMO you will try will be WoW. Eventually it's the game people are playing because everyone else is playing it.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
* Snowball effect. If you're not a MMO gamer yet and all your friends are playing WoW, the first MMO you will try will be WoW. Eventually it's the game people are playing because everyone else is playing it.
Pretty much this is the best way I can describe it as well.

Even people who don't game, let alone play MMO's know about world of warcraft. It's just that popular. South park has an episode about it, there were mountain dew products about it, it has numerous commercials. THE online MMO is WoW in everyone's eyes.

If you were a n00b to online gaming, all that sinks into your head, and the first place you wander to will be what? Well WoW of course.

Think about the effect Halo had. I think it is kind of the same thing. There are awesome online FPS games out there, but Halo (Now you can argue CoD) seems to stand above them all. Why? Is it because the weapons and environments are THAT much better? Or is it just because it gets the most talk, the most hype, the biggest fanbase? I was talked into buying an xbox just because my friends hyped and talked so much Halo 2. I believe WoW has the same effect.

I've played plenty of MMO's, and while I believe CoX > WoW, CoX just doesn't get enough publicity. I think that some really good advertising could do great things for this franchise. Even people who don't normally care for the superhero genre might be interested in this game, thanks to the recent hollywood obsession with superheroes.



1) No endgame.
1a) No visible loot-based endgame progression. I love being able to make my character look unique instead of like EVERYBODY ELSE, but with loot-based progression it's not just having phat lewtz--it's showing everyone online you do that makes the epeen grow. (I hope the Old Republic has a mixture of a wonderful costume creator like CoX's but maybe a few costume parts that reflect what you're wearing. Man, Kotor had some ugly and stupid looking armor. just say no to head pieces...)
2) No out of combat skills system.
3) bad pvp is bad.
4) Repetitive nature of the limited number of map layouts/tilesets. But, CoX really did find the sweet spot between tweaking for soloing and tweaking your group spawns for such a long time with the mission difficulty sliders.
5) Devs don't have the Blizzard name and Blizzard reputation behind them. Heck, they suffer from having the Cryptic name attached to them considering the experiences gamers have been having with Cryptic's newer games which are completely unaffiliated with CoX and these devs.
6) No advertising. Unless they're running adverts somewhere I don't see them, CoX has always kept a pretty low profile. Compare that to WoW, which paid to have fairly big name celebs to do commercials for the game. But, it could be worse--at least CoX doesn't have the equivalent of IT'S TIME TO SLAY THE DRAGON.

Ultra Mode counts for some, I guess. I don't really care about graphics. Every now and then when I get a nostalgic hankering I still pop in games that are 15 years old and would make casual gamers cry at how they don't have BLOOM, NEEDS MORE BLOOM! Well, the ones that can still play years and years later (/mourn Thief games. /Thumbs up Deus Ex!)



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
But outside of that how is it that WoW remains on top?
For the same reason that Freedom and Virtue are always the most populated servers... because people are followers.



YES! CoX doesn't have very good advertising at all. Do they even have web ads? I heard of CoH back in like 2004 through word of mouth. Been on and off it ever since. I wonder how much a simple add showing some epic gameplay would cost. They need to jump on it! I'm sure plenty of CoX fans would contribute into campaigning this MMO around the world.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
For the same reason that Freedom and Virtue are always the most populated servers... because people are followers.

People in general, are sheep. Mindless drones who will do what other people are doing for no better reason than the fact that other people are doing it.

No one wants to try something new, unless there are a lot of people doing it already. People always assume that millions of people cannot possibly be wrong. History has proven that to be false repeatedly, yet it is still assumed to be true. Galileo was mocked for saying the Earth was round, because everyone else believed it to be flat. Once it was PROVEN to be round, everyone accepted it like they'd always known. The fact that 5 years earlier they believed the exact opposite was never even considered.

Now people assume that an MMO is a failure if it doesn't get as big as WoW is. Which is ridiculous because WoW is not the norm for an MMO, it is an anomaly. CoH has around 160,000 players between all the servers (just look at the numbers at the bottom of the forum), and it's considered to somehow not be successful just because it doesn't have millions playing it.

Superheros have always been, and probably will always be, a niche market. When most people think of an MMO, they think "Dungeons and Dragons on a computer", whether that is the case or not. The same as calling all facial tissue Kleenex, or all adhesive bandages Band-Aids. The name of a brand that becomes well known becomes the name of the product. I wouldn't be surprised to see all MMOs called WoW eventually, because of that same trend. It's already starting, when I tell someone I play a computer game online, they assume I'm talking about WoW because it's the only one they realize even exists.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
For the same reason that Freedom and Virtue are always the most populated servers... because people are followers.
Not totally true... I play on Virtue because it's easier to find RPers there who share my interest in playing Heroes in the Isles >.>

Well, that, and I don't get insulted for being an RPer -nearly- as often. Nothing screams "I want an empty server!" like derision heaped on players for not enjoying the game in your, particular, style. =-3




Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
CoH has around 160,000 players between all the servers (just look at the numbers at the bottom of the forum), and it's considered to somehow not be successful just because it doesn't have millions playing it.
Not arguing most of your other points because I've already pointed out where I disagree with one and in a previous post enumerated the others...

There are 165k users registered to the boards. This does not mean there are 165k players currently holding subscriptions. Go through all the registered users and you'll find lots of people who no longer play the game. Some who made one or two posts on the forums before leaving, others who stuck around for four or more years, then said tearful goodbyes.

There are not 165k active subscribers to CoH. It's been a while since we've had that large of a playerbase.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Originally Posted by Westley View Post
For the same reason that Freedom and Virtue are always the most populated servers... because people are followers.
Not totally true... I play on Virtue because it's easier to find RPers there
So... you're not going there because there's lots of other people there... you're going there because there's lots of other people like you there?

Got it!



Some good points. Its age is also working against it - it's a 6 year old game and is perceived as old hat by many of the non-players. With an expansion that's at least one year too late and a lack of competent marketing there's little chance of CoH ever making back into the limelight for any sustained period.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
So... you're not going there because there's lots of other people there... you're going there because there's lots of other people like you there?

Got it!
Ah. Your logic is impeccable, if awkward... I join people in an MMO wherein I like playing with other people. This makes me a sheep.

So I should, instead, play on a server where I can't do the things I enjoy in order to "Stick it to the man!" Right? Sorry. I like to have fun. And will go where the fun is. My fun just requires other people who share my interests. So you go ahead and enjoy sticking it to the man and making fun of the sheeple. It's what's "In" now, anyway. =-3




No one said that CoH was a failure. In my opinion CoX just doesn't live up to it's potential. There are numerous ways that CoX can be brought to glory in the public eye rather than just in the small groups. If WoW has 1.5 mill subscribers and we have that 165k (some of which aren't even playing anymore) then our CoX team might be doing something wrong.

People say the Sci Fi thing is a niche thing....well so is Dungeons and Dragons. I know alot of people who can stand running around in chain armor and shields slaying dragons and stuff. I know tons of people who grew up on comics rather than DnD. Each is it's own genre. CoX just hasn't been capitalizing on all the comic movies/shows that have came out and continue to come out.



Whoever said anything about sheep?

Humans are humans. And humans are followers. It is in their nature. Being a leader, however, is unnatural. Almost, inhuman perhaps?

Just ask anyone who's been a leader.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Whoever said anything about sheep?

Humans are humans. And humans are followers. It is in their nature. Being a leader, however, is unnatural. Almost, inhuman perhaps?

Just ask anyone who's been a leader.
Actually leadership is a perfectly normal animal and human trait. Some are just better than others at it, and our society has stratified it in an interesting fashion by gating it through intelligence, beauty, and physical aptitude. Where twenty thousand years ago intelligence could only rarely beat out physical aptitude and beauty just ensured you were the target of the leader's lusts...

In essence: The Alpha. When we think of leaders in a social setting we generally envision alpha personae. Either brilliantly intelligent and witty, beautiful, physically fit, or some combination of the three. Someone who is exceptional in one or more of these arenas typically becomes one who others look to. And regardless of their feelings on the topic they are oft thrust into the forefront to be held up as an ideal.

The true shock is when someone who -doesn't- excel at one or more of these ideals becomes a leader. It's at those rare times when personal charisma and magnetism incites people to follow, rather than a quantifiable difference between the individual and his followers. I think, perhaps, this leader, as opposed to any other leader, would be the one who is "Unnaturally" a leader, in anyone's eyes.

The question I find myself asking is which of these "Leadership Qualities" do others find in myself? I think it's a good question for any person to ask themself, so long as they avoid complete introversion through introspection. >.>




I think one thing dominates it, at least in my opinion of what makes an MMORPG good. Well, at least something that other MMORPGs have managed to pull off. And yes, this will probably attract a horde of people arguing a moot argument against me, but CoH is not a skill-based game. CoH has click-it powers. You don't need to have skill to play CoH. Personally, that is what I think keeps people playing MMOs that are skill-based - though they are a dying breed -

-Let me just quickly jump in here and clear up any confusion. By Skills I don't mean an alternate name for click-it powers, like Staff Strike and Fireball, I mean the actual, non MMO definition of skill-

the players feel that they are good at something, and so persist at it. Whereas beyond a certain boundary, you can't really be "good" at a game with click-it powers.

Now, I know WoW is the most succesful game out there and every ape can play it, but when I say TOP MMO(RPG) I mean the best MMORPG. I like CoH the way it is. A casual relaxation for people who have the majority of their lives outside of the game. And that's the way I'd like it to stay. But that won't make it the best MMORPG.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Either brilliantly intelligent and witty, beautiful, physically fit, or some combination of the three. Someone who is exceptional in one or more of these arenas typically becomes one who others look to. And regardless of their feelings on the topic they are oft thrust into the forefront to be held up as an ideal.
Aww... you're making me blush, stop that!



The others already gave some important factors to why WoW is more successful. But the fact that WoW is more successful than CoX doesn't mean it's better.

However, if we're fair we have to admit that WoW is a very good MMO. And there are more factors than just genre or fanbase from previous games.
The WoW game client, for example, is very good and it has some advantages over the CoX game client. It loads much faster and is easier to customize. WoW uses a seamless world that is pretty, detailed and very large (a WoW installation needs roughly 10 times the HDD space you'll need for CoX). Loading screens are very rare (almost only before instanced areas or if you travel between the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend and Outland). You can enter almost every building you'll find (and there are many, even outside the cities), explore shipwrecks on the ocean floor (quite close to the beach, though) and even fly in some areas (probably in all areas after the Cataclysm expansion). Still it runs smoother than CoX (fps count) even/especially on older computers. This is because WoW managed to balance polygon count, texture quality and texture diversity very well. They use as little as necessary to still look good. The result is the „comic style“ WoW is known for. I don't like that much and the popularity of Blood Elves and Draenei with their higher polygon models indicate that the WoW players would prefer „prettier“ if they could get it. Obviously it's enough to attract and keep players, though.

Another aspect is functional clothing. It adds some realism to your costume. If you see someone in plate armor you'll know that he's less squishy than the person wearing a robe. The tradeoff is flexibility in costume creation. WoW is a bit extreme here by not allowing any customization to clothing parts. In CoX the goal was to allow players to create an iconic superhero look which resulted in our wonderful costume creator. The tradeoff is realism and to some degree even immersion factor. A huge character with heavy tech armor could be anything in CoX, still many would expect a tank, scrapper or brute and not a plant/storm controller. The most important aspect of functional clothing is probably the „show“ factor. I believe most players want to shine with their character. Just by looking at them you should see how „buff“ they are. In CoX this isn't possible. But when you see a toon in WoW with spiked shoulders, shiny armor, glowing weapons and whatnot it will give you a clue to the characters power. Especially if you're able to recognize the weapon or the armor pieces. It's a bit as if you had your leet badges and super cool uber enhancements on the outside. And I believe this aspect is more important that it seems to be on first glance.

And lets not forget the end game. In WoW it's almost as if the real game begins when you hit L80 (the current max). Even if it's mostly a grind for better equipment, it gives players a goal and something to do. In current CoX the end game is to farm 2Bn influence to buy that Gladiators Armor +Def unique IO and that's it (more or less).



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
CoH has around 160,000 players between all the servers (just look at the numbers at the bottom of the forum), and it's considered to somehow not be successful just because it doesn't have millions playing it.
Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
There are 165k users registered to the boards. This does not mean there are 165k players currently holding subscriptions. Go through all the registered users and you'll find lots of people who no longer play the game. Some who made one or two posts on the forums before leaving, others who stuck around for four or more years, then said tearful goodbyes.

There are not 165k active subscribers to CoH. It's been a while since we've had that large of a playerbase.
I know for a fact that there are some players who never registered here and I remember a dev (or a community rep?) saying that only a small percentage of the CoX playerbase is active on the boards (whatever he meant by "small percentage" and "active").



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
I was reading the massive awards page and thought to myself, "What would it take for CoX to be better than WoW?"
I agree with most of what the others have commented. WoW is an abberation, has a steamrolling affect, and puts marketing to good use.

I think your question may have an implication of what it would take to get WoW players to come play CoX. I can answer that on a smaller scale, since I convinced a few WoW raiders to give it a try.

The short answer for their departure from CoH is that the feel of the game, the interactivity, was the hangup. (note these are their opinions, not mine.) They were impressed with things like the character creator and the overall look (even WoW players often don't like their game's graphics). Why they didn't stay, though, amounted to an amalgam of lack of user-created customization materials, especially in regards to the user interface (they were going beyond the customizations allowed currently, and suggesting complete overhauls by the users); a dislike of our "top-down" camera system (their words for it) especially the limited use of 360 camera rotation (they are used to a free-flowing style), minimal PvP, and an "overuse" of instances (they're more used to open worlds with select instances).

One other point they made, mailboxes, will be addressed in part in the upcoming issue.

So basically, if you want a 10 million plus player base, you'd have to recreate all the interactivity of the game to the way any player X wants it. Though I can see some of the points as possibly valid, a complete overhaul neuters a game and makes it little more than a reskin of some other company's game.

Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Some good points. Its age is also working against it - it's a 6 year old game and is perceived as old hat by many of the non-players. With an expansion that's at least one year too late and a lack of competent marketing there's little chance of CoH ever making back into the limelight for any sustained period.
I would note as counterpoint that WoW is nearly as old as CoH, and is still going strong. Admittedly I saw a few discussions in-game that indicated population was down (to which I laughed. They have no idea what reduced population means), but there's much anticipation of renewed population with the radical changes of the coming Cataclysm.



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post

There are 165k users registered to the boards. This does not mean there are 165k players currently holding subscriptions.

There are not 165k active subscribers to CoH.

You know this for a fact?

How many people play the game that never registered to the forums at all? I personally know at least 10. I'm pretty sure that most of the people who post on the forums know at least a couple people that aren't registered. Because you don't HAVE to register to the forums in order to play the game, you know. I know a guy that played for 2 years before he even knew the forums existed. The number of people registered to the forums does not necessarily reflect the number of people playing the game.

So, there are 165k registered forum users, and that means that the population has NEVER been higher than that?

I say there is no way you could possibly know that unless you have access to NCSoft's database....which I would be willing to bet you do not.

Quarterly reports aren't even that reliable. They show how much money the game has made over the quarter. People that paid their subscription up for a year 6 months ago aren't contributing to that number, they contributed to the report 2 quarters before.

And for the record: It is the 11 million people (or so they claim) that play WoW that I was calling sheep. CoH players are the ones (generally speaking) that play what they want to play, whether that's the "in" thing or not.

I know a number of people that play WoW just because their friends play, and they want to hang out with them. The game they're playing doesn't even matter to them, because they're not there for the game, they're there to socialize.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
You know this for a fact?

How many people play the game that never registered to the forums at all? I personally know at least 10. I'm pretty sure that most of the people who post on the forums know at least a couple people that aren't registered. Because you don't HAVE to register to the forums in order to play the game, you know. I know a guy that played for 2 years before he even knew the forums existed. The number of people registered to the forums does not necessarily reflect the number of people playing the game.

So, there are 165k registered forum users, and that means that the population has NEVER been higher than that?

I say there is no way you could possibly know that unless you have access to NCSoft's database....which I would be willing to bet you do not.

Quarterly reports aren't even that reliable. They show how much money the game has made over the quarter. People that paid their subscription up for a year 6 months ago aren't contributing to that number, they contributed to the report 2 quarters before.

And for the record: It is the 11 million people (or so they claim) that play WoW that I was calling sheep. CoH players are the ones (generally speaking) that play what they want to play, whether that's the "in" thing or not.

I know a number of people that play WoW just because their friends play, and they want to hang out with them. The game they're playing doesn't even matter to them, because they're not there for the game, they're there to socialize.
Ahem. My Mother plays WoW with my sister, her husband, and most of his army buddies. They play for the raid-grind, Mom plays for the quest-text and game backstory. My brother also plays it, when he can, but he prefers soloing. My brother in-law plays with his wife because they enjoy the PvP.

That is also the extent of the people I know who play WoW >.> So they're not -all- sheep and a lot are probably playing because they get what they enjoy there. I.E. raiding/lootgrind/pvp/etc.

And yes. You're absolutely right. The Quarterly Reports aren't a perfect measure of how many subscribers there are to the game. But seeing as how the current estimates are at AROUND 100k players your theory would require over 65k players to use the 3month/6month/12 month payment plan. And even still, in the months when those subscriptions come up (average of 5416 a month based on your 65k player assessment) wouldn't that appear to be an extra 16,250 accounts every month as people pay for 3 months at the same time?

And yes. A Large portion of the playerbase never fills out a forum registration. But how many players have come and gone over the past 6 years? All of their forum-handles and information are still here. The only thing the high numbers on the forum registry shows is that CoH has turnover. Which is pretty evident by anyone who looks at the monthly reports.




I've never played WoW before, proudly. Mainly because I'm not into the whole medeival wizards and spells and such. Superhero (or villain) stuff is where it's at for me cause I'm a big comic book geek from way back.

The only MMO I've played before this was Age of Conan. yah..........glad I found this game. the players are the most helpful bunch I've seen, the old AoC crowd was pretty much like the WoW crowd I hear about with all the n00bcriers the second you ask for directions on a map. Ask a question in broadcast in CoX and you'll get about 13 helpful replies in /b and 5 more in /c. the environments are beautiful, even redside, the action is great, the teams are for the most part always on the ball, the crowd is a fun and helpful bunch both on here and in game. I love this game, bottom line.