DEVS PLEASE make a way to ignore fortune teller buff !!!

Adeon Hawkwood



PLEASE for the love of GOD make a way to ignore this thing. It can be SO annoying.. Everyone on the team trying to throw that buff in the middle of fighting and having to click YES or NO on the pop up window all the time is really friggin annoying..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
PLEASE for the love of GOD make a way to ignore this thing. It can be SO annoying.. Everyone on the team trying to throw that buff in the middle of fighting and having to click YES or NO on the pop up window all the time is really friggin annoying..

just let the timer run out, same thing as hitting decline



I have a keybind for dialogyes and a keybind for dialogno.

Easy as pushing a button to accept or decline anything.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Or you can just drag the window to one side and ignore it until it times out. I've done this with people who won't take "NO!" for an answer with teaming.

*Edit* In some cases it would be nice to be able to block such things, but I can't see it being a very high priority.



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
I have a keybind for dialogyes and a keybind for dialogno.

Easy as pushing a button to accept or decline anything.
Ooh, I like that. I always seem to have a hard time pushing accept on rez requests.



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
I have a keybind for dialogyes and a keybind for dialogno.

Easy as pushing a button to accept or decline anything.
I'd say post that puppy cause I suck at doing binds. I'll just copy/paste when you do



I'd rather have the option to decline non-team buffs. Or at least the graphics. People spend a lot of time on their costumes and take pride in their heroesÂ’ unique look. I go out of my way to turn off powers with graphics when I'm not on the job, or even disable the graphics altogether if possible (for sets like Invulnerability or Super Reflexes). So when I get hit with some unsolicited buff that sets my hero on fire or turns him into a pink ice cube, I often find myself wishing for Mystic Fortune's offer to "accept/decline".

Larry: Owen, what the hell did you do to my wife?
Owen: Well I don't want to say on the phone - all I can tell you is that I killed her last night.



For what it's worth, I only ever cast Mystic Fortune on someone if they don't have a fortune already
(Since, well... even if they say 'yes' they can't have two fortunes at once and it will just fail)



An option to auto-accept the fortune teller buff would be used by me. Would that be a bad idea?



I would also set my fortune teller to auto accept if we had the option.

Are there even any negative fortune teller buffs?



Originally Posted by Elfis_Presley View Post
I would also set my fortune teller to auto accept if we had the option.

Are there even any negative fortune teller buffs?
One does something like -3% tohit, but gives you extra movement and recharge. Not exactly a debuff.

Regarding the binds:

/bind <key> dialogyes
/bind <key> dialogno
Just replace <key> with the key of your choosing.

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I'd rather the Devs work on doubling, if not more, costume options.

So, 12 beast heads instead of 6, 16 beast legs in stead of 8, etc.etc.



Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
An option to auto-accept the fortune teller buff would be used by me. Would that be a bad idea?
Auto-accept buffs would be good. I would use that.

Originally Posted by milehigh77 View Post

I'd rather the Devs work on doubling, if not more, costume options.

So, 12 beast heads instead of 6, 16 beast legs in stead of 8, etc.etc.
Yeah...not even the same department. So no worries.

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I find it highly annoying. Sure the option to auto accept should be available to those that want it but Im sorry for me.. i dont want it. I am tired of the window popping up all the time in the middle of a fight.. I want the option to at LEAST hide the dialog box.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
An option to auto-accept the fortune teller buff would be used by me. Would that be a bad idea?
Originally Posted by Elfis_Presley View Post
I would also set my fortune teller to auto accept if we had the option.

Are there even any negative fortune teller buffs?
yes please

and The Fool has -3% tohit attached to it, the Tower has some amount of a damage to self on it.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

I think you underestimate our fools, sir.

Why /duel is a bad idea



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I'd say post that puppy cause I suck at doing binds. I'll just copy/paste when you do
Macskull beat me to it.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
I find it highly annoying. Sure the option to auto accept should be available to those that want it but Im sorry for me.. i dont want it. I am tired of the window popping up all the time in the middle of a fight.. I want the option to at LEAST hide the dialog box.
Next time you get the buff, move the window to some unused corner or behind your chatbox and let it time out. Then the next time someone applies the buff, it'll be out of the way and you'll never notice it.

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Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
PLEASE for the love of GOD make a way to ignore this thing. It can be SO annoying.. Everyone on the team trying to throw that buff in the middle of fighting and having to click YES or NO on the pop up window all the time is really friggin annoying..
"Really friggin annoying"? Really?

I don't find ANY buffs "really friggin annoying".

The day I get pissed at someone buffing me is the day I quit this game...



If you want the buff thats fine.. However I would like the OPTION to have the chat window not even EXIST and to not accept the buff..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
If you want the buff thats fine.. However I would like the OPTION to have the chat window not even EXIST and to not accept the buff..
Hit C.


Okay. Now, I do have to ask a question. Why haven't you asked these players who are tossing around Fortune Tellings in the middle of battle... why don't they do it at the start of a map?

Seriously. The buffs last for 20 minutes, and the recharge comes up fairly quick compared to the timing of the buff. So, is it really that big a deal to buff up at the start of a map... and you know... not do it during a fight? I play across several different servers and I don't think I've ever run with a team where somebody with the Magic Booster Pack was tossing out buffs mid-might.


As to your original question about whether or not to accept the buffs, I do think you have a valid point, behavior of whoever you are teaming with aside. One of the other examples is teleport, which you can set to either ask you if you want to teleport, or if you just want to teleport and be sent anywhere.

So there is an in-game precedent for setting an automatic trigger to accept a team-mates actions without having to give explicit consent. Since everybody can be affected by the booster pack, whether or not they bought it, it might be worth the developers time to implement.



I'd love a way to auto-accept these.



Okay. Now, I do have to ask a question. Why haven't you asked these players who are tossing around Fortune Tellings in the middle of battle... why don't they do it at the start of a map?

You can only cast one. It has a slow recharge time. You can cast one at the start of the map on one player. Then you cast again when it recharges. With players running willy nilly all over the map after entering you cast when you can.

If someone complains about it I never buff them again. It's simple. Most people are grateful for the things.

Seriously, two of the buffs have minor negative components. All of them have major good components. It doesn't create a visual like ice armor. This is a lot of whine for something that is good.

The only time I can see not wanting the buff is the tank on a STF where the tower's bit of damage could end up as a floor wipe because of Recluse's high damage output. Otherwise this petty bickering over someone helping you out is stupid. Just say no and get on with playing. If it bugs you that much then go solo. You don't play well with others anyway.

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Also a quick note you don't have to accept the buff. It ask, just say no.


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Originally Posted by Plug_Nickel View Post
I'd rather have the option to decline non-team buffs. Or at least the graphics. People spend a lot of time on their costumes and take pride in their heroesÂ’ unique look. I go out of my way to turn off powers with graphics when I'm not on the job, or even disable the graphics altogether if possible (for sets like Invulnerability or Super Reflexes). So when I get hit with some unsolicited buff that sets my hero on fire or turns him into a pink ice cube, I often find myself wishing for Mystic Fortune's offer to "accept/decline".
I keep this in my mail just to have it handy.

Posted by Zombie_Man

/suppressCloseFx 1 <--- This turns on disabling of personal graphics effects if your camera is within a certain distance of your character.

/suppressCloseFxDist 300 <--- This sets that certain distance. BAB recommended 300 ft. If you don't ever want to see your GFX, then set it to zero.
I set my distance to something like 20, that way if I'm zoomed out, I can the buff graphics.



My Vote, Auto Accept/Decline option. That way people who want it can always get it, and those who hate it can always ignore it. Sorta like the Prompt Team Teleport Dialog Box.

I LOVE the extra buff, the people I play with all have it and we use it ALWAYS. We even have come to the point we just buff the person on the list below us.

The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
Always Allow/Disallow Mystic Fortune Prompt!