GR - Where is your character at?




I thought of posting this in archetypes, or even in Virtue since I know most of the people who will be caring about this sort of stuff are on Virtue. So I thought I'd ask, where do you plan to park your characters for morality once GR hits? My characters:

Victoria Noir, my widow, is definitely a rogue. She's a widow but she also does other jobs. She has a vast need (ICly and OOCly) to visit Paragon. She's not a vigilante, because her work is all assassination to the highest bidder and she's not working for the greater good but rather to make money. But that also means she's for hire from goodguys who need to assassinate badguys. Also, she's my main badger and needs badges...! She will divide her time between both zones.

Luna Desani, my snow bunny Controller. She's a goodguy. A snow bunny spirit. Kind of wistful and childlike. She wouldn't do bad things, but she MIGHT do stuff if someone can convince her that what she's doing is a good thing or something. I would lean toward keeping her as a hero, but she could become a vigilante with the right influence. I have a Dominator friend she'll be leveling with, so it depends on the influence of that character where she'll end up.

Mender Sissolie, my kitsune Dominator, would be a vigilante. She would want to be a hero by all appearances, but be a hero that does whatever it takes. Time travel is risky business and the menders are already a gray area. But even though she wants to seem heroic, she's actually working for chaos and disorder under Nemesis. She will spend equal time on both sides.

Kigi Kidate, my Plant/Earth Dom. She's like Luna. She's an earth spirit kitsune, so she sort of just floats about. She'd be heroic, but could be convinced to do other things. She'll spend most of her time in Paragon if possible.

Gemelle Sable, who is a mystic. Interestingly enough, her character design means she's one half of the remnants of one person who split into two halves. She's the darker and more "evil" half. As such she's still a hero, but more inclined to be a vigilante. What makes it interesting is that the other half would be a pure hero. She'd spend most of her time in Paragon.

Tesla Jin, my archery/elec Blaster, is a hero. That's about all there is to that. She's a heroic character who fights for justice and peace. She's a mage + archer who wears spandex and tights, and stops criminals who are stealing purses.

Tanya Atta, my Troll Brute, is a rogue. She's a villain and stuff, and doesn't care for order. She breaks and steals things so she can get superadine. But she doesn't work for anyone, and would have reason to be in Paragon (cause there are lots of Trolls and dealers there). She'd also be willing to take any job as long as the payment is superadine. She will spend most of her time in Paragon.

Tomatre, whom I have 5 (yes 5) different variations of, would be a vigilante. She's a heroic character who fights crime and stops villains. However, she also associates with a lot of people in the Rogue Isles and lets some of her friends slide on minor things, as long as it's not bank robbery or murder. She has, however, tossed some friends in jail (knowing full well they'll just escape). All 5 would technically be vigilante, but rogue is also acceptable, assuming that there are SG/VG conflicts, based on the angle that she does heroic things for money (which is also true). Toma tends to spend most of her time in the Isles.

Sudona Forte, my necromancer, is pure evil and a villain. She could be classified as a rogue simply so she can cross over and do bad in Paragon. However, she doesn't really have much need to. I could probably leave her as a villain, but a rogue would suit her just as well. Either way, she'll be in the Isles.

Riley Tiranis, my thug/trap MM. Her backstory involves her starting out as a hero, being a government spy and assassin. But then the government turned on her and she had to flee to the Isles. Now she scrapes by doing anything she can to survive, including theft and even murder. She's a Punisher type character who would be a perfect vigilante, but spend all her time in the Isles trying to right the wrong.

Dispari Scuro, my (boring) FF/Elec Defender. She's a hero throughout, and is at odds with Sudona Forte above. She believes in right and wrong and is on the good side always.

Xanthos Theta, my fire/kin Controller. She's someone who was previously taken in by the government and experimented on to use as a tool to fight the Rikti. She's now confined to a suit to prevent her powers from harming others. She uses them to fight crime. Because of the way she was mistreated by the goodguys, she believes very firmly in adhering to strict rules and guidelines, like "don't kidnap innocent people and experiment on them for the greater good." She's a pure hero.

Ardent Black, my crab spider. She's an Arachnos agent through-and-through, unlike Vicky above who does other work. She's motivated by and devoted to Arachnos ideals. She's likes the militaristic sense of order and control. She's a badguy, even though a somewhat laid-back badguy. She wouldn't fit in very well in Paragon, so is a villain.

Mitsu, of whom I have two versions (one Scrapper, one Brute). You can tell from the versions I already have that she can go anywhere. Both versions will end up being either rogues or vigilantes. She's a valkyrie who fights for the sake of fighting. It doesn't matter to her really whether it's right or wrong, who started it, or whose side she's on. She's a warrior-woman and wants to bash heads. She'll spend equal time in both worlds.

Kaimana Keahilani, my earth/fire Dom. She's a goodguy. She hails from an island in Hawaii where she and her sister bound a volcano spirit to prevent destruction of their friends and family. She and her sister already have a somewhat self-destructive nature, but still try to do good. They would fit in as heroes. Will spend most of their time in Paragon.

Looking at the list I notice almost all my characters are shades of gray, with very few dedicated heroes/villains. What does your list look like?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



My main villain I use right now is already straying a 'good' path (or at least, "I'm doing this because I have to/get paid to but Im not enjoying it"...because...99% of villain missions are written that way anyways)

So definitely when GR comes out he will be a Rogue/Hero.

But I'd rather just create a new Dual pistol guy. o Ao



My main wants to take part in GR.
Since he's a Sheep in wolves clothing (An angel in a devils body). He was supposed to be a Devil in an Angels body, but a genetic mistake made him
a failed attempt in creating the perfect weapon against Heaven.
1st.Son (of Satan)
Naturally seems like he could fall off the hero wagon for a bit.I'm just wondering how it will affect his status as an SG leader?
I wouldn't want to loose that, Ive worked on my base far to long to lose it.

As for my other few toons there more of a "heros" hero type
Might be time to make some new Alts

@1st. Son

Help Agent Martin in: A Favor for Liberty
AE arc #381565
My 1st. Video: Agent Martin in the new tutorial zone.



Nal -> Originally a "hero" who fell. Taking him blue side once GR is available.

Magi Sro'Kisk -> Instant Rogue (not allying with anyone in particular)

Untimely Gentlemen -> Instant Rogue (joining the Resistance)

Col. James Riley -> A hero trapped in the Rogue Isles after he was teleported there by the reactivation of the Rikti Mothership. Definitely going hero side.

Shorway -> Instant Rogue (joining the Resistance)

Bookkeeper Jay -> Instant Rogue (no side preference, will switch between Cole's Police Department, Hero, Villain, and Resistance member on whim)



I only have a couple of folk who'll switch it up.

The Goat will go hero for a little while. Running amok with him in DA is a longstanding dream of mine.

I have a sonic/kin corrupter who ended up looking 100% like a silver age hero, and I was never satisfied with any of my attempts to recreate him as a blaster. Now I can just send him over the line.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Agent Rubicon: My Merc/Traps MM, probably going rogue. This is the big one for me, since she's trying to take over the world to rule it as a benevolent dictator. She truly does want to make it a better place, she just doesn't trust anybody but herself to do that. I gave up on playing her as a villain, because it was a bit hard pulling the benevolence off in between the missions to burn school books to make people miserable for Arachnos and steal disease antidotes. If I have the option to head heroside for a while whenever I come up on a particularly stupid villain contact, that might help quite a bit.

Silead the Lament: My Claws/Ninja stalker. Probably going rogue, since she's not a particularly bad person. She just happens to need to painfully murder people once or twice a day to keep from going into a coma.
She'll probably get as close to Hero as she can without taking that final step, since horribly eviscerating people for jaywalking is a little out-of-line for a pure hero.

Kai-Lian: My Dark/Elec Defender. Probably going vigilante, especially if she can work for the Praetorian government. She's basically a Lawful Evil heroine--she fights for Paragon because she's quite comfortable with the status quo, it gets her fame, and she gets all the salvage she could want for experiments. If she could get the same comfort in a setting that allowed her to abuse her power without much fear of retaliation...

Erica Strauss: My MA/Regen Scrapper. Staying as close to neutral as she can, because her motivations can mostly be summed up as 'BEAT STUFF UP. WHOOOOOO~!'

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.




Wherever I can get t3h badges!



I don't have anyone who'd go gray, much less switch completely. Of my three "main" heroes, two are driven by a desire to eliminate evil in some form or another and the third is more selfishly driven but not in a way that'd make him turn evil. Rather he's fighting bad guys to ultimately find a kidnapped companion. Running red side missions to steal relics or kidnap people to ransom off wouldn't fit in his story.

My one rogue is just self-centered evil. I suppose he could go to Paragon City just for new people to beat up and take things from but it wouldn't be a choice made through morality but opportunity.

I could see making a "hero" though who holds the Law above humanitarian beliefs and seeing them join the Praetorian police department under the notion that preserving law and order is paramount.



Most of my current characters will stay as they are. Only my Elec/WP Stalker will be turning into a Rogue.

I fully plan to roll up a ???/Elec Dominator to go full Hero, a PB to go full Villain and a Dual Pistols Blaster to go Vigilante.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Most of my characters will be staying where they are, though a few will switch it up.

I haven't unlocked Khelds yet (only 2 more levels!) but I'm planning on whipping up one of each and making the WS a hero and having the PB switch sides and become a villain.

My Dual Pistols character (obviously not made yet) is going to be a rogue, playing both sides to get to his eventual goal: a one-on-one showdown with Captain Mako.

Da Krusha, my Energy/Energy Brute, will become a hero. He was the victim of a science experiment and doesn't know anything about himself or who did it to him. Arachnos claims that if he helps them, they'll help him figure out who he is. He eventually discovers that they were lying to him. They used him, got what they wanted from him, then dropped him like a sack of potatoes. He starts fighting against Arachnos, and discovers that the heroes of Paragon City will help him discover himself and help him change back into the man he once was.

Some more may switch as well, but I haven't worked out all the details yet.



I don't know what my characters will be doing, because I don't know what the mechanics for the side switching are. I very much doubt that it will be a simple matter of switching zones. I don't know if I'll manage to switch sides at all. If I can, I have one villain (Nerima Girl) who would be a strong candidate.



I had plans drawn up for each character, but in the end I think I'll just move everyone blue side and not suffer through the redside market hell anymore, which is only going to get worse as more people realize they don't have to put up with a sucky supply to play a villain class.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



I don't see many of the characters I have right now making a move, except my original villain, who's had a get-me-out-of-this-hellhole backstory since CoV beta. (I had no idea at the time that they were going to dill around this long before getting around to implementing what should've been one of CoV's core features. )



My three mains, Jade Dragon, Blue Diamond, and Genie Gold, will probably stay as Heroes. They may go Vigilante if it will help to access the Rogue Isles for teaming, but more likely they're just stay where they are. Any of the three of them might end up going a bit more grey just out of mission choices though (if that's how it's handled) as Jade Dragon is somewhat pragmatic, and Blue Diamond tends to have trouble with his temper. Genie Gold is the most "good" and even timid of the group, she doesn't like to hurt people, and prefers to support the team instead of getting involved directly.

I have an "evil" Brute version of Blue Diamond, however, who went rogue after his version of Jade Dragon was killed by their rival, Silver Bolt. He will probably reform, going back to the hero side. He has an ally who is a Ninjas Mastermind, a private detective who went undercover to help him, and she'll be returning to Paragon City with him as well. As for Silver Bolt, I have at least one Blaster version of him that I will turn evil. (Actually, reveal his true nature, as his backstory was that he went undercover working for Hero Corps so he could scout out what he foes were doing) I will probably make all versions of him a Rogue so he can participate in Paragon City missions. (And I will definately recreate the Dominator version as a Electric/Electric instead of Grav/Electric)

Bloodwolf will most definately go Neutral, and spend his time shifting between Vigilante and Rogue. He's essentially good, but he distrusts "heroes" and believes that their power corrupts them no matter how good they are. He will oppose them if he has to, which makes him more than just a Vigilante who believes "the end justifies the means". In the Preatorian universe, though, he would definately oppose Cole.

Bloodwolf has a Stalker version that will also move to the center. I may create a Neutral version of him to start with, if Staves or Ninjitsu for Scrappers ever comes to be.

Sandy is caught in a conflict between her desire to do good, and her robotic half's need for combat. However, she would never reliquish her control, so probably even going Vigilante is out of the question for her. It would be too much of a risk.

Joe Everyman doesn't care about the Rogue Isles. He's a Paragon City citizen, and his beat is its streets. A Preatorian Joe Everyman might be interesting, though.

Alan Midnight and his AI partner Rachel will definately go Vigilante for character, as Alan especially doesn't hesitate to kill when needed to get the job done. They will remain on the good side, though, as they're private detectives upholding their own view of the law, and will stay in their blue side SG.

I will be recreating my Brute werewolf wrestler Loopy Loup Garou as a Neutral. He will probably stay in the Vigilante/Rogue grey area, like Bloodwolf, as he has the outward personality of a Heel, but he's really a good guy. He's been framed for a crime he didn't commit, though, so he may have to clear his name before he can become a Vigilante. His partner is his female counterpart, Lady Loup Garou, and I will make her a Scrapper, but also Neutral. I'll create them in a levelling pact, as the earlier versions were created before I had that capability. (The current versions are EM/WP, but they will both be recreated as Claws/WP)

I plan to shift one of my Warshades to the evil side if that's possible. I was hoping to be able to create a Nictus as a Neutral, but I can shift one of my current ones easily enough. His concept will totally change, he will be a Warshade that merges with a gang punk in Paragon City, and between the human's villainy and his own Nictus nature he decides that going Warshade and trying for peace was a stupid idea after all.

The rest of my villains will be staying villainous, and most of my low level heroes probably won't be changing either. I think the main switches I am interested in is taking the Warshade to the redside, my Mastermind blue side, and the two Brutes Blue Diamond and Loopy.



Heraclea is pure hero, there to uphold the greater good. The Rogue Isles sound dismal and depressing to her, and she doesn't even have an urge to visit them. The same is true of some of my other mains, like Betsy Ross, Toxotes, Yansan, and Drusilla Claudia.

Others among my tankergals, I'm not so sure of. Androphonissa and Hypsiste in particular are rather disaffected with Paragon City society. They are moreover nonplussed by Heraclea's decision to make peace with the powers that be, rather than establishing a gynarchy and putting all the men in their proper place as second class citizens.

My brutegals also have some dissension in the ranks. Beata Beatrix has made herself a comfortable position in the Rogue Isles, and will never do anything to jeopardize that standing. But Anactoria isn't really evil, just curious and frustrated, and feeling like she burnt her bridges in leaving New Colchis; she more than anybody else found the Rogue Isles rather disappointing; rogue standing is in her future almost certainly. Ranavalona and Madame Nhu are too smart to imagine that Paragon City would ever greet them with anything but outright hostility. They are in fact quite evil to the core, and regret mostly the fact that the Rogue Isles do not give them the ability to disembowel whoever they like for their amusement.

Amir Al-Muminin, mastermind, lives in a black and white world. He is a hero in his own mind; the only people with lives worth considering are the members of his tiny sect of assassins. You are either a member of the True Faith, or you are an infidel; and the infidels of Paragon City and the infidels of the Rogue Isles are all one in his mind.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



I've been working on this since Going Rogue was first announced, and I've separated it as such:

Silent Spy, Edwin Schmidt, Sara Thunderbird, Amethystar, Extrasensory, Officer Hart, Dr. Amy Byrd, Rainbow Girl are all heroes and will stay that way. They all have the best intentions in mind and work together sharing common values, but different approaches.
Cold Feet is a vigilante. She's a runaway bride with ice powers who accidentally froze her fiance at the altar and has been on the run since. Since being on the run, she's done whatever it takes to save herself, but tends to walk towards the side of being a hero mostly.
Phantoma Storm is a hero, but will become vigilante or rogue. She's never really been good or evil. She's hundreds of years old, has died numerous times but always returns, and by seeing all the wars humans cause, she looks down upon the entire world and does whatever is in her best interest.
Ultraviolet Ray will go vigilante and will stop at nothing to avenge his sister's death. Of course, the most he can do is give you a really bad sunburn, or skin cancer. So as long as you wear sunblock, he ain't got nothing on you.
Destiny Weaver, my Fortunata, will become a Rogue, and possibly escalate up to a Hero as well. I'll see where the story goes with her.
I may be recreating my Dark/Dark Defender, Sandtomb, as a Dark/Dark Corruptor and have him go Rogue and move up to Hero status, since that is his backstory and it would be a fun one to play out. Just would have to kick the laziness bug to reroll him.
I might also do the same for Angela Star, my Sonic/Sonic Defender. Originally a double-agent/sidekick for my villain, Ana Cruz, she starts to redeem herself.
Ana Cruz, Tinkerhell, Thorn Dragon, Radevil, Father Luz, and Glasgow are and will always be villains.
ManShark starts as a hero, but ultimately becomes a villain, because he is quickly corrupted (and he has to sacrifice innocent people in order to keep his powers). He may later go back up to become a rogue to redeem himself.
Silver Splinter also starts as a hero, but becomes a villain in rivalry of his sister (Silent Spy) and to get intimately closer to Ana Cruz (who is also intimate with Nick Hart, who is intimate with Silent Spy. lolrelationships.)

And I think that's all of my characters, or at least the ones I choose to write about and are involved in the extremely longwinded plots I have.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Lord DeFeurard:
Vampire summoned by MAGI instead of anyone else, was content to work as a 'Good Guy' for a while. Now he's gotten kinda blood starved, the Mages are using him like a living weapon, and his patience has run thin.
Feeding time!

Meta Hunter:
Might go heroside or rogue, given as that is moral grey ground anyway. Unsure.

That's it for me, I think. Seriously looking forward to getting Leon redside though. I might actually get him to 50 before GR at this rate :P will tie in nicely with the story I guess.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I created my lone scrapper simply because it was the only way to access the Broadsword power set (at the time, now it's the only way to combine Broadsword with Shields.)
I really can't stomach playing heroes, so she will certainly be heading for the Rogue Isles at the first opportunity.
Then my character list will be a tapestry of glorious crimson! ^_^



My Solo SG is called "Rogue Heroes". They will all be turning to the dark side.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Fallenz and Blazin Rage will stay true blue. Da Unforgiven...she just see a new feeding ground for herself and more folks to beat on...hmm thinks she wondering if Cole has some openings in his group....



I'll be making a Dual Pistols Vigilante to try out the new starting zones as I imagine a lot of people will be.

I'm working on levelling up my first VEAT (King Spider) at the moment, I'll be taking at least one over the good side, not sure if I'll use this Soldier or make a new one, or maybe go for a Widow. So many choices.

Quite a few characters that won't be switching, Prom Queen couldn't go bad, she's sometimes a bit full of herself, but never evil. My MM might get a little morally grey, but he'll be doing it for his own ends if anything. MC America and Captain Attitude will stay on the straight an narrow. I've a couple of others who I might make opposite versions of though, I mean Praetoria is an alternate reality, makes sense there'd be some dopplegangers of player characters kicking about over there too.

I've a claws scapper who might well lose it completely, already suffering from a 2nd personality (when I bother to play him), and Irn Brute might get re-rolled now we've colour customisation for his powers, so I might just save that til I can start him in Praetoria.

Most difficult choice is my main, all-arrows Defender: Monarcher. I created him because I couldn't make a Dual Pistols, morally grey character. The idea I'd had for the character has evolved over the course of his heroic career to where there's very little of the original concept left. What's left will probably get folded over into the new, unrelated Pistol character I plan to make. However, the idea of crossing back over after spending some time "undercover" is highly appealing, and not just because I'm currently half-way through reading Sleeper.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



My namesake, Commander Beet, will be going Vigilante. Despite his sometimes boy-scout demeaner to situations and views on keeping the law, he does have many hidden agendas which could be seen as questionable, if not downright illegal, which could easily take him to the Isles.

Efranof will also be going Vigilante, if only due to him being an anti-hero from the start and regularly visiting the Isles (In Character, anyhow).

Baked Potato shall stay a Hero, through and through. He's been through rough times, had some mutant hate and his morality may not be 100%, but his heart is always in the right place, and always will be.

Spruk, my Evil (with a capital E) Mastermind, who lives to cause death and destruction, confusion and anarchy wherever he stands is currently missing and presumed dead.. But a Villain through and through, despite some morality creeping in towards the 'end'. But that doesn't mean a Praetorian version will not crop up.. (Rad/DP Defender, maybe)

Lord Darvek, despite being a general badass and basically existing to be a bad guy, will be going Rogue. He is a demonic essense that possesses the males in the Darvek bloodline, but that doesn't mean the one being possessed has no influence. Albert Darvek wants to be a Hero, but his curse prevents that. Once GR is out, the Midnighter Club may find a way to give him control.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Burning-Star (32 Rad/Rad Corrupter). The concept is that she was a hero that snapped and developed psychotically insane and “lawful evil” personalities. The hero persona has a mental block on her condition, and she's been trying to get out of the Isles when she's the dominant persona, but she can't as Arachnos has her psychotic persona on file as a villain. With GR she'll finally get to go back home.

Sky Spectre (27ish Ill/Rad Controller). Sort of a cross between the Jack Knight Starman and Agent Orange. He's an alien who went into superheroing because that's the first thing he was told to do when he got here. A selfish coward at heart (he'd rather make constructs and have -them- fight), after learning that he doesn't have to constantly stick his own neck out for others, he'll head to the Isles.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



My Trap/AR Defender Ava Sixx will be becoming a vigilante. She's basically a trophy-hunter, taking down anything big and tough (GM's) and various villains. That means hunting the Rogue Isles too