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  1. hey Bovine! we've teamed before. (probably on Monarcher, Laird Destro or Prom Queen) I'm just getting back to playing more regularly myself, and need a fair few of those, if you've not gotten any of them yet. Dunno bout PVP, I never really do it myself, but would be interested in the Mayhem ones, I'm sure I've at least one toon who could do with getting those, and maybe the MORSFs too.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mereman View Post
    The player run tech help is here mate
    thanks, buddy. Seen a few things on there to look out for.
  3. Hi guys,
    I've played COH off and on for the past 3 or 4 (maybe more?) years. Was still pretty regular when the whole Incarnate thing went live, but have been quite lax since then, coming back every few months when the mention of something new got my attention.
    Watching the recent Twitch TV thingy with the water power set, as well as trying to play my way through another MMO (involving war in the stars) it rekindled my love for the COH community, and the game itself.

    Tried to play today, and am finding myself a) a little lost and b) having a few tech issues. A lot of stuff has moved about in the city, and I seem to have found myself with a lot of rewards and extra stuff that I don't know how to make the most of. I'm sure playing will probably help me learn much of that, but this is where b) comes into play.

    Played for about 3 hours today, and had 3 crashes to desktop. Seems there's no tech help forum here any more, so wondering if anyone might be able to shed some light on it? I know there have been memory leak issues in the past, and considering that my PC played that other, newer game pretty well at medium+ settings with no issues, I can't think what I could be doing (or not doing) at my side to help the stability. Unreliability was one of the things that made me look elsewhere, or just plain give up on MMOs in the past, so I'd appreciate any help you might be able to give.

    Also, if anyone wants to meet up in game to help me work off a little of the rust, I've a couple of lvl 50s, a few mid-level toons and untold billions of lowbies who could do with some xp. @Craggy, or see my on Monarcher, King Spider or my current fave new toon Rose Princess on Union.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PhoenixCE View Post
    If they make a Great Dane pet, I'll die happy.
  5. welcome back!

    what type of cookies were they?
  6. craggy

    Player Toxicity

    I'm addicted to you cause you know that you're toxic.
  7. I've bought points. I wanted the extra costume slots, something I'd never been able to get before and won't get as a VIP player. I've used free points to buy powersets and I think some of my left over bought points I've gotten costume pieces.

    I don't see it as being any different really from the way we had the choice to pay for the old Booster packs. I got many of those as they were released, but held off on one or two until the character concept came around that I wanted to use them with. I do still want some stuff to be free to VIP players, just as it always was (we used to get a couple of costume sets, and some other stuff in an issue) and so far there has been. I've yet to try out the SSAs but am very glad we're getting them. Likewise the free 400 points a month lets me pick and choose the extra stuff I want.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
    The revenue from the exports helps keep taxes low, which is a big reason why people keep flocking to a city that is constantly being attacked by supervillains.
    that and the high number of cape-chasers in the world, who constantly walk up to groups of thugs with their valuables out waiting to be mugged, just so they can compliment their rescuer's costume.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    d there are no significant tunnels.
    that we know about.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
    I have a GeoForce GTS 450 using the latest Nividia drivers, so this is not just an issue with one graphics card. Repair seems to fix it for a while, but it always comes back and gets progressively worse.

    interesting to hear someone using Nvidia graphics as well. It was seeming like it'd be yet another issue affecting only users with ATI cards, but maybe it'll be alooked at as possibly being an issue with the game itself. Maybe?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    But it also diminishes the scope of the accomplishment. I like to feel like I've come up with something that's unique because other people haven't thought of it, as opposed to because other people are over it by now. Mind you, I'm not complaining, but my brain just requires something like that to work right
    That's totally not what my brain requires to work right, but I'm right there with you on wanting to be happy with creating the character that you're playing. FWIW, I actually like how the empty jar appears to be completely invisible, and that combined with the auras you've shown have given me quite a few ideas about cool things I can try. Thanks.
  12. this thread is a bit anti-semantic
  13. i think you have to ask yourself why you don't want stupid bright pink ice shields? are you ice-a-phobic?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
    It's too late for it to happen, but I think stalkers should have originally been Melee/Support.

    With the stalker's Original values, give it Mastermind Buff/Debuff mods. Then, while hidden, give it the ability to:

    1. Not notify mobs with Their support abilities
    2. Do "Critical Support" while hidden
    3. Not lose hidden status while using support abilities

    This way, the stalker would have been the Premier Support character while hidden, with the potential for Burst damage while coming out of hide.

    Sadly it's too late for that, but that's how I would have done it.
    I think Stalkers are fine as is, but this would be an interesting idea. I wouldn't mind playing that sort of toon. I've a few Defenders that I use similarly, in that I focus on supporting my team with buffs/debuffs primarily, and hope not to catch the enemies attentions but then bust out some occasional damage if everything else is taken care of or I'm waiting to recharge.
  15. just went on now for first time since the patch. flickering, stuff goes invisible, every time i move. especially bad when moving forward and turning at the same time. installing another new version of drivers now, as it seems ATI put out a couple new versions since i got advised of the update earlier in the week.

    edit: looked like it was fixed, but it came back after a half hour or so.
  16. you should be able to do freelance work for Hero Corps. It'd be like paper missions, maybe a bit harder, but with a bunch of influence as a reward.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BYiro View Post
    You don't *have* to act like a serial killer in the new villain tutorial, but the option is there if you think casual murder is what makes a person bad. doesn't make them good.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'm sorely disappointed with the low-level game villain-side, myself. I never played a villain and thought "This is evil, but it's not gross enough. Let's make it more disgusting." I can tell you this for a fact - I never want to see Arachnos soldiers piling Longbow corpses into a mass grave ever again, and I never will, because I will me getting the **** out of Mercy as soon as I can. I pray to all the gods that what happened to Mercy won't infect the rest of villain-side and that I will always be able to at least run the old missions, because this new view of villainy doesn't work for me as a person, let alone any of my characters.
    I seem to remember a lot of people used to say that CoV never really made you feel like a villain. There's always going to be a more difficult balance for the devs redside. If they try to keep it toned down then we'll end up with missions where you've got to "steal 40 pies!", make it too amped-up and we'll be cutting people's heads off and swapping them with their dog's.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 3dent View Post
    Obvious one is a Pistols/Kin corruptor, - An Equilibrum/Wanted/John Woo type villain (or hero) who is Just That Good because of secret training techniques he learned or devised.
    that's the concept I've used for my Time Manip/Pistols guy, with a little bit of Neo from The Matrix and Ambrose Chase from Planetary mixed in for good measure.
  20. Null The Gull? if you bring him a loaf of bread, crumble it all up, he gives merits? Woop!
  21. I have a 4850, runs Ultra Mode fine for the most part. I tend to turn it off or at least very low down when running big stuff, like Trials where every bugger is firing off thousands of different powers at once, but that's just because I usually play more following a patch, and following a patch there's usually less stability (this game does love crashing) so I try to limit that.

    If it's the best card you can afford, you'll do okay. If you're spending more, I can only imagine you'll do better.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
    Now the other unlocks, with the astral merits, Like the chest emblems, and the costume change emotes, and the ascension armor are Account wide. so once you buy them on 1 character, you have them forever on all characters. even brand new ones you make.
    yeah, I only have 1 Incarnate character right now, but already used him to buy the rainbow path aura for another one. In case anyone else is reading this and wondering about this though, I'll remind you: the Ascension Armour does unlock for all characters on your account, but only one they reach level 50.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    wait, are we doing kin melee or kin the buff?

    kin melee, i usually see it as a chinese kung fu type fighter, the animations generally fit with the open handed strikes, and the big balls of energy work with an internal style that uses chi. alternately, the kin i actually play i just recolored them light blue and made it a water manipulation set for my mermaid character.

    for kinetics, the buff, one could use it as a bending of space/physics manipulation powerset. either through some tech emitters or some spell that allows a limited wish type manipulation of physics.
    first off "water manipulation"? cool idea.

    secondly, "limited wish" sounds a lot like Scarlet Witch's old Hex Bolt powers, bordering on her amped up Chaos Magic powers. Either way, it's a new way of looking at a Kin for me, one that might get me to try one one of these days.
  24. thanks guys. I couldn't see what exactly they unlocked, and you've just saved me wasting those merits.