I'm a rage-quitter




Was running the Dr Kane tf for the 4th(?) time. First time through just took it as it comes and had fun. Decided I'd like to run another character through it so second time I joined up in a different team and had fun. Thought it might be fun to have the other badges for it and knew that one had to do with wearing a costume so made sure to get the random rewards to get a costume. Some roster changes and now was teamed with someone who seemed/purported to know how to get the zombie badge. Rather than slogging through the zombies in the house he suggested we should just run past them all to the end as it was otherwise just a waste of time. I did not have a particular problem with this. We run through the second part to the end and avoid all the "grind" in between. I did not have a particular problem with this.

We get to the graveyard and he says, "I'll tank the big guy, the rest of you just run around over the graves and drag the zombies back to me, I'll deal with them." I did not have a particular problem with this. Had NO idea what his plan really was but he seemed to be confident in what was needed and said nothing more than that.

So the three members of the team which were not him proceeded to run about doing not much and dying repeatedly doing it, while he appears to do handily tanking. So, I had a very slight problem with this. The game is long and I'm willing to put in the hours now and again. Debt is just NOT that big a deal. I frequently half-joke that debt is just another badge. But it needs to be for a REASON; if I'm enjoying myself I don't necessarily care that I have to die repeatedly to beat a tough mission or get through a task force or win that badge just for the sake of having the badge.

But then he starts in saying, "Faster! You/we have to do this faster!" I didn't really know what was supposed to be done faster but obviously for all the running about like a chicken with it's head cut off the total # of zombies defeated wasn't climbing very fast. I've been having a blast with my plant/poison controller in everything I've done in the game - right up to this point. I'm feeling quite ineffective at not being able to meaningfully contribute much to progress toward this badge and I'm dying repeatedly from the big monsters whatever-attacks when I try to lead zombies to our tank as was requested/suggested. The other two non-tanks are, I see, doing the death cycle as much or more than I and saying nothing. And the tank is just repeating, "Faster. Gotta do this faster."

NOW I'm having a problem because I've rapidly become frustrated and it's quite clear that nothing we're doing is making headway. I stop running around and state point blank, "Look, I got to admit I just don't know how it is we're supposed to be getting this badge." The response back from our tank sums up as, "You're not supposed to. You're all terrible for this because you suck at DPS. -LOL-"

Something about that was just the wrong attitude. I should have stopped him before we even started and asked, "Okay, what is your SPECIFIC plan to get this badge? What is it that we need to do and why?" But I didn't. It was clear that I wasn't going to get that information now and the whole effort just seemed a pointless waste of my time to proceed any further. There just didn't seem to be anything to discuss further so I said nothing. I just quit the team and logged.

I felt bad for the two others on the team now faced with this tedious impossible mission and a man short, but I was just so suddenly ticked off at the whole situation. It's been a LONG time since I rage-quit a team in COH. I've got my 7 years in so I've been in a LOT of PUGs and stuck it out through a LOT of seriously juvenile crap being perpetrated by others doing just what I did.

I guess if I have a question it would be just how much of a jerk WAS I?



Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
Was running the Dr Kane tf for the 4th(?) time. First time through just took it as it comes and had fun. Decided I'd like to run another character through it so second time I joined up in a different team and had fun. Thought it might be fun to have the other badges for it and knew that one had to do with wearing a costume so made sure to get the random rewards to get a costume. Some roster changes and now was teamed with someone who seemed/purported to know how to get the zombie badge. Rather than slogging through the zombies in the house he suggested we should just run past them all to the end as it was otherwise just a waste of time. I did not have a particular problem with this. We run through the second part to the end and avoid all the "grind" in between. I did not have a particular problem with this.

We get to the graveyard and he says, "I'll tank the big guy, the rest of you just run around over the graves and drag the zombies back to me, I'll deal with them." I did not have a particular problem with this. Had NO idea what his plan really was but he seemed to be confident in what was needed and said nothing more than that.

So the three members of the team which were not him proceeded to run about doing not much and dying repeatedly doing it, while he appears to do handily tanking. So, I had a very slight problem with this. The game is long and I'm willing to put in the hours now and again. Debt is just NOT that big a deal. I frequently half-joke that debt is just another badge. But it needs to be for a REASON; if I'm enjoying myself I don't necessarily care that I have to die repeatedly to beat a tough mission or get through a task force or win that badge just for the sake of having the badge.

But then he starts in saying, "Faster! You/we have to do this faster!" I didn't really know what was supposed to be done faster but obviously for all the running about like a chicken with it's head cut off the total # of zombies defeated wasn't climbing very fast. I've been having a blast with my plant/poison controller in everything I've done in the game - right up to this point. I'm feeling quite ineffective at not being able to meaningfully contribute much to progress toward this badge and I'm dying repeatedly from the big monsters whatever-attacks when I try to lead zombies to our tank as was requested/suggested. The other two non-tanks are, I see, doing the death cycle as much or more than I and saying nothing. And the tank is just repeating, "Faster. Gotta do this faster."

NOW I'm having a problem because I've rapidly become frustrated and it's quite clear that nothing we're doing is making headway. I stop running around and state point blank, "Look, I got to admit I just don't know how it is we're supposed to be getting this badge." The response back from our tank sums up as, "You're not supposed to. You're all terrible for this because you suck at DPS. -LOL-"

Something about that was just the wrong attitude. I should have stopped him before we even started and asked, "Okay, what is your SPECIFIC plan to get this badge? What is it that we need to do and why?" But I didn't. It was clear that I wasn't going to get that information now and the whole effort just seemed a pointless waste of my time to proceed any further. There just didn't seem to be anything to discuss further so I said nothing. I just quit the team and logged.

I felt bad for the two others on the team now faced with this tedious impossible mission and a man short, but I was just so suddenly ticked off at the whole situation. It's been a LONG time since I rage-quit a team in COH. I've got my 7 years in so I've been in a LOT of PUGs and stuck it out through a LOT of seriously juvenile crap being perpetrated by others doing just what I did.

I guess if I have a question it would be just how much of a jerk WAS I?
on a scale of 1-10 10 being the biggest jerk possible




Obviously you're a big jerk for not having enough DPS. Jk. Cool rage-quit bro!



Basically, the additional badge is gotten by beating up 99 zombies (but the Doc ain't one...>_>)

Given they are incredibly brain-less zombies, it 's a case of Ignore big stompy death man, play whack a zombie until you have 99, then turn and wail on him.

And yeah, you weren't a jerk. He sounds like a bit of a nut though.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I guess dragging Big N' Ugly to the graveyard didn't occur to him?



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Basically, the additional badge is gotten by beating up 99 zombies (but the Doc ain't one...>_>)
*snicker* Now that song's in my head.

Given they are incredibly brain-less zombies, it 's a case of Ignore big stompy death man, play whack a zombie until you have 99, then turn and wail on him.
I do wish they'd spawn faster, though. I was on a team of four staying just ahead of the big bad, but those zombies were just not coming out fast enough for us to do the 99 then him. We kept being 1-2 minutes too late, even when we beat Abom down to near 30% while hunting zombies.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



To get that particular badge you need to kill 99 zombies from the graveyard as well as the aV within 12 minutes.

How I accomplished this the first time was having one tanker doing his thing while me and two others ran laps around the area pew pewing zombies as they appeared. Given that the zombies seem very generous with small green inpirations our tank had no issue keeping the abomination busy.

In the end we killed the zombies and abomination with 3 and a half minutes to spare

But yeah, I hate people like that. I don't have a problem with someone taking charge (assuming they do in fact know what they are doing) but when they are total pricks about things it's not cool



He made it clear that he had no respect for your contribution, and it seems pretty obvious that you weren't going to succeed, so the other two weren't really out anything. I probably would have quit, too. I probably would have added something before I just left, like, "Since you don't want me on the team, I'll go find a team that does," so that the other two would know that I'm not just leaving for the hell of it. But yeah, I wouldn't worry about it too much. There are jerks in the game. I'm just glad that it's a minority of people.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
I'm feeling quite ineffective at not being able to meaningfully contribute much to progress toward this badge and I'm dying repeatedly from the big monsters whatever-attacks when I try to lead zombies to our tank as was requested/suggested.
That's the issue right there. You kill the zombies where they spawn; don't drag them to the Abomination. That's suicide in a handy little envelope if you do.



I would not say you rage quit per se I would say you quit because of leadership or lack thereof from the idiot.

Let it roll off, find a new team get your badge, and chalk it up to some noob.



No I don't think you were a jerk at all i think you ran into one. First of all this so called expert on the trial didn't take the needs or desires of anyone else on the team into consideration.. For all he knew the other 2 members of your team could have been doing it for the very first time and wanted to see and experience the mansion. It is a pretty cool layout and I enjoyed the feel of the place ... Nice job art department

Second he didn't take into account that maybe, just maybe, the other members of your team would have liked to have had all that xp he had you all rush past to get to the end .. because all he wanted was a badge he had yet to acquire.

Then third... for all his claims he obviously didn't know how to get the badge to begin with................

1. Drag AV into grave yard so that all 4 team mates are spawning zombies .. [zombie spawn by players running over top of the graves]

2. Tank, Brute or whatever concentrates on keeping aggro on AV while the rest kill zombie in place.. not pull them to the AV. [When the abomination raises its foot you do not want to be within range of the attack. Its similar to the Nova Strike Maurader has on the Lambda trial and can leave almost any character with no hit points]

3. Use your AoE attacks to damage both the zombies and the AV. [very hard to do if your pulling zombies to the AV.. Very easy if its already in the graveyard and zombies are spawning around it]

He wasted a ton of time that you needed to succeed and then had the nerve to insult the rest of the team for being lame [in HIS opinion] I'd not only have quit his team .. I'd have one starred him and put him on global ignore so I never had to deal with him again.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Notorion: Something about that was just the wrong attitude. I should have stopped him before we even started and asked, "Okay, what is your SPECIFIC plan to get this badge? What is it that we need to do and why?" But I didn't. It was clear that I wasn't going to get that information now and the whole effort just seemed a pointless waste of my time to proceed any further. There just didn't seem to be anything to discuss further so I said nothing. I just quit the team and logged.

I felt bad for the two others on the team now faced with this tedious impossible mission and a man short, but I was just so suddenly ticked off at the whole situation.
Most of the people I meet on these little impromptu team-ups are pretty cool, but you can't win them all. He was rude and had no real plan.

I recently quit a Dr Kane with no warning myself. We had a /cold Def or troller on the team, who made it his special mission to make sure I had all my Ice shields.

idiot: *casts bright pink ice shields*

me: *cancels*

idiot: *casts ice shields*

me: *cancels*

idiot *casts ice shields*

me: *dismisses*

This went on all through the haunted house and though the caverns. This was his only contribution: making sure I had ice shields.

After the 50,000th cast:

me: Please don't cast shields on me anymore, ok? TY

idiot: Actually I find it quite amusing and I like doing it, so no your request is not granted.

me: I don't find it that amusing. *quit TF after one-starring*

I am aware this is a group buff nowadays, but this was out and out griefing. Never seen this happen before... but when someone is just flat-out rude, the onus is on them not you. At least to me.



Sir, I've never rage-quit a team, but I must say, now I know under what circumstances I would happily do so. So, don't you feel bad at all. About the only thing I would have done differently is to find something more enjoyable to do for a few minutes before I logged out--to wash the bad taste out of my mouth. I also would have wisecracked before leaving the team. And I mean, really laid the smacktalk down. Something punny. Something to let that ******* know that, dammit, I might not be as DPS as him, but I could shoot out bad one-liners faster than he could ever hope to in his wildest dreams!!! Yeah.

But anyway. I've done two haunted house runs so far. The team got their 99 zombies badge both times. And we were on Virtue. A straight-up, grammatically correct, long-winded RP team. What did we do different? We had a head start, we took out all the zombies throughout the house, basement and crypt. And we weren't a PUG. We were familiar with each other and knew mostly what to expect from each other.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



The zombies appear to run right toward the AV on their own anyway, if they don't spawn close enough to the player who trigger their appearance, so no pulling to him is really required, although it's still better to just have the non-tanking players kill them as they appeared.

I actually got this badge my very first run through the trial, with 3 random players. They all wanted the badge and I was the only tank on the team, so I naturally went the AV and kept him busy and they ran around to kill the zombies. It went pretty easily, actually.



i think you have to ask yourself why you don't want stupid bright pink ice shields? are you ice-a-phobic?

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by craggy View Post
i think you have to ask yourself why you don't want stupid bright pink ice shields? are you ice-a-phobic?
If people want me to wear thier ice shields, they need to not be obnoxious or stupid colors, like bright pink. When I had a /cold Corr, her shields were a dark transparent blue which was all but invisible.

The cancel buff option is a great thing, and this is the first time I have had someone grief me about it... there is just no excuse for rudeness in my opinion.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am aware this is a group buff nowadays, but this was out and out griefing.
Correct, it is harassment and can be reported as such. When this happened to me last week, I sent a short, quick petition (Menu > Support > Conduct and Harassment) after a polite request to the griefer achieved nothing. A GM warded him off within about two or three minutes, which likely resulted in a mark on the player's account.

I wish there was a "Cancel for good" option beneath "cancel" for ice shields and speed boosts. The defense bonuses and recharge rates don't bother me, but the ice effect and speedier movement often get in the way.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by craggy View Post
i think you have to ask yourself why you don't want stupid bright pink ice shields? are you ice-a-phobic?
Maybe they didn't match his outfit?



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
We had a head start, we took out all the zombies throughout the house, basement and crypt.
Pretty sure the 99 zombie counter doesn't start until you talk to Doc Kane for the final time.



Originally Posted by Baler View Post
Pretty sure the 99 zombie counter doesn't start until you talk to Doc Kane for the final time.
True. Zombies you kill in the graveyard won't count until Abomination is up and moving, when the kill-meter shows up.



Indeed. I am going to organize a team of four global friends specifically to explore that place and click on everything.

OP, you are fine. Cast ye in the name of Incarnates, ye not guilty. And all that.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I wish there was a "Cancel for good" option beneath "cancel" for ice shields and speed boosts. The defense bonuses and recharge rates don't bother me, but the ice effect and speedier movement often get in the way.
On a side note, you can permanently prevent the speed component of speed boost by talking to "Null the Gull" in Pocket D (on top of the truck in the villain-side alcove). He can also remove a couple of other effects - not sure if the ice armor graphic is one of 'em, though.

Edit: Oh yeah, topic... Don't stress OP - I probably would've sent a /tell to the other teammates asking if they wanted to ditch the guy before I quit.



Originally Posted by Baler View Post
Pretty sure the 99 zombie counter doesn't start until you talk to Doc Kane for the final time.
Wow, now that you mention it...yeah.

*Pauses, thinking*

Wow, my regular teammates really are just that good.

Originally Posted by Anomynous View Post
On a side note, you can permanently prevent the speed component of speed boost by talking to "Null the Gull" in Pocket D (on top of the truck in the villain-side alcove). He can also remove a couple of other effects - not sure if the ice armor graphic is one of 'em, though.
Thanks, yeah, I plan to use it. All the same, it's not like a griefer should be able to say, "It's your fault I'm griefing you, you should have visited Null the Gull!" Although I'm sure it'll happen.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



The Gull only affects SB, Group Fly and [I think] Inertial Reduction. He can't make it so shields are not cast on you, which is a pity.

I am grateful for the things he CAN do, however. Very nice QoL change.

I think that the pink shield idiot had a one-star coming, just because he didnt do a thing else except cast shields. No fighting, no other buffs.... wasting space on a team is what he was doing. When you only have 4 people, everyone has to fight.

With that said, sometimes the queue lines you up with three other people whose powersets mean you are all gonna be fighting the Abomination for quite some time to come [i.e, all squishies]. oh well! He sure gave my Stalker hell, lol.