I'm a rage-quitter




Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
The Gull only affects SB, Group Fly and [I think] Inertial Reduction. He can't make it so shields are not cast on you, which is a pity .
more specifically it changes ALL +movement speed powers (sb being the most common but including other such as inertial reduction and the extremely small +speed in enforced morale)

group fly and mystic fortune are the other 2 options



ill quit everytime with stuff like this and also why i rarely team with people i dont know.



Originally Posted by craggy View Post
i think you have to ask yourself why you don't want stupid bright pink ice shields? are you ice-a-phobic?
I would suggest it is because they are ugly.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
I would suggest it is because they are ugly.
Eh, even as an ugly buff, its still like 10-15% defense.. enough to make even a squishy blaster dodge a few incoming hits.



I've never noticed a really significant amount of protection coming from either ice or fire shields. Certainly not enough to counter the ugliness of the ice shields in particular.... and they are always a color spefically picked for obnoxiousness.

In short, the insult to my eyes is not outweighed by their usefulness.



I remember rage-quitting on one instance where the Team Leader and another person started a discussion about the then-new PvP changes, that quickly grew rather heated. I kept waiting for one of them to get kicked or quit, but the debate kept getting more heated. After asking politely a couple times for them to take it to private /tells, I finally lost my patience and told them I was tired of their debate and quit myself.

On the other side of the coin, I've had the occasional person rage-quit a team I was running when a mission didn't go according to plan. Ironically in most of those cases, the person that rage-quit was the person causing most of the problems and things went more smoothly after he/she quit.

Oh, I just remembered an Apex TF I RQ last week - due to a combination of poor leadership and some idiot that wasn't alpha-slotted that ignored everybody asking if he was slotted, then started complaining the mission was too hard and for the leader to lower the difficulty.... We didn't even make it through the sewer-section in the first mission



The few times I've done the Dr Kane Trial, nobody bothered to tank the Abomination. Everyone just scattered to the tomb stones areas after talking to Dr Kane to start the timer. Just stand still for 2 secs and a couple of zombies will pop up. I have noticed that Abomination seems to have it in for me no matter which character I go in with. I'm the one he likes to chase around, so in between zombies, I lead him around the map. He's got massive range with that lightning blast of his.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
I have noticed that Abomination seems to have it in for me no matter which character I go in with. I'm the one he likes to chase around, so in between zombies, I lead him around the map. He's got massive range with that lightning blast of his.
I know the feeling, at least you can pick up more than enough greens from the zombies to take care of the damage

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.



It's not confined to the Event trial - After multiple requests of specific "badges needed" before commencement of the Sewer Trial I find the froob PL'ers ignoring said request. Sadly I will no longer continue if my supposed team mates are going to ignore my simple request and have no problem continuing with ignoramuses.

I fear the 'Free' aspect of our game has brought with it a jerk contingent who have much to learn of sportsmanship but I hope we can persist in some tolerance with a hope they can overcome their ineptitude and maybe, one day, shine as bright as some of our vets.



Ice shields turn scrappers into tanks, and turn blasters into scrappers. If you think it's ugly, OK - but someone buffing you isn't someone "griefing" you. I've had people complain about them before, enough that I had them step aside before using it on oe task force. Guess who kept dying? If you guessed Commander Whinezalot, you win a prize.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Originally Posted by ItsJustJake View Post
Ice shields turn scrappers into tanks, and turn blasters into scrappers. If you think it's ugly, OK - but someone buffing you isn't someone "griefing" you. I've had people complain about them before, enough that I had them step aside before using it on oe task force. Guess who kept dying? If you guessed Commander Whinezalot, you win a prize.
Hey go back and read and you'll see why you are wrong on this. I can point it out to you if it's too much work.



I had sort of the opposite situation save for the fact that the other people weren't jerks

being a brute on a team with no tank, I was the one tanking...I lead off the big monster and suddenly realize that none of the rest of the team was even on the same side of the map as me

granted, I figured out why later and no one cussed me out, but it was still odd that no one saw fit to tell me that I'd be on half the map by myself avoiding Stompy McSparknut and whittling him down as they hunted zombies

if they had been half as much a jerk as your guy, then I would probably have quit myself

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"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by catwhowalksbyhimself View Post
The zombies appear to run right toward the AV on their own anyway, if they don't spawn close enough to the player who trigger their appearance, so no pulling to him is really required, although it's still better to just have the non-tanking players kill them as they appeared.

I actually got this badge my very first run through the trial, with 3 random players. They all wanted the badge and I was the only tank on the team, so I naturally went the AV and kept him busy and they ran around to kill the zombies. It went pretty easily, actually.
Don't suppose you had a Clanker Bot MM in that party by chance?



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Hey go back and read and you'll see why you are wrong on this. I can point it out to you if it's too much work.
Hey, if you aren't bright enough to express your own opinion, don't imagine that I'm going to do your work for you. I've demonstrated to enough teammates how useful those buffs are (by withholding them, and watching that person always take the most damage) on enough missions to know my point is valid.

You may have a different opinion, but it's certainly not all that accurate from what I've seen.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Originally Posted by Baler View Post
Pretty sure the 99 zombie counter doesn't start until you talk to Doc Kane for the final time.
Absolutely true. If you start killing them in the graveyard and then talk to the Doctor then when the counter appears for a very brief second it will look as if the zombies you've done count, but it drops almost immediately. This is because the 'Kill 99 & the Abomination' badge is on a 12 minute timer. Nothing you kill before the timer counts.

To the OP, I don't believe you rage quit. Rage quitting would have involved shouting at him first and calling him names. He sort of 'rage stayed', you just quit in order to get more quickly to a team that was going to succeed.

"SARS, Bird Flue, 9/11, Anthrax in the Mail, Mad Cow Disease. Pope John Paul didn't die, he preboarded." - Christopher Titus "5th Annual End of the World Tour"



Originally Posted by ItsJustJake View Post
Hey, if you aren't bright enough to express your own opinion, don't imagine that I'm going to do your work for you. I've demonstrated to enough teammates how useful those buffs are (by withholding them, and watching that person always take the most damage) on enough missions to know my point is valid.

You may have a different opinion, but it's certainly not all that accurate from what I've seen.
The issue wasn't that they were getting the buff when they didn't want it. It's simple enough to just cancel it these days.

The issue was that the buffer would immediately recast the buff, despite the person asking them not to do that. (Despite that the team didn't need to be rebuffed.)

Having to cancel a buff every 2-4minutes, no big deal. Having someone intentionally spam a buff on you just to annoy you is totally different.

The fact that said buffer did nothing else BUT spam said buff to annoy the other player just makes it worse.

(And for the record, I have never canceled a buff I was given while fighting mobs, no matter how garish and horrific it was visually. I will cancel them if I'm just standing around doing nothing though.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by ItsJustJake View Post
Hey, if you aren't bright enough to express your own opinion, don't imagine that I'm going to do your work for you. I've demonstrated to enough teammates how useful those buffs are (by withholding them, and watching that person always take the most damage) on enough missions to know my point is valid.

You may have a different opinion, but it's certainly not all that accurate from what I've seen.
....I think you missed the part where I said:

After the 50,000th cast:

me: Please don't cast shields on me anymore, ok? TY

idiot: Actually I find it quite amusing and I like doing it, so no your request is not granted.

The point here is not so much the casting of shields, but that the spammer would not stop when asked. That, and he considered casting shields to be his sole contribution to what was going on. Lame.

Perhaps your shields are wonderful and make squishies 100% invincible, I don't know. However I strongly suspect that most people have one enhancement slotted on their ice shields, which makes them dismissible without a second thought. Which I WILL do, if they are an obnoxious color... and 98% of the time they are. Don't take it personally.

I will never understand why people take the request to stop this kind of thing personally. Its like "If you hate my shields,then you hate me!" My dismissal of your shield, or of Grant Invisibility is not a personal declaration of War. And that's another ROFL-tastic little strategy, speaking in general: making my Tanks invisible. GREAT IDEA, GENIUS! [I am speaking generally, and not accusing Jake of making my Tanks invisible. A lot of people think this is the greatest idea since sliced bread, though.]