Concepts for kinetics?




Hey all. I got something I wanted to ask

What do you usually make of kinetics, concept wise? I've always had trouble with kinetics and it would be fun to hear what other people make of it.

One thing I've done is color the powers red and call it vampirism (draining strenght, and all that) but I'm not a huge fan of vampires so that did not work out long, haha.

I feel like making a kinetics character as I've never really played the set to a high level and I have no idea what to make of it



Well, until Time Manipulation came along, you could call it Time manipulation.

Of my Kinetics characters... hmm.
One's magic. Kin/Dark Defender. Found a book that gave a bit more about the goddess of the moon in all her forms than just words on a page.

One was a physicist kidnapped for specific knowledge by the Nictus and subjected to an experimental form of forced implantation - that didn't work, but gave abilities somewhat similar to some Nictus abilities. (Grav/Kin controller.)

Some are just "I felt like rolling a Kin to see how it works with this set."



My Dark/Kin Corruptor is an energy vampire, leeching power and health from people.

My Illusion/Kinetics Controller can manipulate the flow of time. (I actually think Kinetics does a better job of time control than the new Time Control powerset IMHO).

My Kinetics/Ice Defender is a mutant who's power is 'always on' so she drains batteries, power cables, heat and light when she's around.

My Fire/Kinetics is a solar infused entity who can 'power up' people with energy as well as take it away from his foes.

Of the four, my Kin/Ice is the best at high levels I find, mainly because of being able to turn a team into an absolute powerhouse.

Hope that gives you some ideas.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Air and the wind. It is what I used for KM, and I could see it working with the other versions also.

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Well, the obvious one.

Telekinesis. Your character is just telekinetic. And, one assumes, knows something about fighting as well

Kinetics and Kinetic Melee are just high-precision telekinesis, to the extent that one is able to manipulate energy with one's mind. I have a Mind Control/Kinetics Controller who is an extremely powerful and high-precision telekinetic (he's also a telepath), and I could definitely see him being capable of Kinetic Melee as well. But I wouldn't consider remaking him until they released an Archetype that was Melee/Support. I just couldn't justify any of the Defence powers with him.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



To my eyes, Kinetics is interchangeable with Energy Melee in terms of concept, so it's just a question of which style of attack animations you prefer visually, and which matches your concept more closely. However, they're both manipulation of energy, so almost any concept for one will work for the other.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Not that I've ever played a Kinetics character to any meaningful level, but the thematic explanation I always favored was speedster-ish, like some of the more exotic things the Flash has done.



For Kinetics Melee I like the idea of a sorcery/magic like idea... and whenever I use focus burst I am often finding myself going RASENGAN!.. but back to the sorcery/magic idea.. Its like that whirling and gathering of magical energies and feels very magicy to me.

For Kinetics (the buff/debuff set) I always saw it as equal/opposite, cause and effect reactions and such. Like repel is taking the attack they hit you with before the repel can fire off and you are redirecting it back at them blowing them backwards. You slow something down.. and speed other things up. Now granted it makes more sense if Siphon Speed and Speed boost were the same power effect.. drain speed and boost speed, drain recovery, boost recovery at the same time as that works better and similiar to how siphon power and fulcrum shift work and feels to mesh overall with the set but its not.



My Gravity/Kinetics Controller is a Troll who used to be a street-level dealer of Superdine. Now that he's reformed, he GIVES Superdine away to his hero friends and himself to add a "boost" in their heroic efforts, and gives his enemies Bad Trips via overdoses and/or contaminated drugs.

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My kinetics scrapper, Pronghorn, was of the speedster-ish flavor. Not all the powers fit perfectly but that can be said for pretty much every concept/powerset I have.



wait, are we doing kin melee or kin the buff?

kin melee, i usually see it as a chinese kung fu type fighter, the animations generally fit with the open handed strikes, and the big balls of energy work with an internal style that uses chi. alternately, the kin i actually play i just recolored them light blue and made it a water manipulation set for my mermaid character.

for kinetics, the buff, one could use it as a bending of space/physics manipulation powerset. either through some tech emitters or some spell that allows a limited wish type manipulation of physics.



Well, for both Kin Melee and Kinetics the buff set:

Psychic- Color it purple.

Wind- Gray and desaturated blue.

Soul energy- dark purple and white.

Nuclear energy- yellow and green.

Made a Kin/ Brute with the Wind idea; his hand movements were so fast that the air being pushed by his palms would bruise and cut his foes.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
wait, are we doing kin melee or kin the buff?

kin melee, i usually see it as a chinese kung fu type fighter, the animations generally fit with the open handed strikes, and the big balls of energy work with an internal style that uses chi. alternately, the kin i actually play i just recolored them light blue and made it a water manipulation set for my mermaid character.

for kinetics, the buff, one could use it as a bending of space/physics manipulation powerset. either through some tech emitters or some spell that allows a limited wish type manipulation of physics.
first off "water manipulation"? cool idea.

secondly, "limited wish" sounds a lot like Scarlet Witch's old Hex Bolt powers, bordering on her amped up Chaos Magic powers. Either way, it's a new way of looking at a Kin for me, one that might get me to try one one of these days.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



My ice/kin tanker is a 'Water Bender' of the 'Avatar the last airbender' kind. Recolored all his kinetic melee attacks to be light blue, and the flow of them fits water.

My fire/kin corr is a remake of my fire mage from that game with orcs and humans. There are 3 mage elements there (ice, fire, arcane) so i recolored all the kinetic attacks to match the 'arcane' feel, and as some of the attacks do similar things in both games, it fits her concept really well.



My kin/shield scrapper has powered armor. he comes from a world that never stopped gladiatorial combat. His shield is energy and his natural martial arts talent is increased by the armor's servos. His armor, shield and kin effects are all golden.



My Grav/Kin controls the ebb and flow of dynamic energy all the way down to the cellular level thanks to her gauntlets. She's a natural telekinetic (albeit a very weak one), but this just ramps her power up significantly.


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I have a Grav/Kin controller called Mister Time (before Time Manipulation was created) that... controls time. I'm thinking he'll have a Praetorian variant that'll utilize the new time power set since I don't have very many Praetorians on that particular server to start with anyway.



My Kin/Energy defender (also my namesake) is played as a Mutant energy asorber and redistributor.

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



My one Illusion/Kinetic controller rationalize Kinetics as fortune/luck/karma transference. Now because my concept is around transfer from target to party, I didn't take Speed Boost, Increase Density, Inertia Reduction or Repel so my character is "broken" in many people's eyes.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Kins = Speedsters



"Power thief" concepts are common in the comics, though you can't really do them in CoH. Kinetics comes close.



Kinetic Melee was easy. I had a character already who had a full-body full-time forcefield and had trained in "remote Tai Chi" to use it in combat.

I was already planning on making a Praetorian version when Kinetic Melee came out and it was perfect for a non-contact martial art.

But I think you're asking about the Defender set, right?

I've played a Controller who was a speedster (Ice/Kinetics - she converted random molecular motion ie heat into forwards motion) but most of the powers left me in utter despair as to how to justify them. Assuming she could transfer Kinetic Energy to other people, Speed Boost, Fulcrum Shift, Siphon power and Siphon Speed all made sense-ish.

Transfusion - no idea how this was supposed to work.

I liked the unsupressed movement boost from Siphon Power, used with Sands of Mu I felt very speedster-ish. But more than anything, I hated the fact that zipping around often meant missing my own buffs from Transfusion and Transference.



Interesting you should ask.

My Kin/Elec Scrapper is a Praetorian version of my Elec/Storm Corruptor. His Kinetic Melee is explained as hurricane-force winds which he geenrates to amplify his punches. This works especially well when I use Power Syphon, which makes it look like he's created a small tornado around himself. I found that making Kin Melee a soft green gave it a nice windy look.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I've always heard the 'praises' of Kinetics and experienced them but couldn't come up with a concept I liked. Finally came up with on as a Kin/Ele Defender, but couldn't get it to work the way I wanted. Transfered him to another server and remade him as a Ele/Kin Controller and he's now among one of my favorite heroes. This... is ImpuseIV's story:

(direct copy/paste of his description) Jason Yin was a researcher for SmarTech, working on neural interface technology for people with prosthetic limbs, to be able to use them as naturally as their own. In the course of his work he invented a device to affect synaptic response times, generating fields capable of increasing/decreasing that response in others within its area. He was so exited by his discovery that he didn't consider the possible side effects. After a few days of toying with it, he found that he was affecting himself and others without using the field. Instead of the miracle cure he wanted, he gave himself powers he could barely control. Using his knowledge, he built a suit to control the effects and destroyed the prototype due to its dangrous side effects. This resulted in him getting fired. It was company property after all... After losing his job, he came here to Paragon to use his powers for good, hopefully a little money, and crash with his Uncle and cousin, Penelope. The Clockwork kinda freak him out though...

I went with Psychic mastery since it was all about controlling and adjusting brainwaves/bioelectric rythms, and tied that into the Yin family tree as a by-product.

When I remade him, I did so as a Praetorian (just to try the new content) but loved his backstory. Since I didn't have room to add more, the idea was that during a fight with the Rikti he was thrust into another dimension (Praetorian Earth) and they all accepted him as a well-known hero over there by the same name and inducted him into the Powers Division. After finding out what happened to his cousin Penny on this other world, and how that world worked, he got back here as soon as he could. Everyone now thinks he's 'from' there (except his cousin and uncle who wondered where he was) even though he isn't. It's something he's tried to come to terms with and convince others of, ever since he made it home.

However, I'm prone to overthinking my character's backgrounds

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.