Concepts for kinetics?




Like some of the others here, I use Kin Melee as a Kung Fu / Chi power set, as on my toon PowerBall Z, but I also do the 'vampire' bit with it, as on Kavik the Ghoul Boy.

Kinetics I have also used as a super-speedster set (FastBlack) and as both Luck Manipulation and Water Manipulation (Unlucky Jack, different purpose in different costumes).



I have a couple kin characters, both with different ways of utilising their powers:

Gamma Cell (KM/WP technology Brute)
Formerly an Investigator in the Praetorian Police Department, thought by many to be the next James Noble, she was gunned down by the Resistance when her Kinetic Armour failed. Neuron took the oppotunity to try a new technique to download her mind and memories into an experimental Clockwork, equiped with Kinetic Accelerators, which turn motion into powerful kinetic blasts for offensive and maneuvering purposes. Dispite serving her Emperor to bring down the Syndicate, when she learnt of his plans to eradicate Primal Earth, Gamma travelled to Paragon City to protect the people there, as well as hopefully remind Cole why a young Alison Murray joined the PPD.

Nite Fury (KM/Nin natural Stalker)
The alien race known as the Furmin have a number of powerful martial arts that utilise the spirit and pure will. The best known on Earth is the style employed by Kung Fu Cat, Lightning Panther, but on her homeworld of Pitot, the style of Spirit Swipe is just as well known and just as difficult to master. Nite Fury utilises this style to amplify her own strength (though some Furmin Mutants with extreme strength use it to keep that strength in check) and has proven herself a powerful nemesis for the great Kung Fu Cat, one whom some Furmin consider the perfect example of Human corruption.

Another suitable example could be a Psychic channeling their powers into their strikes.

So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United



Obvious one is a Pistols/Kin corruptor, - An Equilibrum/Wanted/John Woo type villain (or hero) who is Just That Good because of secret training techniques he learned or devised.



I have three kinetic characters.

One's a straight up black witch. Magic can explain any concept. (Hyeness: Dark/Kin Corruptor)

One was the creation of a mosquito who drank superhuman blood. The mosquito created a humanoid body with powers that the mosquito understood. Only problem with that is that mosquitos don't have very good imaginations. (Skeeter Dream: Ill/Kin Controller)

The last is my only 50th level kin. She was a stunt cyclist trying to break the world speed records, and she got powers by using a treatment that give her control over friction and air flow. (Grace Rider: Kin/Energy Defender)

Grace is one of the most powerful characters I own. By herself not that dangerous, but put her in a team and they turn into an army. The force multiplication of Kinetics is just crazy.

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Originally Posted by 3dent View Post
Obvious one is a Pistols/Kin corruptor, - An Equilibrum/Wanted/John Woo type villain (or hero) who is Just That Good because of secret training techniques he learned or devised.
that's the concept I've used for my Time Manip/Pistols guy, with a little bit of Neo from The Matrix and Ambrose Chase from Planetary mixed in for good measure.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.