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I'm a bit curious to what is it about AR that makes it work well with traps?
Thank you for you reply, Mad Grim
After looking closer at Nature's powers I belive you are right -
Hey all
I was wondering what your ideas might be on if nature affinity would help ninjas be more survivable? I really the concept of ninjas, but even though I've tried both ninjas/FF and ninja/time I've eventually dropped the character due to the ninjas being wiped away in large teams and higher difficulties.
But nature affinity seems a bit interesting, we have the new absoption effect and other fun tools.
Do you guys think a ninja/nature would be worth trying? -
Thank you all for your replies! It sounds like AR/Traps has the potential to be a fun and interesting character well worth exploring.
I also had no idea traps was an endurance heavy set, I'll be sure to keep that in mind!
Also, an idea that struck me is that putting the new -knockback IO in M30 Grenade might improve the entire set as whole, lots of less scattering for your cones (and teammates) and instead making M30 An awesome damage and control power.
Still with a -very- basic costume but here is my new character, she used to be a member of the police but felt she lacked the freedum to get "creative" with her weapons and devices, so now she runs her own security firm instead.
Hi all,
My question is pretty much as the title states! Background is that I have this strange itch recently to really try out Assault Rifle as I've never really done so, and the concept of a completely "natural" hero seemed cool to me. And while I do enjoy my concept characters, I also enjoy being effective in-game
So yea.. how would an AR/Traps compare to the more popular choices?
Alternativly, if there is a secondary that would work much better with AR feel to suggest that, even if it's not "natural."! -
Hi, when playing ranged character I have a strong preference for hover blasting and looking at the water blast animations I was a bit concerned.
In Water Burst and the nuke the character jumps up and smashes the ground, do these powers work while hovering, or are they like footstomp where you have to be on the ground?
I might seem like a trivival question, but I'm trying to decide if I should buy the set or not, so I can't check for myself. -
Hey all,
I'm a big fan of playing defenders and I've always been interested in storm, but all the knockback has kept me away (I always play in teams). But with the new -knockback IO, I feel a strong urge to try one and put that IO in Tornado and see how that works out
But what secondary for such a character?
I know Ice is considered one of the stronger defender blast sets and would fit great with the theme (ice storm on top of freezing rain, whee!) but the upcomming changes to snipe powers are making me unsure.
Maybe Psi would be a better choice since it has a snipe? (And also, I would be throwing out two different kinds of tornados)
Or maybe something else entierly, putting concept on the side for the sake of this discussion. What do you feel would be the best secondary for storm? -
Lately it's been time manipulation for me.
It's avaliable to all my favorite ATs and it's just really, really good. -
Mercenaries please!
I really the concept of commanding soldiers, but the set is just plain bad when compared to the other pets. -
Wow, you guys are quick. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! The idea of her with titan weapons or pistols is really funny. What caught my eye was this though:
Quote:I kinda like the idea of her mostly being, just a little girl so the psychic route is interesting. How do you guys think a mind/psi dominator would be? She'd just not live in a fairy tale herself, she'd make everybody else live in it too!You can go the psychic route, such a Praetorian Penny Yin does, where this character interprets the much more complex real world as a fairy tale, whose psychic powers end up making the fairy tale real. That could go any number of ways, such as Mind Control or Psychic Blast or even a something/Pain Mastermind. -
Hey all! I have a problem, I wanted a new character and I have the costume and concept ready, she's a somewhat... confused super-powered girl on an endless quest to find her grandmother's house while trying to avoid getting eaten on the way
But... what will she actually be in the game? Like, what AT and what powersets? What do you guys think would fit?
Knockback Man: This Energy/Storm Corruptor fights evil using the much loved power of knockback, his battlycry is "KNOCKBACK !!" that he spams every time he uses some of his favorite powers which include Gale, Power Push, Energy Torrent and of course Tornado.
Quote:Then weapon sets must also be a bad idea for Corruptors, Defenders and Blasters with redraw-inducing secondaries or primaries.
It is.
But if you don't believe that the redraw penalty is real, don't take our word for it, just roll a empathy/dual pistols defender and you'll see yourself how real the redraw penalty is. -
Thanks all the interesting replies, I'll continue with the ninja/time
Hello all
I like ninjas, I like how they look, I like how they fight, and I would love to have a level 50 ninja mastermind that i can use for endgame stuff, and so I'd like some advie.
So far I have two of them, a ninja/FF and a ninja/time, both in their 20s and I'm not sure which one of them to continue with. Or maybe another secondary then those?
I like concept characters BUT I also like characters that work well in the game and can face the game's many challanges in a good and meaningful way. So I'm wondering what seconday would be best for having ninjas that can work in the games more difficult content?
Everybody who replies in this thread will recive an imaginary toaster. -
Wow, I love that idea VKhaun!
A variant of it could also be a medival/fantasy themed set, with maybe ranged crossbowmen as minions, two melee knights as LTs and a wizard as a boss -
I'd like Elementals/Elemental Spirits
I have similar experiences... I really like the concept and look of Beam Rifle but eventually I just scrapped the character and went back to my fire/time.
The redraw was the biggest issue for me, on my fire/time I can freely switch between primary and secondary with no delay, but on beam/time it was a pain and I found myself keeping from using /time powers as much as I could.
I know it's probobly not what you want to hear, but I'd just play a fire/time instead.
Awesome single target damage, awesome AoE, no redraw, and you will always be a very active part in making the enemies melt away. -
Quote:I'm running a ninja/time and I felt the same at first, but honestly I think /time is just so awesome for MM pets in other ways that I kinda forget about the wasted recharge.I love my Beast/Time but man, it's so sad to see all the good +recharge buffs wasted on the pets.
Really wish they could have done something to make up for it. Oh well....
I mean.. with /time my little Genins actually survive, on large teams -
Quote:Haha, I know that feeling, mainly in the case of corruptors. When I first started I always wanted to play the weapon sets, assault rifle, archery but then I tried fire...Apparently I'm addicted to fire. It's a little funny, because I originally shunned the idea of a fire blaster or fire controller, maybe as backlash from perceiving them as FOTM sets. But now I have a fire^3 dom, fire^3 scrapper, and fire/time corruptor in my small stable of active characters. Maybe I should just get it over with and roll a fire blaster and fire controller too. Then my journey to the dark side will be complete.
Now all my corruptors are fire blast because everything else feels weak. It's a set with no redraw delay (important), awesome single target damage, awesome AoE and swift animations. -
Plant control.
I have a .. uh .. possibly unhealthy relationship with it. -