Request/Suggest about KB switch
HELL no.
I saw many team wiped because KB happy KBing toggled mob to next group, melee toon chasing KBed mob and bring more aggro etc |
I don't want knockback touched. I *CERTAINLY* don't want any decision about if my powers suddenly work the way I'm used to or not put in the hands of some other player.
If feel KD or KU is too useful, how about add high taunt effect to KB power ? |
You would be affecting:
- Energy blast (blaster, defender, dominator, corruptor)
- Energy melee/assault
- Assault rifle
- All Kheld powersets, especially in Nova
- Psy blast/assault (TK thrust)
- Kinetics (ok, it's repel, but still.)
- Force fields
- Masterminds - Robotics
- Archery (explosive arrow - just what a squishy needs, a high taunt AOE!)
- Sonic attack (Shockwave)
... and more. In other words, almost every blast set. And quite a few blaster and dom secondaries. A few Defender primaries (and thus controller and corruptor secondaries.) Many of which, frankly, I use to *increase* my survivability (a "get away from me" power) on those characters, or otherwise control the mobs - including, by the way, knocking them *into* placed AOE controls (oil slick, volcanic gasses, ice slick) or *into* the Tank's taunt aura and away from the other squishies.
Learn to work with knockback.
But in game play, especially team play, knock back is just harmful.
The problem's not with knockback, its with people getting angry because the whole team can't follow a predictable pattern of MOB annihilation; they want to just spam foot stomps and targeted AoEs on large teams against completely over mathed +1 and +2 spawns of the easiest enemy groups. Players that want that level of predictability should just solo or run exclusively with farm builds in their little communes.
Go fight Malta and be glad that that Sapper is on his back before he can draw his weapon. Go fight Carnies, and be glad that bodies are shot away from melee types as they die, draining the endurance of empty air in the process.
Knockback is great, and people need to just get used to it. Politely tell players to try and limit uncontrolled scatter, but leave it at that. Controlled KB is an amazing tool.
I saw many team wiped because KB happy KBing toggled mob to next group,
melee toon chasing KBed mob and bring more aggro etc and I rarely seen team never broke after 4-5 wipe like that. |
And a melee toon chasing a knocked back MOB into the next spawn is not the fault of the KB effect.
melee toon chasing KBed mob and bring more aggro etc and I rarely seen team never broke after 4-5 wipe like that. |
Or maybe, change run forward to run backwards, just so they don't move towards next group with taunt aura blazing.
I know running around the map during combat is important for that "Hero Feeling," but unfettered melee toon movement is just harmful.
Could dev add Team Switch about Knock Back ?
Like team leader can choose Knock back allowed or not. When KB not allowed, all KB power effect to KU or KD. If feel KD or KU is too useful, how about add high taunt effect to KB power ? I know Knock Back is 1 of most important action for "Hero feeling". But in game play, especially team play, knock back is just harmful. I saw many team wiped because KB happy KBing toggled mob to next group, melee toon chasing KBed mob and bring more aggro etc and I rarely seen team never broke after 4-5 wipe like that. |
((Yes, it literally comes up every month))
It can be harmful when used poorly.
... Politely tell players to try and limit uncontrolled scatter, but leave it at that. |
Second, focusing on the quote sections, KB is inherent to all the attacks of an energy blaster. Just firing the lowest power shot, unslotted for KB runs the "risk" of a knockback. So to prevent "used poorly" or to "limit uncontrolled scatter" would mean the blaster grabs two emote pom poms and becomes the cheerleader only.
One of my favorite characters is a energy/energy blaster. I refuse to slot for KB, and I can think of a lot of occasions still when I turn in battle to help a melee comrade, fire a shot, only to have his target go flying, even on a well-placed shot. I've learned to beef up hover so I can speedily zip around the battlefield trying to line up a shot opposite a wall to mitigate the KB effects. Not so great on open field missions though, nor in tight spaces, like sewer doorways. I'd love to change KB to a knockdown, allow a power to slot either KB or KD, or even have a special enhancement for chance of knockdown overriding inherent knockback.
KB is brilliant when I solo. When I get around to working on my second build, I'll definitely slot for KB.
The problem's not with knockback, its with people getting angry because the whole team can't follow a predictable pattern of MOB annihilation; they want to just spam foot stomps and targeted AoEs on large teams against completely over mathed +1 and +2 spawns of the easiest enemy groups. Players that want that level of predictability should just solo or run exclusively with farm builds in their little communes.
I demand you retract your slander!

What would you do with Bonfire, Repel and Repulsion Field?
These powers (and Im sure there are others) have knockBACK as an inherent balancing factor. Turn that into knockdown and you have Bonfire becoming an Ice Slick or earthquake with very nice damage, and Repel and Repulsion Field becoming autohit boss level mez auras effectively, both of which are hideously overpowered.
These also have the potential when misused to become some of the most aggravating powers a teammate can use.
I don't think you've really thought this through, to be honest.
There are plenty of MMOs without knockback, I think its one of CoH's nice points of difference myself.
Personally, I find knockback mildly annoying at worst and not really useful at best - I'm not buying the idea that it is, in most situations, as efficient in mitigation as other options would be, seeing as it scatters stuff for AoE damage, debuffs, controls, doesn't work against AVs/GMs, makes aggro harder to keep, and in the end requires time spent positioning.
I've seen energy blasters and claws scrappers hopping around to make their KB bump foes into a corner - it's still a waste of time most of the time. I've seen stormies running around herding stuff with Hurricane and Gale. That's great, except it took twenty seconds (in a best case scenario, most of the time it's much longer and there's often one or two mobs accidentally KBed away) to push these mobs into a corner except everyone was just fine steamrolling the whole group in fifteen seconds *before* the storm player joined the team.
Now I don't mind people using knockback, because if I'm playing for efficiency I'm not on a team anyway (thanks to the difficulty slider, only superteams can beat soloing in speed, and loot has always been easier to get alone). I'm just not convinced it's as useful as any other option. I mean, if you compare doing KB to doing nothing, of course it's better, but the fact is you always have another option, even in a team of eight blasters. Dead foes over scattered ones, thank you.
However, giving the control to the team leader isn't a good idea. As already said before, I'd rather see a personal option for anyone to change his KB to KD should he choose to do so, but really it's more a QoL feature than anything else (please don't bring up bonfire as a counterexample, different measures would be taken made for different powers obviously).
There's a simple option if you don't like knockback from other users, anyway ; don't team with people who have knockback powers.
Could dev add Team Switch about Knock Back ?
Like team leader can choose Knock back allowed or not. |
"Area knockback is making it hard on the melee characters. Will players with area knockback please limit or control it better? Single-target knockback, as always, isn't a problem. And will melee characters please control thier targeting and movement better, so as not to cause team wipes? Thanks!"
See, a lot more keystrokes. But you can set it up as a bind if you encounter the situation frequently.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
What would you do with Bonfire, Repel and Repulsion Field? These powers (and Im sure there are others) have knockBACK as an inherent balancing factor. Turn that into knockdown and you have Bonfire becoming an Ice Slick or earthquake with very nice damage, and Repel and Repulsion Field becoming autohit boss level mez auras effectively, both of which are hideously overpowered. |
Play a Stormie during the Zombie're a GOD. I'm not lying one bit. An overpowered, always on, costs very little endurance giant -tohit patch...........where do I sign up?
Short Answer: No
Long Answer: KB is the inegral part of a number of sets. Sure, it can be annoying. That's not the sets fault. Thats the fault of players who...damnit, 'Need to lrn 2 pl4y!1'
Anyway, there have never been, are no, and never will be, any plans to remove/change KB as it is, going by what the Devs have said and an educated guess on how these things work.
Even when playing main tank, KB has never been this huge problem that people claim it is. This is why God gave us Taunt.
"Oi! Get BACK here!"
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I'm not buying the idea that it is, in most situations, as efficient in mitigation as other options would be, seeing as it scatters stuff for AoE damage, debuffs, controls, doesn't work against AVs/GMs, makes aggro harder to keep, and in the end requires time spent positioning.
You also realize that knockback, thanks to ragdoll physics, is basically a free 3 second Hold that's far more common than actual Hold powers, right? Not to mention that Bosses can be knocked back in one shot, whereas they generally can't be Held without two applications.
Of course, in the end, the two most common sources of these complaints are from melee players who can't bear the thought of pressing the forward key, and people who are far too concerned with squeezing the maximum XP per second out of their team. Thankfully I'm not obligated to team with either.
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You do realize that people run teams that don't necessarily have copious amounts of AoE damage, debuffs, controls, are fighting AVs/GMs, or have a Tanker trying to keep aggro? Not all teams are looking for utmost efficiency, I'd say most are just looking for fun and XP.
You also realize that knockback, thanks to ragdoll physics, is basically a free 3 second Hold that's far more common than actual Hold powers, right? Not to mention that Bosses can be knocked back in one shot, whereas they generally can't be Held without two applications. Of course, in the end, the two most common sources of these complaints are from melee players who can't bear the thought of pressing the forward key, and people who are far too concerned with squeezing the maximum XP per second out of their team. Thankfully I'm not obligated to team with either. |
Tossing a mob around thanks to my Assault Bots missile racks never fails to make me giggle.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I'll have to say no to this.
Do I like heavy knockback? Nope!
But, if the team can't work around it, they're not trying. :P
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
So to prevent "used poorly" or to "limit uncontrolled scatter" would mean the blaster grabs two emote pom poms and becomes the cheerleader only.
The only way that KB is used poorly is when it supersedes some other players' predictible behavior. If a SS/Invuln is about to spawn dive, or you see an Archery toon setting up RoA, simply hold off for a few seconds. Having players use AOE KB 2-5 seconds after initial agro rather than leading with it simultaneously is more than enough controlled KB for me. And even if a toon does lead with the skill, the mitigation should be viewed as a plus if the mission difficulty is appropriate.
I never expect KB players to wall juggle constantly, or pick up hover to floor slam spawns. It's great if they do, but slight delays in power use are more than enough control for AoE knock back skills.
Single target KB is never a problem, and melee toons shouldn't be angry because their attack chain was interrupted with two seconds of forward movement.
I'm against this.
There is generally enough in game discrimination as it is.
If this goes live, I ask the Dev teams to set up a "must have Taunt" team setting for Tanks.
Out of hand!
Knockback isn't horrible. Like any other power/power-effect, it just needs to be used wisely.
Ummm... maybe like melee characters not chasing after enemies into other mobs...
Hey, it seems like your problem is really with melee characters chasing enemies into other mobs...
This thread sucks.
"PvP Messiah"
I refer the honorable OP to the reply Bill gave some moments ago.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
KB isn't "just harmful". There's no need to nerf something extremely usefull because SOME people can't be bothered to learn to use it.
Or we could do everything fallowing your logic.
1) Some tankers like to use taunt to "herd" 2-3 mobs, and end up dying, causing a team wipe cause the rest of the team is in over there head. Let's remove taunt(power and effects) from this game.
2) Ranged attacks make it easy to do an "oups." (when you hit tab+ your attack then realize you targetted someone in another mob, aggroing them.) That can cause teamwipe. Let's remove all range attack from this game.
3)People under Super Speed or Speed Boost sometimes overshot and run throuh 1-2 mobs, aggroing them. Let's lower the speed cap, a lot.
4) Mezz makes it hard for brute to build fury. They also make healing useless because the enemies can't hurt anyone. Let's remove mezz from the game.
5) Sometimes, team wipes because they splitted. Whenever you go 100 fts away from the leader, you should automatically be teleported near him.
6) PvP is harmfull because it makes them nerf PvE. No more PvP!
7) PvE is harmfull because it makes then nerf PvP. no more PvE!
Fallow those 7 steps and CoH will be totally awesome! ( hint: this post containt sarcasm *winks*)
"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX
Could dev add Team Switch about Knock Back ?
Like team leader can choose Knock back allowed or not. When KB not allowed, all KB power effect to KU or KD. If feel KD or KU is too useful, how about add high taunt effect to KB power ? I know Knock Back is 1 of most important action for "Hero feeling". But in game play, especially team play, knock back is just harmful. I saw many team wiped because KB happy KBing toggled mob to next group, melee toon chasing KBed mob and bring more aggro etc and I rarely seen team never broke after 4-5 wipe like that. |
I know KB can be an annoyance when used excessively and without regard, but this suggestion is too extreme in my opinion. Any game dynamic that places control over my power's effects to another player is a dynamic I'm against, regardless of who that player is. Besides, a team leader already has an available dynamic to deal with players on their teams who choose to make unwise use of KB. It's called the Kick button.
Could dev add Team Switch about Knock Back ?
Like team leader can choose Knock back allowed or not. When KB not allowed, all KB power effect to KU or KD. If feel KD or KU is too useful, how about add high taunt effect to KB power ? I know Knock Back is 1 of most important action for "Hero feeling". But in game play, especially team play, knock back is just harmful. I saw many team wiped because KB happy KBing toggled mob to next group, melee toon chasing KBed mob and bring more aggro etc and I rarely seen team never broke after 4-5 wipe like that. |
I do sympathize with the noobie player that is clueless about how to use and control their knockback and their teammates that have to deal with it (that's what the "kick" button for.)
I would like to have more personal control of KB though. I can increase it on my toons that actively use it but can't do anything to actively decrease it. (Yes I would use that feature on some of my toons if it were available.) Shockwave will knock targets out of the range of Sirens on my sonic blaster for instance. The ability to personally tune my knockback to reduce it's distance would be as welcome to me as the ability to increase it all ready is.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Could dev add Team Switch about Knock Back ?
Like team leader can choose Knock back allowed or not.
When KB not allowed, all KB power effect to KU or KD.
If feel KD or KU is too useful, how about add high taunt effect to KB power ?
I know Knock Back is 1 of most important action for "Hero feeling".
But in game play, especially team play, knock back is just harmful.
I saw many team wiped because KB happy KBing toggled mob to next group,
melee toon chasing KBed mob and bring more aggro etc
and I rarely seen team never broke after 4-5 wipe like that.
Def Dark/Dark x 2, Dark/Rad x 2, Dark/Sonic, Emp/Elec, Kin/Elec
Cnt Fire/Rad, Fire/Kin
Scr Spine/Invul x 2, Spine/Regen, Dark/Dark
Tnk Stone/SS
Def Kin/Psi, Sonic/Psi, Storm/Dark
Cont Illu/FF