No "More"
Team-oriented search tools - so that a team can advertise itself as LFM and someone looking to join a team doesn't need to send tells to all and sundry but can pinpoint the team leaders of those with available spaces.
SSK means that levels aren't anywhere near as important as they used to be, so this would pretty much seal easy-teaming for CoX as wayyyyyy ahead of most (possibly any) other MMOs.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Dunno if it's more, but I'll keep campaigning for it anyway;
Revamp the pre-I6 or so CoX zones. Contacts, missions, the works.
Also make the train line a bit more user friendly. Especially putting a station in Faultline.
Aside from that....hmm.
I like your idea, Westley (even if you dont have the same avatar week in - week out )
General little changes like making the City Information booths do something, costume overhauls for the likes of the Outcasts (boring much?) little things that would probably add some spit and polish.
All I can think of atm, my cerebral core is in the slow lane this morning...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Jumping while walking!
I don't care if you call it "impossible" or "just a dream"! We must dream the impossible dream! We must fight the unbeatable foe! We must run where the brave dare not go! We must reach the unreachable star!
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Wait wait wait.... if you're JUMPING.... how are you walking.... like walking in the air or something? Cause if that's what you're talking about, I know a few citizens in the basement of Town Hall that can show you how to do that.
Wait wait wait.... if you're JUMPING.... how are you walking.... like walking in the air or something? Cause if that's what you're talking about, I know a few citizens in the basement of Town Hall that can show you how to do that.
Oh, and the flailing Rikti in the vanguard base on the autopsy tables, broken since I16 I think

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Optional EVE Online style market UI. Icons optional (disabled by default), graphs of mean, median and modal sales price and units sold over the past 90 days (exportable into excel), can be customized to ask for confirmation if you list/bid at a user-defined percentage above or below the average of the last 5 or a user-defined percentage of your wallet, favorites list for frequently-used items, built-in notepad and calculator. Comes with wallet that logs all your transactions.
Blueside market lore revamp. Wentworth's Fine Consignments is no more; instead, there is the Extranormal Bureau of Intelligence and Logistics, or EBIL, an FBSA-operated research center where heroes can trade favors, information and technology, or requisition resources from the city with government-awarded reward merits. Located beneath the city in its own zone, the facility is equipped with power-dampened research rooms but can also be accessed by remote using the new /ebil accolade power.
List of brand-new things not already in the game that would make me happy to see:
* Random Missions given by walking Civilians or street thugs you just beat up.
* The Save the Kitten from a Tree 25 mission Task Force
* The Put the Kitten in the Tree 23 mission Strike Force (would have made this 25 missions as well but, let's face it, devs hate villains)
* Star Trek style Portal Corps destinations: City of Cowboys, City of 20's Gangsters, City of WoW, City of Scantily Clad Yet Unemotional Vulcan Females
* Mini-Games, Mini-Games, Mini-Games: Pocket DDR (not what it sounds like, get your mind out of the gutter!), Whack-A-Troll, 3-Nemesis Monty, etc
* Steel Canyon's Save the Civillians from the Burning Building Game! Let us go in there and rescue people! Talk about your timed mission.
* Let us spray paint graffiti. At character creation you can make your own Tag so everyone knows that this train or wall belongs to YOU. What the heck? The Hellions seem to enjoy it.
* The Skulls/Hellions girlfriend Dating Simulator. Tempt the girls back to the "good side." This game is won by running all over Paragon City getting items to buy the girl gifts and woo her. Stuffing one's spandex is NOT allowed.
* We need targetable Civillians! But just certain ones; IRS Auditors, Door-to-Door Salesmen, Telemarketers, the City of Heroes Marketing Department, that sort of thing. You know, the ones the law wouldn't fault us for blasting.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
More dev-created story arcs. More to the point: I want to see the Coming Storm. I want to know who Romulus' master is.
I guess the few good AE arcs could tide me over till then. I lose count of how many times I've tried to actually enter the door that Romulus' master left in.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!
No "More" |
More dev-created story arcs. |

Thats a Double Handed Facepalm in the Semi-Crash position! Gawd!

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I would like to see lighting that affects the environment around you. For example: you fire off a fireball and the walls inside a mission (or even a dark area in the outside world) light up. This is something the OTHER game put in and it adds a lot of realism.
I'm hoping for that in the Ultra mode, but it's something i've wanted in for a long time!
Revamped avatars - more expressive faces, turning at the waist, more realistic bust shapes, more detailed hands - and maybe even animated hair
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I would like to see lighting that affects the environment around you. For example: you fire off a fireball and the walls inside a mission (or even a dark area in the outside world) light up. This is something the OTHER game put in and it adds a lot of realism.
I'm hoping for that in the Ultra mode, but it's something i've wanted in for a long time! |
Also the issue with this topic is it started with an idea for more zone events (reconstruction).
Anything they add will be more.
Anything they add will be more. |
Saying "I want more of" X doesn't help create new ideas. It's just a blank slate, devoid of meaning. My suggestion gave something SPECIFIC that the devs can work on if they choose to.
Just saying "more" without being specific is what I'm against, because it doesn't help anything. That's the point I was trying to make.
The abilty to move Inf/recipes/enchantments between toons on you account without useing a trade partner.
E.G. Emailing Items to your own toons Or having a menu on the slection screen that lists all the items that are trade-able.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Swapping stuff between toons should be done via The Vault IMO. Surely it's not outwith the bounds of reality that you can leave stuff in a safety deposit box for a particular party, then the staff there remind them "Hey $charactername, we're holding something for you."
I like the idea of zone reconstruction. Fighting The Honoree for the hundredth time is important to the continued existence of Paragon City, but there's a lot of heroes in the city, I think some should be required to help out with other things than punching faces. Plus, it could unlock a "hard hat" costume piece!
Lost of other good suggestions here as well. Missions from street mobs and rescued civillians, advanced exploration of other realities and stuff, all good.
Playing Villains a lot recently, my suggestion in this thread would be some kind of rep system with the various enemy groups. If you've done a lot of missions for one group they should be less inclined to attack you. It could be linked to whatever arc you're on I suppose, as you can go from doing a bunch of missions to help a particular group to another arc where you're fighting them all the time. That might even make them more eager to attack you, as they see it as a betrayal, and could lead to ambushes or something. With the morality of your character being introduced as a factor affecting play in GR, loyalty should be considered also (and think of the badges! "Honorary Goldbricker" "Friend of The Family" that sort of thing).
It wouldn't make a huge impact hero-side, although I suppose the ambush thing could be put into effect, or maybe if you're taking out a lot of one faction in your missions they get scared of you and the standard minions on the streets run away?
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
Anyway, I really want a Greatsword power set. I'm talking about zweihänder, zanbatō, ōdachi, and other very large cutting utensils. I'm envisioning a set full of high-damage, high-Endurance attacks, most of which are cones or PBAoEs.
A polearm set would also be nice.
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.
I'd like to see glowing costume items, like those Tron lines on PsoiTron, or the blades on Fire/Toxic Tarantula. Currently, none of our costume pieces self-illuminate unless they have sprite effects on them - if you walk into darkness, they darken and turn black. Posi's Tron stripes do not. Even in pitch black, his costume turns black, but his stripes remain the same visible shade of blue, making them look like they're glowing or fluorescent. Want this so very much.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I'd like to see glowing costume items, like those Tron lines on PsoiTron, or the blades on Fire/Toxic Tarantula. Currently, none of our costume pieces self-illuminate unless they have sprite effects on them - if you walk into darkness, they darken and turn black. Posi's Tron stripes do not. Even in pitch black, his costume turns black, but his stripes remain the same visible shade of blue, making them look like they're glowing or fluorescent. Want this so very much.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
I'd like to see glowing costume items, like those Tron lines on PsoiTron, or the blades on Fire/Toxic Tarantula. Currently, none of our costume pieces self-illuminate unless they have sprite effects on them - if you walk into darkness, they darken and turn black. Posi's Tron stripes do not. Even in pitch black, his costume turns black, but his stripes remain the same visible shade of blue, making them look like they're glowing or fluorescent. Want this so very much.
I'd also like to have Rocket Enforcer Boots. Enforcer Rocket Boots? However we feel like putting the nouns together.
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.
Another cool thing would be dynamic zone mob crimes - enemies would only be targetable if they were actually doing something wrong - so 2 Hellions sitting on a wall wouldn't be targetable, but 2 trying to steal a purse would be.
Crimes would also have a lead up and follow-up - so they wouldn't just spawn on a spot, they'd actually go there, do the crime, then escape - for example, instead of 3 Skulls just appearing at a garage door and doing the break-in emotes, 3 Skulls would come out of a random building door, and head towards the crime spot - and they'd be untargetable at this stage.
Once they got to the crime spot, they'd begin the break in, and become targetable - and instead of despawning after a certain time, they'd head back to the door they spawned at, as they made their getaway, still targetable.
The same system would be used for muggings too.
Also, when mobs were moving towards a crime spot, they'd stop if any hero got within, say, 200 yards of them, as they'd be aware they were being watched or followed - but if you kept more than 200 yards from them, you could still follow them until they came to the crime spot and became targetable.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Okay, we've got a market. We've got side switching coming. We've even got the damn power customization that we've always wanted from day one.

And I just saw Marcian's thread on WALKING. Seriously, we can now WALK for the first time. I suppose you have to RUN for 5 years before you can WALK huh?
All joking aside, that brings up the question... what other "new" stuff do YOU want to see added to the game? What features do you wish this game had that it still doesn't have yet?
And look at the title - No "More". I do not want to see "I want more" of this or of that. We're thinking outside the box here, not more of what we already have, but new stuff. Not "more travel powers", not "more types of IOs" not "more end game content". NEW stuff. What do YOU want that's NEW?
I'll give my one suggestion that I think this game is missing: Rebuildable environments.
I know people have been begging for destructible environments for ages now, and with the Mayhem missions we know it's possible. But as you know, if everything was destructible, then Atlas Park would be CONSTANTLY leveled by players playing around. So I've got an idea. How about the opposite?
No one ever goes into Boomtown, why? Because there is virtually nothing to DO there. How about letting us REBUILD Boomtown bit by bit? Similar to the fire fighting in Steel, there could be NPCs throughout that give us temp powers that have no use except to help rebuild the zone. Let's say there's a guy that has a "brick and mortar gun" that we can get. Hey, it's plausible in a world with superheroes and mad scientists all over! Add a few fire extinguishers stolen from Steel to put out some of the fires in Boomtown. Stuff like that. Let us help rebuild Boomtown!
But wait, won't that mean that the zone will be rebuilt quick, thus ending the event? Well, let's have NPCs in the zone be allowed to destroy the buildings again, just like player villains can destroy stuff in Mayhem missions. To rebuild the zone, the heroes would have to be building at the same time that they are fighting off the respawning NPCs.
And if the heroes somehow manage to finally REBUILD all of Boomtown? Well, they've got to sleep SOMETIME, and the NPC villains will begin to take down what they've worked on while they are asleep. Then we could see the rise and fall of the zone constantly. With a concerted coordinated effort, players could actually rebuild the zone. And by working together and keeping a few "maintenance heroes" around at all times, they could keep it that way with their effort.
All of these activities would be worth XP, of course.
So, what do you think, and more importantly, what NEW ideas do YOU have for the game?
No "more" please.