No "More"




Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I don't know Sam. I like the idea of no War Walls. Then I wouldn't have to take the tram on some occaissions (which I have never really cared for, when playing a hero).
The "Tear down the War Walls" is the one thing I never got. They're probably the biggest, most distinctive landmark of Paragon City, and probably the most impressive structures in the game, yet all I ever hear about them is how much people hate them. To me, it'd be kind of like removing the junk cars from Junk City.

But again, I don't fault people for wanting it, and I've heard the arguments for it. I just disagree with removing them, because, to me, it'd make the city less interesting and less visually inspiring. Hence why I disagreed.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Hmm, I'm not too crazy about most of the things on that list, but at least two appear to be things that not only I'd like to see, I believe the devs have all but said we will likely get eventually (although "eventually" might be a long ways out): updating the existing zones to ultra mode quality, and a map editor for the architect sound like items four and six on that list.
Updating the existing zones sort of goes without saying, but I'd rather they didn't "update" them like what they did to Faultline. The stories there are good, certainly, but flooding the cracks just ruined the feel of the place for me. It used to be so impressive, and now it's... Well, meh. Founders' Falls Junior all the way up until the dam. And to think that the dam wall we see now is no more than a fifth of the full height of that wall... It just makes me sad it's gone.

As for adding a map editor to the Architect, that'd probably put an end to me ever using the editor again. If it's anything as complicated as the base editor, it'll just turn me off completely. I mean, I like freedom of creativity, but I've always been a fan of a balance between freedom and ease of use, and the SG base editor is DEFINITELY far in the side of freedom. About the only extra customizability I'd like to see about maps and the Architect is being able to pick which spawn point to put objectives in, but I'm REALLY afraid of touching the maps, themselves.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by IncredibleMouse View Post
Ugh. Lordy. Dude. You win. lol Now go find a life.
Get a life, huh? Class act, that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I've only been playing this game for less than a month, so I'm not sure if some of these things exist. I'm still new to the lingo too.

I'd like some way to see server population and activity at login. My server seems really dead. It's hard to find people to team up with. Perhaps there is a more popular server and I am missing out.

Interact with the city - I'd like to be able to pull a lightpost out of the ground and bash someone with it, or toss a bench at them. Maybe pickup that fancy sculpture in front of the academy and throw it across the city. While flying if I smack into a building it should either damage me or the building. Set fire to trees, freeze a river.

Is there an ability that lets us climb vertical walls like a bug? Or cling to the bottom of an underpass? I'd like to walk up to a building, and just start climbing the face of it. Or in an instance climbing the side of a tunnel or warehouse wall stealthed.

Traps - I find it really creepy during instances when I'm traveling solo through a tunnel or cave or something. What would make it even better for me is random doors slamming shut behind me and foes come flooding into the room. Or stuff slaps at me from the walls or falls onto me from the ceiling. Spikes pop up from the floor.

Command nature - Henry Winkler, covered in bees!

Epic mobs - I'm talking something nasty, as tall as the buildings, invading a city, walking the streets or crawling across the rooftops. Maybe a 200 foot sewer snake, slithering through the streets then wrapping itself up a building, spitting toxic venom and spawning smaller snakes.

Market - Reduce or remove the penalty for posting something for sale and then removing it from the market. I can't count the number of times I research a recipe and what it sold for, think I hit the jackpot, list it for a couple million. Then I check back in a few days and suddenly 5 of them sold for 1/10 the cost... So I have to pull it and relist for a lower price and lose that 200k charge for listing it the first time. As a newbie those charges really add up.

Even just the ability to reduce the price of something I have listed if I see it selling cheaper would be nice. That way I've only paid one fee.



Originally Posted by Pathogenist View Post
I'd like some way to see server population and activity at login. My server seems really dead. It's hard to find people to team up with. Perhaps there is a more popular server and I am missing out.
Technically, the dots next to servers should be meaningful, but since they represent load and not population, they're a bad way to go. Personally, I'd hit the server boards and ask, or just ask here in general discussions. But, yeah, an indicator of people logged in might not be bad.

Interact with the city - I'd like to be able to pull a lightpost out of the ground and bash someone with it, or toss a bench at them. Maybe pickup that fancy sculpture in front of the academy and throw it across the city.
This discussion may be of use to you on this. General consensus is, I think we'd all like that in an ideal world, but look through it just the same.

Traps - I find it really creepy during instances when I'm traveling solo through a tunnel or cave or something. What would make it even better for me is random doors slamming shut behind me and foes come flooding into the room. Or stuff slaps at me from the walls or falls onto me from the ceiling. Spikes pop up from the floor.
Having played games with traps like these, I have to say they're more annoying than they are cool, especially since we lack trap detection and disarming skills, but if it's done right, I'd be on board with that.

Command nature - Henry Winkler, covered in bees!
Well, we have Plant Control for Controllers and Dominators. Would that work for a start?

Epic mobs - I'm talking something nasty, as tall as the buildings, invading a city, walking the streets or crawling across the rooftops. Maybe a 200 foot sewer snake, slithering through the streets then wrapping itself up a building, spitting toxic venom and spawning smaller snakes.
You want Giant Monsters. Have a look at their ParagonWiki page and see if that's what you're after. They're typically giant, roam randomly and take a lot of people to take down. Personally, they're my least favourite type of enemy, but that's just me.

Market - Reduce or remove the penalty for posting something for sale and then removing it from the market. I can't count the number of times I research a recipe and what it sold for, think I hit the jackpot, list it for a couple million. Then I check back in a few days and suddenly 5 of them sold for 1/10 the cost... So I have to pull it and relist for a lower price and lose that 200k charge for listing it the first time. As a newbie those charges really add up.
The point of the listing fee is to cause sellers to list low. If you keep burning yourself with listing items too high and not having them sell, then I would suggest just not listing them as high. List them for the price you're willing to take for them, not the highest you hope to score and they will sell. I list all of my recipes and rare salvage for 5000 and they almost always sell for upwards of a million. I very much want the system which incites sellers to list low to remain in place, because this ensures faster churn of items and a more useful market.

Remember - the highest bid always goes to the lowest listing price. If 10 people are bidding and you list something for 1, you'll get however much the HIGHEST bid is at the time. If you and 10 other people have listed an item and someone bids a billion, then the person with the cheapest asking price will get the billion and the rest will be left waiting. Typically, if there are generous buyers, the most generous sellers are the ones who score. There's always the danger that if you list something for too low, you'll be undercut and give someone a bargain, but that's just how it goes.

The lesson of the listing fee is simple - list and you won't pay much if it doesn't sell.

I realise this is a quasi-suggestion thread, but Pathogenist did say he was new and he did touch on a few subjects with ready answers to them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Updating the existing zones sort of goes without saying, but I'd rather they didn't "update" them like what they did to Faultline. The stories there are good, certainly, but flooding the cracks just ruined the feel of the place for me. It used to be so impressive, and now it's... Well, meh. Founders' Falls Junior all the way up until the dam. And to think that the dam wall we see now is no more than a fifth of the full height of that wall... It just makes me sad it's gone.
I assumed "updated textures" implied a face-lift, not a complete revamp.

As for adding a map editor to the Architect, that'd probably put an end to me ever using the editor again. If it's anything as complicated as the base editor, it'll just turn me off completely. I mean, I like freedom of creativity, but I've always been a fan of a balance between freedom and ease of use, and the SG base editor is DEFINITELY far in the side of freedom. About the only extra customizability I'd like to see about maps and the Architect is being able to pick which spawn point to put objectives in, but I'm REALLY afraid of touching the maps, themselves.
I would assume the map editor would be no different than the custom critter editor: optional, not necessary. I can't imagine the devs would ever remove the ability to use the existing maps.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I assumed "updated textures" implied a face-lift, not a complete revamp.
I expected the changes done to Faultline to involve merely putting a few new characters in and maybe changing the entrance to a tunnel, but we got something rather different. That said, I'm not worried about the city zones. I'm worried about the hazard zones. Every time I see a suggestion to remove the fog in Dark Astoria, I shudder.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'd like some way to see server population and activity at login. My server seems really dead. It's hard to find people to team up with. Perhaps there is a more popular server and I am missing out.
This should help you.



Welcome to the boards, Pathogenist!

I especially like your first idea of getting a better idea of how many people are currently logged in on each server. Though not necessarily an exact number, we really do need something other than the three green, yellow and red lights to let us know where everybody's hanging out.

I'd like to expand that idea further and, despite not being a PVPer, I'd like there to be a way to check an in-game board or character in each normal zone that tells us how many Heroes and Villains (separate number, optimally) are in each PVP zone at that moment. Hopefully, this couldn't be circumvented by players using /hide, because it's really annoying to think you're the only one in Warburg when a Stalker suddenly stabs you and takes your launch access codes.

I don't think I'd like that option to be available for non-PVP zones though. If you could log in and see that 90% of the Heroes are currently in Peregrine Island, why would you ever explore the other zones?

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Thanks for the kind replies and warm welcomes.

Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I now see I've only begun to scratch the surface of what is possible in this game. Thanks for the link!



Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
Buses, there are stops bu no buses and I want to ride on the roof of said bus.
Don't stop there! Fighting foes toe-to-toe while you're both on top of a moving bus would be awesome!

And sufficiently strong villains should be able to grab a bus and throw it!

And this could be done with the trams, too.

Then, we could have villains who try to damage the tram lines, to make the trams crash to the ground. A good hero will have to let the villain escape while he or she rushes to stop the tram before it falls over the break in the line!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A mall would be cool, with all the origin stores in one place, and maybe a WW and Icon attached too, and a Vault - put it in Steel Canyon, and use lots of glass and shininess for the new graphics
The Steel Canyon Towne Center?

The Mall Security should be level 1, 'cause they really wouldn't be able to deal with any super powered threats there at all, anyway.

But yeah, that mall should have vendors that sell everything that's usually sellable in the game, and the zone's WW and merit vendors should be moved into there.

And the mall wouldn't be complete without a mutliplex cinema. Paragon City only has those dingy old (and tiny!) little movie houses; you can get better picture and sound at home, compared to those!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Updating the existing zones sort of goes without saying, but I'd rather they didn't "update" them like what they did to Faultline. The stories there are good, certainly, but flooding the cracks just ruined the feel of the place for me. It used to be so impressive, and now it's... Well, meh. Founders' Falls Junior all the way up until the dam. And to think that the dam wall we see now is no more than a fifth of the full height of that wall... It just makes me sad it's gone.

As for adding a map editor to the Architect, that'd probably put an end to me ever using the editor again. If it's anything as complicated as the base editor, it'll just turn me off completely. I mean, I like freedom of creativity, but I've always been a fan of a balance between freedom and ease of use, and the SG base editor is DEFINITELY far in the side of freedom. About the only extra customizability I'd like to see about maps and the Architect is being able to pick which spawn point to put objectives in, but I'm REALLY afraid of touching the maps, themselves.
Whereas for myself, until the Faultline revamp, I avoided it like the plague. I hated the old Faultline. Now I think it is one of the most interesting story zones in the game. Could some of the old map been left in place? Probably. It might have made the zone even more interesting. But overall, I'll take the new Faultline over the old. Opinions may vary.

As for a map editor, if it were optional (which I assume it would be), I'd love it. I don't have time to create all new maps for an AE arc, but having the ability to set up a few custom maps for specific missions would be awesome.



Revamp of old Hazard Zones. As is, nobody uses them anyway, and instead of making new zones why not re-make old and busted ones?

New Boomtown: More Booms in Boomtown! the hazard zone has recently become a massive urban guerilla warfare zone between the resurgent 5th Column and the Council. The danger caused the zone to plummet into true lawlessness, and now Arachnos has set up a base of operation behind its war walls to further infiltrate the City of Heroes; however, some of Lord Recluse's forces are going rogue and joining the ranks of the Column... (No, not lolpvp, just share the zone instead of blueside only content. Or do it like how heroes and villains have their own versions of Ouro.)

New Dark Astoria: The Sleeper has Awoken! The once sleepy ghost-haunted streets of Dark Astoria have erupted into a true Apocalyptic nightmare scene. Occasionally the Banished Pantheon erect Banners intended to allow their bloodthirsty aztec gods a door back to our world. Arachnos has gained a small foothold hidden in the clinging fog, but the area is affecting the Mu Mystics strangely... (No, not lolpvp, just share the zone instead of blueside only content. Or do it like how heroes and villains have their own versions of Ouro.)

yknow, etc etc. Reuse, recycle, don't exclude the already deprived and dying redside of contet.

Ouro would be cool if it allowed you to go to the old versions of revamped zones. Faultline WAS pretty neat when it was all craggedy and busted up...and the CoT were all over the place...make an Ouro TF that sends you to stop them from destroying the dam and raising Orenbega, like Statesman used to say they totally were working on a Trial about that happening?



Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
Buses, there are stops bu no buses and I want to ride on the roof of said bus.
Riding on the roof of ANY car would be nice instead of just getting shoved off, but I think thats a physics limitation as nobody sees the same car in the same spot on the street.

Oh, and Open-Air bases.... Not everybody likes being contained within 4 walls. Would make it more interesting when base raids get fixed.

Flying above the base and suddenly a whole team of people drop down on it.
Or perhaps a map that can be used with a door that leads to the base. The outside area would be customizable as well.

MAKE THE "SECRET ENTRANCE" RESIZE-ABLE! Give us more sizes than the usual 2x2. Seriously when I'm trying to center my base up (I like the symmetrical look) I would honestly prefer a 2x3 or a 3x3 or something to that effect.

Allow us new entrance rooms and the old one can only be deleted if another is in the area AFTER the entrance has been moved to the new one.



I want more interaction with the NPC citizens of Paragon and RI.

I don't know if anyone remembers a game called Freedom Force from several years ago, but it was single player superhero RPG. One of my favorite things about that game is that during your missions, citizens really needed your protection. Enemies would sometimes attack them, and they could get hit by AoEs (yours and the enemies), falling buildings, and exploding objects. Your job as a superhero was to complete the mission while making sure as many citizens as possible were unharmed.

It had a profound effect on game strategy. There would be situations where an enemy group would come running down a crowded street, shooting at you as they come. You had to decide whether it was safe to throw a fireball in there.

With CoH Villains at the very least I think NPCs on the street should run from us. It always stretches credulity to me that they will run from a level 1 thug but quietly wave hello to a party of 8 evil Masterminds surrounded by their zombie and ninja friends.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
MAKE THE "SECRET ENTRANCE" RESIZE-ABLE! Give us more sizes than the usual 2x2. Seriously when I'm trying to center my base up (I like the symmetrical look) I would honestly prefer a 2x3 or a 3x3 or something to that effect.

Allow us new entrance rooms and the old one can only be deleted if another is in the area AFTER the entrance has been moved to the new one.
I like this idea! I'm all for it.

How about, as well, teleporter rooms that are also entrance rooms? Say, a 4x4 and a 5x5 version. So you could place the entrance in the same room as the teleporters. You could... call them Gaterooms! Yeah, that's it.



I just wish we could choose a location in say Founders Falls...some office building or such and choose that as base.That way it would look like your sg was an actual location.

Don't have to get rid of the portals or anything just give it a real feel.



I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet:

I've always thought it was cool to enter these buildings that have windows and actually be able to LOOK out the window!

Perhaps we see other heroes/villains flying by...or perhaps we see some signature heroes moving by... or just random heroes moving by... heck, even seeing the clouds move/trees sway would be pretty cool!

Satan trembles when he sees...
the weakest saint on his knees.
<----- Click there to learn how you can help!



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
A true secret identity system.
I have no idea what would be or how it would work, I just know I want it.
Oh, there is already something like this.

But I'm not allowed to tell you about it. It's a true secret.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Giant radioactive atomic ants.
...on the MOOON!

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
And AI to play Go against! How hard can it be?
Lol! Ok for those not yet in on the joke, most AIs for Go can be beaten by young children. So no I wasn't thinking about AI to play against. However it might be nice to have a setting where you can move for both sides without dual boxing. Simply for the ability to set up a puzzel for others to solve.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



I just wanted to add...


Ok, I've said my peace.

I do want to see moving objects like cars and blimps to be objects you can actually land on. Drop Ship raids would be so much more viable...

Oh, and I would like my Super Strength Tanker to have grappling. I would give up my long-cherished Energy Mastery ancillary pool for a Grappling ancillary pool.

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!



don't know if this has been mentioned or not i didnt read thru the entire thread! But i would like my magic toon to be...well...magic! I would like to see sigils,incantations,spell symbols..etc.Something more like the temp power you get from the contact in Croatoa.If I pick magic as my Origin.It should look and feel like it also,IMO.

And instead of me taking a train to a zone would like to have a magic portal to other zones.Make it more sorcery like.

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



Originally Posted by lionheart_fr View Post
Whereas for myself, until the Faultline revamp, I avoided it like the plague. I hated the old Faultline. Now I think it is one of the most interesting story zones in the game. Could some of the old map been left in place? Probably. It might have made the zone even more interesting. But overall, I'll take the new Faultline over the old. Opinions may vary.
The STORY is good. The map is inferior, at least past the first row of recreated buildings. Instead of titanic cracks that shattered the zone, we get basic pits. That's it. The zone could have looked SO much better if they'd left the bottomless gulleys as they were, but build bridges over them. With railings. There are few things in the world more impressive than a small bridge over a huge, deep chasm, and outside the Shadow Shard, there were no deeper chasms than those in Faultline. Seriously, the water at the base of the dam wall is probably half a mile deep. I measured the wall's height at one point, and it was MASSIVE.

Now... Now we have a lake. Large body of water, like HALF THE DAMN GAME! If it's not an island or on the shore, it'll have massive canals, rivers or lakes in it. We had ONE big hole in the entire game, and I'm sad to see it gone.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.