No "More"




Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Making it a veteran reward would be rather silly, since paid game time or an Ebayed account are no guarantee of common sense, and veterans are all too capable of strangleworthy behavior, including groupthink, having a sense of entitlement, a refusal to do things any way other than the one they are most familiar with. All of which, to me, deserve pointing and laughing at more than merely being bad at playing a game. Let's have equal-opportunity mockery, please.
Nothing's stopping you from strangling other veterans

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
More specifically, there seem to be serious problems with shoulder pieces that encircle the neck and come back behind the head. Jay talked about this (vaguely) but if you look at all the pieces we "just can't have," you'll notice a lot of them share this feature, while none of the ones we have do. I suspect with the advent of back details (sooner or later) we might be able to fudge that, but I highly doubt we'd get a full-torso shell any time soon.
I don't buy that.
Given the Roman armour chest detail covers front AND back.

I still think they need to give VEAT Crab/Bane spiders a neck...its looks really, really stupid without a neck...
And start beating Jay and the people who need it more to give us Back Details. ASAP.

What, you think anything else will work?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Multi team raid type in door missions.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Cheekers View Post
1) ...
2) I'd like to see zones based on concepts like shrinking or growing. The other day I was playing another game and noticed
Oooo Cool.
I had been thinking of creating a Cheshire Cat character . . .




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I don't buy that.
Given the Roman armour chest detail covers front AND back.
Roman armour is only mostly skin tight, though, as are the Saurai chest details. I believe the argument against big, bulky Hard Suit shells was that they clipped with EVERYTHING on the head thanks to their high collar. That's actually been an argument against high collars in the past, and seeing how many hairstyles clip with trenchcoat colours in NOT PRETTY ways, I have to agree.

I suspect it has something to do with how costume categories can't govern each other, meaning you can't have a hard **** torso which mandates only head types that don't have long hair on them (or disallows the use of long hairs, alternatively). Otherwise, I'd vouch for a new "more armoured" upper body which has PPD Hard Suit style neck holes and large backpacks, but I just don't believe that'd work with most head options (like hoods, say, or the long beard). That, and from how I remember it, the Hard Suit pieces were only designed to work with each other and clip with practically everything else.

All that aside, I would very much like to see "shell" style armour pieces, and what I've seen of the Going Rogue pieces suggests we might get just that. The Praetorian Clockwork, even though they don't actually have "flesh," have a very nice "bulky armour over skinny flesh" look that a shell costume typically invokes. I'd have to look at the video again to see if they actually have high collars, but we DO know that at least some of them will be player costumes, so there is hope. And for what it's worth, I agree with your sentiment - I WANT large armour pieces like the PPD Hard Suits.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by stever View Post
Oooo Cool.
I had been thinking of creating a Cheshire Cat character . . .
Well, with that avatar, a Cheshire Cat character wouldn't be much of a surprise

Seriously, though, I meant to comment on this before but I forgot. Yes, very much this. It's a marvellous idea which ought to be doable without any new tech, just by creating instances that APPEAR to be giant. On the other hand...

Well, having zones where YOU are giant and the zone is small can be problematic if the idea is that you grew. Growing big, especially 50 feet big and up, has a lot of consequences that just making small buildings wouldn't really match. A big character needs to feel not just big, but also HEAVY. Raz in Lungfishopolis is a perfect example - he's usually a small, nimble acrobat, but in Lungfishopolis, he's a huge, slow, lumbering beast that shakes the ground when he drops and leaves deep gouges where he steps. Of course, that's done for comic effect, along with him roaring like Godzilla, but the point remains - a larger character has to FEEL large, not just LOOK large.

Small, though... The sensory dissonance isn't nearly as bad with a small character as it is with a big one. Technically, a shrunk person ought to be really sturdy, really strong and capable of feats super for his size, but it generally seems more acceptable that physics scale down with you when you shrink, so you can break a leg dropping over the edge of a penny on the floor and you can't lift a human hair, so to speak. It's not really realistic, but it's a lot less immersion-breaking, ESPECIALLY if you have your super powers even when you're small, so a "you shrunk" map might actually be a very good idea.

One problem I see is that we're not very adept at climbing in this game, and people outright cry foul when their mission is anything more complex than just straight-line level corridors with no corners, and this isn't really appropriate to a "you shrunk" map. In these maps, you tend to face the verticality of a world built for tall people, like climbing towering stairs, getting up to that sciency device you left on the couch or climbing the support studs inside a wall. It just doesn't yield itself to the planar design most people want out of City of Heroes, and even though you COULD manage it, I wouldn't enjoy it.

Think about it, though, what would you want to shrink to? How about the inside of a computer, walking on circuit boards? Or a cluttered room, where you have to navigate the "rough" terrain in sort of a Micro Machines style. I suppose you could make an outdoor-style room map with "moutnains" of dirty laundry or children's toys and canyons in-between huge boxes, and I guess that would be cool. It's certainly an interesting prospect to explore.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



You know Sam... sometimes you think too much.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
You know Sam... sometimes you think too much.
And that's a bad thing? Next time this comes up I'll have ready answers

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



1. Dynamic Zones where your faction (Hero/Villain) is always fighting against the enemy faction(s) for control of buildings/areas. ( Proposed this a long time ago )
Faction flags would appear on buildings that they control. ( i.e. Nemesis, 5th Column, Aracnos, etc. )

2. Ability to design maps in AE.

3. New zones that do not have the random mission paradigm that the game currently has, and where each door is not a totally random portal to a random map.

4. Totally New citys, each as large as Paragon City, and all with their own factions. ( London/British, Los Vegas/Western, Oriental, French, etc. )
Yeah, this could be considered "more", so what.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



  • Add rideable vehicles and boats with gun turrets that disable all your powers except the gun. When I enter the ride, I want my UI to be converted to the console of the inside of the vehicle.
  • Tear down those ridiculous impassable blue walls. They stick out like a sore thumb. They make me feel trapped, and less like a super-powered anything. Permit zone to zone travel simply by going towards that zone. If you hit the edge of the map, you should instantly zone into the adjacent zone, picking up where you geographically left off.
  • Reduction of zones, starting with the useless, to be determined by data mining. Though everyone knows, if you want to do anything with anyone, what zones we all ignore - and have been thusly for years.
  • Redesign existing zones with far more diverse textures.
  • Delete BM/Wents. Give everyone the ability to open a store and set their own prices. "Oh look, Joe Blow has that item, 5 billion infamy/influence cheaper - I think I'll buy from him." - EPIC!
  • Design Ability! If I can design a base; and I can create a story arc; why can't I design a map AND story arc?
  • Add drones next to any NPC to which I must open a full screen window (which removes my ability to see the invading hoardes surrounding me).
Edited yet again, since impassible does not mean the same thing as impassable. OMG I'm such a loser.




At HeroCon, the devs stated that they prefer to give us "new" content rather than revamp old content. However, I argue that revamps are new content. Let's take a look at Faultline. As it was, no one used it and no one even went there unless it was to badge hunt or to do the one sweeper mission that sent you there. Now there are well-written story arcs, the underground tunnels, the back end is opened up, and the front end looks like it's been repaired. If that isn't new content, I don't know what is.

I would love to see Boomtown get the same treatment (5th Column zone please), as well as Dark Astoria, Perez Park, and the Shadow Shard. It would be great if content we already have was actually used before brand new stuff was added.

In addition to this, I would really like to see an alternative to the Safeguard mission. I would like to see a pro-active mission that would send heroes into the Rogue Isles, with destructible environments, side missions, etc. Safeguard missions as they are are boring as all get out. Mayhem missions, on the other hand, are incredibly fun. It would be nice to see something that awesome for heroes, too. I know that there has long been the dichotomous thinking by the devs that heroes are reactive and villains are proactive, but I think there is room for both on either side. Perhaps even add an alternate to the Mayhem mission that keeps the villain in the Rogue Isles, stopping the invading heroes. There is already precedent in game for something similar, as Longbow has that base in Nerva. Other hero groups, like Legacy Chain, also have a presence.

I would like to have NPCs in our base. Perhaps a receptionist that would be an access point to a revised mail system that lets you mail items and influence/infamy. But as it is now, bases are too quiet.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



- The ability to put shininess or glowiness on a section of say Matte and have the rest be Matte.

- Asymmetrical costume creator for arms/legs/shoulders beyond robot parts.

- Stylized tattoo design patterns. You've proven with Vines that you can make things that don't have to be big blocky patterns.

- Pattern layering of two patterns on a body part.

- Unlockable NPC group costume pieces for either getting X badge or stopping X amount of fires/robberies, etc.

- Piercings/jewelry.

- A way to have actual white masks.

- Tattooed tanktops/T's/belly T's for women.

- The headsets the AE NPCs have.

And for my off the wall and non-costume related ones...

- Very low light maps lit by lighting effects and powers.

- Being able to stand on moving objects like cars and the blimp. A big flying fortress moving around above one of the villain zones that you can stand on would be awesome.

- A system whereas you're given benefits for helping the infrastructure of Paragon City and helping the police, etc, where you gain vendor discounts that last for a certain amount of time and unlock things like the Cape and Aura missions sooner.

Edited to add:

- Less completely awesome things being made into way far off Vet Rewards.



- Being able to stand on moving objects like cars and the blimp
I would totally love to car surf.



Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
At HeroCon, the devs stated that they prefer to give us "new" content rather than revamp old content. However, I argue that revamps are new content. Let's take a look at Faultline. As it was, no one used it and no one even went there unless it was to badge hunt or to do the one sweeper mission that sent you there. Now there are well-written story arcs, the underground tunnels, the back end is opened up, and the front end looks like it's been repaired. If that isn't new content, I don't know what is.

I would love to see Boomtown get the same treatment (5th Column zone please), as well as Dark Astoria, Perez Park, and the Shadow Shard. It would be great if content we already have was actually used before brand new stuff was added.
^THIS^. So very much this! Revamped stuff makes it new again! You don't need to rebuild the zone, just make it have some sort of point.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



  • AV fights that aren't just beating on a big bag of HP. This seems to be the direction they're going with things like Romulus (though Reichsman was a step backward.) Give me bosses with targetable individual components! Give me bosses that can only be defeated by using the environment! Anything but five minutes of mashing ST attacks.
  • A complete revamp of pre-CoV content.
  • Merge the train lines in Paragon.
  • Hazard zones for villains and another 40+ hazard zones for heroes. I'm probably alone here, though.
  • Laser rifle blast, spear melee, air blast/control.
  • Power effects that are the opposite of KB/Repel (Knock/pull enemies toward the emanation point.) And sets to use them with.
  • Dynamically generated mission maps.
  • Environmental hazards in missions that can be used against the enemies.
  • Villains to be able to actually try for world conquest instead of being really angry mercenaries who really want to work for Arachnos.
  • Branching dialog options in most major story arcs, particularly letting you slide yourself toward factions in the morally ambiguous ones once GR hits.
  • A new Defender inherent.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



* A statue of your character placed somewhere in the city, once you reach 50 and perhaps get an accolade for performing certain difficult tasks. The plaque at the base of the statue would be your bio at the time you won the award.

* Faction based missions that grant you themed temp powers or costume parts. Like doing missions for a Freakshow contact that give you a "summon Tank freak" power or "Tesla coil shoulder pieces".

* Major incursions. I want Statesman or the whole Freedom Phalanx and allies to show up in Grandville. Fight their way to a "mission door" through a horde of Arachnos and vanish in the door. I want Arachnos Fliers to show up and bomb the Atlas statue or a random building into rubble every so often. Have a team of NPC villains show up to "rob a bank" and get attacked by spawns of PPD.

* I want Rikti Invasions to end when big flying ships called Vanguard Destroyers show up and blow up the Rikti Dropships. That could go with getting rid of the War Walls, and explain why the Rikti vanish even without the Walls going back up.

* I want BIG GMs. I know that the devs are working on making targeting work properly with those ( they had the Giant Mek Man in the AE on Test for a while for that ).

* I want easy movement between servers ( but not to go serverless; having different server cultures is useful ), and for the servers to be made different from each other for a more parallel universe feel. Have Boomtown partly rebuilt - on some servers. Smash the Atlas statue on others. Have the 5th Column winning most of the time on some servers but not others. Have the Moon at night have a big glowing crater from an ""exploded superweapon" on some servers but not others. And so on.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
- Very low light maps lit by lighting effects and powers.




Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
Your suggestions fall solidly in the "too awesome to use" category: once every 50,000 or so mob defeats, you get a one-use "I win" power. I'd go the other direction: a greater variety and frequency of crafted powers. They'd drop often enough that when you use one up, you can count on getting another soon. They'd also be powerful enough to be worth using: attacks that can one-shot a minion or put a solid dent in a boss, armor that gives five minutes of near-immunity to one damage type, and the like.
I personnally dont see this as being unbalanced as long as its in PVE only. A level 50 isnt going to get any xp from using one of those powers. Sure teams might take the time to get all the big explody type powers and simul-nuke a AV but Moments of Awesome like that should be reserved for teams that want to spend the time or money getting those powers. In the end that's what having end game powers like that are about is generating Moments of Awesome.

And for a new suggestion for the thread - Tramp Stamp tattoos for females.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
And for a new suggestion for the thread - Tramp Stamp tattoos for females.
Oh, hey, that's one I wanted on my list. Sort of. Tattoos. What I'd love is for there to be a big list of patterns and stuff to apply to the skin, even if it was just the patterns and symbols we have now. I want characters with targets tattooed on their foreheads and women with tattooed arms, dagnabbit. Ideally, I need the ability to have a character's body covered in writing for a certain Defender of mine, but I accept that will likely never happen.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I was thinking the other day about secondary graphics effects, possibly origin based. For instance, if you had a magic based character, and every power you fired off would create an ankh like halo around you (think Dr Fate) maybe from different origin points that you could choose for each power.

Magic could have ankhs, tarot cards (like fortune teller power), runes, etc.

Science could have swirling atoms like Capt Atom sometimes has.

Tech could have a grid hologram pop up.

Sort of like these mock-ups:

Larry Jablonski
Infinity Server

Arc Name: Old Folks Home
Arc ID: 261041
Synopsis: The Octogenician can control minds, but only of people over 80. He's taken an old folks home hostage. Beat up old folks screaming about the good ol' days to defeat the Octogenician!



A true secret identity system.
I have no idea what would be or how it would work, I just know I want it.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



restate what i said in other threads...

new missions:
- rescue missions: non-combat objective, rescuing civilians from environment - fire, flood, walls, cars, etc
- heroic sacrifice: running with a bomb to save a populated area, fighting an overwhelming number of mobs long enough for npc backup to arrive

costume options:
- sports players (american football, baseball, basketball)
- animals (have some pig/boar themed toons that i'd like to be able to design properly in the toon creator, wolves, rats, and birds would also be cool)
- glowing costume parts (mentioned earlier like tron & positron)
- steampunk
- anime faces

- space
- underwater

- flying cars

- a way to integrate bases into some sort of zone so there was a point to decorating

- huge personal storage with more storing options would be nice

- it would be very nice to actually be able to enter some of the establishments we see around town like the movie theater, the pizza restaurant, the bars, etc

grander events:
- i like the suggestions earlier about GMs and other events being spruced up via the environment to be more "epic"

- a revamp of coh content, and a bit more expansion of the cov content

and a lot of what Kelenar said.



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Jumping while walking!

I don't care if you call it "impossible" or "just a dream"! We must dream the impossible dream! We must fight the unbeatable foe! We must run where the brave dare not go! We must reach the unreachable star!
That will be in a incremental build pretty soon.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That will be in a incremental build pretty soon.
Ooh, that will be very nice - no more being trapped in the pools around the Atlas statue

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That will be in a incremental build pretty soon.
Don Quixote will be? :O

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!