47 -
If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
Officer Vega: It's the little differences. I mean, they got the same stuff over there that we got here, but it's just it's just there it's a little different.
Officer Winfield: Example?
Officer Vega: All right. Well, you can walk into a movie theater in King's Row and buy a beer. And I don't mean just like in no paper cup, I'm talking about a glass of beer. And in Faultline, you can buy a coffee at Drenched Donuts. And you know what they call a Toroidal Deep Fried Dough Treat in Faultline?
Officer Winfield: They don't call it a Toroidal Deep Fried Dough Treat?
Officer Vega: Nah, man, they don't have Emperor Cole running the schools, they wouldn't know what a Toroid is.
Officer Winfield: What do they call it?
Officer Vega: They call it a "Donut".
Officer Winfield: "Donut"?
Officer Vega: That's right. -
While we're all waiting, I figured I'd post my entry...
I wish I had more time to work on the body and some other elements, but work, school and the infant son were really cutting into my alone time. -
Chief Scientist: "Lord Recluse, we've developed a liquid which can turn an ordinary Arachnos soldier into a superhuman powerhouse, and totally under your control! Simply by immersing our normal soldiers in this liquid, we will soon have an army that can easily conquer the combined armies of every country on earth!"
Lord Recluse: "Hahahahaha! Yes! Start immediately! But before you do, make sure the liquid is red."
Chief Scientist: "I'm sorry sir? Did you say make the liquid red? The liquid is blue because of the exact mix of ingredients."
Lord Recluse: "No, no... Maybe you don't understand. The liquid to create my unstoppable army MUST be red. So, do that and you can continue with the unstoppable soldier program."
Chief Scientist: "Lord Recluse, I must protest. Trying to make the liquid red is preposterous and will set us back months - even if it works! I mean you've got to -" *SNAP*
Lord Recluse: "You! Over there! By the test tubes! Do you understand what I want?"
New Chief Scientist: "My Lord needs a consistent color scheme!"
Lord Recluse: "Eeeeeexcellent..." -
Quote:Larry Jablonski isn't my real name - both of my parents are chemists and the name is kinda stolen from that discipline (jablonski diagram).Hugely off-topic but; Larry, is anyone in your family called Steve, and does he compose?
Larry is just a name I thought sounded funny with it.
Only person in my family named Steve is my aunt's new husband. -
Quote:I really like the HL2 ones - particularly the train yard.imho neither of those two scenes have a distinctly CoX feel (the Mercy one feels especially lacking). I have played CoX more than any game in my life, but I found the HL2 (only played a few hours of this one) and Fallout 3 images much more recognizable. The HL2 one is great, I think. If there were a giant atlas statue or gaudy pyramid, things might be a little different.
I like his stuff. I'm not one for the style, either, but I think finding a niche like this - I mean, does anyone else paint landscapes from video games? - is relevant to my interests. He's going through some rough times right now, so I'm just trying to spread the word.
(Does anyone else paint video game landscapes? I really have no idea...) -
Pimping for a friend:
A friend does painted scenes from video games. Original works are available for a nice price tag, but he also offers prints.
I post here because he does have a couple of City of Villains scenes in there (Port Oakes and Mercy Island).
I've actually bought a print of the Port Oakes painting. (thinking about the Half Life 2 one next to it, too...)
Hey Devs, wouldn't a nice original painting of Port Oakes look good in the Paragon Studios offices?!
(Sorry if this is out of line here - if this type of thing is frowned upon, I apologize and feel free to ignore.) -
Quote:I'm suggesting that you may want to take a class on how a market economy works. Specifically, if you are a seller and someone is intruding on your business by selling at a lower price than you, you can either a) stick to your guns and hope your stuff sells at a higher price, or b) lower your prices to compete. In real life there is a third option to decide the other person can't stay in business selling that low and just wait them out, but that doesn't really work here.I'm not talking about random acts of kindness, I'm not talking about dumping stuff on the market that was made for badges. Did I suggest for one second that stuff like that doesn't happen? No. Did my original message seem even remotely like I was talking to you if that's why you post stuff cheap?
I'm talking to the person who's treating this like a poorly paid job, who's churning off cheap IOs like they're in a sweat-shop. I'm not telling you that manufacturing IOs to make influence is a bad thing. I'm just suggesting that you might want to make a reasonable profit out of it.
You do have another option to figure out that other people may not be "treating this like a poorly paid job" or "manufacturing IOs to make influence" - they may be treating like a... well, a game. -
We steal just 5 more purses and we'll have enough money to be lounging like this on a vacation to the Rogue Isles - I'm telling you guys the brochure made that place look like Hawaii, only better!
If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest. -
Actually, all of the contacts having some more motion would be awesome. Even if they weren't signature, custom emotes, a little more personality in the contacts would go a long way.
This should maybe go in suggestions thread, but I figured it may actually be possible with binds in a way I haven't thought of...
So I have a villain who is a giant dragon man type. But one of his alternate costumes is a proper Englishman type. I wanted that alternate to have a default animation - whenever he stops running/attacking/whatever, he does the teabag emote.
So rather than huffing and puffing, he whips out a proper spot of tea after bashing in the head of a Longbow officer...
Possible? I know I can bind it to a key, but it would be nice if it was an automatic thing. -
I was thinking the other day about secondary graphics effects, possibly origin based. For instance, if you had a magic based character, and every power you fired off would create an ankh like halo around you (think Dr Fate) maybe from different origin points that you could choose for each power.
Magic could have ankhs, tarot cards (like fortune teller power), runes, etc.
Science could have swirling atoms like Capt Atom sometimes has.
Tech could have a grid hologram pop up.
Sort of like these mock-ups:
http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y70...rent=coh-3.jpg -
CoVene... I got nothing. -
Just a heads up -
A few complaints from Mac users on the Beta boards, me included. Seems that the text client was delivering a message when clicked on saying "This program does not work with your present version of Mac OS X" (paraphrased...)
Anyhow, I was running 10.5.6 (because that's what it came with and I am lazy about upgrading). I upgraded to 10.5.7 and all works swimmingly well. Upgraded again to 10.5.8 and all works well.
I'm thinking that I16 may be the first version that ceases to work on earlier versions of OS X, which probably includes 10.4 (some of the people complaining on the beta boards were 10.4 users).
I know the devs have been saying that support for the older OSs was ceasing, but it seems as if the game will no longer work on those older OS versions either. And even some relatively recent versions like 10.5.6 (but upgrading from those to newer versions of 10.5 is free, so shouldn't be too much of an issue). -
All very good suggestions. Even putting an "Alter Bid" button next to the "Cancel" button in the upper portion of the window when you are bidding on something would probably be relatively easy and help tons - you wouldn't have to re-search each time...
Quote:...I wish they were that crazy...From Posi:
Positron_CoH Fantasy Football invites sent out. I am up WAY too early. I am at work WAY too early. I am wondering if any big MMO announcements are today?
Followed by:
Positron_CoH We'd be crazy to announce something in this weekend's news cycle. We're crazy, but not THAT crazy.
Could you perhaps tell us what the AS animation for BS is?
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That sounds dirty. -
I think a zone map with old cars streetcars, and a bi-plane in the sky would be awesome. The zones GM could be a huge ape!
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I truly like this idea. -
I'm not really sure what "core game" even so much as stands for.
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My guess would be the OP is thinking of the game engine.
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I think he's talking about ways to make missions and combat more interesting. They are really the core of the game - day jobs, enhancement trading, etc. are all nice things, but the majority of our time is spent doing missions and fighting.
I would love to see more enhancements that give extra combat effects or different damage types, especially if graphical effects accompanied those.
They added some office maps a while back, but I would love to see ones that were based on new geometry, not just the same office setups with different skins. (I would love to see RATIONAL geometry - instead of Psychologically Unstable Paragon City Architects Society architecture.)
And combine mission maps with destructible objects! Walls that break when someone gets punched through them! If we could do this, I would welcome accidentally aggroing another group of mobs when I smacked one of their buds through a wall.
Like the OP, would love to see more benefits from coordinated attacks, either solo or in groups. Dual Blades kinda things - attack X followed by attack Y yields a certain effects or debuffs. Would love to see poisons combined with sonic attacks causing the vomit emote (the same one from Pocket D patrons). Freezing someone then applying flames makes them shatter! I'm reaching, but that's the type of thing I'm thinking.
Celebrity Kidnapping
Arc ID: 1388
Length: Medium
Morality: Villainous
Description: Boy, does Willy Wheeler have a deal for you! A celebrity heiress has been sentenced to jail for drunk driving. The plan is to break her out of the Zig with the help of some thugs, then hold her for ransom for immense profit! What could go wrong?
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I tried this one. I like it. My only criticism (if it really even is one - more like just opinion) is that I wish there were more paparazzi. That encounter took me by surprise and gave me a smile.
If you have time, try the arc in my sig. I'll try your WWII one when I have some more time on. -
Still no word, eh? I'm beginning to think wishful thinking land might be less of a trip than originally thought.
Even the patch notes don't seem to have a lot of the nice little features of this issue.
Like I just did a kidnap mission, and the hostage shows up on the map as a small green arrow. Very handy.
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Something that I haven't seen any comments on is the visual effect applied to characters at the end of a cutscene during the Anniversary TF. It's a screen-space effect, something that doesn't exist anywhere else in the game, which required whole new tech to make happen (and which we're already trying to figure out ways to utilize elsewhere).
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Pics or it didn't (doesn't?) happen!