Auction House/Black Market UI QOL suggestions
Another improvement would be not loading the entirety of the loot database before the user has even put in a search for something. I get that it cuts down on search time if you filter rather than actually search, but it makes the Market extremely laggy and difficult to use. When I step off the ferry in Cap and find myself faced with the Black Market I get hit with lag like nowhere else in the game, except maybe the ITF. It needs to be fixed.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
All very good suggestions. Even putting an "Alter Bid" button next to the "Cancel" button in the upper portion of the window when you are bidding on something would probably be relatively easy and help tons - you wouldn't have to re-search each time...
Larry Jablonski
Infinity Server
Arc Name: Old Folks Home
Arc ID: 261041
Synopsis: The Octogenician can control minds, but only of people over 80. He's taken an old folks home hostage. Beat up old folks screaming about the good ol' days to defeat the Octogenician!
All good suggestions, I approve!
All good ideas.
I'd like to add to the list the ability to click on a recipe in a slot and pull up the equivalent crafted IO in the search results. It would save a lot of time when checking through recipe drops and trying to work out which ones are worth crafting.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Using the market is a pain in the butt. I don't mean the scarcity of certain things right now, or the inflated prices. I mean the market itself is a PAIN to use.
A few things that would help:
Instead of making me do a new search every time I want to change my bid amount on something, why not make it so that when I select something I'm bidding on in one of my auction slots, it has a space for changing the bid amount. This alone would save me tons of unneeded typing and clicking.
Instead of making me do 5 individual, manual searches for the components of a recipe, how about letting me click that recipe and have the components all show up in my Auction search window, all at once. This change would save me more time than I can begin to say, as well as much grumbling from teammates who have to wait for me to do the tedious tracking down of each component of the IOs I'm trying to craft between missions since I leveled up.
Another thing would be giving me some way to "pin" results to the search window, so that even if I do another search, that item stays in the results window while the new results come up. There are many times when I'm working back and forth between 5 or 6 items trying to get the best prices, and it would be nice if I could have that set of items where I could easily make bids on them without having to do searches in between (Though this becomes less necessary if you implement my first suggestion).