Hey Devs, Focus on the Core Game.
How about powerset color customization? Or a morality system?
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Morality System I am big time looking forward to. And powerset customization will be cool. But I'm hoping for something that directly impacts the core of the game, how combat works etc. They've done it rarely in this game but they have done it. I'm hoping they will do it again.
Enhanced Enhancement Diversification?
Wait a minute, I just realized any enhancement to the core game will have to wait after GR, as GR is a boxed set. If they made improvements to the core game in it (ie how combat works) then those who didn't buy GR wouldn't be able to play anymore
Any changes to the WHOLE of the game would not be in a required purchase, unless their marketing people are all quitting and have it in for the company. So far the only thing that has been different, and is long since changed, was the access to supergroup bases without COV.
Presumably since GR has its own set of zones and such, only people with access to them will get in - but any real core changes would never be attached to a full expansion like that, if it'd alienate people by the hundreds if not thousands. These are tough economic times. I would imagine the last thing they want to do is take people like me and make my 60 months of play completely invalid. I'm a good customer, and they know it.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Wait a minute, I just realized any enhancement to the core game will have to wait after GR, as GR is a boxed set. If they made improvements to the core game in it (ie how combat works) then those who didn't buy GR wouldn't be able to play anymore
[/ QUOTE ]
...no, they'd just have to download a new patch like it's always been.
I wouldn't mind if they advanced forward on Dakan's original story line for CoH. Be nice to see how things turn out.
I guess they are doing it in a few more ways than I expected. I guess Going Rogue would be considered pushing the Praetorian story line forward.
Anyways, I agree with this thread! ^_^
I'm sure that with the huge increase in developer numbers, we WILL be seeing things like these. Customization is something long-awaited and long-said to be "back burnered". So, given there may very well be a team of people inventing whole new things for future releases, ... might happen. Thing is they'd have to make sure that each piece of a core change would work with all the other things NOT changing. THAT I would think, is much harder than it sounds, and considerably harder than making it from scratch. I don't want from scratch. I want to be eased into anything new, and frankly - I don't want anything to outright CHANGE during my stay here. So far, things have gone in a reasonable progression, with very few outright alterations.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I say that ragdoll physics are the best addition this game ever had I can't even imagine the game without it now.
The detail increases, ragdolling, real numbers, etc - those things have come to us incrementally and have slowly bolstered the basic game.
lol My only problem is that sometimes I come and play shortly after I've been playing Half Life and I want to either crouch or turn on my flashlight.
>_> Yeah. lol. None of THAT here.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I still try to dodge too! lol
You CAN use corners to your benefit. Something I have found so few people doing.
I still try to dodge too! lol
You CAN use corners to your benefit. Something I have found so few people doing.
[/ QUOTE ]
i'm constantly queuing up attacks and debuff toggles as i leap behind corners or cover. Makes it so much easier to lure mobs to their doom.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
ONLY if the enemy hasn't already seen you. THEY don't need line of sight when they're starting their attacks if they've already got you in their targeting. At least, that's always how it's seemed when you run around a corner and their "already did the math: hit" comes swirling around behind you...
If you get away without being targeted, yeah.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
It works both ways, Zek I'm nearly always shooting my nemesis staff through walls
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Also, root + corner = hold.
Also, they can't hit you while you're behind cover and waiting for that key power to recharge or using a drag and drop power. There are many powersets that benefit from this immensely. Earth control comes immediately to mind.
and university tileset which hasn't been used again to make more maps
[/ QUOTE ]
The University "tileset" is ONE ROOM. A tileset is a series of rooms that are put together in different ways to make unique maps. You could no more make a different university map with the existing university "tileset" than paint the Mona Lisa with one bucket of red paint.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

and university tileset which hasn't been used again to make more maps
[/ QUOTE ]
The University "tileset" is ONE ROOM. A tileset is a series of rooms that are put together in different ways to make unique maps. You could no more make a different university map with the existing university "tileset" than paint the Mona Lisa with one bucket of red paint.
[/ QUOTE ]
Blue Steel could paint the Mona Lisa with one bucket of red paint.
and university tileset which hasn't been used again to make more maps
[/ QUOTE ]
The University "tileset" is ONE ROOM. A tileset is a series of rooms that are put together in different ways to make unique maps. You could no more make a different university map with the existing university "tileset" than paint the Mona Lisa with one bucket of red paint.
[/ QUOTE ]
Blue Steel could paint the Mona Lisa with one bucket of red paint.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well sure, but you* couldn't.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

How about powerset color customization? Or a morality system?
[/ QUOTE ]
You know maybe they should add a couple of new power sets too. Perhaps pistols and demon summoning. Nah ... on reflection why would they do a crazy thing like that.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
List of Invention Guides
I consider character markers for escorts and allies to be a huge boon to the core game, myself.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
I consider character markers for escorts and allies to be a huge boon to the core game, myself.
[/ QUOTE ]
I consider varying footstep sounds by material a huge boon to the core game, myself.
Some core game additions the OP missed
I13 Day Jobs, Levelling Pacts, multiple builds, merit system
I12 Extra Character slots, 8 additional power trays, contact redesign (tabbed), insp conversion, chat improvements (click to send tell and the like)
I11.5 (Feb 2008) Combat attribute monitor, XP smoothing
I11 Weapon customisation. The Op got the dual blades. Flashback, which to me was one of the biggest core game improvements

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I'm not really sure what "core game" even so much as stands for. The things Cat mentioned may enter into it, but they seem like quality of life more than anything else. What is there to work on, aside from QOL, then? I certainly don't want to see combat change radically or some such, and the Architect IS pretty much what I'd consider a core game expansion.
About the only other thing I can think of is adding more content - missions, zones, contacts, etc. - but that doesn't seem to be what we're talking about.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
It has been a while since we've had any changes to the core of the game. The last improvements I can think of are the addition of the transition tilesets (and university tileset which hasn't been used again to make more maps) and before that ragdoll physics and a few the new power dynamics of dual blades and trick arrow's oil slick (a power that is amplified by another). I don't consider AE an improvement to the gaming core, its the same game in and out of AE, you just get to pick the enemies etc.
Maybe some new power dynamics like those (think outside the box, copying a blast and putting a new graphic on it doesn't impress me much)? Maybe some new tilesets? Maybe interactive environments in missions? The mayhem explodable objects were a major improvement to the game. How about walls that when hit by fire effects ignite or something? Or more powers that can combine with others like that oil slick thing? Or more making the order you fire off powers in matter like in dual blades?
So how about it?
Ok maybe I'm rambling but I just want something new for the core game and I'm hoping hoping hoping GR will have some such thing.