City of Heroes: Golden Age
You last played on 4/1/87.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow Posi... That's all I can say really... Wow.
This reads like one of Strong Bad's old timey video games. Kids these days sure don't know what they missed out on.
Ah, and I feel like I'm 12 again, playing "Sherwood Forest" or "Escape from Rungistan" on my Apple IIe.
Who named the streets?
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Strange, yet oddly familiar. I feel like im 11 again.
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
I especially like how Horatio had to talk to the contact twice to accept the mission.
Well done.
Crey Threat Assessment: Bayne
Virtueverse: Bayne
The Defenders of Paragon
I remember playing games like that on my Commodore in my pre-teens. Ah, memories.
Of course, the frustration portrayed in the above parody is exactly how I felt half the time playing them JUST PICK UP THEY KEY ALREADY!
Happy belated April Fools Posi
The Thug drops a Pistol, a Holster, a Wallet, and a Drugs.
You are inside the Atlas Clinic.
On the ground is a Pistol, a Pistol, a Pistol, a Holster, a Holster, a Holster, a Wallet, a
Wallet, a Wallet, a Drugs, a Drugs, and a Drugs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, those were the days.
Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)
Ah, the memories. Good job, Positron. I wonder what the current Character Creation process would be like back in '87.
-= idspispopd =-
[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]
I would defintely play a CoH MUD...
Heh, I was born in 87.

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
What the heck do you need an 80386 processor for to do dial-in? I was running, not dialing into but running, stuff like this off of an 8 MHz 8086 over 2400 baud Hayes-compatible modems back in 1985. And I felt extravagant, back then, for having upgraded from the 4.77 MHz 8088 to the 8 MHz 8086. There was no point in upgrading to a '386 unless you were going to run a GUI, and there weren't any Intel-based GUIs worth running until '89.
Ah, the memories!
Heh, I was born in 87.
[/ QUOTE ]
Heh, I graduated high school in '88. I have doodles older than you
My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.
Way too much of my Freshman year of college was spent on various MUSHes, and before that I had a huge array of Infocom games, so I got a solid laugh out of this.
The question I have is this: Does this version of the game include a superpower called "Guess the Verb"?
Heh, I was born in 87.
[/ QUOTE ]
Heh, I graduated high school in '88. I have doodles older than you
[/ QUOTE ]
I graduated in '86. I have college memories older than Robo_Knight.
Y'know, this ALMOST reads like my experiences with text-based adventure games. The main difference? Once I got to the second "I don't know what you are trying to do" I gave up, screaming something obscene at the monitor.
Real-time games FTW!
Heh, nice one Posi. Although it really could use a Grue
I graduated high school in 1981. I played Star Trek on an IBM 360 (programmed in APL) in the 1970s. Using an acoustically coupled modem.
Heh, nice one Posi. Although it really could use a Grue
[/ QUOTE ]
It is dark.
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
Wow, that reminds me of a game I used to play when I was just a little girl. I forget the name of it. I just remember you started in this park and couldn't walk on the grass (but had to cross it). I finally figured out that you had to get in a baby carriage (that you found), open an umbrella (that you stole), and the wind would carry you across the grass.
Geez, what *was that called? Kinda miss the games when you had to actually think and figure something out to move yourself along.
Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!
Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?
Ten-year old me thanks you and wonders if you know what to do with the wallets you collect as evidence.
That, sir, is tremendous. I think I'd gladly relive the frustrations of my younger days in order to play a CoH MUD.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Wow, that reminds me of a game I used to play when I was just a little girl. I forget the name of it. I just remember you started in this park and couldn't walk on the grass (but had to cross it). I finally figured out that you had to get in a baby carriage (that you found), open an umbrella (that you stole), and the wind would carry you across the grass.
Geez, what *was that called? Kinda miss the games when you had to actually think and figure something out to move yourself along.
[/ QUOTE ]
Trinity, by Infocom. Very dark game, that. One of my personal favorite stories about the nuclear threat.
PERC Supporter
La Pucelle (BS/SR)
Miseria Bella (Sonic/Dark)
Wrangler Annie (SS/Elec)
Coldsmoke (Ice/Dark)
Saber Maid (BS/Regen)
and others...
/recalls Zork I
Here's the full text from the screens:
Welcome to City of Heroes(R), Horatio.
You last played on 4/1/87.
You find yourself standing in Atlas Plaza, the statue of Atlas towers above you. There is a
plaque at the base of the statue, and Miss Liberty stands on a platform to the north of the
To the south is Paragon City Hall. To the North is Atlas Drive. To the East is Emmert
Street. To the West is Dakan Ave.
Also here are Capt. Liberty, Ms. B. Haven, and The Luckster.
>Go North
You are on Atlas Drive. A small park sits to the North. To the East is Emmert Street. To
the West is Dakan Ave. To the South is Atlas Plaza.
There are two Police Officers here.
Also here is Mr. Awesome Guy.
Mr. Awesome Guy yells Someone changed my name!
Mr. Awesome Guy smiles at you.
Mr. Awesome Guy whispers to you, Want to team up against some Thugs?
>Whisper no
You whisper to Mr. Awesome Guy, no
>Go North
You find yourself in a park with a small lake in the middle of it. The park looks a tad run
down and unkempt. To the South is Atlas Drive. To the North is a lake.
There is a Thug here.
>Ataack Thug
I dont know what you are trying to do.
The Thug shoots you with his pistol. (Rolls a 93)
The Thug hits you!
You lose 5 Hit Points.
You have 45 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
>Attack Thug
I dont know what you are attacking the Thug with.
The Thug shoots you with his pistol. (Rolls a 70)
The Thug hits you!
You lose 5 Hit Points.
You have 40 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
I dont know what you are attacking the Thug with.
The Thug shoots you with his pistol. (Rolls a 100)
The Thug critically hits you!
You lose 15 Hit Points.
You have 25 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
You are BLEEDING. You lose 1 Hit Point.
You have 24 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
You blast a bolt of blue energy at the Thug! (Rolls a 24)
You miss!
The Thug shoots you with his pistol. (Rolls a 56)
The Thug hits you!
You lose 5 Hit Points.
You have 19 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
You are BLEEDING. You lose 1 Hit Point.
You have 18 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
>Go South
You are on Atlas Drive. A small park sits to the North. To the East is Emmert Street. To
the West is Dakan Ave. To the South is Atlas Plaza.
There are two Police Officers here.
Also here is Mr. Awesome Guy.
A Thug appears from the North.
The Thug shoots you with his pistol. (Rolls a 84)
The Thug hits you!
You lose 5 Hit Points.
You have 13 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
The Policeman shoots the Thug. (Rolls a 12)
The Policeman shoots the Thug. (Rolls a 65)
The Policeman hits the Thug.
The Policeman hits the Thug.
The Thug takes 1000 points of damage.
The Thug takes 1000 points of damage.
The Thug is defeated! (+0 experience points because the enemy was defeated by an NPC.)
You are BLEEDING. You lose 1 Hit Point.
You have 12 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
Mr. Awesome Guy laughs at you!
Mr. Awesome Guy whispers, should have teamed up!
Who are you trying to Bandage?
You are BLEEDING. You lose 1 Hit Point.
You have 11 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
>Bandage Self
I dont see Self anywhere around.
You are BLEEDING. You lose 1 Hit Point.
You have 10 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
>Bandage myself
I dont see myself anywhere around.
You are BLEEDING profusely. You lose 5 Hit Points.
You have 5 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
>Bandage me
You attempt to bandage yourself.
You dont have any bandages!
You are BLEEDING profusely. You lose 5 Hit Points.
You have 0 of 50 Hit Points remaining.
You have been defeated!
You can go to the Hospital or wait for someone to revive you.
Mr. Awesome Guy is rolling on the floor, laughing.
>go hospital
An ambulance arrives at your location, you fall unconscious.
You awaken in the hospital in Atlas Park. Doctors have tended to your wounds and got you
back on your feet. There is a closet and a door in this room.
>Open closet
You open the closet
>Look closet
You see Horatios Power Armor, Horatios Energy Blast Gauntlet, Horatios Rocket Boots, and
Horatios Targeting Array.
>Get all in closet.
You get Horatios Power Armor.
You get Horatios Energy Blast Gauntlet.
You get Horatios Rocket Boots.
You get Horatios Targeting Array.
>Equip Armor
You put on Horatios Power Armor.
>Equip Gauntlet
You put on Horatios Energy Blast Gauntlet.
>Equip Boots
You put on Horatios Rocket Boots.
>Equip Targeting Array
You dont have a Targeting.
>Equip Array
You cant equip Array.
>Activate Array
I dont know what you are trying to do.
You activate Horatios Targeting Array.
>Go Door
You make your way through the hospital, to the exit. You sign yourself out.
You are on Bleaker Street. To the east is Renwald Avenue. To the west is Emmert Street.
The City Hospital is here.
An Information Terminal is here.
Dr. Morena is standing on the corner. He looks like he has a mission for you.
Also here is Capt. Faceplant and Almostbulletproof.
>Look Terminal
You see a sign on the terminal that reads coming soon!
>Talk to Dr. Morena
Dr. Morena tells you, Thanks for coming to see me, Horatio. The clinic across the street
has been dealing with more and more thugs breaking in and stealing the drugs there. Can you
do me a favor and check and see if any thugs are over there right now, and arrest them if
you need to? (Type Accept to accept the mission)
I dont know what you are trying to accept.
>Accept Mission
There is no mission to accept.
>Talk to Dr. Morena
Dr. Morena tells you, Thanks for coming to see me, Horatio. The clinic across the street
has been dealing with more and more thugs breaking in and stealing the drugs there. Can you
do me a favor and check and see if any thugs are over there right now, and arrest them if
you need to? (Type Accept to accept the mission)
>Accept Mission
You accept the mission.
You are on Bleaker Street. To the east is Renwald Avenue. To the west is Emmert Street.
Across the street is the Clinic.
The City Hospital is here.
An Information Terminal is here.
Dr. Morena is standing on the corner.
>Go Clinic
You are inside the Atlas Clinic. There are three Thugs here, stealing drugs. They dont
immediately acknowledge you.
>Attack thug with energy blast
You blast a bolt of blue energy at the Thug! (Rolls a 100)
You Critically Hit!
You deal 50 points of damage to the Thug.
You have defeated the Thug (+10 experience points)
The Thug drops a Pistol, a Holster, a Wallet, and a Drugs.
The Thug shoots you with his pistol. (Rolls a 12)
The Thug misses you!
The Thug shoots you with his pistol. (Rolls a 22)
The Thug misses you!
>Attack thug with energy blast
You blast a bolt of blue energy at the Thug! (Rolls a 56)
You hit!
You deal 25 points of damage to the Thug.
You have defeated the Thug (+10 experience points)
The Thug drops a Pistol, a Holster, a Wallet, and a Drugs.
The Thug shoots you with his pistol. (Rolls a 29)
The Thug misses you!
>Attack thug with energy blast
You blast a bolt of blue energy at the Thug! (Rolls a 77)
You hit!
You deal 25 points of damage to the Thug.
You have defeated the Thug (+10 experience points)
The Thug drops a Pistol, a Holster, a Wallet, and a Drugs.
You are inside the Atlas Clinic.
On the ground is a Pistol, a Pistol, a Pistol, a Holster, a Holster, a Holster, a Wallet, a
Wallet, a Wallet, a Drugs, a Drugs, and a Drugs.
>Get Holster
Which Holster are you trying to get?
>Get first Holster
You pick up a Holster.
>Equip Holster
You equip the Holster.
>Get first pistol
You pick up a pistol.
>Put pistol in holster
You put the pistol into the holster on the floor.
You dont have a pistol.
Which pistol are you trying to get?
You pick up a pistol.
You put the pistol into your holster.
Thank you for playing City of Heroes(R), Horatio.
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