No "More"




An idea I posted once before. Board games in Pocket D. I'm thinking Chess, Checkers, and Go.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Giant radioactive atomic ants. That's all I ask. I want giant radioactive atomic ants, and I want to beat them up. That's all I ask.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Giant radioactive atomic ants. That's all I ask. I want giant radioactive atomic ants, and I want to beat them up. That's all I ask.
They could use similar animations to the Arachnos Tarantulas - and have radiation attacks instead os psychic ones.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



1. A Ranger/Beastmaster Power Set - probably for controllers, although I could see it being a blaster set as well.

2. /signed on the car surfing idea. I've tried that periodically since the inception of the game.

3. Fix the BUG where civilians are constantly pushing you around. Very annoying.

4. Let my invuln tanker stand in front of a train or car and actually stop it in its tracks.

5. Constantly changing weather patterns.

6. /signed on the personal living quarters/base idea.

7. New mission types/features: Special ambushes, attack waves, double group missions ( featured in guild wars ), permanent dungeons, etc.

8. Player settable lighting effects in MA missions. ( per room )

9. Player selectable spawn points for bosses, glowies, etc. in MA

10. Player selectable day/night settings in MA outdoor maps.

11. Player selectable weather effects in MA outdoor maps. ( also should be triggerable )

12. Player designable bank missions in MA.

13. Allow users to go to other zones via a clickable button on the map vs using the train. ( can be contingent on complete exploration of said map or level based )

14. Enhance the current holiday celebrations that we currently have. Take a look at guild wars and see how they decorate the towns. It makes the CoH spawns seem a bit lame.

15. Ridable mounts, vehicles, etc.

16. Underwater zones, exploration, swimming.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater
Jumping while walking!

I don't care if you call it "impossible" or "just a dream"! We must dream the impossible dream! We must fight the unbeatable foe! We must run where the brave dare not go! We must reach the unreachable star!
That will be in a incremental build pretty soon.
Next up: chewing bubblegum.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Consider me /signed to virtually every suggestion made so far.

The thing that has bugged me the most over the years is the decision by the devs to not revisit the old content. Even in my first month of the game I was disappointed by the original content.

If they are ever willing to let someone revamp the first 20 levels on blue side, sign me up! I'd be happy to do it.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Next up: chewing bubblegum.
Until your all out of bubble gum.

But that was obvious.

Anyways, I'd like to see something akin to a zone scale invasion where a super villain comes into town with his minions and its up to everyone to stop him. Like the zombie invasions..but..varied.



I'd like to be able to use the rating system in our searches, having the stars next to the players names.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
That sounds pretty absurd in the other direction. Near-immunity to a damage type, and they drop so often that everyone should pretty much always have one?
One *temporary power*. It might be near-immunity to smashing or lethal: awesome, practical, and you're likely to use it up the next time you face an epic boss solo. It might be near-immunity to cold or fire, and you auction it off to someone doing the Frostfire mission. Or it might be ten shots of auto-hit PBAoE knockback, and you use it as a panic button to get five seconds' respite from being pounded on.

Originally Posted by IncredibleMouse View Post
Tear down those ridiculous impassable blue walls. They stick out like a sore thumb. They make me feel trapped, and less like a super-powered anything. Permit zone to zone travel simply by going towards that zone. If you hit the edge of the map, you should instantly zone into the adjacent zone, picking up where you geographically left off.
This is hard: SecondLife's been working on it for over five years, and there's *still* a hitch every time you cross a server border. At least they've gotten rid of the bug where you desync if you cross two borders in short order. As much as I'd like to see a zoneless map, I'd accept faster zoning (say, a one-second "passing through tunnel" animation) with on-demand loading of graphics resources.

Another thing I'd like to see: mission types that work with outdoors maps. The current missions don't adapt well. "Find X" and "Defeat X" missions are boring: you fly up outside aggro range, run a search pattern, and swoop down every time you find a target, or you run a ground-level search pattern, defeating mobs every time they aggro on you. The Croatoa story has a couple of good outdoor missions because you know where the mobs you're fighting are going to be (you don't look for them, they come to you), but I'm not aware of any others.



1) PvE content. Like Secret Invasion, Crisis on Infinite Earth, Days of Futures past.

2) Shake up the universe( see number 1), kill off a character and have the fall out from that. I am thinking Statesman.

3) More info on Coming Storm

4) Space zone with more aliens or critters who want to eat us.

Its late this is all I can think of at the moment.



Originally Posted by IncredibleMouse View Post
  • Add rideable vehicles and boats with gun turrets that disable all your powers except the gun. When I enter the ride, I want my UI to be converted to the console of the inside of the vehicle.
  • Tear down those ridiculous impassable blue walls. They stick out like a sore thumb. They make me feel trapped, and less like a super-powered anything. Permit zone to zone travel simply by going towards that zone. If you hit the edge of the map, you should instantly zone into the adjacent zone, picking up where you geographically left off.
  • Reduction of zones, starting with the useless, to be determined by data mining. Though everyone knows, if you want to do anything with anyone, what zones we all ignore - and have been thusly for years.
  • Redesign existing zones with far more diverse textures.
  • Delete BM/Wents. Give everyone the ability to open a store and set their own prices. "Oh look, Joe Blow has that item, 5 billion infamy/influence cheaper - I think I'll buy from him." - EPIC!
  • Design Ability! If I can design a base; and I can create a story arc; why can't I design a map AND story arc?
  • Add drones next to any NPC to which I must open a full screen window (which removes my ability to see the invading hoardes surrounding me).
Edited yet again, since impassible does not mean the same thing as impassable. OMG I'm such a loser.
My goodness... Mouse, please understand I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really, really, REALLY dislike very much everything in that list. I don't want to get into detailed explanations, because there's no real point, but I just gotta' say, I pretty much disagree with you completely and would actually hate to see a lot of those done to the game.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My goodness... Mouse, please understand I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really, really, REALLY dislike very much everything in that list. I don't want to get into detailed explanations, because there's no real point, but I just gotta' say, I pretty much disagree with you completely and would actually hate to see a lot of those done to the game.
Most of that stuff is so-so. But...

I'm against deleting stuff, even if it's not popular. If the epic fiasco showed us anything it's that the cottage rule exists for a reason. Even if datamining shows that only 5% of Blasters bother to take X power, deleting is a bad idea. Especially when you start doing that to the three dozen powers that datamining showed aren't that popular. I'd rather see a redesign/revamp/upgrade to lame zones than just flat out deleting them. They don't hurt anything to keep existing, and even if I don't like them myself, I recognize other people's right to like them.

The one that I really, really disagree with is the stores idea. Not only does the BM/WW system work just fine and allows people to set prices how they want and make everyone happy, but I've played Ragnarok Online. I know how messy and irritating personal stores are. It's also way harder to find what you want. It's extremely disorganized and there's no real advantage to changing to such a system.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
The one that I really, really disagree with is the stores idea. Not only does the BM/WW system work just fine and allows people to set prices how they want and make everyone happy, but I've played Ragnarok Online. I know how messy and irritating personal stores are. It's also way harder to find what you want. It's extremely disorganized and there's no real advantage to changing to such a system.
I've tried working with personal stalls in Lineage and 9Dragons, and it essentially forced me to sit my character down, walk away from the computer and leave him sitting for hours and hours. Feh! Even if I didn't have to, though, I'd still hate this for the same reason I hate shopping around marketplaces. Every person has his own little inventory, and if I want to search for an item, I have to go through EVERYONE'S inventory, and I still may not find it. 9Dragons had a common location between good and evil where everyone had their stalls, and lemme' tell ya - I HATED looking for anything in there. I've also worked with an auction house interface, and I hated it. It put all the work on my shoulders, as I had to research prices and find the right seller.

In City of Heroes, I just open a common interface sorted by items, look at the last few prices, the numbers available and the number of bidders, and just list or bid. I never had to look for a specific seller to buy an item from. I like our interface best of all, because it's so hands-off.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



As one of the few trade/economics-focused players in the game, I really, really love the concept of personal stalls. It feels, much more personal and involved, and therefore, fun. The one thing that I thought was a really neat idea in all of Ragnarok Online was that crafted weapons bore the weaponsmith's name.

It wouldn't be practical, though. In addition to what the above posters have pointed out, there is very little that a trader/crafter can provide to customers in add-on value, which kind of makes personal stalls pointless. Our game world is small and easily transversed enough that there's no point in hauling goods to Cimerora to sell for profit. You don't need Level 400 Purple Recipe Crafting in order to craft Armageddons. There's really not much benefit for the player to offset all the additional hassle, when compared to WW which already automatically matches the highest bid to lowest price.

So, yeah. Unsigned. Even though I would like it otherwise.



I don't think I used more at all, and I think I got everything... well if I forgot something I can always come back. But heres what I think should be added to the game if and when it becomes possible and feasible to do so. (I know animals and weather currently aren't, but hey I can keep wishing for it right?)


NPC base raids - I've got all these cannons and turrets and I want to use them (but I really don't want to deal with PvPers) It would be nice to see that I've made big enough enemies out of the malta for them to track down our hidden lair and try to assault us directly (Of course I would leak the info so they could find me through the SG computer but thats besides the point, the point being shooting gunslingers and sappers with rikti turrets and stone throwers) Things like this would make a nice event for our supergroups and give them more to do together.

Base NPCs - to make the large bases we now have feel more alive and less empty.

In base access to - Trainers, WW, AE, enhancement shops

Teleporters to - PvP zones, midnighters club

a little more inventory room how about a SG badge for getting 50 + members in the SG which unlocks a larger storage container for the base? Give us a 2nd one for 100 too if possible. We already know that more items can be held in storage than a storage can handle, so if it drops below those levels you could set the total available for holding to drop until that number is reached again (items can still be taken out and the bins are still useable but this prevents abuse by inviting people to get the storage and then kicking them)

Larger teleporter room with the ability to hold more teleporters (3x8 or 3x10 maybe?)

windows and other in base decorations with animated textures to make it feel like you're base really exists somewhere. (windows could have underwater, city ground level, city skyscraper level, pocket D style dimension, magma, and numerous other styles.)

24 man Teams and raids for them

Hellion raid lv 15 - 25 (above that = exmp) - the hellions have summoned a dangerous demon beyond their control however an 8 man team of greenhorn superheroes isn't up to taking such a formidable foe yet as such you'll need a much larger force to take him on and take him down.

Giant GMs for the 24 man raid teams. Council meks, rularuu, massive demons, oversized nemesis contraptions (steam powered tanks with heavy artillery), rikti motherships, 2 kronoses combining to make.. I don't know.. maybe unicron?


Eden revamp - the devouring earth's effect has mutated the natural fauna, trees are now as tall as skyscrapers, the overgrowth has become even more out of control, man eating plants abound.

Dark Astoria revamp - the pantheon's rituals have slowly twisted this zone even further, parts of the zone may not even appear to be of this dimension anymore. You'll now see things in this zone that will make you question if what you saw was real. (random eerie noises, random human shadows moving in alleys (that turn out to be empty), objects moving in odd ways of their own accord.)

Underwater city - let us fight inside a domed underwater city, more points if we can go outside and swim in the water (assumingly only with a speargun temp power since many powersets won't work in the water).

Satellite - would be awesome to have a large zone based inside a satellite orbiting the earth with the ability to look out through windows and see the sun and planets. This could also offer more 5 mins til death opportunities. Maybe you cause something to happen and have 5 minutes to escape before you get sucked out an airlock into space.

Dreamscape - It would be amazing to go into a world where the devs could do anything whatsoever and make things look however they want without breaking immersion. Waterfalls that flow upward unnaturally colored vegetation, ice covered magma, dogs and cats getting along! There are numerous oddities that could be thrown into a dimension that doesn't exist in the normal world. This could connect into the coven that Warwitch had in some way, maybe as part of where they met together. Accessible through the midnighters club.

caves zone - not like the troll tunnels in the hallows but something more like the eden tf. Something much more massive with different sections to the caves. maybe even different levels/layers to it. Give us an underground city, a volcano and lava section, some crystal caves, and the obligatory waterfall in a cave ( with some lakes as well).

underground council railway - it would be interesting to see an actual subway in game, preferrably something built by a group like the council to carry supplies between the major bases in each zone. (maybe this could be a raid map rather than a zone, but it would still be cool to see especially if their transportation trains were armed to the teeth)

some other zone environments that would be fun to see: desert, swamp, snow and ice, jungle, a shrunken zone (you're shrunken to get into said zone)

Virtual Reality space (something more akin to tron, not the normal maps of AE) with a brilliant computer, but dangerous computer causing trouble inside, maybe as an alternating PvP zone. Basically heroes go in to fix the computer so it becomes good and begins work on stopping the villains and reclaiming the rogue isles, the villains then go in to corrupt it and implant a virus to make it evil. (Something like a hamidon style raid, except its only available to one side at a time) The side that the computer is against will occassionally be attacked by groups of powerful assault robots that randomly spawn in the villain groups to help and back them up. While the side that has them on their side would have random robots spawns in the city that you would back you up if you get into trouble. (note that within the zone, if enough people are present but are unable to defeat the computer friendly after a set amount of time AVs will spawn much like Recluse's vicotry, to help you out)


voltaic sentinel - increase the duration to 5 minutes at least with appropriate debuffs and end costs to balance that. Resummoning it constantly is annoying at the best

Electric control - base it around drainging the endurance of enemies and keeping it drained

Spear combat powerset (I want that most, but wouldn't be opposed to polearms, bo staffs, or scythes)

Single pet based AT - the boy and his dog if you will, you summon a single pet to work with and control from level 1 with a built in AT power (much like how PB's start with flight) Primary powers are your characters attacks and defenses, Secondary are your pets attacks and defenses.

animals - particularly for the AT would be nice to see these in game. Maybe give hellions some devil dogs to help them at their higher levels. Mechanical canines for certain groups ( as much as a I prefer cats I think dogs should probably be added first) and other group appropriate animals.


face customization - let me choose eyes, mouth, and nose rather than premade faces, in particular being able to choose the eye color seperately at the very least would be nice.

differing wings - It would be nice to be able to choose 2 different wings or to use a single wing for your toon. (before someone says this again, no I don't want to make sephiroth although the style of the baten kaitos guy would be kinda cool.)

Seperate arm choices, much like how the robot arm currently works. Choose what each side looks like seperately like having a long sleeve on one arm and no sleeve on the other.

Seperate leg choices (same as the arms)


missions - escape missions, your group zones into a cut scene of a trap and wakes up in a prison, your goal is now to make your way out of the base that you're trapped within through any means necessary (mission completes when all characters have exited the mission). These misisons should have numerous stealth detectors and a teleport debuff preventing the use of teleportation. (save for maybe teleport travel) They should also block ouro, SG portal, mission porter, and any other easy escape devices

Weather - if its ever possible to do

GMs - A giant mutated freak tank thats attempted one too many raids on the reactor. (maybe tie his spawn into people completing the first respec) I would also love to see his normal cutter or hammer arms replaced with half of a bulldozer scoop on each side.

add a changing inf sink to WW based on the amount an item is put up for sale to help remove inf from the economy. Basically take the current rates and double them for any item Posted for over 1 mil, then increase it by 50% for anything over 100 mil. (note that I said posted, not sold for)

Mail sink - I keep hearing people talk about transferring items and inf through mail. Sounds like an excellent place to put some appropriate inf sinks.



Originally Posted by BeelzeBubba View Post
restate what i said in other threads...
- anime faces
I think that would be appropriate for the City of Manga game, not CoH.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My goodness... Mouse, please understand I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really, really, REALLY dislike very much everything in that list. I don't want to get into detailed explanations, because there's no real point, but I just gotta' say, I pretty much disagree with you completely and would actually hate to see a lot of those done to the game.
I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really, really, REALLY, disagree with your take on my suggestions posted to an open forum that specifically asked for people to post what "they" wanted. Nonetheless, I do thank you for your unwarranted feedback. Have a fabulous day!




I've not read everythig in this thread but (in no particular order):

Transferring stuff between toons via the vault

Team Searches - where the team can look for members and members can see the team lead.

Boomtown and DA get a bit of love. Not Faultline style love but more Hollows... something to do in those zones

Opportunities to earn additional cossie slots once at the cap (I mean, you should get one automatically at 50 as a reward for completing your apprenticeship)

Universal Server Access!

PVP needs serious work!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by ImpulseKing View Post
An idea I posted once before. Board games in Pocket D. I'm thinking Chess, Checkers, and Go.
And AI to play Go against! How hard can it be?

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by IncredibleMouse View Post
I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really, really, REALLY, disagree with your take on my suggestions posted to an open forum that specifically asked for people to post what "they" wanted. Nonetheless, I do thank you for your unwarranted feedback. Have a fabulous day!
Ugh... Great, more unnecessary wrath. You post it in an open forum, people have the right to comment on it. And as far as I remember, I never questioned your right to post this or your right to hold that opinion, but do feel free to point out where I did. However, this IS a discussion where people come to read AS WELL AS to post, and I happened to read your post, and I happened to feel like I wanted to respond to it. If you have a problem with that, tough. I retract my gesture of respect if that's what your response is going to be.

If you have some kind of illusion that you I need your permission to leave feedback behind, or that I'll hold back until you ask for it, you are sorely mistaken. Next time you leave an opinion, be prepared for people to comment on it and try to cut the snide remarks. They don't help.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Another cool thing would be dynamic zone mob crimes - enemies would only be targetable if they were actually doing something wrong - so 2 Hellions sitting on a wall wouldn't be targetable, but 2 trying to steal a purse would be.
Crimes would also have a lead up and follow-up - so they wouldn't just spawn on a spot, they'd actually go there, do the crime, then escape - for example, instead of 3 Skulls just appearing at a garage door and doing the break-in emotes, 3 Skulls would come out of a random building door, and head towards the crime spot - and they'd be untargetable at this stage.
Once they got to the crime spot, they'd begin the break in, and become targetable - and instead of despawning after a certain time, they'd head back to the door they spawned at, as they made their getaway, still targetable.
The same system would be used for muggings too.

Also, when mobs were moving towards a crime spot, they'd stop if any hero got within, say, 200 yards of them, as they'd be aware they were being watched or followed - but if you kept more than 200 yards from them, you could still follow them until they came to the crime spot and became targetable.
Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
Here's a concept I've been playing with in one of my MA arcs. Mission sequences that involve multiple directly connected instances, where you don't go back outside or even talk to your contact again. You get your instructions for a large-scale operation, and then infiltrate the location stage by stage from the inside.
Intriguingly, lesser versions of both of these exist in the game. There's spots in Port Oakes where you'll see Family exit a building mentioning something shady and if you aggro them they will run to another building to get away. There aren't many, but there are a few two part missions where completing a map will direct the player to another door for part two.

What I would like to see is zone events where I have to defend something or someone. It would be an intriguing contrast to the current kill/destroy setup and the only thing even remotely close would be the Steel Canyon fires. This allow different strategies like purposely stacking Tanker taunts to keep the enemies at bay or giving /grav Dominators a chance to be proud of the fact they have Dimension Shift.



Originally Posted by Chuut View Post
I think that would be appropriate for the City of Manga game, not CoH.
New faces wouldn't hurt. Even if they're anime style. Admittedly, I wouldn't mind the anime look. But as someone who finds only a a couple of the faces likeable (Young Face 6, I use for 98% of my toons)...more faces equal a good thing.

Also...what's wrong with City of Manga? We already have City of WoW, if you look around at some of the heroes being made. :P

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My goodness... Mouse, please understand I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really, really, REALLY dislike very much everything in that list. I don't want to get into detailed explanations, because there's no real point, but I just gotta' say, I pretty much disagree with you completely and would actually hate to see a lot of those done to the game.
I don't know Sam. I like the idea of no War Walls. Then I wouldn't have to take the tram on some occaissions (which I have never really cared for, when playing a hero).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
My goodness... Mouse, please understand I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really, really, REALLY dislike very much everything in that list. I don't want to get into detailed explanations, because there's no real point, but I just gotta' say, I pretty much disagree with you completely and would actually hate to see a lot of those done to the game.
Hmm, I'm not too crazy about most of the things on that list, but at least two appear to be things that not only I'd like to see, I believe the devs have all but said we will likely get eventually (although "eventually" might be a long ways out): updating the existing zones to ultra mode quality, and a map editor for the architect sound like items four and six on that list.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
or that I'll hold back until you ask for it, you are sorely mistaken..
Ugh. Lordy. Dude. You win. lol Now go find a life.
