No "More"




No one ever goes into Boomtown, why? Because there is virtually nothing to DO there. How about letting us REBUILD Boomtown bit by bit? Similar to the fire fighting in Steel, there could be NPCs throughout that give us temp powers that have no use except to help rebuild the zone. Let's say there's a guy that has a "brick and mortar gun" that we can get. Hey, it's plausible in a world with superheroes and mad scientists all over! Add a few fire extinguishers stolen from Steel to put out some of the fires in Boomtown. Stuff like that. Let us help rebuild Boomtown!
Quite some time ago, I put forward a three-issue (potentially six, if each stage were stretched to two issues) "reclamation of Boomtown" suggestion, where we start off with just slightly more area than the Hollows entrance (enough to "reclaim" a building or two,) next issue we expand into more of the zone, third issue it's nearly done (and completely reclaimed by the fourth.)

Throughout it, there'd be regular missions, "escort" missions for the workers/trucks/etc through the zone (as they get attacked - they'd go anyway, but if they can get an escort they'll send more,) zone events and the like, all related to the rebuilding. (Though I'd leave the two buildings where Destined for Valhalla is - I just find that amusing.)

If zones are going to be revamped, I'd rather see them do it in a similar fashion - evolution over time - where possible.



Some new one time use craftable temp powers. The new ones should use the same drop table as purples and be only be craftable by level 50 characters. I have several ideas so this may be long.

All these powers should have a 50 endurance cost and a much higher target cap more in the range of 32 enemies. You cannot stack these powers so that you have more than one use of any given power. Example: if you already have Pyre of prometheus on you and you craft another Pyre of Prometheus it will replace the one you currently have.

Some greek themed ones:
1. Pyre of Prometheus - 35 ft radius targeted aoe burn patch, 2000 dmg over 10 seconds with a 90% slow

2. Rite of Dyonisus - 50 ft radius pbaoe 90 second confuse

3. Summon Polyphemus - speaks for it self, hope I spelled it right

4. Strength of Hercules - click buff puts you at your AT dmg cap for 20 seconds

Some Tech/science/natural themed ones:

1. Plasma bomb - 35 ft radius time delayed explosion, 5 second delay, 1000 dmg, 50% resistance debuff for 2 minutes, 1000% regeneration debuff for 2 minutes

2. Guass Rifle - once again hope i spelled it right its a railgun, 200ft range snipe, 3000 dmg, mag 75 knockback, mag 10 hold, if its interrupted the power is used up

3. Variable Phase Force Field - Click buff makes character invulnerable for 30 seconds.

They are ridiculous but they also are balanced in that only get that one use and then have to find/buy and then craft another.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Wait wait wait.... if you're JUMPING.... how are you walking.... like walking in the air or something? Cause if that's what you're talking about, I know a few citizens in the basement of Town Hall that can show you how to do that.

simply refer to Super Mario Bros. 1 for classic NES. =P



One thing a friend and I were talking about today (and this kinda links in with OP idea) was that the GM's should have more of a global effect. For example, the idea was that the GM's should be fought by the PPD who have a string of police cars and ambulances that you can follow should you want to help take the GM down. We were saying how the GM's should affect some aspects of the game until you take it down, like if it were to roam about the zone destroying everything in its path until you stop it. If its destruction got to a certain point the game would either stop giving you normal missions or alert you to the problem in some other dynamic way.

Also the rewards for them should be revamped (careful not to use the forbidden word, more).



It'd be good if they had the RV style transforming scenery to show the damage the GMs were doing to a zone.If they started fires too, that could be part of a combined zone event and GM spawn, along with rescuing NPCs from the fires and from under rubble.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
Team-oriented search tools - so that a team can advertise itself as LFM and someone looking to join a team doesn't need to send tells to all and sundry but can pinpoint the team leaders of those with available spaces.

SSK means that levels aren't anywhere near as important as they used to be, so this would pretty much seal easy-teaming for CoX as wayyyyyy ahead of most (possibly any) other MMOs.

I agree with this one, though there were several good ideas through the thread so far. If this dynamic is possible and was made available to us, I'd make regular use of it for certain.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It'd be good if they had the RV style transforming scenery to show the damage the GMs were doing to a zone.If they started fires too, that could be part of a combined zone event and GM spawn, along with rescuing NPCs from the fires and from under rubble.
Lol. Im imagining Atlas in one of those old Godzilla movies.



It's been said many times before but: vehicles. My suggestion would be to make them function like mounts in that-fantasy-mmo-that-shall-not-be-named but obviously with more of a super-hero theme. As a side effect these could potentially be used as a new Inf sink which would be nice.

Someone mentioned it on the previous page but a revamped market interface with the ability to access more sales information would be nice. Possibly making it optional so those who aren't into marketeering can keep the current simplified one although I live in a fantasy world where a new market interface would get more people interested in marketeering.



A natural origin-ish travel power.

I know I can just get rocket boots to explain flight, or just say I have a teleportation device, but its just not the same ; 3;



Buses, there are stops bu no buses and I want to ride on the roof of said bus.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Originally Posted by Bitt_Player View Post
The Wall Of Facepalm adaquately described my experieces working retail.

Anyway, I really want a Greatsword power set. I'm talking about zweihänder, zanbatō, ōdachi, and other very large cutting utensils. I'm envisioning a set full of high-damage, high-Endurance attacks, most of which are cones or PBAoEs.

A polearm set would also be nice.
That would certainly be new as they can't currently animate attacks with a weapon that your hands aren't attached to a specific point on the object. I'm rooting for a scythe set myself.

Would 'revamp' be considered 'more'? Saying 'more revamp' doesn't really make sense but I'd like them to revisit NPC stats.

It's unfair that there is such an abundance of smashing/lethal resists among enemy mobs. You can say 'but it's easier to get armor to protect against it than anything else', well I still say that's crap. Sure, if you have thick armor like crey then it makes sense but longbow?

My thought, if you have armor, you shouldn't be resistant but normal vs smashing and lethal. If you *don't* have armor, you should be weak to smashing and lethal. So all those family, outcasts, tsoo and whomever just wearing normal non-armor clothes should be taking more damage when they get shot or take a 200lb mace to the head.

Same for defense types. It's a pain that positional defense is considered for nearly every attack except things like mind control but typed defense is not. Also, it makes no sense that a mental blast, aimed at your brain, can be dodged like a bullet. To even use a mental blast you have to feel out someone's mind to aim it (and it'll follow you no matter where you hide). So certain mental attacks shouldn't be positionally typed (the ones aimed at your mind like psi dart, mental blast, psi lance and subdue) and attacks not typed should be (thinking of a lot of debuffs like Siphon Speed, etc).



Here's a concept I've been playing with in one of my MA arcs. Mission sequences that involve multiple directly connected instances, where you don't go back outside or even talk to your contact again. You get your instructions for a large-scale operation, and then infiltrate the location stage by stage from the inside.

An example. In my MA arc, you still have to go outside, but the holo-contact gives provides some narrative about how that's "not really happening" before you jump back into the data stream. In the real version, you'd just find the door to the next mission inside of the current one.

Mission 1) Investigate enemy base. An outdoor map. After defeating the boss there, the contact narrative would suggest that you actually found a key on him that allowed you access to the tunnels underneath the Croatoa Farmhouse they were fortifying, and went straight in.

Mission 2) Sneak through the tunnels. Acting on a hunch that there's some more serious enemy activity going on here than was visible on the surface, your team heads into the tunnels to find out where they go. A series of sealed doors bar the way, but chances are you'll have defeated the scripted encounters with the security codes before getting to each one. The final door, guarded by a particularly fearsome boss, leads to...

Mission 3) The enemy stronghold. Or right outside of it, at least. Looks like this is actually the base of operations, and the farmhouse was just there to guard the emergency escape tunnel. Too bad they got spotted fortifying it by locals or satelites or whatever. There's some kind of big horrible thing in the middle of the main courtyard, providing a mid-point boss. The trick is taking out all the snipers and patrols arrayed around that courtyard first, without aggroing the Big Ugly, so your direct fight with it can go uninterrupted. After doing so, you earn access to...

Mission 4) The stronghold interior. With security so tight on the outside, the inside is pretty straightforward. Thoroughly packed with enemies, though. You'll have to be pretty cautious about pulling to avoid operating at the Aggro Cap from one end of the place to the other, where you find...

Mission 5) The Big Boss's private accomodations. A brutal gauntlet full of mechanized defenses, traps and nasty critters, all leading up to the last fight of the arc.

Each of these missions would be kept deliberately small, but packed with a lot of scripted events and tricks. The idea is to give each phase its own unique feel, beyond just a series of standard encounter spawns.

One major concern would be the inability to visit vendors, SG base storage bins, the auction house, etc. For this, I'd a slightly lowered Salvage, Enhancement and Recipe drop rate, and an increased final merit reward to balance it out. Also, the end of mission EXP, Influence/Infamy and Prestige awards would be awarded all at once after the final mission. This is pure psychological trickery, to convince people to play through all the way. Finally, Inspiration drops would be bumped up, because you can't visit a store for more of them between missions.

The other major problem: What happens if people log out or are disconnected? Or if they use an Ouro portal or Base Teleporter to leave? Under ordinary circumstances, they appear outside of the door to the mission they were ejected from. But that's the door way back to Mission 1. Would they return to the team through that door, and be loaded directly to whichever mission they got kicked from, or where the rest of the team is now? Would they have to run through the now empty maps of the earlier missions to catch up? I suspect this is a big part of why missions are currently handled the way they are, and I don't have a good solution for this right now. All maps would be equipped with a Jail or small "home base" with secure medical support though, to avoid the most common reason for leaving a mission, getting defeated.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



well, my pie in the sky change would be the ability to grab and throw things in the environment, moreso if theyallowed us to grab and throw held enemies. I'm sure the coding would be excessive, but its just more superheroic.

I want a dinosaur area, most comic book continuities have dinosaur areas, i want one here.

I want a lfm option to teaming, it would make pugging a lot more convenient. Especially with the ssk system, this is really the last barrier to pugging heaven.

I'd like non-combat heroic actions, i realize they need reward balancing to keep them from being farmable, worthless or one time only badge affairs. but i want to save people, not just beat up people.

id like variety in costume themes, we are doing ok, better even, but so many more cultural looks that could expand the game's thematic options..and did i mention kanji chest symbols and back decals yet? all the time? just checking.

Id like a raygun set, its just so thematic for the genre. heck, id like a mad scientist epic AT. rayguns, slightly weaker mastermindish pets with branching buff options,thematically weird aoe controls, yeah.

id like cross server pvp. zones are more fun and more new player friendly when there are lots of teams. The current population is small, but i see no problem with making their lives easier, heck, a full on pvp dev plucked from he community, like doc aeon would be good for the community.

did i mention back emblems? ok, just checking.

I want dark domination and dark assault. the patron is ghost widow, isnt that thematic?

I'd like some kind of alteration to defender's inherent to make them more damaging solo, kind of an inversion of the kheld inherent, buffs get more useful teamed, but damage is buffed solo. yes, i know some defs dont need this, some do, and i dont see it hurting anyone.

I want destructability in mission maps. maybe not in offices for heroes, but arachnos bases, council and circle bases, i want to trash the joint.

I want more variety for the surroundings, where are the supermarkets, the gas stations, the restaurants we always see the ads for, and this is new England, are there no churches at all? also, no malls at all?

ok, thats all i can think of now. more if i think of them.

one more thing, have i told you about back embel...(ACK)/is pulled away by a muppets style hooked stick.



No "more" eh...

In that case, I'd like a larger quantity of powersets, costume pieces, missions, and badguys! \/

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
No "more" eh...

In that case, I'd like a larger quantity of powersets, costume pieces, missions, and badguys! \/




One thing I'd really like to see is MA access through SG base computers

Not so you can go from levels 1 - 50 in your base, but so you could use it as a 'Danger Room'. Practice teamwork, let new players get a feel of how their chosen AT works best in a hostile environment without making the rest of your team mates hate you if you screw it up.

Instead of creating 'AE babies' we can help make some 'AE adults'!

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



Things I would still like to see:

1) Merged Markets

2) Shared resources per account (inf, enhancers, etc.)

3) Completion of Powerset Proliferation

4) An ability to convert KB effects to KD if you choose

5) Revamped standard contacts (both CoH/CoV

6) Ethos not causing ANY restriction on a characters ability to visit Paragon, the Rogue Isles or Praetoria

7) Rikti Homeworld zones

8) More of a reason to PvP

There's a lot I think this game could still do.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
6) Ethos not causing ANY restriction on a characters ability to visit Paragon, the Rogue Isles or Praetoria

8) More of a reason to PvP
I think those two would kinda go together - and I'm not sure it'd be that popular

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Branching dialog options. That is all.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think those two would kinda go together - and I'm not sure it'd be that popular
Not necessarily. But I wouldn't have a problem with open PvP so long as it was flagged.

For example, let say that in Paragon there were little old ladies who were targetable. If a villain robbed them, then they would be flagged for PvP.

Conversely, in say the Rogue Isles, perhaps you could protect some person from the oppressive Arachnos government, thus flagging yourself.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Things I would still like to see:

1) Merged Markets

2) Shared resources per account (inf, enhancers, etc.)

3) Completion of Powerset Proliferation

4) An ability to convert KB effects to KD if you choose

5) Revamped standard contacts (both CoH/CoV

6) Ethos not causing ANY restriction on a characters ability to visit Paragon, the Rogue Isles or Praetoria

7) Rikti Homeworld zones

8) More of a reason to PvP

There's a lot I think this game could still do.

OMG Every bit of this.... Especially numbers 1, 3, 4, and 7!!!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Branching dialog options. That is all.
I thnk GR might satisfy you a bit then - not toally maybe, but a bit

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Personal bases. And I by personal bases, I don't mean SG bases, I mean like personal islands which we build up etc, etc. for Villains.
Similar things for heroes



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
And if the heroes somehow manage to finally REBUILD all of Boomtown? Well, they've got to sleep SOMETIME, and the NPC villains will begin to take down what they've worked on while they are asleep.
i vote for Fraggle GMs and Doozer Costumes for all heroes

Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.

Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.