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Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I'm totally with Sam on this one. I want... no... DEMAND for them to produce the Sex Axis (one minute into the video) controller rite nao!
Yeah, apparently jiggle physics is the only way to really "sell" a T rated game nowadays. Seriously...
Guildwars has jiggle o.o
and some Lineage emotes too.

Jiggle or Bust! waitaminute...



Somebody else's idea, but it's a good one. A mez indicator in the team window. For example, when a teammate is mezzed his health bar turns purple. It would be a nice QoL addition.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Somebody else's idea, but it's a good one. A mez indicator in the team window. For example, when a teammate is mezzed his health bar turns purple. It would be a nice QoL addition.

Ooo I really like this idea - I've heard it before but never really stopped to think about how it would be implemented.

Would make Clear Mind/O2 Boost/etc. much more useful.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post
Jiggle or Bust! waitaminute...
Can I pick both?

Moreover, can I quote you on that?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Can I pick both?

Moreover, can I quote you on that?
*hides in fear from the mighty quote button* o.O



No, seriously. Jiggle or bust is a great tag line

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




- Jetpacks, Backpacks etc as costume options.

- Costume Asymmetry

- Traditionalist Rikti (Hero) and Restructurist Rikti (Villain) Epic Archetypes, complete with a new bodytype, a variety of new and classic Rikti costume parts, new power sets and a well-written series of story arcs to go with them.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No, seriously. Jiggle or bust is a great tag line
Oh fine you can use it
And for those who want more. the Martial Arts pack is out! WEWT!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Revamped avatars - more expressive faces, turning at the waist, more realistic bust shapes, more detailed hands - and maybe even animated hair
I'm all for new hand graphics. The slab-o-hands are pretty grotesque. Realistic bust physics sounds good to me too. Sign me up for that!

I'd like to see a "goose-for-gander" philosophy for costumes. I understand the ladies can't go topless, but why no cigars for the ladies? Where's the leather corset for the men? This game is really at its best when you empower people to have FUN with it, and yes, that means a huge-scale, bearded Japanese school "girl."

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
I'm all for new hand graphics. The slab-o-hands are pretty grotesque. Realistic bust physics sounds good to me too. Sign me up for that!

I'd like to see a "goose-for-gander" philosophy for costumes. I understand the ladies can't go topless, but why no cigars for the ladies? Where's the leather corset for the men? This game is really at its best when you empower people to have FUN with it, and yes, that means a huge-scale, bearded Japanese school "girl."
+Rep for you just because that was the Weirdest thing I've read all week...



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Somebody else's idea, but it's a good one. A mez indicator in the team window. For example, when a teammate is mezzed his health bar turns purple. It would be a nice QoL addition.
This is a fantastic idea, and one I hope gains support.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Somebody else's idea, but it's a good one. A mez indicator in the team window. For example, when a teammate is mezzed his health bar turns purple. It would be a nice QoL addition.
Ill sign for this!! (grabs space pen!)

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



This may have been mentioned earlier in the thread but...

New Ways to complete missions!!!!! New Mission types!!!

Levantera's Arc was a good start(til you went and put Drones in it)
I Was like awesome a mission where they want me to stealth through it without drawing agro. Then I found drones in every spawn and I was like that's just great, you can't stealth past those!!!

Reichman in the Cuda SF was also a good effort but probably too much so.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
This may have been mentioned earlier in the thread but...

New Ways to complete missions!!!!! New Mission types!!!

Levantera's Arc was a good start(til you went and put Drones in it)
I Was like awesome a mission where they want me to stealth through it without drawing agro. Then I found drones in every spawn and I was like that's just great, you can't stealth past those!!!

Reichman in the Cuda SF was also a good effort but probably too much so.
So.. what new mission types and what new ways to complete missions? The whole point of this thread is to not have generic comments. no "new powersets please" but instead scythe powerset please, or planetary destruction ancillory power please. So please elaborate and tell us what new ways do you have in mind for us to complete missions and what new mission types?



Originally Posted by HWS9867 View Post
So.. what new mission types and what new ways to complete missions? The whole point of this thread is to not have generic comments. no "new powersets please" but instead scythe powerset please, or planetary destruction ancillory power please. So please elaborate and tell us what new ways do you have in mind for us to complete missions and what new mission types?

Yes, please. +Rep for you for getting the point.



Heres a idea, with the new booster out, Staves. Yes I wanna hold a staff and beat people with a blunt object.

Mebby mix it up some too, spear versions and such.



I'd like some actual hand claws for Claws like animalistic claws or really long finger nails.

Of course it wouldn't be that straight forward with out mitten hands. You could always just replace the PC's hand with a static outstretched hand model in combat stance.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Another cool thing would be dynamic zone mob crimes - enemies would only be targetable if they were actually doing something wrong - so 2 Hellions sitting on a wall wouldn't be targetable, but 2 trying to steal a purse would be.
Crimes would also have a lead up and follow-up - so they wouldn't just spawn on a spot, they'd actually go there, do the crime, then escape
Dynamic events, like GG describes, is something I have wanted in MMOs for a long time. Ad-hoc mission tasks you can get in a zone that just happen, regardless if there are players there to stop them. I'd also like to see NPC heroes/villains contacting players (through cellphones, psychic/magical means, or whatever) to offer them dynamic missions at random, perhaps based on the dynamic events that are happening in a certain zone (perhaps when a GM spawns an NPC might contact every hero/villain outdoors in a nearby zone to request their aid against it - I believe DCUO is going to have a system like this).

This would also link in to zone events like the fires in Steel Canyon, but instead of just happening at certain times the player might be able to observe a build up of Hellions that preceded the burning (and have the option to stop it) - a bit like when Paladin gets built. And these events would escalate - when the building starts burning perhaps you can enter it for a short instanced mission to rescue civilians. If the Hellions manage to burn down one building then perhaps they would try to burn down the building next door to it. If enough buildings get burned down without player intervention then perhaps some of the facilities in the zone would be suspended (maybe if the hospital in a zone burns down you can't respawn there for an hour and must respawn in another zone, if shops burn down you can't shop there for an hour, etc.).

Things like this make a world seem alive - more importantly it reduces the predictability of gameplay - you can't log in and think "I'll do this arc tonight" because you don't know what missions the game might offer you or place in your path and give you the option of doing. This offers a huge amount of replayability, because your journey through the game with each of your characters is likely to be drastically different. It also creates what I like to call "anecdotal moments" - when something happens that you want to tell your friends about - you wouldn't feel the need to tell the story of the ITF to your in-game friends, because the chances are that they have experienced it and know it, but a series of dynamic events creates a customised story applicable only to your character and anyone with you - it personalises the experience - and gives you more reason to tell friends "guess what happened to me last night - I was flying through Steel Canyon when..." ... "and then, just as I was finishing that up, Positron phoned me and asked me to help with..." ... "but then Numina contacted me magically me and warned me that..." ... "but I knew that I couldn't do both in the time limit, so I decided that..." etc.

Originally Posted by Soul Storm View Post
One thing a friend and I were talking about today (and this kinda links in with OP idea) was that the GM's should have more of a global effect. For example, the idea was that the GM's should be fought by the PPD who have a string of police cars and ambulances that you can follow should you want to help take the GM down. We were saying how the GM's should affect some aspects of the game until you take it down, like if it were to roam about the zone destroying everything in its path until you stop it. If its destruction got to a certain point the game would either stop giving you normal missions or alert you to the problem in some other dynamic way.
I think this ties in with dynamic events - GMs shouldn't just be spawned based on time, I think it should be linked to events in the zone. If BP are not slain, or prevented from setting up ritual sites in DA, then Adamastor spawns and wreaks havoc. If Trolls are not suppressed in Skyway then Supa-Troll raves would start appearing and if they were left unsuppressed then eventually a Mega-Troll GM would appear and rampage around, perhaps seeking out players to attack.