No "More"




we need more cake, more pie.

i say more cos..well we dont have any int he first place



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
we need more cake, more pie.

i say more cos..well we dont have any int he first place

You can always have MORE than nothing!

/Mad Hatter



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
6) Ethos not causing ANY restriction on a characters ability to visit Paragon, the Rogue Isles or Praetoria
I've actually wanted to see that for a long time, but now that we'll have mixed ATs, it should be even easier. Just have heroes pretend to be villains, go there undercover and lose morality points if they help out. Villain-side would be the same.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Ok, another one I thought of. I really really like the Portal Corp missions, they offer a wide variety of enemies on a wide variety of maps. The problem is you eventually run out of them . What I'd like to see is a new Portal Corp contact who hands out an infinite number of semi-random missions similar to Marcus Valerius and the Shadow Shard contacts.



Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
One thing I'd really like to see is MA access through SG base computers

Not so you can go from levels 1 - 50 in your base, but so you could use it as a 'Danger Room'. Practice teamwork, let new players get a feel of how their chosen AT works best in a hostile environment without making the rest of your team mates hate you if you screw it up.

Instead of creating 'AE babies' we can help make some 'AE adults'!
I like the idea, but your team mates shouldn't hate you if you screw up anyway! Unless maybe you're playing villains.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Pirate Mastermind set

Bird costumes



Give Brutes and Tankers Broad Sword.

Maybe Spines too? Spines Brute would be crazy.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
this is new England, are there no churches at all? also, no malls at all?
All destroyed during the first Rikti war



A mall would be cool, with all the origin stores in one place, and maybe a WW and Icon attached too, and a Vault - put it in Steel Canyon, and use lots of glass and shininess for the new graphics

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A mall would be cool, with all the origin stores in one place, and maybe a WW and Icon attached too, and a Vault - put it in Steel Canyon, and use lots of glass and shininess for the new graphics
Underwater mall zone.

...on the moon!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A mall would be cool, with all the origin stores in one place, and maybe a WW and Icon attached too, and a Vault - put it in Steel Canyon, and use lots of glass and shininess for the new graphics

Also one in St. Marshal seeing as how it's supost to be the "tourist hot spot" and all. It would fit in with the lore because there is allready a big construction zone over inbetween the warehouses and the residential district. You could fit it right in there.

Lets go dev's hop to it!

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Fooooooooooooox taaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiils!



Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
Buses, there are stops bu no buses and I want to ride on the roof of said bus.
I'd like that, but it would also be neat if you could click on the door of the bus when it is paused at a bus stop and get a pop-up menu listing all of the neighborhoods in that zone. If you click one, then the bus will teleport you to the bus stop nearest the marker for that neighborhood.

I think that would be especially nice for new players. Sometimes a contact will tell you to go to a particular neighborhood and you have no way of knowing where in the zone that is.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Fooooooooooooox taaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiils!
I'm inclined to agree.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
All joking aside, that brings up the question... what other "new" stuff do YOU want to see added to the game? What features do you wish this game had that it still doesn't have yet?

... What do YOU want that's NEW?

...So, what do you think, and more importantly, what NEW ideas do YOU have for the game?
1) I'd like to see new (or reworked old) zones where alternate game mechanics are applied. I'm going to leave this particular suggestion as obtuse and non-specific as possible to hopefully encourage more suggestions and leave it open for more imagination than I have. What I'm going for is a set of zones where the game mechanics (powers, defenses, bufss/debuffs, team and individual dynamics, etc.) work differently somehow from what we've had all these years. Something to give players the feeling that they are in a different game when they cross that threshold.

2) I'd like to see zones based on concepts like shrinking or growing. The other day I was playing another game and noticed that from high above, some water towers reminded me of transistors on a circuit board. How 'bout a zone that is a replica of a computer motherboard and the players need to get shrunk down to micro size to solve some quests there? This could introduce new enemy groups based on digital pulses, data or electricity. Miniaturization also opens up the possibility of having zones based on common household areas that to the shrunken players could be massively huge (I remember the kitchen counter top mission in Army Men RTS).

3) I'd like to see the regular game mechanics change a bit so that you don't totally outlevel a zone. Instead, as you outlevel a zone, they make it so that a boss never cons less than green or blue to you. That way, you can still bop your way across zones and get XP for your effort, albeit even if just a little bit. As it is now, grays are a waste of time.

50 Fire/Dev | 50 AR/Dev | 50 Ninjas/FF MM | 50 Bots/Dark | 50 Kin/Rad |
44 EM/Regen | 39 BS/Regen | 38 Kin/Elec | 27 Thugs/Pain
"Rare is the man so noble that he will always give thanks for that which is freely given." -Jock_Tamson



Originally Posted by Cheekers View Post
1) I'd like to see new (or reworked old) zones where alternate game mechanics are applied. I'm going to leave this particular suggestion as obtuse and non-specific as possible to hopefully encourage more suggestions and leave it open for more imagination than I have. What I'm going for is a set of zones where the game mechanics (powers, defenses, bufss/debuffs, team and individual dynamics, etc.) work differently somehow from what we've had all these years. Something to give players the feeling that they are in a different game when they cross that threshold.
Been to Recluse's Victory, Warzone or Bloody Bay lately?

Seriously though, said it before... saying it again. We need Dinosaur Island. Accessed through the Midnighter's Club, a massive jurassic nightmare with roaming packs of Velociraptors and a GM T-rex. After all, the 5th Column would be there, fortifying their base of operations with Armored and weaponized Triceratops and Pterodactyls, so we have to go back in time to stop them right?



Originally Posted by Mouse_Man View Post
Seriously though, said it before... saying it again. We need Dinosaur Island. Accessed through the Midnighter's Club, a massive jurassic nightmare with roaming packs of Velociraptors and a GM T-rex. After all, the 5th Column would be there, fortifying their base of operations with Armored and weaponized Triceratops and Pterodactyls, so we have to go back in time to stop them right?



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
But... But... it looks so much cooler in my head!



Originally Posted by Mouse_Man View Post
But... But... it looks so much cooler in my head!
Liar! That's clearly impossible, as there is nothing cooler than Dino Riders. They're DINOSAURS and they shoot LASERS.

Still wish I hadn't given those toys to Goodwill when I moved out of my parents' house.

My name is Random, and I'm an alt-aholic.
Main / Badger: Flamesprite - Fire/Fire Blaster - Triumph
Global: @Dynamite Monkey
Way too many alts on Triumph, Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted.



Team Search Tools- Divide the search into "Available Members" and "Constructed Teams", then allow the teams search to flag itself accordingly just like the members search. Add appropriate flags to constructed teams and add a search advertisement for your group the same as the current search works (I.E. the little comment you have beside your name). The leader can change the team's comment accordingly.

Revamped Zones- C'mon, Boomtown needs some love

New villain zones in the form of hazard or otherwise- Co-Op and expansions are not an excuse.

More villain trials and task forces- Once again, Co-Op and expansions are not a suitable excuse.

PvP revamps- We need them whether you like PvP the way it is or not.

More color customization- It's on its way but I thought I'd put this down

Original dev-content revised and repolished- It needs love, some serious love.

More Architect options and customization features- Feels a little limited to me still. A bit more elbow room would be nice, and new file size limits already have me itching for the next issue.

More enemy groups/enemy group revision- Fresh faces are never a bad thing, although the Architect is no exception in this case.

More frequent zone events and more zone event variety- They're fun for most but not everyone enjoys them. Would be nice if it would be possible for others to avoid them easily should they chose to (although it is easy now yet still some complain).

More unique Giant Monsters and increased Giant Monster difficulty- Should it be easier than Archvillain? Honestly? Would also be nice to see some uniques added in that are rather difficult indeed. Oh, and slapping a larger health bar does not count for making GMs more difficult, it would actually make it more tedious.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Underwater mall zone.

...on the moon!
A green Cheese Mall! =D



Whalers on the moon!

Also, sign me up for a Dino Riders zone. I know the game is City of...stuff, but even in Marvel Comics where everything happens in NYC they still manage to go underwater, into space and to remote areas around the globe. I'd like an arctic type area, a desert and a jungle. Stick a mountain or two in somewhere and it'd make for a bit of a change. Not necessarily needed desperately, but it'd be interesting for me. Anything more elaborate than that wouldn't be a bad thing either.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by craggy View Post
Whalers on the moon!
We can't have that until they add the long-awaited Harpoon Mastery APP.

My name is Random, and I'm an alt-aholic.
Main / Badger: Flamesprite - Fire/Fire Blaster - Triumph
Global: @Dynamite Monkey
Way too many alts on Triumph, Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted.