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  1. I actually requested Nov 30 and Dec 1 off from work so that I can maximize my time here to say farewell on the last day, and not have to worry about getting up early the next morning.
  2. Random_McEric

    I Blame Tam

    The evidence really is indisputable. When Tam was here, there were no announcements of a shutdown. He left, and now the game is being killed. Clearly there is a correlation. You cannot argue with that logic.
  3. Random_McEric

    Really Hard Way

    I'll be there for an encore performance. Now that Flamesprite has the badge maybe I'll bring my rad/rad defender this time.
  4. I will be there again this week. I'm a little concerned though that we may have trouble getting enough people to spend any time on their incarnates during the last ever double XP weekend.
  5. Unfortunately, the real world demands my presence that day, so I will not be able to help this time. And I need Ready to Rumble too, dammit. Stupid real world. Grumble.

    So I wish you all the best of luck on next week's attempt. Even though a selfish little part of me hopes you fail so I don't miss anything.
  6. I'll be there with Flamesprite as usual.
  7. Random_McEric

    Magisterium: RHW

    I will be there Sunday as usual.
  8. This will likely be lost amid a sea of other farewell threads, but I wanted to say my piece before they turn out the lights on us. It's taken me awhile to decide if I'd even say goodbye, partly because doing so somehow feels like admitting defeat. But I've accepted now that, barring some divine intervention, this ride is coming to an end, and I might as well say goodbye to the people who made it worth riding.

    Eight years ago, I bought City of Heroes on a whim. I've never been big on multiplayer games. I have an Xbox, but I use it exclusively for single player games, because I really don't need to hear a bunch of 12 year olds questioning my sexuality and insulting my mother. So I installed the game, decided I wanted a toon who could fly and shoot fire, and created my very first character, Flamesprite, who would end up my main for the duration. I chose Triumph from the server list solely because I knew I'd remember it as the name of the Insult Comic Dog from Conan O'Brien.

    I thought I'd probably play CoH like a single player game, avoiding the other people because hey, people suck, y'know? I... am not good with people. If I went to a doctor about it, they'd probably call it social anxiety disorder or something like that. Maybe even a touch of agoraphobia. So I don't get out much. I tend to structure things so I can minimize interaction with other human beings whenever possible. It's just how I've always been. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some hermit with no friends. But being forced to interact with strangers gives me the willies.

    So for awhile I only played solo. But over time, I'd start teaming more and more, and started noticing the same names popping up now and again. I got to know these people, people I'll almost certainly never meet, just by chatting while we played, and grew to consider some of them friends. I discovered that this game wasn't a bunch of juvenile cutthroats out to humiliate anyone who wasn't as good as them. It was a friendly, welcoming community, willing to help new players and work together to have fun. Even if we were getting team-wiped over and over by hordes of Vahzies, we could still joke around in team chat and have fun. It was the first multiplayer game I'd played where people made "having fun" a priority over "winning."

    I can't say I stayed with CoH for the entire 8 years. I let my subscription lapse several times, lured away by other games. A couple times I was certain I'd never be coming back. I thought PvP would ruin the game, then I thought recipes and the market would, then I was sure f2p would kill it, and I'd cry "DOOM!" and run off. But I always came back. This was the first MMO I ever played, and it's still the only one I stuck with any longer than a 30-day trial. Triumph's community is what kept me coming back.

    So thank you, Triumph. Thank you Snow Globe, Magenta Bolt, Kay Parfait, Nasali, Froggerman, Sayaki, Taryn, Lord Ozi, Exabecquerel, SilverAgeFan, Tamaki Revolution, Pine, Catwhoorg, Dawun, Black Leather Angel, Arcanaville, UltraBatz, and I'm sure more than a dozen others whose names I'm forgetting right now, so don't be offended if I left your name off. You are the players who, whenever I saw you forming a TF, I would drop what I was doing to join you. Because I knew that even if we weren't earning mad XP, we'd still be having fun. Thank you for making me a part of this community. Thank you for showing me that the person on the other side of the screen doesn't have to be my enemy.

    You guys are what made Triumph special. At different times, I had alts on as many as 8 different servers. But Triumph was always my home.

    Thank you, Triumph. I'll miss you.
  9. Random_McEric

    Magisterium: RHW

    Love the new sig, by the way, Snowy. Making me laugh and cry at the same time.
  10. I'd certainly show up for it if I'm available on the day it gets planned. I never did get Pain Killer on Flamesprite.
  11. The updated OP currently says Sunday, September 15th. I'm assuming you meant the 16th, since the 15th is Saturday and the previous attempts have been on Sundays. If this is the case, I will be there again Sunday for Round 3.
  12. It appears the rumor is true, my VIP status didn't stop on Monday like it should. So I'm assuming I'll have my Incarnate powers for the duration. I'll be there again on Sunday with Flamesprite.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AcceleratorRay View Post
    Sadly, it looks like I'll need to bow out of tonights attempts - apparently
    I'll now be attending a string concert. I'm sure fresh air is bad for me.
    Boo! You can go to string concerts in December.
  14. Blondeshell won't be alone on Team 3. I signed up but haven't been added to the roster.

    Nobody loves the monkey.
  15. I will be there with Flamesprite. I've been on a few attempts that would have succeeded if not for some ******* grabbing the lights at the end. In light of the horrible news today, I want that damn badge before they kick us out.
  16. I hope and pray that this is a success for you. Even if it means zero new additions to the game and it just stays in it's current state in perpetuity, I will pledge what I can to help you keep the servers running.
  17. Dang. Then I guess I can stop working my way through the list.

    Guess I shouldn't complain. I got the Talon Huntress and the Rula Shin no problem, and got the Dark Matter Aura last night.
  18. Long, long ago I was told that it was a bad idea to put any procs in Chain Induction, as they could cause its chain damage effect to fail. Is this still true (if it was even true in the first place)?
  19. Of course they would do this a week after I finally respecced my WP scrapper out of Resurgence. I had only been holding onto it because of concept, even though it almost always proved useless.
  20. So... anyone know if the timer on Windfall is real world time or game time? Because I popped one about 10 minutes before the servers died.
  21. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I was in the middle of a Citadel! Where will I ever find Council soldiers and brown cave maps now!?!?!?!?!?
  22. I plan to use Resilient in my Elec/Elec Brute. That extra 7% to resistance looks tasty, and she doesn't really need the endurance buff from Cardiac since she already has two powers in Elec Armor that manage endurance (three if you count Power Surge).